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Further reproduction outside 01 the NCJRS system requires permis­ sion of the copyright owner. I I I I Cover: The former Supreme COllrt Bllilding located at 400 Royal Street was completed ill 1908 to hOllse the LOllisiana Supreme COllrt, the State Law Librm}', the Atlomey General's Office, the CourtryAppeal, the Civil and City COllrts, I as \Vel! as sereral City and State govemmelltat agencies. For half a celllllry this imposing building in tile cellter of tile Vieux Carre was the seat of judicial flll/ctions. III 1958 the COllrts and other agencies were moved 10 the gOl'enullellt complex all Loyola Avenue. The Courts building became the property of the State of Louisiana ami was gradually I relegated to a series of temporary and makeshift uses. Noll', follolVing years of planfling, restoration has begun on the historic old bllilding alld it is anticipated that the building will once again house the Louisialla SlIpreme COllrt, Courts ofAppeal, Law Library and Attol'lley Gelleral. I In keepillg 1Vith the renewed illterest ill the COllrt's histOlY, a grollp ofjlldges, attomeys alld historialls formed the SlIpreme Court ofLol/islal!a Historical Society for the purpose of fostering the stl/dy and appreciatioll of LOllisiana 's I IInique legal heritage. Its mission is '10 presert'e the history of the Supreme Court ofLouisiana, to research, publish Cover photo by: find create items alld materials of historical interest ref.,arding the said Court, and to make the results of its research, Julie McCollam published materials, and other items of historical illterest available for educatiollal pllrposes." I I -:-____... ~.~._'". __ •• _._.. ,.---__............ · ......• ___........ _ ..... ,, __~_ ......... _ ..·w ___ I I I I I I I I (Left to right): Associate Justice Revius O. IOrtique, Jr.; Associate Justice Pike Hall, Jr.; Associ"'." Justice Jack C. Watson; Associate Justice.Walter F. Marcus, Jr.; Chief Justice Pascal F. Calogero, Jr.; Associate Justice James - Dennis; Associate .Justice Harl"y T. Lemmon; and Associate Justice Catherine II. Kimball. Photo bY-; ReppelStudio I THE CHIEF JUSTICE AND ASSOCIATE JUSTICES OF THE LOmSIANA SUPREME COURT I CHIEF JUSTICE PASCALF. CALOGERO,JR. Chief Justice Calogero is elected from the First Supreme Court Disoict COI11prised of the I following parishes: JEFFERSON, ORLEANS,PLAQUEMINES, AND ST. BERNARD. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE ASSOCIATE JUSTICE WALTERF. MARCUS,JR. JAMES L DENNIS Justice Marcus is elected from the First Supreme Court District comprised Justice Dennis is elected from the Fourth Supreme Cowt District comprised of the following parishes: JEFFERSON, ORLEANS, PlAQUEMINES, AND of 1he foUO\\ing parishes: CALDWElL, CATAHOULA, CONCORDIA, I ST. BERNARD. EAST CARROLL, FRANKLIN, JACKSON, IA SALLE, LINCOLN, MADISON, MOREHOUSE, OUACHITA, RICHLAND, TENSAS, UNION, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE AND WEST CARROLL JACKe.WATSON Justice Watson is elected from the Third Supreme COIllrt District COI11pl'lsed ASSOCIATE JUSTICE I afthe following parishes: ACADIA, ALLEN, AVOYELLESl, BEAUREGARD, HARRYT. LEMMON CALCASffiU, CAMERON, EV ANGELINE,GRANT,JEl<'FERSON DAVIS, Justice Lemmon is elected :from the Sixth Supreme Cowt District LAFA YETTE,AND RAPIDES. comprised afthe following parishes: ASCENSION, ASSTJMPTION, mERIA, LAFOURCHE, ST. CHARLES, ST. JAMES, ST. JOlIN THE BAPTIST, I ASSOCIATE JUSTICE ST. MARY, ST. MARTIN, TERREBONNE,AND VERMILION. PIKEHALL,JR. Justice Hall is elected from the Second Supreme Cowt District comprised ASSOCIATE JUSTICE of the following parishes: BIENVILLE, BOSSffiR, CADDO, ClAIBORNE, CATHERINEnKEMBALL DESOTO, NATCHITOCHES, RED RIVER, SARINE, VERNON, Justice Kimball is elected from the Fifth Supreme COUlt Disoict comprised I WEBSTER, AND WINN. of the following parishes: EAST BATON ROUGE, EAST FELICIANA, mERVILLE, LIVINGSTON, POINTE COUPEE, ST. HELENA, ST. ASSOCIATE JUSI1CE LANDRY, ST. TAMMANY, TANGIPAHOA, WASIDNGTON, WEST REVIUS O.ORTIQUE,JR. BATON ROUGE, AND WEST FELICIANA. I Pursuant to Act No. 512 of 1992 and the Consent Decree entered on Augllst 21, 1992 by the United States District CoUlt for the Eastern District ofLouisiana in Chisom vs. EdwaJris, Justice Ortique was elected from Niew Orleans to the CLERK OF COUllT Court of Appeal, Fourth Circuit for the Jl1llPOse of setving on the LouisianJl THE HONORABLE Supreme CoUlt. By order of the Louisiana Supreme Court, Jl1Slice Ortique was F~SJ. LABRANCHE,JR. I assigned to the Louisiana Supreme COUlt effective Januruy 1, 199:1. I I ~prtmc QtUUIrt STATE OF LOUISIANA I Nem ®r1.eaUli CHIEF JUSTICE PASCAL F. CALOGERO, JR. I ASSOCIATE JUSTICES WALTER F. MARCUS, JR. JAMES L. DENNIS 301 LOYOLA AVE .. 70112 JACK CROZIER WATSON HARRY T. LEMMON TELEPHONE 504'56a'5707 I PIKE HALL, JR. CATHERINE D. KIMBALL March 31, 1994 REVIUS O. ORTIQUE, JR. I To the Hembers of the Supreme Court of Louisiana I To the Members of the Board of Governors of the Louisiana state Bar Association I Ladies and Gentlemen: I I am pleased to submit herewith the Annual Report cf the Judicial Council of the Supreme Court of Louisiana for the year 1993. This, the 38th annual report of the Judicial council, follo"rs I the same basic format of· our recent reports; however, detailed ca·se load statistics for city and Parish Courts have been included in the statistical section of this report. I I commend the work of i:he J"1.1dicial Administrator's Office as well as the cooperation of all of the Louisiana Courts and judicial agencies who participated in the preparation of this report. I with kindest regards, I remain I Yours very truly, r7~/-f"7~'" I Pascal F. Calogero, Jr. tI 7 I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1993 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL I SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA 301 Loyola Avenue I New Orleans, Louisiana 70111 "9"ugh M. Collins, Ph.D. I Judicial Administrator Letter of Transmittal . 2 I Judicial Council. ..... 4 Judicial Administrator's Report. 6 Law Library. 7 Judicial College .... 8 I Judiciary Commission. 9 Courts of Appeal . .10 District Courts . .12 I FamHy and Juvenile Courts City and Parish Courts . .19 I STATISTICAL SECTION Introduction, State Budget Graph. .22 I Supreme Court . .23 Courts of Appeal . .24 District Courts " . .29 I Family and Juvenile Courts. .31 City and Parish Courts .32 Court District Maps. .37 I Court Structure . .40 EDITOR I Paulette H. Holahan STATISTICAL SECTION Hugh M. ColJins, Ph.D. I Ronald Will. Stritzingel' Gay G. Pilie Nancy C. Chachere Francis J. Demarest, III I Rose Made DiVincenti Paul J. Tumminello I 3 The Judicial Council New Judgeship for the Twenty-Third Judicial District C.M.I.S. project. The work product of C.M.I.S. will be a I felony disposition reporting system and a master plan for a Court " .. trial court case management information system. Judge Salvadore T. Mule, chair of the Juvenile Courts I The Committee to Evaluate Requests for New Subcommittee, staffed by Deputy Judicial Administrator Judgeships, chaired by Judge Charles R. Scott, received six Nancy C. Chachere, and the members of his Subcommittee requests for new judgeships in 1993; foIIowing preliminary have been active in the Families in Need of Services Task investigation, three of the requests were withdrawn. Force which is part of the outcome of the Children's Code I Members of the Committee to Evaluate Requests for New Project. This group is working with a Judicial Council Task Judgeships, working with deputies from the Judicial Force in the formation of regions for juvenile service. The Administrator's staff, visited the courts in question, examined Judicial Council restated its support for a proposed plan to I statistics and interviewed court-related personnel. The implement a statewide regional juvenile court system committee approved one request and made this utilizing the services of volunteer judges for assignment. recommendation to the Judicial Council which subsequently recommended to the legislature the creation of one new I judgeship for the Twenty-Third Judicial District Court, "You The Jury" dish'ibuted ... 100% response to annual Assumption, Ascension and St. James Parishes. The survey ... Louisiana Legislature creatt'd the new judgeship in 1993. The Juvenile Courts Subcommittee is also working with I Judicial Planning Committee reports: Computer the Science and Technology Subcommittee to make uniform Integrated Courtroom is her'1! ... Planning for Case the reporting of juvenile statistics. Because this reporting has Management Information System begins .... not been uniform, it has been difficult to accurately reflect I the amount of work done in juvenile courts and has been almost impossible to compare statistics on a national basis. Justice James L. Dennis continued to chair the Judicial The Courts/Community Relations Subcommittee, Planning Committee (J.P.c.) of the Judicial Council. The chaired by Mr. Richard F. Knight and staffed by Paulette H. I various IP.C. subcommittees are responsible for much of the Holahan, Deputy Judicial Administrator, completed a ongoing work of the Judicial Council. seventeen-minute film entitled "You the Jury" in 1993. This The Science and Technology Subcommittee, chaired by film was designed for viewing by prospective jurors I Court of Appeal, Second Circuit Chief Judge Charles A.
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