CTBUH Journal Tall buildings: design, construction and operation | 2009 Issue II Nakheel Harbour & Tower - The Vertical City Condenser Typology Seismic Evaluation: Nanjing Greenland Tower 40 years of the CTBUH: Publications World's Tallest 50 Urban Agglomerations SEI/ASCE Structures Congress 2009 Report Fire & Safety Working Group Meeting Report Inside News and Events Features 3E7+FG6K&3=:77>,AI7DN,:7.7DF;53>;FK 04 Message from the Chairman 47 Letters 16 ! Architecture !>A43>67E;9@BD35F;57/AA6E39AFI7D7 David Scott, CTBUH Chairman Feedback and Comments 3BBA;@F763EF:7D5:;F75FE8ADF:7&3=:77> ,AI7D3@6%3EF7DB>3@@7D8ADF:7:3D4AGD '# BD75;@5F;@ " G;>6;@9A@F:7F:7AD;7EA8B3EFH;E;A@3D;7E EG5:3E$7AD4GE;7D D3@=$>AK6/D;9:F3@6 %3D=%;F5:7EA@ $AI (3A>A+A>7D; F:7&3=:77>,AI7D;EF:78;DEF FDG7 D73>;E3F;A@A83H7DF;53>5;FK 'H7D ;@:34;F3@FEI;>>>;H7 IAD=3@6EA5;3>;E73>> & I;F:;@38AAFBD;@FE?3>>7DF:3@3&7I0AD=;FK 05 CTBUH News and Events 48 Tall Buildings in Numbers 4>A5= /;F:F:77H7D 5:3@9;@99>A43> 7@H;DA@?7@F3>5>;?3F738875F;@9@AFA@>K G43; 4GFF:7IAD>63E3I:A>7 ,:7&3=:77> ,AI7DE77=EFAD76G57F:7:G?3@;?B35FA@ :?36*3:;?;3@ 7@@;E'MD;7@ Nakheel Harbour & Tower, Dubai’s new experience centre and observation F:77@H;DA@?7@F4K47;@934735A@A8B3EE;H7 Antony Wood, World's Tallest 50 Urban capital, will be a beacon of inspiration for facilities along with a special sky Authors the region and the world, incorporating function space – creating a vertical 1Mark Mitcheson-Low, *79;A@3>%3@39;@9;D75FAD elements from Islamic culture. Encom- community of over 15,000 people (see Figure 2. Nakheel Harbour & Tower Plan /AA6E39AF %;66>73EF 2 passing more than 270 hectares, this Figure 1). Ahmad Rahimian, (: ( + (D7E;67@F /+(3@FAD +7;@G= -+ mixed-use development will be located 3 The lessons learned from the Nakheel Dennis O'Brien, *79;A@3>;D75FAD &AD?3@;E@7K in the heart of New Dubai, and will +;@;F;3F;H7E EFD;H;@9FA5AG@F7D35F3@6 I;@68AD57E #@5A@FD3EF F:7&3=:77>,AI7D CTBUH Executive Director Agglomerations 0AG@9 %;66>73EF Harbour Tower hold implications for include the world’s tallest building, a ?;@;?;E7;FE53D4A@8AAFBD;@F4K;@F7>>;97@F 673>EI;F:F:7;EEG7EA8I;@64K3>>AI;@9F:7 future buildings of this magnitude. /AA6E39AF harbour, cultural podium and residential 67E;9@EA>GF;A@E3@6D76G5;@9GD43@EBD3I> I;@6FAB3EEF:DAG9:F:7FAI7D D3F:7DF:3@ $7H7> +G;F7 Although the technical difficulties districts. Nakheel Tower in itself will be a E77 ;9GD7 3DAG@6;F ,:;E;E35:;7H764K;@5ADBAD3F;@9 +:7;=:13K76*A36 associated with such a large project are G43; - vertical city, accommodating residents *735:;@9:7;9:FEA8AH7DA@7=;>A?7F7DI3E FIAE>AFEF:DAG9:F:7:7;9:FA8F:7FAI7D 7%3D= %;F5:7EA@ $AIIAA6E439AF 37 many, none are insurmountable. This I:;5:78875F;H7>K5D73F7E8AGDE7B3D3F7FAI7DE in an efficient LEED rated, sustainable ?367BAEE;4>74K;?B>7?7@F;@9367E;9@ provides optimism for the future of tall /+(3@FAD+7;@G= &AD?3@;E@7K0AG@9 building. This is the world’s first true, 5A@57BFF:3F6;H;676F:7,AI7D;@FA8AGD 735:I;F:F:7;DAI@5AD73@6EFDG5FGD3>>K F:+FD77F ('AJ building design and demonstrates the >;@=763F7H7DK>7H7>E4KE=K4D;697E 35: &7I0AD= &0 -+ G43; - very tall mixed use development E7B3D3F7FAI7DE ,KB;53>F3>>4G;>6;@9E3D7 possibilities in building towers that 7D3:;?;3@IEB5E 5A? 76 AM4D;7@@6K 5A? combining offices, a 5 star hotel, luxury GEG3>>KB>3@@763DAG@63E;@9>7 57@FD3>5AD7 A8F:7E7E=K4D;697E35FE3E3BA6;G?8AD735: reach higher than any that have come Mark Mitcheson-Low residential and serviced apartments, an A8F:7FAI7DE75F;A@E34AH7;F ,:77@6D7EG>F;E before. 3@6F3B7DFAI3D6EF:7FABFA?;F;93F7F:7 05 What’s on the Web 52 Exhibit Review %3D=:3E3@7JB3@E;H7BADF8A>;AA8?3<ADBDA<75FE;@3>> >3D978>AADB>3F7E3F:;9:>7H7>E3EF:7FAI7D E75FADEA867E;9@35DAEEF:7IAD>6;@:;EK73DEA8 6A7E@AFF3B7D3E;F97FEF3>>7DE77 ;9GD7E 7JB7D;7@57;@D5:;F75FGD7 (DA<75FE;@5>G67?;J76GE7 67H7>AB?7@FEA85A??7D5;3> D7F3;> :AEB;F3>;FK3@6 Figure 1. Nakheel Harbour & Tower 3 4 D7E;67@F;3>E75FADE3@6?3<ADBDA<75FE;@FD3@EBADF3F;A@ 76G53F;A@ 3@6;@8D3EFDG5FGD767H7>AB?7@FE %3D=:3E 477@36;D75FADE;@573@6<A;@76/AA6E39AF;@ Featuring new content now 'Buckminster Fuller: Starting ";EDA>7:3E;@5>G676F:767H7>AB?7@FA8@7I ?3D=7FE3@6F:7BDA5GD7?7@F3@667E;9@?3@397?7@FA8 36;H7DE7D3@97A8BDA<75FE35DAEEF:79>A47 Ahmad Rahimian /;F:AH7DK73DEA87JB7D;7@57 :?36 3@;@F7D@3F;A@3>>K D75A9@;L767JB7DF;@F3>>4G;>6;@9E ;EBD7E;67@FA8/+( available on the CTBUH with the Universe' 3@FAD+7;@G= 3>736;@9EFDG5FGD3>7@9;@77D;@98;D?43E76 ;@&7I0AD=3@6B3DFA8/+(!DAGB($ "7;EF:7D75;B;7@F A8#++B75;3>5:;7H7?7@FI3D6 + * :3D>7E(3@=AII3D63@6&* ,AB&7IE?3=7DE I3D6A8 ?A@9?3@K@AF34>7BDA<75FE :76;D75F76 F:7EFDG5FGD3>7@9;@77D;@9A8F:7,DG?B/AD>6,AI7D3@6 "73DEF,AI7D &7I0AD=3@6,ADD7%3KAD %7J;5A;FK website Dennis O'Brien 7@@;E'D;7@;EF:77BGFK'8ADF:7#@F7D@3F;A@3> !DAGB3@6*79;A@3>;D75FAD8AD%;66>73EF 7@@;E 7EF34>;E:76F:7A88;57;@G43;8A>>AI;@9&0 3BBA;@F?7@F3EG;>6;@9+7DH;57EA@EG>F3@FE8ADF:7 &3=:77>,3>>,AI7D #@366;F;A@FADA>7EA@F:7A3D6A8F:7 A?B3@K :7;ED7EBA@E;4>78AD3D73EA8)G3>;FKEEGD3@57 52 Book Review 3@6*;E=%3@397?7@F8ADF:7#@F7D@3F;A@3>!DAGB "7;E 3>EA35F;H7;@3EE;EF;@9;@F7D@3F;A@3>A88;57E;@5A@57BF 67E;9@3@667E;9@D7H;7IE8AD?3<ADBDA<75FE Figure 3a. Tower Components Figure 3b. Slots through Nakheel Tower allow wind to pass through 06 40 years of the CTBUH: 'High Rises: Social Living ' 16 | Nakheel Harbour & Tower CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II Nakheel Harbour & Tower | 17 Publications Jan Klerks 53 Diary What's coming up? Condenser Typology: open envelope vertical 26 farming, the extremes of tower urbanism 10 Global News "In a hybrid vertical farm, harvests would Highlights from the CTBUH inevitably cause ‘delirium’, as crops, people, and services would necessitate a 24-hour cycle global news archive CTBUH of events" Rem Koolhaas, (1994). Delirious New York. NY. Monacelli. Matthew Wilson Can humidity-harvesting experiments inform tower urbanism in arid coastal environments? Author The finding of this study includes how the ‘Condenser’ tower typology deviates from other Matthew Wilson methods of vertical farming, climate control, and tower urbanism for the Dubai region. It Vectorfield.org includes an overview of the Condenser’s rationale, precedence, technical workings, Figure 1. Condensation Graph - Relative Humidity , Dubai, 1st Floor United Arab Emirates 364 Garratt Lane organization, incentives, and limitations. London, SW18 4ES, UK t: +44 077 9465 1691 e: [email protected] Foundations homes and workplaces are constructed as Project Overview ‘keno-urban’ tower typology (Dear, 2000). Its uninhabited masonry tower on a hill in rural hermetic boxes of synthetic materials that are uncertainty of events derogates from modern France, called Knapen’s air well (Nelson, 2003). Order, control, and purity are key attributes of This study introduces the Condenser tower 50 Fire & Safety Working Group Matthew Wilson sealed and controlled by oversized ducts and aspirations and moves towards a postmodern Knapen built the large-scale masonry structure the utopian socialist projects of the modern typology and an uncommon vertical Matthew is an independent researcher living and era. From within these modern visions, many advanced mechanical systems. To exacerbate eco-tourism that is specific to Dubai’s arid utopianism. as a labyrinth of internalized cavities. He was working in London. He is currently researching the keen on combining wind flows, diurnal extremes of sustainability focusing on environmental academics have argued that ‘high-technology’ the issue, some academics are promoting the coastal environment. As one of Dubai’s sociology, utopianism, and social ecology. use of hyper-elite and advanced mechanical temperature variations, and the structure’s will conquer nature to save us from impending contemporary modes of urbanism, the Humidity Harvesting Precedence Inaugural meeting report doom. These anthropomorphically centered technologies to germinate plants in closed- ecologic tower could enhance the city’s green thermal mass to trap and condense Case Study desires have led us away from working with loop environments. Their manifestos depict credentials (Yeang 2008). The rationale for this Humidity harvesting can be traced into the atmospheric vapors (see Figure 2). Although natural resources and into unfamiliar worlds towers as space ships that produce food for project is that the tower’s inherent nature is to depths of antiquity. Literature cites a wide, he anticipated his air well to collect 90L (23.7 (McHarg, 1992). The common side effects are the entire city. Paradoxically, their proposals ‘condense’ development. As it does so, it gains geographical gamut of these experiments, Gal) of water per meter of its surface per night, feelings of alienation from the natural imply that humankind should seek subsistence more access to greater amounts of sunlight taking place in various regions of the world the well’s 3.7m (12ft) height and 2.7m (9 ft) environment, and detachment from the city in detached environments to deter an and fresh air than any other building type.
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