HE CITY RECO Iv INDEX FOR DECEMBER, 1919. ACCOUNTS, COMMISSIONER OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- APPROVED PAPERS- Changes in the Department, 6436. Resolution granting the use of the Aldermanic Cham- Designating Freedom Square, Brooklyn, 6850. Designating Graham Square, The Bronx, 6852. ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- ber to the Women's Civic Committee of Justice, 6257. Resolution designating the "Bronx Democrat" (Demo- Designating. McKenna Square, Long Island City, American. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to cratic) in the County of The Bronx, 6257. Queens, 6850. Annimals, permit to erect watering trough at various Resolution designating the "Bronx Record and Times" Designating Mulry Square, Manhattan, 6851. locations, 6505. (Republican) for publication of the Session Laws, Establishing grades of positions in City departments, Authorization to purchase various articles without etc., of 1920, Bronx County, 6257. 6851, 6852. public letting- Resolution designating the "Riverside Review" (Re- Fixin salary of Court Interpreters, Richmond County, Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 6252, 6255. publican) for publication of the Session Laws, etc., 6560g Correction, Commissioner of, 6501. of 1920, New York County, 6257. Fixing compensation of Daniel V. Sullivan, Official Fire Department, 6495. Resolution designating "Manhattan and Bronx Advo- Examiner of Titles, 6852. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 6251. cate" (Democratic) for publication of the Session Fixing compensation of Harry B. Chambers, Official Police Commissioner, 6253. Laws, etc., of 1920, in the County of New York, Examiner of Titles, 6851. Purchase, Board of, 6246. 6257. Haefener, William E., appointment of, as City Sur- Queens, President, Borough of, 6504. Resolution in reference to investigation of Public Mar- veyor, 6850. Richmond, President, Borough of, 6495, 6501. kets, 6508. Hitch, James T., appointment of, as City Surveyor, Register, New York County, 6495. Resolution, in memoriam, 6661. 6851. Board Meetings, 6206. Resolution granting permission to the Volunteers of Parks, Commissioner of, Manhattan and Richmond, County Clerk, Queens County, request for special America to- collect funds publicly, 6661. 6853. revenue bonds for replenishing certain budgetary Resolution granting permission to the Salvation Army Resolution for special revenue bonds, accounts for the year 1919, 6243. to collect funds publicly, 666L County Judge and County Clerk, Bronx County, Code of Ordinances, Amendment of, relating to- Resolution relating to the housing problem, 6785. 6853. Discharge of Small-Arms, 6255. Resolution requesting Board of Estimate and Appor- County Canvassers, Board of, 6853. Location and Designation of Public Markets, 6504. tionment to establish schedule of prevailing rate of District Attorney, Queens County, 6560. Motor vehicles being equipped with bumpers, 6257. wages for persons in the building trades employed Docks, Commissioner of, 6851. Peddlers and in particular to restricted streets, 6257. by the City during 1920, 6786. Register, Bronx County, 6582. Communications from- Resolution to permit the Young Men's Hebrew Asso- Sheriff, New York County, 6560. Comptroller, 6647. ciation of Williamsburg to collect funds publicly, Spanish War Veterans, 6%0. Mayor's Committee on Publication, 6493. 6787. Resolution for special revenue bonds for purchase of Deeds, Commiscsioners of, resolution appointing veri- Resolution authorizinig the City Clerk to make requi- equipment for chambers of two Justices of the ous persons, 6256, 6506, 6659, 6785, 6786. sition for publication of proceedings, etc., of the Children's Court, 6853. Establishing various grades of positions- Board of Aldermen for the year 1920, 6787. Resolution giving permission to the American Society Bricklayer and Bricklayer's Helper, 6503. Resolution relative to increase in salaries of members for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to erect Carpenter, 6502. of the Board of Aldermen to be effective as of Jan- and place drinking troughs for horses, 6850. Firemen, Oilers (not Marine), 6502. uary 1, 1920, 6786. Resolution granting permission to the Volunteers of Nickelplater, 6503. Request for authority to draw on account of contin- America to collect funds publicly, 6853. Plumber, 6506. gent expenses- Resolution granting permission to the management of Sheet Metal Worker, Tinsmith and Roofer, 6502. Parks, Commissioner of, Manhattan and Richmond, the New York Home for Homeless Boys to collect Steamfitter, Pipefitter, etc., 6502. 6650. funds publicly, 6853. Stationery Engineer (in charge), 6503. Queens, President, Borough of, 6498. Resolution granting permission to the Salvation Army Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, requested to Request for change of name of Gouveneur lane, Man- to collect funds publicly, 6853. fix salaries of City employees in the Budget for hattan, 6508. Restore and continue illumination of lamps in front of 1920 at not less than certified amounts, 6496. Report of the Committee on Finance in favor of adopt- St. John's College, Brooklyn, 6851. Finance, Committee on, reports of, relating to- ing the Budget for 1920, 6247. ASSESSORS, BOARD OF- Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 6244. Salaries and Offices, Committee on, reports of- Assessments and awards, completion of, County Clerk, New York County, 6243, City departments, 6777. Bronx, Borough of, 6225, 6673, 6761, 6914. Queens, President, Borough of, 6244. Docks, Department of, 6777. Brooklyn, Borough of, 6673, 6761, 6914. Fire Department, fix the prevailing rate of wages for Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, 6244. Manhattan, Borough of, 6225, 6673, 6761, 6914. Cable Splicer in the, 6507. Education, Department of, 6778. Queens, BorOugh of, 6225. General Welfare, Committee on, report of, relating to- Public Charities, Department of, 6777. Richmond, Borough of, 6225, 6914. Assemblies in buildings, 6499. Plant and Structures, Department of, 6777. Notice to present claims for damages, Docks, Ferries and Harbor Control, etc., 6500. Special revenue bonds, requests for- Bronx, Borough of, 6225. Lessees of Tenements, 6500. Armory Board, 6651. Brooklyn, Borough of, 6225. Haefiner, William E., appointed City Surveyor, 6494. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 6780. Manhattan, Borough of, 6225. Hitch, James F., appointed City .Surveyor, 6994. County Judge and County Clerk, Bronx County, Queens, Borough of, 6225. Kost, Saide, request of, to have a certain space in the 6652. Richmond, Borough of, 6225. Borough of The Bronx designated as "Roosevelt County Canvassers of New York County, 6656. Triangle," 6253. Children's Court, 6651. BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS- Minutes of meeting of November 18, 1919, 6755. Message from the Mayor, 6493, 6647. Correction, Department of, 6503, 6655. Minutes of Stated Meeting of December 2, 1919, 6243. Docks, Commissioner of, 6503. Minutes of meeting of December 2, 1919, 6905. Minutes of Stated Meeting of December 9, 1919, 6493. District Attorney, Bronx County; 6782. BRONX, BOROUGH OF- Minutes of Stated Meeting of December 16, 1919, 6647. District Attorney, Queens County, 6254. Bureau of Buildings, weekly report of, 6205, 6481, Minutes of Stated Meeting of December 23, 1919, 6775. Hunter College, Trustees of, 6495. 6682, 6755. Majority report, 6247. Memorial Day observances, 6255. Changes in the department, 6587, 6682. New York State Council of Farms and Markets, reso- Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home-coming Proposals- lution relative to establishment of terminal markets, Troops, 6655. Constructing sewers and appurtenances, 6796. 6251. Register, Bronx County, 6563. Constructing storm water drain and appurtenances, Ordinance requiring the use of fenders on motor trucks Sheriff, New York County, 6254, 6652. 6796. and regulating the manner of construction and ap- State Comptroller, communication from, relative to Long leaf yellow pine lumber, 6207, 6492. proval of same, 6507. amounts to be raised by the City to meet State tax Motor gasoline, 67%. Ordinance establishing a division of Oral Hygiene in obligations, 64%. Weekly reports, 6587, 6791. the Bureau of the Department of Health, 6782. Washington Market Mechants Association, request of, BROOKLYN, BOROUGH OF- Ordinance providing for issue of additional amounts for modification of rules, 6250. Bureau of Buildings, General Order No. 72, 6550. of corporate stock of The City of New York, not APPEALS, BOARD OF- Changes in the department, 6547. to exceed one hundred and eleven thousand dollars Board meetings, 6206. Proposals- - ($111,000), to provide means for the reconstruction APPROVED PAPERS- ' Constructing sewers, 6385. of certain piers, dredging and the erection of sheds Amending resolution authorizing the President of Dredging Gowanus Canal, 6550. on piers under the jurisdiction of Department of the Borough of Manhattan to contract for the con- Paving, pitch, 6211. Docks, 6784. struction of the Park avenue viaduct, 6852. Regulating, grading and paving, 6211. Public Letting, Committee on, reports of, relating to- Authorization to purchase various articles without Tar road binder, 6385. Correction, Commissioner of, 6243. public letting- Weekly reports, 6205, 6264, 6382. Parks, Commissioner of, Brooklyn, 6783. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 6560. CHAMBERLAIN, OFFICE OF THE- Public Charities, Commissioner of, 6243, 6653. Correction, Commissioner of, 6851. Notice of sale of property, 6235. Richmond, President, Borough of, 6244, 6783. Fire Commissioner, 6852. Weekly reports, 6379, 6602, 6665, 6791, 6881. Sheriff, New York County, 6246. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 6560. CITY RECORD, BOARD
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