INDEX . • A. Sambh!\ji; haItnt Poona (1':'05) . (17 Purandhar; his death (1707). 227 ·24,' Account Books: 103. pass, 151. Acquisition: (1817 -1868), 310. Adll Shahis : Bijapur kings (1490.1686), 224-238. B. .A.dmi.nistrative Reforms: of MadhavravPeshwa Bahiropa.nt: Shabu's minister (1713), 242• (1761· 1772), 253. Bahmanis: Musa1man kings of the Deccan (134 Advances: to landholders, 423. 1490), 215-219. AIzulkha.n : murder (1659) of, 228. Baji Ghorpade : killed by ShivAji (1649), 229, , Agates: 285 note 9. BaJi Mohit8: manager (1647) of Sup&, 226. Agricultural Banks: 512·513. Baji Prabhu: oommandant (1665) of Pnrandh Ahma.dnagar: founding (1490) of. 221 ; fall (1636) 231, I of, 224; plundered (1657) by Shivaji, 228, (1664). Bajirav I .. seoond Peshwa (1720.1740) ; succe<j !:iI ; betrayed (1759) into the hands of the Peshwa, ws father; leads an army into KhAndeeh ; ret 249; Nan& F~avis imprisoned (1797) In,275. to Satara; his anlbitious designs; his vic AU.-ud-din Xhilji: Delhi emperor (1295.1316), over Ius rival Trimbakrav Da.bhade; «lUnds 215 note 2. Dakshina fund; his succeee in North ~dia; Alienated Villages: (1884), 312-313. cess of his brother ChimnAli in the Konk Ambegaon: survey, 455·4.57. death; cha.ra.cter. 2'3·244. Ambuli : p~ 151. Blijirav II.: ninth Peshwa (1796-1817h is i Ammunitlons : Shivaji's supply of, 229., priaoned by NAna in the Iort of JlHlDaP (17 ~itra.v: BaJlrll.v'a half brother (1797), 275, 276, his condition; Sana's intrigues for preventing 282,283. accession to the Peshwaship on the death Anandib8.i: Ra.ghunll.thriv's wife, 255 -256. Madhavr4v (1774.1795); BaJirav asks Sind' Anandveli: Raghunathravat (1764), 252_ help; deserts Sindia in favour of N ana; his brot1 Anderson: Mr. David, English plenipotentiary ChimnaJi is raised to the Peshwaahip by Sind (1782), 267. Dllnister ; NAnn's schemes to restore Bajir4v A.n.dhrabhritya : see SMtkarni. is sent to North India by Baloba Ta.ty&, Sin . .&ngria: Kolaba chief (17l3), 242. minister; Bajirav is brought back and ins Arable Land . 5. Peshwa ; appoints NAua his prime miniSter; Aras . battle (1775) of, 2:>9. principles which guide his conduct; is tired Asadkh8.n . gov"emor of.Junnar (1468-1474), 218- Smdia and NAna ; Nana's honae is pIundf'-d 219. Nana sent tG Ahmadnagar fort; hishaIIbrQ Aahok : ewcts of {B.C. 2so}. 212. Amritriv becomes prime minister: 8india pI Aahta. : battIe (1818) of, 303. ders (1797) Poona i disorders in Poona; Nana Assessment: (1820·21), 367. set free and is induced to become Bajir4v's p . Athanasius Nikitin: Rl18Sian traveller (1468- minister; Nana's death; Bajirav gratifies 1474), 218, - revenge by throwing into confinemellt N Aurangr.eb. Moghal Viceroy (1650); insulted former supporters; Bajirav enhrllly ia the h (1657) by ShivaJi; emperor (1657-1707}; his of 810dia ; his crueltlee and general. disconte wars agrunst Bljapur ; senda (1663) a large army Yashvan~!\v Holkar's brother: Vithojl is draggj &garnet Shivaji; sends a '8eCOnd army (1665); to death and his nephew is imprisoned a.t Asirg;! 1 takes Shivaji into imperial service ; in'ltes (1666) Yashvantrav marches on Poona and defeats ~ ShivaJi to Delhi; levies a poll-tax: (1684). his d,v and 8india ; Bajirav flees to SiDhgad, ~ march through the Deccan; exeoutes (1689) to ruygad, Suvarndurg, R-evdanda, and Basee~ INDEX. 'nter~ into the treaty of Bassein; General WeI. esley ~ march to Poona; Bajirav is restored; tact with the English; enters into a treaty with ondltIOn of the Deccan (1803· ISCS) ; estimate of the English; sends an army to HindustAn which Jajir:l.v's character by Sir James Mackintosh, breaks thll. pow~r of Abmad Abdalli ,• 1ea d s agatn. y .ord Valentia. Mr. Elphinstone, and General an ar:n mto the Karnatak; attituue towards the Vel!esley ; his disloyalty to the Engl41h; raises En~li8h; his intrigues at the Haidarabad court ; bngade of Native Infantry; Bajirav's adviser, ~~y flluds: w~ wlth the Nizam; battle of 'rimbakji Denglia; strengthens his force; influ. gH'; battle of Pauipat; death' character 244·250. " nee of Trimbakji in "8ajirav's court; is ha.,unted y the ghost of Nitrayanrav Peshwa. who was B8laj~ Janarda.n: IIlle Nana Fadnavis.• lurdered by his father; plants several hundred B8.lajlpant Natu: Mr. ElphiD8tonll'8 friend, 299. ,lQusa~d mango trees apparently to get rid of the Baloba Tatya : Sinilia'il officer (1796) 271.273 host; ~ intrigues against the English; adjust. 276, 279, 280. " lent of his c1ai~ on the Gaikwar; Gangadhar Banlferi: 101-102. hastri in Poona; murder of Gangadhar Shastri; Bapu Bha.ngria: Roli reblll (1841), 307 -308. [r. Elphinstone demands the surrender of Trim. BallU Gokhale: Maratha commander (1815.1817) akji Denglia ; Thtjirav's professions of regard to the 296, 298, 299, 303. ' :nglish; organizes a league against the English: ~Barama.ti: lurvey, 444-445. I warned by Mr. Elphinstone who demands the Barcelor : p~undered (1664) by Shivaji, 231. 11',Emder of Trimbakji ; treaty of Pooua ; measures Barley: gram, 41. )l' crushing the PendUris; Sir John Malcolm Barti : gram, 36. leets Bajm1.v at ;\Uhuli; Bap~ Gokhale Baji. Bassein: captured (17SO) by Genllral Goddard. ~V'8 chief adviser; Bajirav's attempts to murder 266; treaty (IS02) of, 282.283.. Ir. Elphinstone; preparations for the rupture J Beam-harrow I field tool, 9. attle of Kirkee (1817); Bajirav's defeat; Poona Be~sa.-; Buddhist inscriptions (A.D.l00-200), 212- 1;'Tendered; B:l.jirav's dight; is pursue(l by 213. aneTa! Smith j fight at Koregaon; SaUra pro- Betel Vines.: 49. lamation; fall of ~11 the Poona forts; battle of Bh8.dalvadi :reservoir at, 27. .shta; Bajirav's flight J sup'enders to Sir John Bh8.dli: grain, 36. [alcolm, 270· 303. Bhagva Jbendal Shivaji's saffron banner, 229. ,ks'hindabaksh : name given to Sinhgad. 240. t Bhagv8.nl8.l Indraji: Pandit, 211 ",ote 2- ll\ji I. : first l'esbwa (1714-1720); early Ufe; Bhanci8.rkar : Professor, 2U note 2.~213. Us rise; rivalry with Chandrasen. Shahu's- com. Bhati. Slle Kolamb. .,-. nander-in-chlef idees to Sasvad; hi, pllrilous Bhau Khare: :BrAhm_ reblll (I839), 307. ondition ; is dignified by Shah~ with tho titlll of Shivaji'l goddess, 228; ms sword, 24() Sena·kurt 0).' anny·agllnt i is imprisop,ed by noie 4. Damaji Tborat; hia release; SUCCIlBB p,gainst Bhinutshankar: pass, 151 ; hoIineM of, 211 and \.ngria ; is appointlld Peshwa j is preilented the note 1. , I)rt of PllrandhaJ; by the Pant Sachiv i goes to Bhimthadi: survey, 392, 393, 396, 418-419. 420, )elhi to assist the Syeds; obtains for SMhu 421,425.426,- 477-481. ·hree impllrial grants chauth. Bardeshmukhi. and Bhojas: Hindu kings of the Konkan (A.D. 1(0), vardi j reoei'\'lls seVll~1 districts :n~r Pooua in 213 and notes 1 al',ld 5. lerBonal jagir i death, 241· 243. Bhonsles: origin of the family, 223. ~14ji II ; ~hird Peshwa (1740~ 1761) i BUCC6epa his Bijapur: war against (1665), 234 j faU of (1686). athet: improves 1;he civil administration I "-~ath 238. .f Shl\bu 1 usurps the sol~ authority; is oPPoslla Black gram: pulse, 44. ''1 T4r6.b41 i ~It,kes Poon. the 4lapital of the MBj Black soils : 4- atha empire J quarr~ with hi._ oous~ Sad4shiv~' Blights: so. 'l\v; tbeir reoo:nc~liatioD J impriaeps ~e Gaikwar Bombay Bank: branch of the. 101. .nd. DabbAde falXlUies In Lohogad ; 'his wars with Bonds: moneylenders'. 125. he Moghallt Bupported by the flollnch J the Mo­ ;Bor: ~ass. 152·153; old trade (n.c.lOO· A.D. 100) =l,lala attack the Madtha can;lp at alijApur, plun. along, 211. ler RAnjanga.oD. al',ld destroy TaJegaon ; :8Qri: survey, 446.:447. Jalliji lead.s an a.rmy into the KM'natak; Damaji BOiEwere: 108·133. • releaaed on oondition of paying .. tribute to thll Bot meal Gardens: at Ganes'h Xhhld, 77·80. )t"o'w~; e:xped~tions hl GU~I\l'.t i co~es in con· :Bra anvadi: survE'Y, 448·450. \ L~DEX. Chimniji lsUdhavra.v: eighth l'el\hwa (17 llraas Work: workmen, tools, procea&• .rtJ.cles, ehangel m trade, 174·185. 272·27'" IIII Cholera: 34.5, 4i7, 481. 501, 502, Bridges. 154·156 ~,476, Brigade' of native infantry. (ISI3), 291- \1 510. \ Clay figures. malting of, 202· 2M. British: land h18Wry nnder the, 341·513. Clerke: :Mr. W., 14 nots 1, 20, 2.'), 26, Zl. British l'IIanagement (1817 . 18M) : 304·305. ! \ Close: Colonel, British Resident at POODa (1 Brokers: HiS. Brown Hemp: tlllage of, (5- ! 2S2, 285, 289. Coats: Dr. (1819), 110,127 note 1. Buddhism; iulluence of (11 c. 90), 212. Cochineal: insect, 64. Bulb Vegetables: 55 ·57. Bungalows: travellers', 1.38. Cockburn: C-olonel, English commandt' BUrl': Colonel (1517), 300·301. 263.26"- BUSBY, French general (1751), 246. Coffee: eXperImental cultivation of, 63·64.. Byfield: Mr. Thomas, vwted (1756) Poona. 2"7. Coins: Sbatkarru (A.D. 100), 213. Combs' making of, 201-202- Complaints against moneylenders, 127 ·128. Condiments: tillage of, 00·S5. ~ Camp: description of a Marith.. 2s.t note 1. Condition: of husbandmen, 2; of the dis Campbell' :Mr. John M., 1.£9 Dote 1. (I~"'9) 217, (1468.14H) 218·21§, (1490-1 Canals' 15·24. 2'21, (1636)""2'24 - 2'25, (1673) 236 - 237, :I680) Capitalists 97·100. (1;40) 245. (1750) 250, (ISOI) 281. ( 303-1 Carnac: Mr., English commander (1778), 263· 2f4, :\ 2S4 - 289, (1815) 29'2 - 293, (1S19 - 1826, 306 aj 266. note 4, (1821) 353·354, (l825) 375·376. Carrot: growing of, 56- \ I'!,I Coronation' Shivliji's (I6H), 236.
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