232 the said Joseph Pocock, under the provisions of Bankruptcy, and the interim order for protection the Statutes in that case made and provided, the said from process having been given to the said William Arnold, Joseph Pocock is hereby required to appear in Court under the provisions of the Statutes in that case made and before Edward Goulburn, Esq. the Commissioner acting in provided, the said William Arnold is hereby required to the matter of the said Petition, on the 24th day of January appear in Court before Edward Goulburn, Esq. the Com- instant, at two of the clock in the afternoon pre- missione acting in the matter of the said Petition, on the 24th cisely, at the Court of Bankruptcy, in Basinghall-street, of January instant, at twelve at noon precisely, at the in the city of London, for his first examination touching Court of Bankruptcy, in Basinghall-street, in the city his debts, estate, and effects, and to be further dealt with of London, for his first examination touching his debts, according to the provisions of the said Statutes; and the estate, and effects, and to be further dealt -with choice of the creditors' assignees is to take place at the according to the provisions of the said Statutes; and the time so appointed. AH persons indebted to the said Joseph choice of the creditors' assignees is to take place at the time Pocock, or that have any of his effects, nre not to pay or so appointed. All persons indebted to the said William deliver the same but to Mr. John Follett, No. 1, Sambrook- Arnold, or that have any of his effects, are not to court, Basinghall-street, the Official Assignee, nominated pay or delive the same but to Mr. John Follett, No. 1, in that behalf by the Commissioner acting in the matter Sambrook court, Basinghall-street, the Official Assignee, of the said Petition. nominated in that behalf by the Commissioner acting in the matter of the said Petition. HEREAS a. Petition of James John Bragg (com- W monly called James Bragg(, late of London-road, VST7HEREAS a Petition of Thomas Manning, late Speenhamland, Newbury, in the county of Berks, Stage V v of No. 13, Hermitage-street, Paddington, in the Coachman, and ever since and now of the Star and Garter county of Middlesex, Grocer and General Dealer, and now Public-house, Friar-street, Reading, in the said county of of No. 10, York-street, Crawford-street, Bryanstone-square, Berks, for part of the time a Dealer in Beer by Retail, a in the same county, out of business, an insol vent debtor, having ' Licenced Victualler, an insolvent debtor, having been filed been filed in the Court ot Bankruptcy, and the interim order in the Court of Bankruptcy, and the interim order for for protection from process having been gi ven to the said Tho- protection from process having been given to the said mas Manning, under the provisions of the Statutes in that James John Bragg, under the provisions of the Statutes in case made and provided, the said Thomas Manning is hereby that case made and provided, the said James John Bragg required to appear in Court before Edward Goulburn, Esq. is hereby required to appear in Court before Edward the Commissioner acting in the matter of the said Petition, Goulburn, Esq. the Commissioner acting in the matter of on the 24th day of January instant, at half past eleven in the the said Petition, on the 24th day of January instant, at forenoon precisely, at the Court of Bankruptcy, in Basing- twelve of the clock at noon precisely, at the Court hall-street, in the city of London, for his first exami- of Bankruptcy, Bosingball-street, in the city of London, for nation touching his debts, estate, and effects, and to be further his first examination touching his debts, estate, and effects, dealt with according to the provisions of the said Statutes ; and to be further dealt with accoixlingto the provisions of the and the choice of the creditors' assignees is to take place at said Statutes ; and the choice of the creditors' assignees is to the time so appointed. All persons indebted to the said take place at the time so appointed. All persons indebted Thomas Manning, or that have any of his effects, are not to to the said James John Bragg, or that have any of his pay or deliver the same but to Mr. George Green, No. 18, effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to Mr. G. Aldermanbury, the Official Assignee, nominated in that Green, No. 18, Aldermanbury, the Official Assignee, behalf by the Commissioner acting in the matter of the nominated in that behalf by the Commissioner acting in said Petition. the matter of the said Petition. a Petition of William Sandover, formerly HEREAS a Petition of William Albertipi Arnati of No 4, Gillingham-street, Vauxhall-road, in the W (sued as William Albertini Aunati), formerly of county of Surrey, Tailor, and late of No. 27, Stockbridge- No. 4, Bouverie-street, Fleet-street, London, Clerk in the terrace, Pimlico, Middlesex, Journeyman Tailor, Green Inland-office, General Post-office, Saint Martin's-le-Grand, Grocer, and Lodging Housekeeper, an insolvent debtor, London, then of No. 68, Guildford-street. Russell-square, having been filed in the Court of Bankruptcy, and the Clerk in te Inland Office, General Post-office aforesaid, and interim order for protection from process having been given part of the time out of employ, then residing for a short to the said William Sandover, under the provisions of the period at Saint James's-terrace, Winchester, Hampshire, out Statutes in that case made and provided, the said William of employ, then of No. 6, Queen-street, Golden-square, then Sandover is hereby required to appear in Court before Ed ward of No. 54, Rupert-street, Haymarket, and late of No. 38, Goulburn, Esq. the Commissioner acting in the matter Great Pultney-street, Golden-square, all in Middlesex, Clerk of the said Petition, on the 24th day of January instant, in the Accountant General's-office, General Post-office, Saint at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely, at the Court of Martin's-le-Grand, London, an insolvent debtor, having been Bankruptcy, Basinghall-street, in the city of London, for filed in the Court of Bankruptcy, and the interim order for his first examination touching his debts, estate, and effects, protection from process having been given to the said Wil- and to be further dealt with according to the provisions liam Albertini Arnati, under the provisions of the Statutes in of the said Statutes ; and the choice of the creditors' that case made and provided, the said William Albertini Ar- assignees is to take place at the time so appointed. All nati is hereby required to appear in Court before Henry John persons indebted to the said William Sandover, Shepherd, Esq. the Commissioner acting in the matter of or that have any of his effects, are not to pay or deliver the said Petition, on the 26th day of January instant, at the same but to Mr. George Green, No. 18, Aldermanbury, twelve of the clock at noon precisely, at the Court of the Official Assignee, nominated in that behalf by the Com- Bankruptcy, in Basinghall-street, in the city of London, missioner acting in the matter of the said Petition. for his first examination touching his debts, estate, r and effects, and to be further dealt with according to the pro- HEREAS a Petition of Arthur Murray, formerly visions of the said Statutes *, and the choice of the creditors' W and for six months of Albion-place, Hyde-square, assignees is to take place at the time so appointed. All Middlesex, next and for six months of Harefield, Middlesex persons indebted to the said William Albertini Arnati, or aforesaid, next and for twelve months of Baden Baden, in that have any of his effects, are not to pay or deliver the Germany, then of Calais, France, then and for nine mouths same but to Mr. G. J. Graham, No. 25, Coleman-street, of Thames Ditton, Surrey, next and for twelve months of London, the Official Assignee, nominated in that behalf by Hampton, Middlesex, and now and for three weeks past the Commissioner acting in the matter of the said Petition. of Wigmore-street, Caveudish-square, Middlesex aforesaid, not in any trade or profession, an insolvent debtor, HEREAS a Petition of William Arnold, at present, having been filed in the Court of Bankruptcy, and the Wand for two years and seven months last past, residing interim order for protection from process having been given at the Waterloo Tavern, Northgate-street, and for oue year to the said Arthur Murray, under the provisions of the Statutes and one month and then next previous at the White Horse in that case made and provided, the said Arthur Murray is Inn, in the High-street, being both in the city of Canterbury hereby required to appear in Court before Edward and county of the same citv. Public Housekeeper, Goulburn,, Esq. the Commissioner acting in the matter of the an insolvent debtor, having been filed in the Court of said Petition, on the 24th day of January instant, at.
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