THE tVEATHER continued-warm .today VTtl. No- 661 HILLSIDE, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS CHange Lights HILLSIDE LIBRARY p0P’j Mention See Nursery Notes From The Sites Survey .OPEN DURING AUGUST Tax Methods On No.BroadSt. Mrs:1 Adelaide a. m » ckr-sooEet%ry.=s5 Getting Best _ -._P& Augdst 5, 1935,. J.- B. Tavlcb ^ f or th&, Elizabeth Nursery, offered the Hillside. Library Association,' ’ an­ Held Unfair If the tract to Herbert R. Otto, of tEeBtoard of' Education, for $8,000 an nounced yesterday th a t the library will acre for the to d fronting bn Cbndnt)street~-asd--Jjiberty avenue, Uhdj be open the usual 'hours during the stories, sound like e Ordered Moved by Commit­ aseraUy suob $3,000 an acre for .the interior. / / month of August. A humber of new from any Other place but Of Site Deal tee t^Improve Lighting books have been added recently, and On. Jilly 25, 1935,. Howard f l '. Bttoy,. for the Hillside Realty de.,-1 By Herrigel tot tills is supposed to be te e : On Hhp East Side wlll.be made, public shortly, she said, UU | . A lalaMhrvnsaH a nfl.inteT Offered three separate tracts :• id.acMsJn liberty Park at $2,400' an aorte, 4 acres just, off Hillside avenui^oove iffberty for a total ^ $3^000, .Some School Board Metnhers Changes In two lights on North Cites Two Developed Par- 5 house A few ft® 9^®?. Believe Township Is Be-, 5'entirely too small. Broad street to overcome as much — ccterOire Assffssefl-As ------------- t o to ask wHen the-painter was possible dark areas between Ridgeway Name Field For ingToo Generoug On- August IO1TO8B, A. -& J% Szekely offered, the pleoe baok of the Acreage, One Lots :-(n -j^grt.—He wto inform ed toe —iatemeetleR—ef-H illeide and' Chestn u t Avenues, a'Bout S14- acres, for _ avenue rind the Elizabeth line g alT m dy 85K1 09HJWWE"~li 58,250" a^aESe. - decidad an Wednesday mgm oy The A. G. Woodfield toiiestlgaaon revealed a fcoosi BRISTOL-MYERS On August 18, 1930,'Chapman'ds Mcr.^;omery offered-land between TowrishlP Committee. ;'' ■ __ _ WOULD ENCOURAGE p 0n the same, street had been TRACT AVAILABLE? to e storm sewer flume and Hollywood avenue, no price being mentioned, , Tu'ailc Safety' Chairm an Robert' 6 . NEW INDUSTRIES I p-tbe-oogt oit paint,.— . Also.'-on September 21, 1936. they offered land bordering Hollywood Thompson recommended itto.ving the Tribute to Arthur G. Woodfield, See Editorial Page 5' •avenue a t $4,000 an acre, a aeetior. Which they believed had beep reoom- ~llght~~npw k t . Hollywood avenue And •supervising principal—of—schools—and. -eMl—fou-equa^4aaMon—of—ba-x&tton—^ fer then there -Is' the story of^ffie , pwnded by the Oountoi®spe:h-.;er.dent of Schools. North Broad- street to' a point opposite district! sof.o5 ?ierk, and h e a d -;lft® | i stan3'“ fiT tavbr ‘of oflfering S - ' ftbnm-wtfeJeaaed-tS-Bggftt ftto -— ZEutfie..S^rvicevafferadLproperty back of North Broad street opposite Hollywood, and placing' one some, dis­ local school system since .. igilside iincn.Ls to industries to come to There h to t e a :to.“8MJOh .&»eoultttoii tance south of that lower on' the pole, „ mi the Elks' fa it ride Wfccmes- a v e r w hat caused the 5-2 unlit of t.hrc Rllgewsy avenue, no pri.ee 'being, mentioned. separated from Hnio-n, was yoied by' JHillBide r .iptirkgd th e first campaign !3»-^T^--bow---6fBsfA.-m^uaf the ------ HrJatm--M;yers-lHS-ian'a-beijween-SilsiSe^ehMe-ahd;:;St6tbU ^hw ay=' 4 h9^ B b a a :sfc-Ea«ig^ Monday.-nlglit, speech of,Jtecorder Emil A: . Hhirigei ;:. : KDTemhtisiafitie-M^fts^ailiaA Board o: .ra c a a o n on a portion of.-the Elizabeth Nursery property for a high -about 7- acres, .fqr- Aghieh some time ago they asked $80,000; b u t. good the light does. TTre somiriittei Acting immediately ■ on -a suggestion ast iii^ t as an aspirantrf0T tHc tie- 1 . «t inn reminding- him. during directed a. letter to Public, service ttieo- ntohool- site,- th at -T h e . Times- fellMh# which It Is believed can be had today for about the same price per aore offgred|by'Hugo B. Gensel, presideul, puhiican 'iiomination for^hi?~Towriship 7 .' =We=and Gas Company asking-for to e »ffiiSfW 'ftIs‘'BUeftt— 11 ft® widespread Interest entitles She jfubhel as the nursery property. tl?e boara unanimously named Uie new Committee." He spoke at a gathering changes. Thompson 'told''more Tights of about seventy-five men at th e home •* edei ary reminding. .. to m ore' information on the bffbjeot. The' hlgto stftooi bfilltong itself will p^bably. not occupy more than high school football field on Oonant| needed on the strq»t-§it the limita­ .of -Rudolph ,A. !|Colpin, 1142 Woodruff Two members of th e nlAe-man board two aores; street '^Woodfield Stadim *'; The plan Mte_a number of drivers on Route tions of ihe budget .appropriation pre- has been considered by board ’members UvenUe. - • were absent a t th e time the vote was S®rerTffssda?-&KBUfc the-muoft- ,pnt further lhstallatlons, al-wee^s . __ Herrigel stated th a t he knew of one taken on the resolution regarding toe I • The eoirimittee agreed tc -/take over] traot being"QFveioped~tor residences jrertlsed value of apples, when they site.. 1 ■ The field, property ® fjfte bop ^T o f jtd bays throwing them a.t ears from Dismi 88 Charge 2 Local Youths property In- bajk of Calvin Ooolldge [about alght or nlrie years, has bpen th e southern-- part of the township vfith The chief objection, of the minority, fe a s t of Bloy street. For variety. from; to e 'Board' of Education for use prepared during toe spring and sum- most of the property not built on stilL which waj best ■ explained to th is news­ -Boys roUed ann'.ea to see them as a asspulolpal playground and base­ ior use hi the fail for sohboi grid- assessed., as acreage,, or farmland;'while paper last night by Herbert R, pttoij Ished under the. wheels. • They had Against Fisher Held In Assault ball field. Tr.e. board Monday . night games. It will be .used for the another tract on the. north' side is asV appears to #6 th a t the resolution, de­ before police arrived In answer to' [voted to authorize to§ rectal to tile six games tije team will play.at home. sessed on^a ^ot basis. fines a speoifle p iece. of, the - nugsery Maplain.made sy-or-e motorist. - Township Committee. The present high school fieid-. formerly property, whereas - fee- original under-l Suggests Equality Herrigel Holds Hunterdon Charged with Attack on Man Release Nursery Lien :d for Inter-scholastic games as well standing was that the entire 20-acre Prosecutor Had Cause i from Bloontfield They Met Formal approval for turning over the| practice, will be used only ior prac­ tract would be offered to the Board of I* : Such • a .situation as exemplffied by tax Hen on property of the ESldabeth tice games and • scrimmaging for toe Education from which to select the por­ • for Speeding H ere' In a Newark Tavern this comparison, herrigel declared, in Ngrsery Company on Liberty avenue| h this year. The neiy flelfl will have )rder Nursery tion lb felt -was-best suited for4 its; piffi* his dplriiQp. is j tihfair.- Either, both : Ruling to a t O. Lloyd Fisher, prose­ Two Hillside ybutfis” were held for [tn™the school—beard-1 was-authorized. !ating-eapaeity -ef ;betweaii 4,00tt and -should-be assessed on- a -lot basis -or- . -■ pose. .. “ ® ■ . The board is negotiating to gain clear Apparent Pressure cutor o f Hunterdon Oounty, had'"Justi­ Grand Ju ry action Mtondayr by-Police 1.8,000, aonnrrilng 'to present, plans. both-^hould be kbpt under-the- farm- title t.n 10.8 acres of the tract for .use The- .board also - approved of plans Title Searched W hen J t ^ i s p a n te d ' fiable' 5ause““for- speeding on Rcuie 29 trudge-Jtees T. -K-lr-k -of H izabethJor land , .jclassfficatiofi7~ he said ." “The I as a n ew high sfchool • site. - i [for a pormble field house a t the new TowfiShlp ■ Committee is not to blame that the board-might eventually have, July 3, Recorder Emil. A. Hk'rige ■atrocious.' assault and.' battery, folk A -petition w as; received, Signed by| |fieid, ^Sniluding storage room out, -Of for this,!’ Herrigel added as clarilca- made the same selection in any event, dismissed a speeding charge against tag1 their attack late Saturday night search was ordered by the 33 persons requesting a cracked stand season' for the bleachers, besides giving Ition. • - fte agreed It w as quite possible,' but ■Fisher yesterday morhlhg- in police a Bloomfield mar, who drove them froffl zri.il Stock tior. Monday .night on Hiawatha avenue. This was re-J |&ocommbdations for toe teams . a t Stating that by these remarks he did th a t the'm anner -in which, the, .resolu­ inrt, : V!h^:.’ . ! ' ; ; jqewark Into H2izaheth._.. opei^ol the Bllzabefa Nursery Oom- Iferred to ths road department lor con-| riot lean toward any policy of driving tion was presented, makihg It, appeal Fisher stated that he was engaged Tne: bpys "are Vincent Smith, -18, of] " i or. Liberty avenue as the newest sideration as part of the road pro] [long by 12 feet wide.
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