SUPER-TUESDAY RECONTACT ‘&A’= = March 9 March 23, 1988 Project 46 (495838) 1. FIELD IWER’S LABEL CONTROL INFORMATION BOX 2 Your Iw No. 6. Persuasion Letter Sent? n 1, YES 15.1 r- 3 Date of Iw 7. Total Number Calls Made 1 I nngth of lw (Minutes) 8. Date of Final Call 5 I ength 01 EdIt (Minutes) 9. Final Call Result Code Respondent Label Fkxontacl Information Label 10. R’s PHONE NUMBER. IF DIFFERENT FROM LABEL: I1 Hello. may I speak with (R’S NAME)? (AFTER R COMES TO THE PHONE:) My name is and l’m calling (for/from) the Survey ,Research Center at The Unhrerslty of Michigan. A few weeks ago you were kmd enough lo do an intervIew wilh US about the presidential primary. We would like lo do a brief lollow-up lnlerview and I was hoping that now would be a good time for you. Before we begin, let me assure you that the interview is completely voluntary. and if we should come lo any question that you do not want lo answer. jusl lel me know and we will go on to Ihe nexl question. 12. CALL RECORD AM PM I I I I . ALL REFUSALS AND NONINTERVIEWS MUST BE EXPLAINED IN DETAIL IN CALL NOTES COLUMN-f - 3nll TlfW Day and lWRr nesult CALL NOTES: Complete Descnption 01 & Conlac~ Made and/or a AM. PM Date IO code Atlempls lo Confaci - AM PM - AM PM - AM PM - AM PM I I I I 1 - AM PM I I I I i - AM PM - AM PM - AM PM - AM PM - AM PM - AM PM - AM PM - AM PM - AM PM - *.M PM I II I 1 - AM PM - AM PM 4 ALL REFUSALS AND NONINTERVIEWS MUST BE EXPLAINED IN DETAIL IN CALL NOTES COLUMNJ Project: w (206) Activity Coda: 10 NATIDNALELECTIOR SlUDYSUP?XLMY 2. COVERSHEET ID # III 3. Intcrvlcwar's ID No. 4. Date Iv Be&m 5. Data Iv Completed 6. Length of Iv (Hinutas) 7. Length of Edit (tlinutes) . THE FOLLOWING SIATWENI MlsT BE READ TO ALL RESPONDENTS: This interview ia completely voluntary-if ve should core to any question that ,o" don't want to mmr, jrut let ma know and we'll go on to the next quc8tton. @ Ihe University of Michigan. 1988 TnunMAIL Tl. Did R provide my infonmtlon during this interview about changes which may have occurred to R or family members during the past year about any of the following: a. job status7 q @SPECIF!C b. health7 /iiJ IY+St>SPECIFY: c. living lrrmgcmcnts? m (YES>SPECIFY: d. finances7 c. other changes? H w>SPECIPY: T2. Plame describe any ambiguous or conflicting situation that you want coding to knov about: 13. Ware theta any serious problems with the Interview, such as R’s difficulty in hearing or understanding the questions. etc.. which affected the quality of the interview? NONE cl 1 SECTION A AO. EXACT TIME NOW: Al. First of all. vould you tell me what is the month and year of your blrth? / HONTH YEAR A2. Would you say that you are very much interested. somewhat interested, or not much interested in folloving the presidential campaign in 19887 A3. During the campaign. did anyone call you up or come around and talk to you about supporting a candidate for President7 Ah. Did anyone call you up or come around to talk to you about registering to vote7 AS. So far this year have yeu talked to anyone and tried to show them why they should support one of the candidates for President? I 2 THIS IS A BUNK PAGE 3 SECTION B Bl. I’m going to read a list with names of people in politlcs. l4any people tell us they have not heard about some of the people on this list. As I read each name. please tall ma vhathcr or not you have ever heard of this person. (INTRP.VIEURR: RRAD THE LIST ON THE BLUE CARD SWULY. TO GIVE R A CHANCE TO RESPOND. M pllI NAMES R HAS NEVER HEARD OF.) FOR B2 (NEXT PACE) READ ONLY ME NAMES THAT ARE m CROSSED ODT. I 4 02. How much would you say you know about these people7 For each name I read. please tell se whether you knov -lor.*-or alnqst noth.@ about him. The first person Is (FIRST NAM m CROSSED OUT). (Would you say you know Wtc a lot, m, m. or w about him?) INl?XVIRVFB: FOR THIS QUESTION, YOU WILL NEED TO HARK THIS QUESTIONNAIRE PACE m THE BWE CARD. IF THE R'S RESPONSE ABOUT A PARTICUIAR PERSON WAS 'ALMOST NOTHING". FIRST HARK R'S ANSWER TO B2 IN ME CORRECT COWHN, THEN EBQSS OUT WE ON ME I)UIE FOR THE REST OF TIME QUESTIONS mm CANDIDATES IN 1~1s QUESTIONNAIRE, YOU WILL USE ONLY TKB NAKBS m CROSSED OUT ON THE BWE CARD. a. George Bush b. Robert Dole c. Plerrc DuPont d. Alexander Haig c. Jack Kemp f. Pat Robertson g. Bruce Babbitt h. Michael Dukakis j. Richard Caphardt k. Albert Core m. Jesse Jackson n. Paul Simon p. Gary Hart q. SamNunn r. Uario Cuomo s. Ted Kennedy t. Ronald Reagan I 5 83. Nov let's about your feelings toward the people you knov something .bout. I'll read the name of l person and I will esk you to r.te that person on . thermometer th.t run. from 0 to 100 degrees. Ratings between SO and 100 degree. mean that you feel f.vor.hle .nd w.rm tov.rd th.t person. Ratings between 0 .nd SO degrees oe.n that you don't feel too f.vor.ble and are cool tov.rd th.t person. You m.y use .ny number from 0 to 100 to tell me how f.vor.ble or unfavorable your fccllngs .re for psreon. If you don't feel particularly v.rm or cold tov.rd the person, you would race the perron .t the 50 degree urk. The first pereon Ie (FIRST NAME m CROSSED OUT). How would you rete him uring this theroomctcr7 A. George Bush b. Robert Dole E. Pierre DuPont d. Alex.ndcr H.ig 8. Jack Kemp f. P.t Robertson g. Bruce Babbitt h. Hichael Duk.kis j. Richard Gephardt k. Albert Core q . Jesse n. P.ul Simon p. C.ry H.rt q. S.mNunn r. Cuomo s. Ted Kennedy t. Ron.ld Ra.g.n 6 THIS IS A BUNK PACE 7 sEcrIon c Cl. Uhich candidate won the m presidentlel primary in (R's STATE)? 191).WN'T (WN'T PROBE) c2. Which candidate won the m presidential primary in (R's STATE)? 198. DON'T KNOWI (DON'T PROBE) SECTIOND 9 Dl. As you know. each party ~111 have A convention thlr August to nominate moosone to run for President. Nov. thinking about these nominating convention., who do you think is lllrcly to vin the Dcnocratic Prcrfdenrf We vi11 be wing A scale vhich rune from 0 to 100. where 0 represents 11p chance for the nomination. 50 represents &r~ even chance. end 100 rcprcscntr w victory. You may "se my number betvccn 0 and 100. 1~vIRuKRlxEcKPO1NT: E~TUBWECARD 1. MCI&EL DUKAKIS E CROSSED OUT 5. tlICHAEL DDKAKIS IS------- --->Dl.. (Whet do you think) &h#s.l 0 m CROSSED ODT w' chencer (.rc)7 r 1. RICHARD CEPHARDT U CROSSED OUT 5. RICHARD CEPHARDT IS------ --->Dlb. (Whet do you think) Richard 0 m CROSSED OUT m chances (are)? r 1. ALSERT GORE u CROSSED OUT 5. ALBERT GORE IS----------- --->Dlc. (Whet do you think) Al&.U 0 m CROSSED OUT w chances (arc)7 r 1. JESSE JACKSON fi CROSSED OUT 5. JESSE JACKSON IS--------- --->Dld. (What do you think) &&g~ cl m CROSSED OIJT Jpkson’~ chances (era)7 r 1. PAUL SIMON s CROSSED OUT 5. PAUL SInON IS------------ --->Dlc. (Whet do you think) prvl 0 m CROSSED OUT m chances (era)7 r 1. GARY HART Is 1 CROSSED OUT 5. cARy HART IS------------ --->Dlf. (Whet do you think) !&y m CROSSED ODT w chances (arc)7 IO D2. And vhet about the Republican cendldeter for President7 Uhet are the chenccr of vinning the noalnekion for each of theee cendid.te.7 INTRRVIEYFacRRCKPOINT: DLEFERMBWECARD 1. GEORGE BUSH u I CROSSED OUT 5. GEORGE BUSH IS m CROSSED OUT---- ------ --->D2.. (Using the 0 to 100 Sc.I.) whet do you think Epnup w charms are? 1. ROBERT DOLE IT cl CROSSED OUT 5. ROBERT DOLE IS m CROSSED OUT---- ------ --->D2b. (Whet do you think) BQ&X pplnil chances (arc17 I I 1. JACK KFXP u CROSSED OUT 5. JACK KEMP IS u CROSSED OUT---. --->D2c. (Whet do you think) J&J6 w chances (are)? 1. PAT ROB!ZRTSON Is CROSSED OUT 5. PAT ROBERTSON IS Cl m CROSSED OUT---' --->D2d. (Whet do you think) pllr Robartron'r chances (a*)7 I 11 D3. NOV. thinking about the general election to be held thir November we'd like you to tell u. about some of the Democratic candldetcs' chances of vinning the m in 1988. As before, ve vi11 use A lcele that runs from 0 to 100. vhere 0 represents ap chance of "inning the presidency, SO represents an even chance. end 100 represents certain victory. (YOU may uec my number from 0 to 100.) EFERTOBWBCARD 1. MICHAEL DDKARIS Is CROSSED OUT 5. !iICHAEL DDKARIS IS------- --->D3.. (Whet do you think) Ill.&@ Cl m CROSSED OIJT w' chances (are)7 f 1.
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