BEER'S .outl, · · ~al aui:J Y)at~stsatppt A.LM.A.Nt\.C, FOR THE YEAR BEING THE THIRD AETF..R BISSE:X.TILE.OR LEAP YEAR, ' And, till July fourth, the ~ . 66TB OF AlVIElUC::AN ·J:NDEPEll'DEKCJI, CalculaJed for the Meridian of Natchez, Lat. '.}lQ 32' 25" North; Long. 91° 23' 45" vVe,t from Greenwich; l. ut will serve for the adjacent parts without any e1sentitt! • difference. c =================== ;i. The Astronomical part Examined and Corrected BY ELI.JAR MIDDLEB_ROOK, M, D, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, AND DRUGGIST, MAIN-ST• SOLD ALSO BY H. MILLARD,-Natehe.11, I AND GEO. W. CLARK,-New-Orleam. f "' DEPARlMt:.Nl 0~ ARCH\VES • ..... JACKSON, MISS• / I THE ANA1'0MY OF MAN'S BODY, ECLIPSES FOR THE YEAR 18~1. AS SUPPOSFD TU BE GOVERNED There will be four Eclipses this year, two of the Sun and two o BY 'l'B!I ~w~:r.v:m coms~:m:r.:r..a.'l'IOl'fs. the Moon. The first will be a great Eclipse of the Sun, in the 24 deg. of 'Y' Head and Face. quarius, (:::::::) February 12th. Visible, calculated as:follows, viz. H. M. v::i~:l_i::.~~~i~~{~~~~::~} 9 10 .flrmt. N eck. A;~~~~ ~::~~~t.~~.~~'. 1·g" II Ingress of the ]) 's center upon the Sun's face... 9 57 1 "' l:i Middle of Appearance ..... .. ........ ••..••••••...... 10 45 1? True time of cS of 0 and )) at Natchez ........ 10 53 g Egress of Moon's center from the Sun's face ••.•. 11 36 J · Heart. Brtast. f;1. § End of the Eclipse • • . • • • • • • • •• •. .•. • . • • • • . • . 0 27 } ~ Digits eclipsed 11° 25' on the Sun's southern limb. R eins. Bowels (SEE THE FIGUR E.) ~ 11JI Thigh,. Secrets. t lll, I ' Legs. Knees. :::: V3 0 * T he F eet. THE ELEMENTS OF. PROJECTION. TO KNOW WHERE THE SIGN IS.-First find the day of H. M. the month, and against it, you ha vc the sign or place of the Moon, J. New Moon 12th Februazy , ••••• .............• 10 53 2. Semidiameter,of the Ea in the 6th column, then anding the sign here, it shows the part of rth's-disc •• , •• , •• • ••.::-s 7~ 28 the body it is supposed to govern. 3. Sun's dist, from nearest Solstice •....•. •••. , . , 53 18 4. Suns declination South , ........... , . • . , . 13 49 5. Moon's Lat, N. Dec'd ... : . ........... , : , . , 42 l 5 Names and Cltaracters of the S igns of the Zodiac. 6, Mo01.1's horary motion from ,G , , . ..... .. , . 30 52 '{' Aries, the Ram. ,!lo Libra, the Bal,ance 1:5 Taurus, the Bull. 1ll Scorpio, the Scorpion. 7, Angle of the )) 's visible path with the eclip- ~ 0 I II Gemini, the Twins. t Sagittarius, the Archer. tic, by Ferguson ... , ••.• . , , . , .. , , , . .. 5 5 35 § Cancer, the Crab. 1'J Capricornus, the Goat. st Leo, the Lion. ::::::; Aquarius, W_aterman. 11)1 Vfrgo, the Virgin. ,€ Pisce~, the Fishes. 8. Sun's semidiam-iter ............. ~ ... • ...... 16 J's 9. Moon's semi diameter , ••• , .... .. , . 15 49 MOVEABLE FEASTS. 10. Semidiameter of the Penumbra , , , , , .. , : , , . 32 04 Sepluagesima Sunday Jan, 30 Low Sunday April 10 This Eclipse will be Central and Annular Quinquagesima Sunclay Feb. 13 R to a part of tbe ioha­ ogation Sunday May 8 bita&ts of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Ash W edoesday or 1s Alabama, Mississippi, t Day of Aise11sion Day or Holy Thurs­ Tennessee., Louisiana, &c, &c. and annula Lent Feb, 16 day r to a great part of the May 12 inhabitants· of said States. A beautiful annulus or bright ring Mid-Lent S unday Mar. 13 W hite Sunday of May 22 the Sun may be seen appearing all aroµnd the dark body of the Palm Sunday Mar. 27 Trinity Sunday May :29 Moon, at the middle of the Eclipse, Easter Day April 1 3 Advent Sunday Noy, 27 Where the Eclipse is central and annular t he ring will appear of 1.0358 f' equal width all around the dark body of the Moon. But where it is not central, but annular, the ring around the Moon will be more r less unequal, , CHRONOLOGICAL CYLES. l In most parts of the United States, if the. atmosphere should be Dominica) Letter, . , ..... , . B. Sola!' Cycl~, ·. .. · · " · · .. " 2~, clear, it 1s probable that several of the fixed stars will be seen. I Lunar Cycle or Golden No. 8 Roman lnd1ctton, · • · · · · · 41 The plan•ts Venus a little east, and Jupiter west of the Sun, will Epac ·t , ... ..•... • • • .. _17 ____ Julian _ Period, . •. , , 6544 lso appear very brilliant, aed possibly Mercury may be seen a little west of Jupiter an~ Mars, considerably east of Venus. "er . The Sun will appear to be central and annular eclipsed, when THE SEASONS.-Vernal Equinox, or beginning of Sprmg, n the meridian, to a spectator in the north part of South 20th of March.-!:ull)mer Solstice, 'or ~eg.inoing of Summer, 21st arolina, near Sandy River, and a little South West of the town of of June.-Autnmnal Equinox, or b?g1?0111g of ~utumo, 23d of Charlotte in North Carolina, Long. 81° 28¾ West, Lat. 35°,b~ September.-Winter Solstice, or begrnnmg of Winter, 21st of De­ North, when the time at Natchez is 1 Ih. 20m. 25sec. forenoon. cember. _The secoml will be of the Moon on the 26th day of February, at !Oh. 44m, in the morning, invisible at Natchez. The third will be of the Sun, August 7th, at 3h. 57m. afternoon, AN EQUATION TABLE, invisible at Natchez, the Moon having great South Latitude, viz. 9½ South, & at 3h, 57m. 25sec. afternoon in Long. 4s, 14 deg. Showin"' to the nearest minute, how much the Sun is 'raster or' 0 4~ minutes, The Sun will appear to be i:entrally eclipsed, whe ' slower than a perfect or well regulated clock. n the meridian, to a spectator in the Pacific Ocean, about 15 de­ rees South---West of the Society Isles, Long. 156 deg. 2 minutes West, and Lat. 26 deg. 35¾ minutes South, when the time a t'l 9M C 31:'l C 9t'l v a ·s: - ·.O 5:: ,, -·.o ~ ., -·.O :, C Natchez isJ4b. 18m. 40 sec. afternoon. · s:: :,-·.o C 0 :, C 0 :, C 0 "' C o, The fouth will be of the Meon, on the 23d day of August, visible ~ C o, ~ C :0 " ~ S.?' ~ ~" .... nd calculatedas follws, 'Yiz, · " i:.. " :""' p· ff • p ? ~ ;. ? "'r' 5· F H. M. ----------------------- B~ginning of the Eclipse ............ , ., .... , 2 34 1 Jan. 1 4 Mar, 31 4 go Aug. 7 5w Oct. 23 16 4c 3 5 April 3 3c 14 Nov. 14 15 I• ~··.tcnpt1c if .-. .~ ~, • ••..•••. , •••••..•••····~511 , • , . , , • , • ;J 19 14 3o9 J 5 6 7 2~0 19 3 ".. End of the Eclipse . .. , , .. , , ...... , . .. 5 7 • 7 7 10 l ~ 23 20 23 13 ' l :i; Digits Eclipsed 5 deg. 48 minutes on the Moon's Northern lim 9 8 14 , 0;, 27 "' 26 12 r from the Southern side of the earth's shadow. 12 9 30 p;, 29 tl 15 10 g' 18 1 Dec. 216- 1- 17 11" 22 2u Sept. 3 1 5 9 g' EXPLANATION OF CHARACTERS . 21 12~ 28 3c 6 2 'j ' 8 C 4" 3 9 7 'f!' Planets.-0 Sun, ? Saturn,---- 'J Mars, e Moon, ']J. Jupiter, 25 13 :Ii May 6 ;;;, 9 "' 29 14 ~ 25 3 .• 12 4 11 6l. ';> Venus, 9 Earth, ~ Mercury, ~ Herschel, ;;> Ceres, ~ Pallas, 5:, ~Juno, f!Vesta.-Aspects.-· New Moon, ~ First Quarter, Feb. 7 15 S- June 2 2;;-, 14 5 CJ) 14 1. 1(; ® Full Moon, @ Last Quarter, Q Dragon's Head, ~ Dragon's t5il4g 9 1'7 65 4 Tail, & Conjunction, 8 Opposition, 6 · Trigonus, D Quadril, 25·13,.. 13 0 20 7;;;, 18 3 / Sextile, (ft; Sun.-Apogu, at the greatest distance from the Mar. 212~ 23 ' 8!!:. 20 2 * l earth; Perigee, at the lea!t distance. 711 ~ 18 1 r,; 26 9 ~ 22 1110g 24 2'- 29 10 24 0 OF THE ASPECTS, 14 9 :" 2i 3:;, Oct. 2 11 0 26 1~ When two Planets are in the same degree, they are in 18 8 July 2 40 5 12 2e Conjunction, marked thus 6 · 21 7 8 s: 9 13 2~ 13 14 • 30 3 .. Sextile, ... ' .•. , • . • * when 60 degrees apart. 24 6 15 6·"' ;, Quartile, . , . , . • D . • . 90 do. do. 28 5 17 15 Trine, . D. 120 do, do. Opposition, .. • . , , . • , 8 . , . 180 do. do. Q Dragon's Head, or Ascending Node. Change-A sailor looking serieus in a ~e~ain chapel in Bostoa. was lj Dragon's Tail, or Descending Node, !asked by the clergyman, if he. felt any change, whereopon tbe tar put ·' lhis hand into his·pocket, and replied," I have not':;:ent,"• AN EMP.HEl\IERIS FOR THE PLANETS' PLACES, JANUARY has 31 Days. 1831. For tlu 1st, '13th. and 25tli days of each month, in the THE GAMESTER. year 1831 SEE where the Yictim stands !-not crown'd with flowers, But compass'd round, by fiends : his haggard cheek, His beamless eye-what tell they ?-Qf lost hours, ------------------ With mute, but dreadful eloquence they speak! ;' J 10Y.l24 9 226171427 .._ 28§50 14 29 22 7 23 20 Of fame and fortune blighterl, hopes betray'd, g 13 22 39 101] 29 24 29:::::: =- 0 17 14 l(Q 211'15 11J1 § And all the fearful wreck one cherish'd vice has made. ...,_- 25 4:::::: 51 10 1 ::;::; ~ :::::: 1 ':' 1 ~ 44 14 1 20 22 18 &l, (! Last Qr. 5th, 4h. 48m. aft. / J) First Qr. 21st, lh. 23m. morq. ~New Moo·n 13th, 7h. 31m. aft. ® Full Moon 27th, Sh. 27m. aft. :; 1 l1 58 i~j13 5;; Y.l > 8 26 13 2 19 27 25 22 g_ 13 24 7_ 12 !;1_ 6 12 :l-E 29 cf.
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