June 29, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 10 13727 SILVER STAR MEDAL PRESENTED losses and was forced to abandon the com- process that has been long, tiring and frus- TO DONALD F. FULTON plex. The Sad Sam operation and subsequent trating. I applaud the persistence and commit- ground operation caused the enemy to rein- ment of the Nagorno-Karabagh authorities and HON. GEORGE MILLER force security in its sanctuary area at the ex- the government of Armenia and I hope that all OF CALIFORNIA pense of main force units, and its order of bat- of their efforts are slowly, but surely, paying IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tle in South Vietnam was decremented.’’ off. Major Donald Fulton is also the recipient of In the last week, the new U.S. Co-Chairman Thursday, June 29, 2006 the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Meritorious of the OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza an- Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. Service Medal and the Air Medal with eight nounced the framework of an agreement that Speaker, I rise today to invite my colleagues Oak Leaf Clusters. Armenian and Azeri political leaders will soon to join me in recognizing Major Donald F. Ful- f discuss in an effort to settle the conflict once ton, USAF Ret., a resident of Vacaville, Cali- and for all. In a statement that was issued by fornia, who has been awarded the Silver Star RECOGNIZING ALEXANDER LEWIS the U.S. embassy in Yerevan yesterday, the Medal for extraordinary gallantry in action RICE Minsk Group’s American, French and Russian while on a combat mission. The incident took co-chairs said the proposal envisages a self- place on August 14, 1969 when Maj. Fulton HON. SAM GRAVES determination referendum to be held in was serving in the United States Air Force as OF MISSOURI Karabagh after the redeployment of Armenian a Forward Air Controller, FAC, while sup- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES troops from Azerbaijani territories surrounding porting classified combat operations in Laos Thursday, June 29, 2006 Karabagh. during the Vietnam War. Approval was an- I hope that this announcement will clear the nounced by the Department of the Air Force Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause way for a brighter future for the Karabagh peo- for the award of the Silver Star Medal, the na- to celebrate the birth of Alexander Lewis Rice. ple and for the people of Armenia and Azer- tion’s third highest award for valor, to Donald Alex was born on Flag Day, Wednesday, June baijan. It is a sad consequence of the war that F. Fulton. 14, 2006, to his proud parents, Robert and Armenia and Nagorno-Karabagh have been Don Fulton is a native of New York City, Sarah Rice, of Chillicothe, Missouri. Alex en- subjected to a cruel and illegal blockade by NY, and has lived in the Vacaville, CA, area tered the world at 9:33 p.m. at Liberty Hospital Turkey and Azerbaijan, a blockade that con- since 1975. He graduated from Point Lorna in Liberty, Missouri, weighing a healthy 6 lbs. tinues to undermine the prospects for peace. Nazarene University in 1965. 11 oz. and 19 inches long. Armenia and the government of Nagorno- As a captain in the U.S. Air Force, he Alex also has proud grandparents, Lewis Karabagh have persisted in looking for ways served as a FAC while assigned to Pleiku Air and Kathy Rice, of Maryville, Missouri, and to ease regional tensions, but the Azeris have Base, Republic of Vietnam, with the 20th Tac- Kevin and Sandy Coan, of Omaha, Nebraska, too often responded by walking away. It is tical Air Support Squadron, TASS. On August to spoil him. Alex is also the nephew of Sarah also not helpful that Azerbaijan has persist- 14, 1969, Captain Fulton was the pilot of a and Travis Woodward, of Bowie, Maryland, ently talked of a military build-up even as it os- lightly armed observation aircraft (0–2) and Nathaniel Rice, of Maryville, Missouri, Brian tensibly negotiates with the Karabagh and Ar- was participating in aerial flight deep inside and Carie Costanzo of Lincoln, Nebraska, and menia. Last December’s desecration of Arme- Laos in support of Military Assistance Com- Thomas and Elle Coan of Abilene, Texas. nian khatchars in Azerbaij an also poisoned mand—Vietnam, Studies and Observation I find it quite appropriate that Alex was born the atmosphere surrounding the talks. Group, MAC–V SOG, Command and Control on such a patriotic holiday as Flag Day con- I am pleased that the Azeri hostility has not Central (CCC). Operating under call sign sidering that his father was one of my first in- gone unnoticed by our government. Last Covey 538, Captain Fulton coordinated Tac- terns while I served in the Missouri State Sen- Thursday, Deputy Assistant Secretary Bryza tical Air Support for an eight-man Special Op- ate. I see great things in Alex’s future consid- spoke to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. In erations Strategic Reconnaissance Team ering his parents’ and grandparents’ great em- response to a question about whether the con- while it conducted Operation Sad Sam, a raid phasis on family values, public service and pa- flict could resume, he said that it is from the on a major North Vietnamese Army unit head- triotism. Azeri side ‘‘where you most often hear those quarters. Recon Team New York was subse- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in sorts of threats.’’ And in light of the oil reve- quently heavily engaged by a North Viet- celebrating the birth of Alexander Lewis Rice. nues, he went on to say that ‘‘It’s really quite namese Infantry Regiment and was immo- I wish Alex the best life has to offer, and I am unhelpful make statements that imply that this bilized with casualties and surrounded at dusk proud to now serve him in the United States increased wealth is going to lead to purchases in mountainous rain forest. With a low ceiling Congress. of arms and military threats.’’ and heavy rain approaching, and no tactical f In my meeting with them, I told Foreign Min- air support immediately available, Captain Ful- ister Petrosian and Speaker Ghu1ian how ton, firing marking rockets and an M–16 rifle, A TIME OF HOPE FOR NAGORNO- much I admire their commitment to peace and made numerous aerobatic, treetop level at- KARABAGH their leadership. Too many families have lost tacks on the enemy forces. During these loved ones as a result of this conflict. It has passes, he was subjected to heavy fire from HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF been far too long that displaced refugees have small arms, 12.7mm heavy machine guns, OF CALIFORNIA been homeless. rocket propelled grenades and 23mm and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We seem to be at a real turning point in the 37mm antiaircraft weapons, inflicting substan- Thursday, June 29, 2006 history of the Caucus region and I am proud tial battle damage to his aircraft. His actions that the United States is playing a significant forestalled enemy attacks on the besieged Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, this week I had role in the peace process. Recon Team, until tactical air support could the pleasure of meeting with Nagorno- f arrive. Subsequently, Captain Fulton directed Karabagh’s Foreign Minister George Petrosian the air assets in attacking the enemy and in and National Assembly Speaker Ashot INTRODUCTION OF THE GREAT conducting a night extraction of the Recon- Ghulian. I have long supported the right of LAKES WATER PROTECTION ACT naissance Team during a heavy rainstorm, self-determination for the people of Nagorno- while his fuel level dropped to near empty. Karabagh and greatly admire the efforts of the HON. MARK STEVEN KIRK In his recommendation for the award of the people of this historically Armenian region to OF ILLINOIS Silver Star to Major Fulton, Lieutenant Colonel build democracy and a market economy in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Edward Wolcoff, U.S. Army, Ret., stated that face of hostility from Azerbaijan. the ‘‘operation resulted in the discovery of a It is a time of hope for a resolution of the Thursday, June 29, 2006 major enemy headquarters and nearby main Nagorno-Karabagh conflict that has plagued Mr. KIRK. Mr. Speaker, today I am pleased force bivouacs and fortifications, which were the South Caucus for 15 years. to join with Congressman LIPINSKI to introduce subjected to aerial attack and subsequently The Armenian and Azeri leadership have, the Great Lakes Water Protection Act. This bi- ground attack by an exploitation force from for several years, been negotiating to turn a partisan legislation would set a date certain to CCC, whereby the enemy sustained heavy ceasefire into a more durable peace. It is a end sewage dumping in America’s largest VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:22 Mar 27, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00679 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR29JN06.DAT BR29JN06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 13728 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 10 June 29, 2006 supply of fresh water, the Great Lakes. More His tenure in the Big Country is markedly Missouri, over the past 150 years. Kearney is than 27 million Americans depend on the impressive. Team Dyess has won over 40 or- a wonderful community and its future will sure- Great Lakes for their drinking water. We need ganizational and individual awards since 2003. ly be as bright as the past 150 years. It is an to put a stop to the poisoning of our water Earlier this year, Dyess became the first bomb honor and a privilege to represent such a fine supply.
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