WI e! :"Pr F-- 1 1 09 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS MANUSCRIPT DIVISION • FOREIGN COPYING PROGRAM Country: France Date of report: Âpril 1967 Depository) Archives Nationales Designation of matarial: Marine B2 1 Date(a) of material dopied: 1662 (May - December) I . Pk; Folios/pages copiei: 109v-111v, 114v-115r, 123r-123v, 124r, 161v-162v r Estimated no, of exposures: 13 Total folios/1:iwws involved: 245 References: Inventaire des Archives de la Marine, T.L pp. 197-199 Title and contents: Déptsches • • COmte d'Estrades to be appointed viceroy of French possessions in America; criticisms of the action of Vaudrocq, governor of Martinique, and of Avaugour, governor of New France. Condition of these colonies; imnortance of Martinique to all French colonies in America. The creation of trading companies is encouraged. Whaling - ' privileges granted to the Compagnie. du Nord. • - -- - erirdr, !CM,. rrn ee ,. • 1111 /191- 1 F-1109‘ 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS MANUSCRIPT DIVISION FOREiGN COPYING PROGRAM • Country: Pi-anoe ' . " Date of report: Aprill 1967 Depository: Archives Nationales , . .- Designation of matEirial': Marine B2 2 . .. / . Date(S) of material copied: 1663 (3 April - 1 30 September) /a) Folios/pages copied: 72r-72v, 75r-76v, 77v-78r, 116r-117r, 132r-133r, 208v Estimated no, of exposures: 15 Total folios/ Ra m» involved: 236 1 • References: Inventaire des Archives de la Marine, T.I. pp. 200-202 Title and contents: D4pgbheS 1200 Anabaptists, cod fishermen, wish to establish themselves at Dunkerque; permission refused; commentary on this sect. Cblbert doubts the rumored intention of the King of England to sell Jamaica. Plans for the reorganization and the fortification of the French Antilles iglands; abuses of authority on the part of recent governors. Colbert asks to be informed of the arrival at Cadix or at La Coruria of Spanish fleets bearing gold and silver from America. • 77-28 (rev 6/64) '77r5m7me,'"177fle--1, intwerif . i - .10.1 F. Fir 11 J lo g LIBRARY OF CONGRESS MANUSCRIPT DIVISION FOREIGN COPYING PROGRA M Country : France Date of report : April 1967 Depository : Archives Nationales 2 Designation of matqrial : Marine B 3 Date(s) of material 6opied : 1666 (30 October 30 December ) Folios/pages copie .: (1~ere pag. ) lr , (2e pag .) 3r-4~, 33r-34r, 62v-63r, 88v-89r, 9~V-1001v, ).09r-10CIV, 117r-117v- Estimated no, of exposures : 19 Total folios/jTt3piEE involved : 371 References : Inventaire des Archives de la 1,11arine T . I, pp . 202 - 203 A Title and contents : RKP;ditiOn S Maritime commerce perturbed by the Anglo-Dutch war ; English warships visit French vessels ; the King of France protests . Ordor issued to Bonyger, captain of I ; the Aigle d'Or, to escort Compagnie des Indes Occidentales ships bound for th e French West Indies, and to transport troops to 11ew France . The Comp~Lgnia des Indes Occidentales ships are to be armed . la Mario, Rouen, authorized to sail for the French West Indies, the Saint S6bastien also . Compagnio des indes Occidentales affairs . 77-28 (rev 6/64) 11 1 I "1 ; 10, F! TFIF F- I 109 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS MANUSCRIPT DIVISION FOREIGN COPYING PROGRAM Country : F~ranc e Date of report : April 1967 Depository : &chives Nationales Designation of matqrial : Marine B? 4 Datek) of material copied : 1666 0 Li os/pages coaia : f A pp. 11-13, 67-7 1 Estimated no, of expo ures : 9 Total WAgg/pages involved! 319 1 1 . Refere : Inventaire des Archives de la Marine T . I, pp . 25 - 206 . 1 1 A . Title and contents : Ordre s Instructions to governors of the Rench West Indies islands on their conduct in relation to English subjects ; neutrality is to be Mintained. as long as possible . The infantry regiment "Poitou" embarks at Rochefort for the Antilles islands ~ 77-28 (rev 6/64) < F! 4.,r F- I IOq - LIBRARY OF CONGRESS MANUSCRIPT DIVISION FOREIGN COPYING PROGRAM Count ry : Erance Date of report : Apri1 1967 De osit~ : Archives Nationales ' Designation of ma t~ rial : Marine B2 5 Date(s) of material copied : 1666 ( January - March ) Folios/pages copied : Ol.r, 153-157, 165-181, .231-233< 351°354e 434J+38 . Estimated no, of exposures : 35 Total f==/pages involved : 519 References : Inventaire des Archives de la Marine , T. 2, pp . 206-210 . Title and contents : Dépôches Troops sent to Acadia ; instructions to governors of French West Indies islands to remain neutral and to defend their territory against aggression . An English frigate attacks two French merchant ships returning from the Antilles . Instructions for the defense and the logistic support of Canada ; trade between Canada and the French Caribbean islands . Study of the employ of negroes aboard galloys, where they would receive botter treatment than in the American colonies . n, '100i, • F-1101 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS MANUSCRIPT DIVISION FOREIGN COPYING PROGRAM Country: France Date of report: April 1967 Depository: Archives Nationales Designation of material: Marine B2 6 Date(à) of materialr copied: 1667 Folios/pages copiel://1) 323-332. Estimated no, of exposures: 9 Total folios/pa/ex involved: 621 References: Inventaire des Archives de là Marine, T. I, pp. 210-211. Title and contents: Expéditions Orders concerning six ships sent to the French Antilles islands. 77-28 (rev 5/64) ei F- 1109 • LIBRARY OF CONGRESS * MANUSCRIPT DIVISION FOREIGN COPYING PROGRAM Country: France Date of report: April 1967 , Depository: Archives Nationales Designation of matgrial: Marine B2 7 Date(a) of material copied; 1667 - March 1669 Folios/pages copiect: (lére pag.) titre 1667, 1, 12-22, 64 (2e pag.) titre 1668, 78-81, 85, 97-133, 160-177. Estimated no, of exposures: 75 Total BallfflVpages involYed: 303 References: Inventaire des Archives de la Marine, T. I, pp. 211 -214. Title and contents: Ordres The Compagnie des Indes Occidentales has six ships at Rochefort and others at Bordeaux ready to sail to the French West Indies; royal warships are to carry troops; engagements with English forces to be expected. The expedition is placed under the command of Sieur de Baas, Lieutenant Général des Armées de Terre et de Mer, who, upon his arrival at Martinique will command ai]. French forces in the theater. The islands of Antigua, Saint Eustatius and Tobago having already been captured, M. de la Barre receives orders to attack the island of Nevis. Orders concerning New France- Tracy to return to France, Courcelles to replace him; the infantry regiment "Carignan Salière" and four detached companies are to remain another year; Talon authorized to stay another year; the Iroquois must be brought to submission; decision concerning the fort of Québec; commendation of Chambley and of the governors of Trois Rivières and of Montréal. Detailed instructions relative to the French West Indies and to the entire Gulf of Mexico area; Comte d'Estrées to command a large fleet; policy to be followed by Governor de Baas; trade and naviga- tion regulations. Critical letter from the King to Mondevergne, governor of Ils Dauphine; Tracy's victory over the Iroquois annonced. 77-28 (rev 6/64) 100, 1P -fr F- 1101 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS MANUSCRIPT DIVISION FOREIGN COPYING PROGRAM • Country: France . Date of report: April 1967 Depository: Archives Nationales 2 • Designation of matgrial: Marine B 8 Date(à) of material copied: 1667 - 1669 , Folios/pages copied. : f° 66 (titre 1669), lv-3r, 21v-23r, 71v-78r, 86v-87r, 89v-93v, 107r-109r, 140v-141v, 148v-150v, 155v-160r, 176r-177v, 210r-212r, 216v-220v, - 222v-224r. Estimated no, of exposures: 74 Total foliost-pmzEG involved: 341 References: Inventaire des Archives de la Marine, T. I, pp. 214-218 Title and contents: Ordres ' Negro slaves sent from Guinea to the French West Indies. Passport required for French merchant vessels engaged in West Indies trade. French troops in the Caribbean reinforced; orders concerning Estrées' fleet. Orders to Gabaret, captain of le Normand, for establishing order in the colony of Saint Christopher. Instruc- tions on conduct to be observed with ships of the King of England. Protection of French maritime camnorce; possible raiding of Spanish fleets coming from America. n M. l .l o ;^pr F- 1109 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS MANUSCRIPT DIVISION FOREIGN COPYING PROGRAM Country: France Date of report: April 1967 . Depository: Archives Nationales Designation of mal'^rial: Marine B2 9 Date(s) of material, copied: 1669 Folios/paPes copie d: (18re pag.) lr (2e pag.) lr-2p/, 17r-19r, 20v-23v, 28r-37.v, 43r-47^- r, v-53i^;5o 57r-58r, 68v-79r, 81v-86r, 92v-95r, 99r-lOlr, 1l9v-123v, 132r-133v, 141v-144r, 159r-162r, 166r-170r, 181v-182v, 188r-190r, 207v-208v, 218v-220r, 223v-224v 231r-233r, 243v-248r, 252r-255r, 266r-268r, 282v-284v, 289r-290v, 298r-300r, 307v-308r 314v-315v. 319v-320r. 324v-327v, 331v-332v, 336r-338v, 341r-342v, 346r-347v, 351v-353v 359r-362r, 364r-365v, 367r-369r, 374v-376r, 383r-383v, 387r-390v, 410r-410v, 414r-416r 425r-428v, 439v-440v, 444v-445r, 456v-.459r, 466r-466v, 473r-476r, 486v-489r, 500v-50lr 515r-516r, 520r-521v. Estimated no, of exposures: 294 Total folios/p^ invol.ved: 579 References: Inventaire des Archives de la Marine, T. I, pp. 218-221 iA Title and contents: Depeches Free trade instituted in Canada and at Plaisance; colonization and trade en- couraged. Talon sent to Canada with troops, settlers and supplies, aboard the Saint Charles and the Hirondelle. Ship timber to be sought in Canada; the possibility of founding ship yards to be studied. Events at Saint Christopher's Island; the F^rench fleet remains in the area; maritime commerce to be encouraged. England must restitute Acadia; settlers to be sent. Supplies sent to the French West Indies; trade; sugar refineries, Sugar, tobacco'and other colonial produce discovered aboard warships of Estrées'fleet.
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