INDEX. (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; •names of places in italics.) Abington, 159 Beatty, John, biography of, 194 ; to Academy of Music, list of subscribers his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Fithian, to the building of, 149; building 201; to Erkuries Beatty, 228; to and opening ceremonies,, 149; Reading Beatty, 204, 207, 208, 216, Grand Opera in, 149-155 220, 227, 228, 236, 239, 245: Er- Adams, Henry, The Degradation of kuries Beatty to, 257, 260; Read- the Democratic Dogma, notice of, ing Beatty to, 262; arrested for 95 trading with the enemy, 215, Adams, John, The Political Ideas of, mentioned, 218 by Francis Newton Thorpe, 1 Beatty, Joseph Moorhead, 197 Addenda and Corrections to paintings Beatty, Joseph M. Jr., Letters of the by Gilbert Stuart, not noted in Four Beatty Brothers of the Con- Mason's Life of Stuart, by Mantle tinental Army, by, 193 Fielding, 88 Beatty, Martha, 194 Alvord, Clarence Walworth, The Illi- Beatty, Mary, 194 nois Country, 1673-1818, by, no- Beatty Reading, biography of, 196; tice of, 364 to Erkuries Beatty, 199; to John American Academy of Music, 149 Beatty, 221, 262; Erkuries Beatty Annapolis, description of, in 1784, to, 205, 207, 209, 213, 218, 219, * 237 222, 226, 229, 231, 234, 235, 238, Arch Street Theatre, 141 242, 243, 244, 248, 249, 251, 253, Armenian Version of Mark, The, A 255, 258, 260; John Beatty tot Sonnet, Together with Fairmount 204, 216, 220, 227, 236, 239, 245 Park and other Poems, by Albert J. Beatty, Richard Longstreet, 209 Edmunds, notice of, 363 Beatty, William Pitt, 194, 212 Armstrong, Nancy, 226 Behrens, Siegfried, 151, 152 Auter (?) Nanny, 225 Benson, Major , of N. C, 244 Bernard, Caroline Richings, sings in Bache, Benjamin Franklin, The Gen- opera in Philadelphia, 148, 149 eral Advertiser established by, 262 Bevans, Giles, 227, 230 Bader, Rev. P. C, letter to the Board Biddle, Edward, Memoirs of the Life of War, 314, 316, 317 and Works of Thomas Sully, Artist, Bailey, Francis, 233 by, notice of, 360 Baird, Surgeon Absalom, 207 Bishop, , Composer of Operas, 130 Balch, Miss Elise Willing, leads in Bishop, Anna, 130 movement for permanent opera at Blair, Jenny, 225 the Academy of Music, 154 Blakey, John, letters to Jesse Sharp- Barber, Eleanor, 163 less, 1779, 1782, 192 BEATTY, 193 Bogart, Ernest Ludlow, The In- Beatty Family Portraits owned by dustrial State, 1870-1893, by; Rev. John B. Howell, 196 The Modern Commonwealth, 1893- Beatty, Ann Reading, 194, 196 1918, by; notices of, 364 Beatty, Rev. Charles, 193, 194, 196 Boiling Springs, Mississippi Terri- Beatty, Charles Clinton, biography tory, 62 of, 196; mentioned, 199; to Rev. Book About Autographs, A, by Enoch Green, 202 Simon Gratz, notice of, 361 Beatty, Christiana, 194 Book Notices, 95, 286, 358 Beatty, Christiana Clinton, 192, 196 Bouquet, Col. Henry, Life and Ser- Beatty, Christina, wife of Reading vices of, by Hon. Edward F. Rob- Beatty, 263 bins, notice of, 286 Beatty, Elizabeth, 194 Bowen, Major , appointed agent Beatty, Erkuries, biography of, 197 ; for the Pennsylvania Line, 243; Reading Beatty to,, 199 ; to John mentioned, 249, 250 Beatty, 257, 260; to Reading Bowen, Lieut. Seth, 204 Beatty, 205, 207, 209, 213, 218, Boyd, John P., to his sister, Mrs. 219, 222, 226, 229, 231, 234, 238, Margaret Storer, 1813, 95 242, 243, 248, 249, 251, 252, 255, Bradford, James, Account of Ex- 258, 260 ; appointed agent for the penses of while a student at Pennsylvania Line, 243, 244; de- Princeton College, 1770, 94 cribes Indian Treaty at Fort Bradford, Capt. James, 235 Macintosh 1785, 253: account of Briggs, , Surveyor - General, travels of, 1786-7, 256 Jississippi Territory, 48, 59, 175, Beatty, George, 194, 212, 215 180, 183 VOL. XLIV.-—24 369 370 Index. British prisoners in York, Pa., Con- contributed by Prof. George E. duct of, 324 Hastings, 357 Brix, Maurice, List of Philadelphia Collins, Captain , 276 Silversmiths and Allied Artificers Columbia Bridge Co., 194 from 1682 to 1850, by, notice of, Cooke's Circus, 140 360 Cope, Lydia Trimble, married to Brooks, John, 209, 211 Isaac Sharpless, 1876, 266 Brown, Everett Somerville, The Con- CORYELL, 166 stitutional History of the Louis- Coryell, Emanuel, 166 iana Purchase, 1803-1812, by, Coryell, John, 166 notice of, 362 Coryell's Ferry, 163, 164, 166, 167 Browne, John C, bronze tablet in CoryelVs Tavern, 166 memory of, unveiled, 353 Crispin, Silas, Executor of Estate of Bruce, Robert, The Lincoln Highway Thomas Holme, 159, 160 in Pennsylvania, by, notice of, 362 Crosby, Capt. Jesse, 221 Bruin, Judge, 186, 274, 283 Cross, Benjamin C, 136 Buchanan, James, to Conner Clark, Cross Keys Tavern, 248 1824, 285 Curtis, John, A Century of Grand Bulletin of Friends' Historical So- Opera in Philadelphia, by, 122 ciety of Philadelphia, biograph- Curwen, Samuel Moore, 197 ical sketch of Isaac Sharpless, Cushing, Col. , 283 May, 1920, 264 Bunch of Grapes Tavern, 248 Bunker Hill, Battle of, reference to, Damrosch, Walter, 154 in diary of George Inman, 1782, Darley, H. W., 131 92 Deane, Silas, in York, Pa., 315 Burr, Aaron, Conspiracy of, see Let- Degradation of the Democratic Dog- ters of Thomas Rodney, 271, 291, ma, The, by Henry Adams, notice 292, 294, 297, 299, 300, 301, 302- of, 95 306; writes to Richard Peters, De Lancy, Capt. James, 76 1804, 333 DeLancy, John, 76 Burt, Mrs. Edith L., leads in move- De Lancy, Peter, 76 ment for permanent opera at the Dennison, Lieut. G., 212 Academy of Music, 154 Denny, 97 Burton, William E., 140-142. Denny, Rev. H. L. L., Memoir of Col. Business Directory, probably first in William Denny, by, 97 Denny, Col. William, ancestry and Philadelphia, 357 birth of, 98; portrait of, 100; Calvert Cecil, to Horatio Sharp, residence of, 100; Lieut-Governor 1755, 1757, 346. 348 of Pennsylvania, 101; letters to Calvin, Philip, 163 Thomas Penn, 101, 106-118, 120 ; Campbell, Captain , 230 reception in Philadelphia, 102 ; ad- Century of Grand Opera in Phila- dresses presented to, 103 ; letter to delphia, by John Curtis, 122 Mrs. Abigail Edwin, 104; recalled, Chestnut Street Theatre, 123-148 105 ; marriage and death of, 105 ; Cheyney, Edward P. An Introduc- extracts from will of, 105 ; family tion to the Industrial and Social portraits of, 105 ; sale of country- History of England, by, notice of, seat, 106; letters to the Earl of 359 Holdernesse, 119; General John Cincinnati, Society of, Washington Forbes to, 119 attends meeting of, in Philadel- Derelicts: An Account of Ships phia, 1784, 244; medals of, 245; Lost at Sea in General Commer- mentioned, 248, 251 cial Traffic and a Brief History of Claiborne, Major F. L., 55, 58, 65, Blockade Runners Stranded along 284 the North Carolina Coast, 1861- Claiborne, Major R, 71 1865, by James Sprunt, notice of, Claiborne, Wm. C. C, 57, 59; wife 364 and child of die of yellow fever Descendants of Sarah Holme, daugh- in New Orleans, 68; mentioned, ter of Thomas Holme, 158 186, 282, 301 De Soto, Ferdinand, Thomas Rodney's Clark, Conner, James Buchanan to, Account of, 52 1824, 285 Diaries of Moravian Congregation at Clarke, Daniel, implicated in Burr's York, Pa., items from, 309 conspiracy, 292 Dilettanti, Society of, origin, 99 Clarke, Henry, 165 Dinwiddie, Robert, letters from, 1755, Clarridge, Samuel, 159 1764, 350, 351 Claypoole, , 322 Donnell, Lieut. Nathaniel, 204 Clinton, Christiana, wife of John Dreer Collection of Manuscripts, Beatty of the British Army, 192 Selection of letters from, 346 Clinton, Elizabeth Denniston, death Dunbar, Peggy, 55, 187 of, 209 Dunbar, William, 298 Clum, Joseph, 263 COATE, 165, 166 Early New Jersey Poll List, An, by Coate, Henry, 166 Henry C. Shinn, Mount Holly, N. Coate, John, 165-166 J., 77 Coate, Samuel, 165 Eaton, Robert, 165 Coate, William, 166 Edmunds, Albert J., The Armenian Coates, Ferry, 165, 166 Version of Mark; A Sonnet, To- Cock-Fighter, The, an unpublished gether with Fairmount Park and poem by Francis Hopkinson, 73; other Poems by, notice of, 363 Index. 371 Educational Legislation and Admin- 123, 129 ; Charlotte Cushman, 123, istration in the State of New York, 140; Stuart Robson, 123; first from 1777 to 1850, by Elsie Gar- American Grand Opera, "Leonora," land Hobson, notice of, 96 composed by Philadelphians and Edwin, Mrs. Abigail, letter from Col. produced in 1845, 123, 142; William Denny to, 104 Murray and Keen Company, 1749, Ellis, Col. , 56, 272, 276, 277, 123 ; Plumstead Ware House, the 280 first theatre, 123; drama es- Ellis, A., 62 tablished in Philadelphia by Lewis Ellis, Charles A., 154 Hallam, 1754, 124 ; theatres abol- Ely, Ruben P., compiles manuscript ished by Congress, 126; First Chestnut Street Theatre opened, of Holcombe descendants, 163 1794, 126; Mrs. Oldmixon, 127; English Notes : A Rare and Unknown Laibson and his French Company, Work, Being a Reply to Charles 127; "Don Giovanni" only produc- Dickens's "American Notes," with tion of Grand Opera in the First Critical Comments by Joseph Chestnut Street Theatre, 129; Jackson and George H. Sargent, Theatre burned, 1820,129 ; the sec- notice of, 358 ond Grand Opera, Barber of Seville, Erisson, Capt., 312 given at the Walnut Street Thea- Erwin, Samuel, 212 tre, 1822, 129; Second Chestnut Ettwein, John, visits York, Pa., 316, Street Theatre opened, 1822, 129 ; 317, 318 third venture in Grand Opera, "The Law of Java," 1823, 129; Falsington, residence of Dr. Reading "Home Sweet Home" first sung, Beatty, 263 130; first operatic criticism in Fenno, John, newspaper of, 262 a Philadelphia newspaper, 1825, Ferguson, Susanna Ewing, marries 131 ; bars abolished from theatres, Erkuries Beatty, 1799, 199 1882, 132 ; Maria Garcia sings in Ferguson, Major William, 199 Musical Fund Hall, 1826, 133; Field, Benjamin, 165 Benjamin Cross conductor in Wal- Fielding, Mantle, Addenda and Cor- nut Street Theatre, 136 ; the Mon- rections to Paintings by Gilbert tresor Troupe, 136; singers in Stuart, not noted in Mason's Life early English Opera, 136 ; Mr.
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