; _ i 7 «.m. tempertore 7». Fto tt- ilkjuMd tMl|U. Hljn today war Today »». L»w uml^it, SJ u ft. ftuar tomorrow and Friday, with * -21,525 high in the 70s tomorrow and •lightly higher temperatures Fri- day afternoon. See Weather, Page 2. lulled tmilj, UoniiJ Uiroui* ttiin. S«conit Clan Postage RED BANK, N, J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1963 VOL. 86, NO. 5 Paid u Kid Bank and at AdSitlonU Mailtos Offices. 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Seven Killed Aboard Mohawk Airliner Middletown Pilot Dies in ROCHESTER, N. Y. (AP) - eral miles southwest of Roches- 39 years old, the dead in- Stewardess Mary Anne Mi- Conn. "The pilot was righting ported in fair condition with a around with his ear torn and A twin-engine Mohawk airliner, ter. cluded First Officer John W. ara, 20, of Sayreville, N. J., the stick all the way."" skull fracture, cuts and; bruises. bleeding." Pearson said. "He straining to gain altitude in a Crash Probed Neff, 33, of Wilmington, Del., was reported in fair condition . 'Christopher said, "There was East Orange Resident asked for help hut I said raging electrical and hail The cause of the crash was and Roy E. Drew, of Pelham, at one of three hospitals caring no shouting on the plane." Another New Jersey- resident there's no time^We've gotta storm, crashed seconds after under investigation by Federal N. Y,, controller of Sylvania for the injured. " Thomas Mayer, 55, ol West- aboard was Daniel P. Sctowest- get those people who are still takeoff yesterday. ** Aviation officials. Electric Products Inc. Richard Baldwin, 26, of Dan- port, Conn., expressed the opin- er, tn East Orange business- in there." Seven persons were killed One wingtip apparently struck Others killed were: bury, Conn., said the plane hit ion the plane had climbed to an man. He is hospitalized here 1 Other passengers included: ' and 36 injured, seven critically. the ground, a witness said. The Jerrold Kurtz of Harrison, turbulence when "we got up 10 altitude of 75 or 100 feet when Ex-Marine Joseph Pearson ot Mrs. Jane R, Nixon of White "it happened In 20 seconds." Among the dead is Capt. plane'"'bounced, broke in two N. Y., Thomas Callinan of feet. It was like flying into the Tonawanda, N. Y., a worker Plains, the only woman aboard "I was thrown clear of the Richard M. Dennis of $1 Linden like a matchstick and caught Yorktown Heights, N. Y., Mor- dead of night." on a construction project, other than the • stewardess; plane and landed In mud up to Ave., Middjetown/ N. J. He w&s fire. Airport firemen ex^in-- ris Falk, of Cos Cob, Conn., "Wind draft pushed us helped pull survivors from the Charles V. McAdam of Green- my elbows," said John L. ; the pilot. " guished the flames in seconds'. and Roy E. Drew, of Pelham, around," observed Robe-t plane, _ wich, Conn., president of Mc In addition to Capt. Dennis, Conn. Christopher, 28, of Stratford, •O'Brien, of White Plains, re- (See CRASH, Page 3). "It was like flying into the "One man was walking dead of the night," one survi- vor said from his hospital bed. "The wind grabbed us the ,000 Missing From Eatontown Station minute we left the ground," said another. • The Martin 404, carrying 40 passengers and a crew of three, was headed for Newark, N. J., via White Plains; N. Y. Charge MV Agent With Embezzlement , It fell into mud about 80- FREEHOLD - The arrest on tor said had been unavailable in $25,000 bail pending a hearing oss from her car of $2,600 In of- embeulement was unfolded this yards off a runway at Roches- mbeulement charge,1! of Mrs., either at. the. agency, her home July JO, -,. .; , (Ice receipts,', in Jjiiontflwri en Cap*. Richard M. Dennis ter-Monroe County Airport; sev- tlary N. Costa, state Motor Ve- at i'62 Waif St., West Long Mrs. Costa has directed the roufe to deposit them at a bank r<:.. :,.,.... Branch, or her private insurance During a routine check, Mon- licle Bureau agent at Eatontown, county's busiest MV agency since iranch in West Long Branch. y office at 210 Broadway, Lortg day, June 24, auditors in the cen- was disclosed yesterday by coun- it was established as the hub of Her explanation was accepted tral office at Trenton discovered Branch, submitted to custody l ffi T did :y Prosecutor Vincent P. Keuper. an inspection station and driver ind there was no disciplinary that, contrary to requirements Monday through her attorney, State Motor Vehicle Director testing center on Rt. 36, Eaton- iction. In that case, as will oc- that all agents make daily bank Max M. Barr of Asbury Park. Capt Dennis— Ned J. Parsekian said about $19,- town, in 1959. She is now sus- ur in the present situation, Mr. deposits of office receipts; no 000 in Mrs. Costa's receipts dur- {29,000 Ball pended pending outcome of the Parsekian said, her bonding com- money had been deposited from ing a four-day period, June 18 She was arraigned before prosecution Mr. Parsekian said. any reimbursed the state so that the Eatontown office since June through 21, are missing. Eatontown Magistrate M. Ray- The agent "was in the news a :here was no public'loss. 17, Mrs. Costa, who the state direc- mond McGowan and was released year ago when she reported the Mrs. Costa Is a Democratic can- Not Accounted For Had 19 Years Of didate for \Vest Long Branch Bor- The next dav auditors learned ough Council' in "NovernbeTTiKe naTJ26;61Sr8ITn feceipts*was not ws sought that office and the of- accounted for. Later they discov 'ice of mayor unsuccessfully on ered that about'$6,700 of income PlaneExperience rior occasions.-J. in the four-day period was de- Should she decide not to. stay posited June 25 and 26 in the n the ballot this year she has West Long Branch office of the MJDDLETOWN - Capt. Richard M. Dennis, 39, of 89 ime to withdraw and allow the New J*rs«y Trust Company. This Linden Ave., killed yesterday in the crash of a Mohawk Air- Democratic Executive Committee is where Mrs. Costa had placed lines plane he was piloting, had been flying for 19 years. in West Long .Branch to name a' the agency account. AJRTORCE VETERAN replacement. Mr. Parsekian and Mr. Keuper •He served in the Air Force in World War II, flew for 30 Yean Old said the balance to be explained •bout four years overseas with Ethiopian Airlines, and joined The agent,,.who. ls.39, la di- isabout $19,000, . Mrs. Mary N. Costa Mohawk 10 years ago. • •creed and the mother of one the specific charge against He and his wjfe, Lorraine, moved to the Fairvlew section :hild. • ^ • • . Mrs. Costa Is that a» a public theft, he explained. of Middletown about seven years ago. They have four chil- In addition to hef local Demo- officer she committed a high mis If convicted, Mrs. Costa would dren, Richard, Jr:, 17, George, 16, Sheree, 10, and James, 7. cratic party activities in West demeanor by embezzling public face a maximum sentence of Captain Dennis' mother, Mrs. Richard M. Dennis, lives Long Branch, she has been a funds. The amount, Mr. Keuper seven years in the Women's Re- at Colts Neck. He also is survived by a sister, Patricia, liv- leader of the Young Democrats of said, would be incidental under formatory at Clinton and a $2,000 ing On Long Island, and a brother in Ohio. Monmouth County. the laws. Misuse of a public trust fine. She also could be directed The captain's wife, Lorraine, is employed at the Mar- Mr. Parsekian said the alleged is the crime charged rather than to repay the money. tinizing dry cleaning office in Campbell's Junction. RADIO REPORT Neighbors said Mrs. Dennis learned of ths crash from a radio report which merely mentioned the number of the flight JFK Back from Europe *nd the name of the airline. To many, such information meant nothing. To her it meant everything. WASHINGTON (AP) - Presl vague terrni for a ban on atmos- I. Is Khrushchev proposing tn That her husband had been killed also was reported to dent Kennedy returned ^ pheric nuclear tests and a non- uninspected moratorium on under- her first by radio. Her husband's company's main office Is from > 10-day tour of Europe aggression pact between the rival ground atomic explosions in addi- In UUca, N. Y., and news reports spread the information of that was capped, by a roaring NATO and Warsaw military alii tion to a ban on other nuclear the casualties even before the company could confirm them. goodbye from half a million ances. tests? V ' , FRIENDS HELP cheering Neapolitans. A radio-monitored text of Partial Ban The President's big silver and I Mrs, Dennis was attended by her family physician for ; > Khrushchev's speech began arrlv. Khrushchev said the Soviet Un- blue Air Force jet landed at An- shock and friends moved in to help in the sudden crisis. Ing at the State Department Tues- ion will agree to outlawing "nu- drews'Air Force Base at 1:39 Among those on hand were wives of other Mohawk pilots day as Kennedy headed home- clear tests In the atmosphere, in 'who happen to live in Uiis area. am. EDT, 11 hours, 6 minutes outer space and under water." ; ward. Washington authorities The plane's stewardess, Mary Ann Miara, 20, of Sayre- after leaving Capodlchino Airport The 'Went has proposed such a IIP IN FLAMES—Firemen from three boroughs fought a losing battle with flamas near Naples, Italy.
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