GOOD EATERS, GOOD WIVES, Do Women Who Dine Heartily and En. joy Food Make Best Helpmeets? Gossip of the Sport World “Marry a woman who is fond of her meals. If you wish to be a happy husband, see that she shows dis- By “SCORE KEEPER” crimination and anxious care in the choice of food and drink for herself; “Never Marry a woman who will The editor of the American Magazine have high tea avhen you are not at not possess a monopoly of Filipino pops makes the following comments on hon- home to dinner. The same remark ularity. Tennis, football and even golf esty and baseball: find favor in the eyes of the far east, appliés to the woman who looks on a dinner. properly selected and carefully “Baseball is one of the most! highly | and another game played widely and and delicately organized activities in; much admired there is volley ball. set up with the fitting accompaniment the world, and yet it is clean as moun- | There are more than 4,000 Volley ball of glittering glass and spotless cutlery tain air. It is an immense money equipments in the Philippines, and as merely a pandering tg the brutal maker, but honest as daylight. It is instincts of man.” they are pretty widely scattered. It is nervous and strenuous and calls into | a lively game and one in which the Thus advises an expert who has play every resource of brain and body, natural quickness of the reformed head studied the question, says the London but every whit manly and aboveboard. hunters is a useful asset. Mirror. It is the sport of outdoors and free air, “If mothers would only teach their of open spaces, of hard, clever give The Man Jerome Travers Deféated. daughters,” he added, “to enjoy their and take, of wholesome temper and The contest for the national amateut food and make it a joy for the hus- self control. Its honesty and whole- golf championship title at Garden City, band, there would be fewer disastrous someness, I think. are the ground of N. ¥., won by Jerome D. Travers of marriages, its universal appeal—the reason, I Upper Montclair, N. J., brought out a “The majority of women toy with mean, why all sorts and conditions of new stellar figure in the world of golf. their food and do not understand the men will stop a moment and watch enjoyment that a large meal well pre- while street arabs play on a corner lot. pared and properly set out gives to a It is a pause by the wayside shrine. & healthy man. How often does a wife little unconscious tribute to our one profess to quiet disgust for her hus- great organized expression of honesty band, who insists on having good and clean handedness, meals. “Baseball has given our public a “I know a man whose wife will only fine lesson in commercial morals., It occasionally eat a good meal with. him. is a paying business, and it pays be As a consequence, he very rarely dines cause it must be above suspicion. No- at home. body ever dreams of crookedness or “Quarrels are often the result, but shadiness In baseball. The force of the wife does not for a moment be- this example cannot be altogether lieve the cause of these is her inability lost. Some day all business will be to eat well in sympathy with her bhus- reorganized and conducted by baseball band. standards, and then the big business “Country girls generally make bet- game will get the popular confidence ter wives than town girls, simply be- and support.” cause they are good eaters. “The average man feels miserable German-American Olympic Trainer. at a good dinner with nobody to eat A. E. Kraenzlein, who up to a short with him.” time ago was trainer at the University of Michigan, has been selected as HUGE PRAIRIE DOG TOWN. trainer for the German team in the Olympic games to be held in Berlin One Settlement In Colorado Has a Bil- in. 1916. Kraenzlein, when a student lion Inhabitants. at the University of Pennsylvania, A prairie dog settlement in Colorado gained an international reputation as is estimated to contain 500,000,000 in- a runner and hurdler. He was born Fulton. There are places in the main habitants, says Our Dumb Animals. in Germany, but came to this country Hall of Fame for forty more busts. Were the snakes, owls, rabbits, lizards when nine years old. He won four The further plan of having a and horned toads which live with the contests duringsthe Olympic games in Museum in which shall be collected dogs to be counted in the population Paris in 1900. : mementos of the famous folk com- would reach the billion mark. memorated in the hall is now nearing The figures are not strictly accurate, Boston Full of Coaches. execution. The museum, which was for the government has never counted The vicinity of Boston is a popular finished in 1900, is beneath the pave- these dogs in the census. But any one resting place for college coaches. ment of the colonnade which runs who has seen such a city knows there Among those in that section are downward for a distance of fifteen are more than 100 dogs to the acre, Johnny Mack of Yale, Keene Fitz- feet, allowing for a huge room, 240 patrick of Princeton, Jack Moakley of and this city is 140 miles long by 50 feet by 40 feet and 20 feet in height. wide, containing 4,480,000 acres. Cornell, Pooch Donovan of Harvard {Photos by American Press Association. This space has now been divided into They dig deep burrows, with so many and Steve Farrell. nine rooms, one for a hall of archives jeo—Ex-Chancellor Henry M. MacCracken of New York university. 2 and 3.—Hall chambers that the railroad which is be- to contain documents relating to the of Fame from different angles. 4—Author’s corner, showing tablets to ing put through their city will have to Filipinos Learn Our Games. Hall of Fame itself, one to be devoted eae James Greenleaf Whittier and James Russell Lowell. a destroy a large number of dogs and Filipinos are taking to American to the memory of famous American their homes in order to avoid accidents sports so rapidly that chicken fights Within there are spaces for the busts women and.the other seven to follow enna from caving in of-tracks. are fast losing favor in the islands. addition For Women and One For the seven classes of famous men as and pedestals of the twenty-five fa- The city was founded centuries ago. Baseball and other outdoor games they are arranged in the sections of Foreign Born American Men mous Americans of foreign birth who It has been known to be about its pres- borrowed from the United States now ee the colonnade above—statesmen, ju- are to be awarded places by the board ent size for fifty years. Families grow engross the attention of the more in- Photo by American Press Association. een Will Enhance Grandeur of Me- rists, soldiers, scientists, teachers, au- of one hundred electors during the rapidly, and the young ones stay at telligent natives of the Philippines. John G. Anderson, Who. Put Up Game thors atthe septimi or seventh class, “morial to Nation’s Most Select coming century. The lighting is to home until] there is not room enough} They are showing big results in the Fight For Amateur Golf Laurels. miscellaneous. come entirely from a skylight, and the improved physiques and increasing He is John G. Anderson of Massachu- “Who’s Who.” These ‘museum rooms are to contain for all and some are pushed out to dig ae excellent wall space furnished by this homes for themselves. vigor of the little brown brothers. setts, who won his way through to the graphic writings, published works, por- arrangement is to be decorated by mu- Baseball, of course, is the fancied finals, where he was defeated by the traits, sketches and all personal me- ral paintings in keeping with the clas- sport in the islands, and it is bound to three time champion. mentos concerning the immortals Wealth of the World. N stately splendor, as though tak- sic spirit of the design, Sut following be in any place that is under the influ- Anderson's playing demonstrated whose busts and tablets are in the The world’s wealth as expressed in en bodily from some ancient out the suggestion made by the So- ence of the United States army and colonnade above. The collection of par value of stock exchange securities that he is one of the greatest players ruins in its original beauty and ciety of Mural Painters that all mural navy as well as that of college men the game_has ever produced. He is these mementos has already been be- is $115,800,000,000. transferred to its present site, work carry out the allegorical repre- who fare forth as civil service em- a college professor and has won the gun, and the museum, which will be of stands an impressive structure on Uni- sentation of America’s progress, the ployees, teachers and uplift workers, Massachusetts state championship title great educational value as well as The sublime Napoleon in his wars versity heights, New York city, half ideals of the nation and its place in the but the American national game does twice. mere interest, will be formally opened lost 2,250,000 young French soldiers. encircling the great library building of history of civilization.
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