12_573047 bindex.qxd 9/28/04 6:21 PM Page 238 GENERAL INDEX Abbey Pub, 179, 187 Borders, 161 About Face Theatre, 204, 213 Bottega Veneta, 150, 161 Abraham Lincoln Bookstore, 154, 160 Bowling alleys, 112–113 Accommodations, 14–43. See also Brookfield Zoo, 97, 98–99, 121–122 Accommodations Index Buckingham Fountain, 90, 103, 122 Adler Planetarium, 96, 103, 121 Bucktown Afternoon tea, 50 restaurants, 74, 75 AIA Guide to Chicago, 104 shopping, 160, 163, 167–169 Airports, 223–224 Buddy Guy’s Legends, 180, 188 The Alley, 152, 160 Buses, 224–225 All Our Children, 154, 160 Business hours, 225 Alta Vista Terrace, 109 Alternatives, 152, 160 Calder, Alexander, 98 American Girl Place, 115, 121 Canoeing, 136 Andy’s Jazz Club, 180, 187 Carl Fischer of Chicago, 150, 161 Apartment Number 9, 152, 160 Car rentals, 225 Archbishop’s Residence, 91–92 Carson Pirie Scott & Co., 105, Architectural highlights, 95, 104–108 106–107, 149, 162, 201 Art galleries, 100–102 Chanel, 152, 156, 162 Art Institute of Chicago, 89, 91–93, Charnley House, 92 100, 121 Chicago (sculpture), 98 Atmosphere, 182, 187 Chicago ArchiCenter Shop, 150, 162 Auction house, 151 Chicago Architecture Foundation, Auditorium Theatre, 203, 213 90, 108, 116–117, 122, 137 Chicago Bears, 211, 213 Baby Doll Polka Club, 184, 187 Chicago Blackhawks, 211, 213–214 Babysitters, 224 Chicago Board of Trade, 102, 122 Bailiwick Repertory, 204, 213 Chicago Bulls, 210, 214 Bank One Plaza, 98 Chicago Children’s Museum, 97, 122 Barnes & Noble, 160 Chicago Civic Orchestra, 205, 214 Barneys New York, 150, 156, 161 Chicago Comics, 154, 162 Bars, 179 Chicago Cubs, 210, 214 gay and lesbian, 181–182 Chicago Dance and Music Alliance, hotel, 182 200, 207, 227 neighborhood, 182–184 Chicago Fire, 211, 214 sports, 181 Chicago Free Press, 200–201 Base Bar, 182, 188 Chicago Historical Society, 92, 122 Batcolumn, 98 Chicago magazine, 232 Beaches, 135–136 Chicago Marathon, 140 Belmont Harbor, 135 Chicago Opera Theater, 11, 206, 214 The Berghoff, bar at, 182 Chicago Place, 147 Berlin, 179, 182, 188 Chicago Reader, 176, 200, 232 GENERAL INDEX Bicycling, 137–138 Chicago Sailing Club, 136 Big Chicks, 181, 188 Chicago Shakespeare Theater, 203, 215 Big Wig,COPYRIGHTED 178, 188 Chicago MATERIAL Stock Exchange, 93 Bittersweet, 157, 161 Chicago Sun-Times, 176, 232 Blake, 153, 161 Chicago Supernatural Tours, 117 Bloomingdale’s, 147, 161 Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Blue Chicago, 180, 188 11, 205, 215 Blues, 180 Chicago Theatre, 202, 215 Boating, 136 Chicago Tribune, 176, 200, 232 Boat tours, 97, 117, 136–137 Chicago Trolley Co., 117 CHICAGO Bookstores, 154 Chicago White Sox, 116, 210, 215 Bookworks, 154, 161 Chicago Yacht Club, 136 12_573047 bindex.qxd 9/28/04 6:21 PM Page 239 239 Children in Paradise, 154, 162 restaurants, 62–63 Chinatown, 111 shopping, 154 restaurants, 79 Federal Center, 98 Circuit, 181, 188 Festivals and special events, 227–229 CityPass, 91, 233 Field Museum of Natural History, Clarke House, 108, 122–123 90, 93, 96, 97, 123 Classical music, 205–206 Filene’s Basement, 151, 157, 163–164 The Closet, 182, 189 Flamingo, 98 Cole-Haan, 152, 162 Ford Center for the Performing Arts, Comedy clubs, 209 203, 216 Coq d’Or, 177, 189 Foster Avenue Beach, 135 Corcoran’s, 183, 189 Fudge Pot, 157, 164 Court Theatre, 203, 215 Funky Buddha Lounge, 178, 190 Crate & Barrel, 150, 151, 155, 162 Crate & Barrel Outlet Store, 155, 163 Gamekeepers, 181, 190 Crilly Court, 99 Gay and lesbian travelers, 114, 228 Crobar, 178, 189 information and resources, Crown Hall, 113 230–231 Cru Cafe and Wine Bar, 184, 189 nightlife, 176, 179, 181, 200–201 Cubby Bear, 181, 189 outdoor activities, 135, 140 Gentry, 181, 190 The Daisy Shop, 157, 163 Ghost Bar, 183, 190 Daley Plaza, 98 Ginger Man Tavern, 183, 191 Damen Avenue, shopping on, 156 Ginkgo Tree Book Shop, 154, 164 Dance Center of Columbia College Giorgio Armani, 152, 156, 164 Chicago, 207, 215 Glessner House, 108, 123 Dance clubs, 178–179, 181 Glove Me Tender, 150, 164 Dance companies, 206–207 Gold Coast, 80, 91–92 Danny’s Tavern, 178, 189 accommodations, 18, 21, 32, 38 Dawn Shadow, 98 Golf, 138–139 Delilah’s, 178, 189 Goodman Theatre, 202, 216 Dentists, 226–227 Goose Island Brewery, 184, 191 Dillinger, John, 115–116 Grant Park, 132–134 Disabilities, travelers with, 236 Grant Park Music Festival, 205, 216 Disgraceland, 156, 163 Grant Park Symphony and Chorus, Diversey Driving Range, 138 10–11 Diversions, 86–129 Greek Town, 111 Division Street, 179 Green Dolphin Street, 180, 191 Doctors, 227 The Green Mill, 181, 191, 209 Donald J. Pliner, 151, 163 Guild Complex, 210, 216 Double Door, 179, 190 GENERAL INDEX DuSable Museum of African American Hammacher Schlemmer, 152, 156, 164 History, 94–95, 123 H&M, 153, 164 Harold Washington Library Center, The El, 110 102, 103, 123–124 Elements, 155, 163 Harpo Studios, 92 Embelezar, 163 Harris Theater for Music and Dance, Emergencies, 227 206–207, 216 The Empty Bottle, 177–179, 190, 208 Harry’s Velvet Room, 183, 191 Encore, 182, 190 Hawthorne Street, 109 Entertainment, 198–221 Hearing-impaired services, 231 current listings, 200–201 Hermès, 150, 164 tickets, 201–202 The Hideout, 209, 217 Ermenegildo Zegna, 152, 163 Hi-Tops Café, 181, 191 ETA Creative Arts Foundation, 204, 216 Hollywood Beach, 136 CHICAGO Evanston-Lake Shore trail, 137–138 Home-accessory shops, 155 Events hotlines, 227 Hot dogs, 59 Excalibur, 179, 190 Hotel bars, 182 HotHouse, 208, 217 Families with children Hot Rooms, 17 accommodations, 24 House of Blues, 207–208, 217 emergency services, 226 12_573047 bindex.qxd 9/28/04 6:21 PM Page 240 240 Hoy, 176, 200 Lincoln Park Conservatory, 133 Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, Lincoln Park Zoo, 97–99 207, 217 Lincoln Square, 111 Hull House, 108, 124 Links Hall, 207, 218 The Hunt Club, 181, 191 Liquor laws, 177, 231–232 Hutchinson Street, 109 Little Italy, 111 Hyde Park, 113–114, 126 restaurants, 76, 81 accommodations, 39 Little Saigon, 110–111 diversions, 123, 125–127, 129 Lookingglass Theatre Company, 203, 218 Ice-skating, 139–140 The Loop, 8, 90 Ikram, 153, 165 accommodations, 18, 19, 22, 23, Illinois Institute of Technology, 26, 33–38, 40, 41 107, 113, 124 diversions, 121–123, 127, 128 ImprovOlympic, 209, 217 entertainment, 213–218, 220 In-line skating, 139 nightlife, 182, 188, 190, 192 International Museum of Surgical restaurants, 67, 70, 72, 73, 75, 82 Science, 96–97, 124 shopping, 161–163, 165–168 Internet access, 231 Lori’s Discount Designer Shoes, Iwan Ries & Co., 149, 152, 165 152, 157, 165 Louis Sullivan Townhouses, 92 Jackson Park, 133–134, 138 Lyric Opera of Chicago, 11, 206, 218 Jayson Home & Garden, 155, 165 Jazz, 180–181 McCormick Place, 226 Jazz Record Mart, 153, 165 McFetridge Sports Center, 140 Jazz Showcase, 180, 192 McShane’s Exchange, 157, 166 Jerry Springer show, 97 Madison & Friends, 154, 165 Joffrey Ballet of Chicago, 207, 217 Madison Plaza, 98 John Barleycorn Memorial Pub, The Magnificent Mile, 8–9 183, 192 accommodations, 18, 31–42 John Hancock Center, 106 diversions, 121, 122, 124, 125 Observation Deck, 97, 104, 124 nightlife, 187, 189–192, 194, 218 Jordan, Michael, 10 restaurants, 58–59, 67, 68, 70–74, 76–82 Kingston Mines, 180, 192 shopping, 146, 150, 160–170 Kitty O’Shea’s, 182, 192 Malls, 147–148 Krivoy, 150, 153, 165 Manifesto, 155, 165–166 Marathon, Chicago, 140 Lake Shore Drive, 90 Marilyn Miglin, 150, 166 Lake View, 114 Marquette Park, 110 accommodations, 18, 22, 27, 38, Marshall Field’s, 147, 149, 166 42–43 Merchandise Mart, 106, 124, 148 entertainment, 213, 214, 217, Metro, 179, 208, 218 218, 221 Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum, nightlife, 183, 187–194 95, 111, 125 restaurants, 66, 73, 76, 77, 79 Midway Airport, 223 shopping, 160–163, 167–171 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, Laundry, 231 105, 107, 113 Leslie Hindman, 151 Millennium Park, 133, 139–140, 206 GENERAL INDEX Les Quatre Saisons, 98 Monadnock Building, 104 Lincoln Lodge, 209, 217–218 Montrose Beach, 88 Lincoln Park, 88, 102–103 Monument with Standing Beast, 98 accommodations, 31, 32 Movies, Chicago as setting for, entertainment, 219–221 9, 21, 206 nightlife, 183, 191–193, 195 Multiple Choices, 155, 166 outdoor activities, 133–135, Muntu Dance Theater of Chicago, 138–139 207, 218 restaurants, 66, 76, 78, 82, 83 Museum of Contemporary Art, 91, 93, shopping, 160, 161, 165, 167 94, 125 CHICAGO sights and attractions, 109, 114, Museum of Science and Industry, 122, 124, 126 90, 91, 93, 95, 97, 125 12_573047 bindex.qxd 9/28/04 6:21 PM Page 241 241 Museums Pizzerias, 55–56 ethnic, 94–95 Playboy Mansion, 91 free days, 93 Plaza Escada, 152, 167 Music stores, 153–154 Poetry performances, 209–210 Polish-Americans, 9 Narcisse, 183, 192 Polish Museum of America, 95, 111, 126 National Vietnam Veterans Art Pops for Champagne, 184, 192 Museum, 112, 125 Post office, 233 Natural History, Field Museum of, Powell’s, 154, 167 90, 93, 96, 97, 123 Prairie Avenue Bookshop, 154, 167 Navy Pier, entertainment at, 215, 220 Prairie Avenue Historic District, N’Digo, 176, 200 108, 123, 126 Neiman Marcus, 153, 166 Precipitation, average, 237 Neo-Futurists, 204, 218–219 Pritzker Music Pavilion in Millennium Newberry Library, 102, 125 Park, 11, 133 New City, 232 Pronounciation, 10 Newspapers and magazines, 232 Nightlife, 174–195. See also Radio stations, 234 Entertainment Rainbo Club, 177, 192 Nike Town, 155, 166 Ravinia, 11 Nordstrom, 166 Ravinia Park, 205, 207, 219 North Avenue Beach, 135 Reckless Records, 153–154, 167–168 North Pier, 136 Red Dog, 178, 193 North Side Redmoon Theater, 204, 219 nightlife, 182–183 Reliance Building, 105 restaurant, 66–67 Reservations, hotel, 17–18 Northwestern University, 114 Restaurants, 46–83.
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