2838 OONGRESSIO:N .A_L RECORD-HOUSE. JuNE 21, The reading clerk called the names of the absent Senator , lUr. President, to press for its consideration to-morrow, for vari­ and Mr. GERRY, 1\lr. KING, 1\lr. NELSON, Mr. NICHOLSON, l\1r. ous reasons. There are certain legislative provisions in the ODDm, 1\Ir. SPENCE!~, and l\Ir. 'VILLIS answered to their names Army appropriation bill which, as soon as they become law, when called. will operate to saYe the Government thousands and thousands of Mr. HALE, Mr. PoiNDEXTER, Mr. DIAL, Mr. Snn.IOl'S, l\Ir. WAT­ dollars, which will continue to be spent by the Go-vernment until SON of Indiana, 1\Ir. GLASS, l\Ir. HARRELD, Mr. KEYES, l\Ir. SwAN­ the bill becomes a law. As soon as the Senate reconvenes to­ soN, l\lr. PHIPPS, Mr. PoiXDEXTER, and Mr. JoHNSON entered the morrow I intend to ask unanimous consent to lay aside tempo. Chamber and answered to their names. rarily the unfinished business and present the conference report, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Fifty-nine Senators have and I a----pect to urge the Senate to accept the House amend· answered to their names. There is a quorum present. ment and close the entire incident. ENFORCED ~o ~PRO DUCTION OF COTTON. CAPT. EDMUND G. CHAllffiERLAIN: Mr. SMITH. l\fr. President, I would like to have the Senate l\'Ir. KING. I ask unanimous consent for the present con­ take up and consider a matter which surely can not lead to any sideration of Senate resolution 70, this day reported unani­ debate. It relates to the use of funds appropriated in the last mously from the Naval Affairs Committee. If it leads to any agricultural appropriation act for stamping out the pink boll­ discussion, I will withdraw it. worm. There being no objection, the resolution, which had been The Senator from 'Vyoming [Mr. WARREN], who objected yes­ submitted l\Iay 7, 1921, by l\lr. SHEPPARD, was read, consiuered, terday to the consideration of the joint resolution, after looking and agreed to, as follows : over the letter of the Secretary of Agriculture in relation to the Resolved, That the Committee on Naval Affairs is authorized and matter, bas withdrawn his objection and is perfectly willing to directed to investigate the facts leading to the court-martial as well as have it passed. It is a pressing matter, one urged by the Sec­ the court-martial proceedings and all the findings in the case of former Capt. Edmund G. Chamberlain, United States Marine Corps, and report retary of Agriculture, and I ask unanimous consent for the pres­ to Congress. ent consideration of the joint resolution, so that the Secretary SEASONAL COAL RATES. may avail himself of $200,000 of the amount appropriated. The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the con­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from South sideration of the bill (S. 1806) to further amenu the interstate Carolina asks unanimous consent that the unfinished business commerce act, as amended, to provide for seasonal rates for the be temporarily laid a ide. transportation of coal. l\lr. FRELINGHUYSEN. l\Ir. President, I have no objection, EXECUTIVE SESSION . if it will not take too long. I understand that the Senator from New York [l\Ir. WADSWORTH] is desirous of bringing up the con­ 1\fr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate proceed to the con­ ference report on the military appropriation bill to-morrow and sideration of executive business. wants to make a suggestion regarding it. If this is going to lead The motion was agreed to, and the Senate proceeded to the to extended debate-- consideration of executive business. After seven minute spent Mr. SMITH. It can not; there is nothing to debate. The in ex-ecutive session the doors were reopened. question is whether we shall grant the authority or not. RECESS. l\Ir. FRELINGHUYSEN. I have no objection. Mr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate take a recess -.:ntil to­ l\Ir. MOSES. What is the number of the resolution? morrow at 12 o'clock. Mr. SMITH. It is Senate joint resolution 72, introduced The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 o'clock p. m.) the Sen­ as a result of a request from the Secretary of Agriculture that ate took a recess until to-moiTow, Wednesday, June 22, 1921, at he be allowed to use $200,000 of the $400,000 that was appro­ 12 o'clock meridian. priated for stopping the ravages of the pink bollworm. The letter of the Secretary was printed in the RECORD at the request of the Senator from Wyoming [Mr. WARREN], who has read the CONFIRMATIONS. letter and is satisfied that the Secretary of Agriculture is Executive nominations confir-med by the Senate June 21, 1921. correct. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Mr. MOSES. He asks authority to transfer money appro­ SOLICITOR GENERAL. priated for one purpose to another? Mr. SMITH. No; it merely grants him authority to use the James l\1. Beck. amount named in a method different from that prescribed in UNITED STATES ATTORNEY, DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA. the law; and the Secretary sets forth his reasons in the letter James C. Kinsler. to the Senator from Nebraska. The money is already appro­ I 'TERN AL REVENUE SERVICE. priated. It does not add a penny and establishes no prece<lent. The PRESIDENT p1·o tempore. Is there objection to the COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE, FIRST DISTRICT OF l'\EW YORK. request of the Senator from South Carolina? John T. Rafferty. There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE, DISTRICT OF RHODE ISLAND. Whole, proceeded to consi<ler the joint resolution ( S. J. Res. Frank A. Page. 72) for the relief of States in the cotton belt that have given aid to cotton farmers forced from the fields in established non­ production zones through efforts to eradicate the pink boll- . worm, which was read, as follows: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Resolved, etc., That when any State shall have enacted legislation TUESDAY, June 21, 1fm1. · and taken measures. including the establishment and enforcement of noncotton zones, adequate, in the opinion of the Secretary of Agricul­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and was called to oruer by ture to eradicate the pink bollworm in any area thereof actually in­ fested or threatened by such pest, the said Secretary, under regulations l\1r. WALSH as Speaker pro tempore. to be prescribed by him, is authorized, out of the appropriation Qf The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera l\Iontgomery, D. D., offered $654,840 fo!' "Eradication of pink bollworl? :· made by the Agricultural the following prayer : appropriatio~. act of March 3, ~921, t,o uti11ze not to exceed $20o,ogo, availabie until expended, in reunbursmg such States for expenses m­ 0 merciful God, Thou hast said they that wait upon the Lord curred by them in compensating any farmer for his loss due to the enforced nonproduction of cotton within said zones: Pro1:ided, That shall renew their strength. We approach Thee with all of such reimbursement of any State shall- be based upo_n the fair rental our needs and without self-defense. l\Iay our chief delight be value of said land; that such reimbursement shall not exceed one-third in the law of the Lord ; and then bring to all of our hearts the the amount actually paid by the State to any farmer, and in no event shall exceed $5 per acre; and that no ·reimbursement shall be maue in memories, the hopes, and the joys of Thy loving presence. En­ respect of any farmer who has not complied in good faith with all quar­ able us this day to do our little best, and then whisper the sweet antine and control regulations prescribed by said Secretary of Agricul­ resignation, namely, "Even so, Father, so it seemeth good in ture and such State relative to the pink bollworm. Thy sight." We beseech Thee to direct with great wisdom the The joint resolution was reported to the Senate without executive, the legislative, and the judicial branches of our Gov­ amendment, ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read ernment. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. the third time, and passed. ARMY APPROPRIATIONS--cONFERENCE REPORT. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap­ proved. 1\Ir. WADS WORTH. 1\Ir. President, I desire to make a very brief statement at this time. At the earnest request of the Sen­ LABOR SHORTAGE IN HAW All-CHANGE OF REFERENCE. ator from Nebraska [Mr. NoRRIS], who has delivered a ratlter l\Ir. JOHNSON of Washington. l\Ir. Speaker, I ask unani· long addre s, an<l who desires to be beard upon the conference mous consent that House joint resolution 158, introduced by the report on the Army appropriation bill, I shall not press that Delegate from Hawaii [Mr. KALANL-\NAOLE], providing an report for consideration this afternoon; but it is my duty, emergency remedy for the acute labor shortage in the Territory 1921.- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. -28_39 -of- Hawaii, ma3· -be rereferred from the Committee on the· Tet·­ Accordingly the House resolved itself into the Committee of ritories_ to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. the Whole House, with Mr. FEss in the chair. TJ1e SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Wash­ The Clerk read the title of the bill H. R. 5214. ington a. ks unanimous consent for the rereference of House The bill is as follows : joint resolution 158, which provides for the admission· into the Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is Territory of Hawaii of aliens otherwise inadmissible, as the hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to Secretary of Labor may deem necessary to meet the emergency the provisions and limitations of the pension laws- · The name of Hattie Hjelmberg, widow of William Hjelmberg, late of eXi:ting in the shortage of agricultural labor.
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