NEW West End Elementary School - Naming Recommendations Received as of 1/5/18 SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION TO ALEXANDRIA - LIVING / DECEASED// ENTITIES VIRGINIA HISTORICAL FIGURES - LIVING / DECEASED NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL FIGURES- LIVING/DECEASED PLACES/ENTITIES/ HISTORICAL FIGURES RELATED TO SCHOOL LOCATION NAMING RECOMMENDATIONSNOT NOT SELECTED FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION (AT MEETINGS #2 & #3) * NEW NAMING RECOMMENDATIONS RECEIVED SINCE 12/6/17 COMMITTEE MEETING GRID = PAPER SUBMISSION Recommended name Current ACPS Community Business If "Other," for the West End Reason for Choosing Name Group Affiliation ACPS Staff Parent Other Alumni Member Owner Describe Elementary School Student SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION TO ALEXANDRIA - LIVING 1 Arlene Moore Ms. Moore has been instrumental in Alumni Community the education of many people and their children. Through her many roles in ACPS, she has always stood out as helpful and effective. I still visit her. 2 Elizabeth Guzman She is someone who represents the Submitting this as a Student Hispanic community very well. She member of Ms. is the first Latina to run in the Kropps Virginia Assembly. She is a court Government class appointed service advocate for at T.C. Williams CASA CIS to prevent child abuse, she High School. is also very active in her community. (Student #1) Currently she works as the Division Chief for administrative services in Alexandria. Page 1 of 133 NEW West End Elementary School - Naming Recommendations Received as of 1/5/18 Recommended name Current ACPS Community Business If "Other," for the West End Reason for Choosing Name Group Affiliation ACPS Staff Parent Other Alumni Member Owner Describe Elementary School Student 3 Elizabeth Guzman She is someone whoSIGNIFICANT represents the CONTRIBUTIONSubmitting this as a TO ALEXANDRIAStudent - LIVING Hispanic community very well. She member of Ms. is the first Latina to run in the Kropps Virginia Assembly. She is a court Government class appointed service advocate for at T.C. Williams CASA CIS to prevent child abuse, she High School. is also very active in her community. (Student #2) Currently she works as the Division Chief for administrative services in Alexandria. 4 Francis Elementary Because my name is Francisco and Kinder- Francis is short for Francisco, that's garten why. Student 5 H.J. Weasley Elementary Howard Weasley is a great Student community leader and a great and funny pastor at church. 6 John Porter Mr. Porter was a beloved principal N/A Student of TC Williams for over 20 years and served as a valuable faculty member as well. He knew the name of everyone that he talked to and could remember faces better than anyone I have ever known. He is a family friend of mine and I would love to see him be honored in a special way. Page 2 of 133 NEW West End Elementary School - Naming Recommendations Received as of 1/5/18 Recommended name Current ACPS Community Business If "Other," for the West End Reason for Choosing Name Group Affiliation ACPS Staff Parent Other Alumni Member Owner Describe Elementary School Student 7 John Porter Elementary JOHN Porter has beenSIGNIFICANT an integral CONTRIBUTION AlumniTO ALEXANDRIA - LIVING School part of the Alexandria City Public School system, as well as an outstanding member of our community, for decades. Even though I have lived in another state since college, I come home to Alexandria several times a year and always hear about John Porter and his contributions. Personally, I have known him as a soccer coach, a principal, a community leader, a mentor, and a friend. 8 John L. Porter I grew up in Alexandria and Alumni Community Parent attended only ACPS schools. John Porter was the principal of T.C. Williams when I was there. He was such a calm, effective, compassionate and smart principal. He took time to say hello to each and every student and wrote personal notes on honor roll letters. We all respected him, knew his rules and thrived at TC with him in charge for twenty-two years. I have been very pleased to see his career of caring continue at ACT for Alexandria. This new elementary school would have a great start with Mr. Porter's name on its front. Page 3 of 133 NEW West End Elementary School - Naming Recommendations Received as of 1/5/18 Recommended name Current ACPS Community Business If "Other," for the West End Reason for Choosing Name Group Affiliation ACPS Staff Parent Other Alumni Member Owner Describe Elementary School Student 9 John Porter John has been an amazingSIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION TO ALEXANDRIA - LIVING Parent contributor to Alexandria schools and Alexandria City for a very long time. He is an upstanding citizen and his name is not controversial. 10 John Porter Mr. Porter is a long time educator Community Parent and leader in our community. 11 John Porter Academy John Porter represents the best in Staff leadership in our school division...As a teacher, then principal, John always held high standards for himself, his staff and his students. He was, however, not without mercy and compassion. It was a pleasure and an honor to be on Mr. Porter's staff. John was constantly in motion, walking the halls of T.C. Williams, greeting students and staff alike. He was aware of the climate of his building and offered praise, support and even constructive criticism when required. His interest and commitment to students and staff was clearly evident. This new schoolhouse, named for John Porter would is some little way remind him of our thanks for his personal and educational leadership. Page 4 of 133 NEW West End Elementary School - Naming Recommendations Received as of 1/5/18 Recommended name Current ACPS Community Business If "Other," for the West End Reason for Choosing Name Group Affiliation ACPS Staff Parent Other Alumni Member Owner Describe Elementary School Student 12 John Porter Elementary Mr. Porter was a forceSIGNIFICANT in ACPS CONTRIBUTION TO ALEXANDRIAStaff - LIVING education for decades. Every high school student in the city for more than 25 years experienced his leadership at TC. He has continued his dedication to the city in ACT for Alexandria. I can think of no Alexandrian who is as deserving of this honor. 13 John Porter Elementary John Porter is a former ACPS Parent employee (teacher, principal, central office employee) with the greatest reputation of anyone I have met in Alexandria. 14 John Porter Elementary John Porter served the ACPS Parent community for decades, and continued to support the community after his retirement, through his work with ACT. While he is a Living Legend of Alexandria, naming the school for him would be a long-lasting and worthy acknowledgement of his work. 15 John Porter Elementary Alumni Community Parent Page 5 of 133 NEW West End Elementary School - Naming Recommendations Received as of 1/5/18 Recommended name Current ACPS Community Business If "Other," for the West End Reason for Choosing Name Group Affiliation ACPS Staff Parent Other Alumni Member Owner Describe Elementary School Student 16 John Porter Elementary John Porter is an alumniSIGNIFICANT of the CONTRIBUTION(contd.) Even after TO ALEXANDRIA - LIVING Other Resident School Alexandria Public School System retiring from ACPS, having attended Maury Elementary he has continued School, was a Social Studies teacher to serve the school at Parker-Gray Elementary, an and community Assistant Principal at Francis C. through his work Hammond Middle School, and a with ACT of beloved Principal of William Ramsay Alexandria and has Elementary School and John Adams been honored as a Elementary, and then an Associate Living Legend of Principal and Principal of TC Alexandria. John Williams High School for 22 years. Porter has He has had an immense impact on dedicated his life to hundreds of students, parents, and the Alexandria teachers who have had the School System and opportunity of crossing his path. He by naming the new made every student feel special by West End School addressing them by their name after him would be when he would see them in the hall recognizing a truly or writing them a note of remarkable encouragement with regards to educator and their grades. He wished every human being. student success in school and in the pursuit of their life long goals. (contd.) 17 John Porter Elementary John Porter helped mold a Alumni Community Business Parent School generation (or more) of ACPS Owner students. He then continued to contribute to the community with his work with ACT. Page 6 of 133 NEW West End Elementary School - Naming Recommendations Received as of 1/5/18 Recommended name Current ACPS Community Business If "Other," for the West End Reason for Choosing Name Group Affiliation ACPS Staff Parent Other Alumni Member Owner Describe Elementary School Student 18 Kris Clark Elementary Kris Clark worked diligentlySIGNIFICANT for ACPS CONTRIBUTION AlumniTO ALEXANDRIA - LIVINGCommunity Parent Other School as an educator. I met her when she was a KG teacher at the then Cora Kelly Magnet School. Since that time she has served as a Lead Teacher and Principal at the Elementary and Middle School levels. She met challenges head on and worked to reach out and turn difficult situations into positive outcomes. She represents a bridge to all cultures, with respect, presenting an example of American Principles at it's best. Her positive attitude is reflected in the success of all the students fortunate enough to have had her work for them at all levels. I have never known a person more respected by Students, Staff and Parents in the City of Alexandria Public Schools. 19 Lynnwood Campbell Jr He is has been nominated as a living Member of Ms. Student legend in 2011 and is recognized for Kropp’s many accomplishments he has government class done.
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