AT FAILS DAILY tIBTJyE zA< R GREAT FALLS, MONTANA TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1919. n PRICE, FIVE CENTS Imm. 1 v E CONFERENCE SUSPICIOUS RSi AS m < va GERMANS AND MAGYARS ALLY h ' HUNGARY'S EX-PRESIDENT HELD BY REDS DEBS THREATENS FOCH TO ADVANCE IF GERMANS BALK LS AT SIGNING PEACE h Troops Captured Executive Clemency Is ; London Hears They Will Declare They Are Taking m Withdraws Appeal; Will Neutral Zone on Sole Hope Now to Es­ Their Stand on Wilson's 14 Points, What­ Dissolve, Retaining m? tian Bore er. cape 10-YearTerm. ever Course They Pursue. Big Plants. m Akron, O., March 31—Eugene V, Debs, socialist leader, today threatened f discuss the procedure at Versailles or T;R£N BY JL to call a general strike of his party LonHon, March 31.—The Evening j wherever the allied commissioners meet thruout the country, unless he is grant­ News says it understands that reliable : the German peace commission. GLIFIESlilfl ed a re-hearing in the courts on charges information has been received in Lon­ \ All the possibilities embraced in such Urn upon which he was convicted under the don that, iis case the German dele­ j a meeting will be considered by the al- j espionage act—a step which the U. S. gates refuse to sign the peace treaty, j lied representatives, such as the ques- supreme court today denied him. Marshal Foch has authority to order ; tion of a short or long session; whether Debs was confined to bed, with a a general advance of the allied armies ! an opportunity will be given the Ger- rest, ft-1r 2' ~(By TJk bad attack of lumbago, at the home of along the Rhine- | mans to enter into any discussion in Washington, March 31.—Withdrawal 'ress. - fi» Hi igarian gcv- Mrs. Margaret I'revey here, when The department of the German for­ ! terms; and whether the Germans will be today, by the Corn Products Refining has « üt ' r* legation to Be- notified that the United States supreme eign offioe having charge of the peace j required to sign immediately or will be company of its appeal to the Supreme 4$ 09nclud„ a treaty of alliar court had refused him a re-hearing. He negotiations has reached a decision j permitted to return to Germany for fur- court from decrees holding the company ««ainîiJhe allies. refused to see newspaper men, but thru as to its attitude toward the negotia­ j ther instructions. to be a combination in restraint of trade rfierma'ft-. off hers formerly belo.- >"v:v: Mrs. Prevey issued the following state­ tions, a German wireless message Financial Conference Thursday. and ordering its dissolution in conse­ Fieiu fltoralcwK, Mackensen ment to the press: says. The department has decided The first meeting between the finan- quence. was hailed by the department nave arri od in BuÜftCäi to re "The matter is in the hands of my the German government should act j cial commission of the peace conference of Justice as an important new step in the Hungarian army alonr attorneys, Seymour and Steadman, of only in accordance with President and the German financial agents will clarifying the application of the Sher­ lines. The army It w».s statci Chicago. I do not know what legal action Wilson's 14 points. man anti-trust law. 100,000 men- : take place Thursday at Compeigne to they will follow, as I have received no j arrange the exchange of German seeuri- "It is the view of the attorney general word from them, as yet. ALL EVENTUALITIES TO BE | ties for foodstuffs. that the rule in this case," said a state­ est. arrfi 3i.—(By the '"Unless something further can be TAKEN UP. ! After the first session, it is probable ment issued at the department, "coupled ted i- -0n& hundred done, the program of the party to tie up j that no members of the allied financial with the similar decree entered last Nov­ pers i> v«rs executed h the country in a genera! strike will be Paris, March 31.—(By the Associated j commission will remain in Compeigne, as ember in the Harvester case, should go unist . r<i me in Badap- fulfilled. 1 am prepared to fight to the Press.)—Thi- foreign ministers of the j the business to be transacted will be of four great powers, with one of the Jap­ far toward clearing sind settling the law tins iV liie wlitica! *>ir end." j such a nature that trained bankers can on this important question." anese delegates, will meet, Tuesday, to 1 lati »k. "That means by May I the day (Continued on Page Two). As analyzed by officials connected Ife \ . 0 Karetisjc : Vi -.a'.t. > on which I begin my sentence a with the attorney general's office, the ->'*-•1 of I? da; «t, and v ' general strike will have culminated. action is a complete victory for. the gov­ : nts I s " rn Z iKi;i It must not be forgotten that that ernment, with the additional provision $51? «apt« si iy Gzech«,. ••'<--> day is the labor day of the world. that the government shall have the «*;3»ï^WÉJng th H igarian h On that day, I have been assured right to such further relief as may be a#? mm that, if the supreme court has not necessary, if, at the end of three years, f,CJ ruled by that time, more than 5,000 the measures directed f,o -compel com­ iftiry labor meetings will have been ask­ pliance with the law are fopnd to have fa the ing for my release. been inadequate. cain m&emja<o& "The miners of my own state, Indiana will start tha strike. These Restraint in Practices. men came to me at my home in In the Corn Products case, the gov­ r.uiai V-'-- ' w • raised :« ft • Count Michael Karolyi. Terre Haute before I started on ernment charged that the company with f 'f-rgj . o iflioTt . th l.* uthxbtUius. my last speaking tour and told me ; subsidiary concerns, engaged in. unfair Mu;:y ' •« .-s 'wer. -It.î • red an«i'b"roed. Count Michael Karolyi. former president of Hungary, has been arrested by : competition, fixing prices for its prod­ the reds and is likely to be one of their first victims. His arrest by the soviet I that from the day 1 went to the f > ' »r-",- I i> i%: s.-a- penitentiary there would be no more ucts and gaining other advantag s over * -j r'j, ..v. i<i • surprises European observers in view of the generally accepted report that coal mined in Indiana until ! was ' compvtitors thru the payment >• ' - %s if' «ltd Rumania Vi* bfc.i, 1 by had voluntarily surrendered the government to tLt red "*->r the alii*-' * ; failure to frive material aid to Hungary. ! released. '• rebates on shipments o£ starch, jrlueose, H^ngartum troops. &"»> cf the ,r i "The movement will undoubtedly grapes, sugar and other products. M<ing taken prison-- . On deniaod u£ tr. : Judgment was rendered Jnf the federal French general, thf recense of the prn begin at onoe." Humbert Arraigned as Churchill Paints Europe <joer ; has beer, pron • "d. Tt is said Deb's condition is not district court of New York against the serious and that he will be able to be Sequel to Case Which ; defendants, restraining, themrfrom re- Germans Advise tc Come Home. out within a few days, Aflame From Sea to : suming the practices cited and ordering The diplomatie a r of the Germ n j dissolution of the concern along the gen­ U. S. TAKES UP TAP ONLY HOPE NOW IS PARDON. Sent Bolo to Death. Sea as Plea. government at Had- >e. c has .iuris 1 eral lines ordered by the federal court Germans to leave H f;- rv. Washington, March 31.—Eugene V. ! in the Harvester company case. The eity is outwa îîy quiet sia^e +' » Debs' application for a rehearing of his Paris, March 31.—Senator Charles! London, March 31.—The house of first days, in whic- 'here wr- mu i appeal conviction and sentence to ten Humbert, with the ribbon of the Legion commons, today, passed third reading of RESULT IS COMPROMISE îo'dîmr especially o jewelry shopr. years imprisonment for violating the of Honor iu his buttonhole, was brot be- ; the military bill bv a vote of 2S2 to 64 New York, March; 31.—Dissolution of LAND GRANT; ASKS fore a courtmartial, today, to be tried | after strong criticism of the go"ve*rnment' Tbft vp .r freedom ( sts for thoee v o espionage act was denied, today, by the the Corn Products Refining company, are wilting to live •' the government supreme court. on charges of having had commerce with on the ground of wasteful expenditure the which is required to sell to competitors di'-t aes. i'wu import et newspapers«, t ,e In filing his motion for a rehearing, • î— enemy. Three alleged accomplices| and violation of election pledges to before 1921 all but three cf its taanu- T> i-r • Lloyd and P :ix, Est, prii.t. on y Debs claimed the court's opinion arnount- also sat in the prisoner's box. They abolish conscription. were Pierre I/cnoir. Captain Georges j facturing plants, was ordered by Federal whr.t the censor per- its. Foreign corre- (('octinuMi on Fase Two). Winston Spencer Churchill, secretarv Judge Learned Hand, today. The de- '«(••*! >Ttt' may trar fit by te.egraf if MEXICO FOR FACTS Ladoux and William Desouches. for war, made a vigorous reply to these I cree, following a dismissal by the su­ th.
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