A-Signal Battery. I-Workshops. B-Observatory . K-Government House. C-Hospital. L-Palmer's Farm. .__4 S URVEY D-Prison. M-Officers ' Quarters. of E-Barracks . N-Magazine. F-Store Houses. 0-Gallows. THE SET TLEMENT ;n i Vh u/ ,S OUTN ALES G-Marine Barracks . P-Brick-kilns. H-Prisoners ' Huts. Q-Brickfields. LW OLLANI) iz /` 5Mile t4 2 d2 36 Engraved by A.Dulon 4 L.Poates • 1FTTh T i1111Tm»iTIT1 149 .Bogga 1 a 151 Bengalla • . l v' r-- Cootamundra Coola i r A aloe a 11lichellago 4 I A.J. SCALLY DEL. , it 153 'Greggreg ll tai III IJL. INDEX TO GENERAL MAP OF NE W SOUTH W ALES . NOTE -The letters after the names correspond with those in the borders of the map, and indicate the square in which the name will be found. Abercrombie River . Billagoe Mountain Bundella . J d Conjurong Lake . Dromedary Mountain. Aberdeen . Binalong . Bunda Lake C d Coogee . Drummond Mountain. Aberfoyle River . Binda . Bundarra . L c Cook (county) . Dry Bogan (creek) Acacia Creek . Bingera . Bunganbil Hill G g Coolabah . Dry Lake . Acres Billabong . Binyah . Bungarry Lake . E g Coolaburrag u ndy River Dry Lake Adelong Bird Island Bungendore J h Coolac Dry Lake Beds . Adelong Middle . Birie River Bungle Gully I c Coolah . Dry River . Ailsa . Bishop 's Bridge . Bungonia . J g Coolaman . Dubbo Creek Albemarle Black Head Bunker 's Creek . D d Coolbaggie Creek Dubbo Albert Lake . Blackheath Bunna Bunna Creek J b Cooleba Creek Duck Creek Albury . Black Point Bunyan J i Cooma Dudanman Hill . Alice Black Swamp Burbar Creek G b Coomba Lake Dudley (county) . Allyn Hill . Blackbille • . Burblie Creek F g Coonabarabran . Du Faur's Pic (hill) Allyn River Blair Hill . Burburgate K c Coonamble Dulladerry Creek Alnwick . , . Bland (county) . Burneringee . B f Coonong Creek . Dumares River . Altai Lake . Bland or Yeo Yeo Creek Burnett (county) . K b Cooper (county) . Dundooboo Hill . Amungerie Blaxland (county) Burr Creek B c Cooper 's Creek . Dundry Creek . Ana branch of Darling River Blayney Burraburra J g Cooper Mountain Dunedoo . Ana branch of Paroo River. Bligh (county) . Burragate . J i Coorallie . Dungog . Andrew Creek . Blowhard Point (hill) . Burragorang . K g Cooranbong Dundee . Andulbry . Blue Mountain . Burrandoon J b Coorimpe . Dungowan . Angledool . Blue Mountain Creek . Burren J b Coorpooka Lake. Dunlop Ann River Blue Nobby Burren Creek J c Cootamundra Dunlop's Range . Appin Blue Peak . Burrie C f Cootwandy Range D'Urban 's Group (hills) ) Apsley Bluff East (hill) . Burrowa . I g Copago Lake Durham (county) Apsley Falls Bobby's Hole Burrowa River . I g Copeland . Duval Hill . A psle Y River Bobby (hill) Burtopoonoo Lake B c Copes Creek Arakoon . Bogalong . Busby's Creek . M b Copmanhurst Eaton Hill Araluen Bogan River Bushranger's Hill J f Coraki Echuca (V.) Araluen West Bogandillon Swamp Butheroo Creek . J d Coraki Junction (railways) Eckerboon Lake Ardgowrie Point Boggabilla . Butlea Lake B c Corald . Eden . Argyle (county) . Boggabri . Butler's Falls . I d Cordeau River .' Eden Creek Ariah (hill) Boggibri . Byangum N a Coeee . Edward 's Mountain Armidale . Bogolong . B3'J'erkermo West, Hole B d Coreen Creek Edward River , Arrawatta (county) Bogree Byng J f Coreen . Egan Arthur . Bokhara . Byrne's Creek . I f Corega Lake . Elaine Mountain Arthur Mountain Bokhara River . Byrock G c Corella . El Capitan Hill . Arthur Mountain Bolaro Byron . L b Coricudgy Hill . Eldee Creek Arumpo . Bolivia Byron, Cape N a Corowa . Elizabeth , Point . Ashburnham (county). Bolong Cotter River Ellalong . Ashby . Bomangaldi Hill Cabramatta K f Cougal Mountain Elrington Ashford . Bombah . Cadell (county) . E h Couradda Hill . Emerald Hill (r'way station) Attunga . Bombala . Caidmurra I b Courallie (county) Emmaville . Auckland . Bombi Caira (county) D g Courallie Creek . Emu . Auckland (county) Bondi . Cairncross Hill M d Couridjah . Emu Creek Avoca . Bonshaw . Calga I d Cowabee Hill . Emu Lake . Boobora Lagoon Callawaroi H c Crwwl Lake Emu Mountain . Baan Baa . Boogooyou . Caloola Creek . B d Cowana . Enngonia . Back Creek . Bookham . Calora F f Cowana Hill Eringanerin Back Creek Boololagung Mountain Cambatong Creek J i Cowley (county) . Erskine River Back Creek Booligal Camberwell L e Cowper (county) . Euabalong , Bagowa Boolka Lake Cambewarra Range (hills) K g Cowper . Eucumbene River Bajimba Mountain Boolulta . Camden Kg Cowra • . Euglo Baker 's Creek . Boomi Creek Camden (county) K g Cox 's River . Euglo Creek Balarambone Mountain Boomi Creek . Camden Haven . M d Cragin Hill Eugowra . Bald Hills . Boonal . Cameron Creek . F c Crawney Pass . Euroka . Bald Nob . Boonboaronbi (hill) Cameron 's Cre ek L c Crescent Head . Euston Balfour Hill Boonoo Boonoo River. Campbell 's Creek B d Crooked Creek . Evans Head Ballagreen Creek Boorook . Campbelltown . K g Crookwell . Evelyn (county) . Ballandean (Q.) . Booroombil (hill) Canaway Lake . D g Crookwell River .. Evelyn Creek Ballandool River (Q.) . Booroondarra (county) Canbelego (county) G d Croppa Creek . Ewenm car (county) Ballengara Booroondarra Mountain Candelo . J i Crowal Creek , Ewenmar Creek. Ballina West and East Booroorban Cannonbar H d Crowdy Head . Ballow Mountain Boorolong Creek Canowindra I f Crowl Creek . Fairy Mountain . Baliwarr Y Lake . Boreable Hill . Cape Howe J j Crowther Creek . Balranald . Borah Creek Capertee . K f Cudal . Banar Swamp . Borara River (Q.) Capertee River K f Cuddell . Farquhar Inlet . Bandalla Creek . Boree Cape St. George . K h Cuddee Spring . Bandon . Borenore . Capoompeta . M b Cudgegong Bangalore . Boronga . Caragabal Creek H f Cudgegong River Finch (county) . Baradine (county) Borthwick . Carcoar J f Cudgellico Lake . Fish River Caves, now Baradine or Bungle Gully Botany Bay Cardoey (hill) G f Cudgellico . Baradine . Botumboin (hill) Cargo I f Cudgen . Baradine Creek . Bourke . Carlyle Mountain J j Culcairn . Barama Hill Bourke (county) . Carowra Swamp E e Culgoa River . Bare Bluff . Bow Creek . Carrathool F g Culgoa (county) . Bare Point Bow Creek Carroll K c Cultamulcha Lake Barlow Creek Bowenfells Carrow Hill L e Cultowa . Barmedman Bowen 's Creek . Casino . N a Cumberland (county) . Barmedman Creek . Bowman . Cassilis K e Cumborah Spring e Halls' Creek Barnato Bowman's Hill . Castlereagh . K f Cundletown c Halliday Point Baronne . Bowna Castlereagh River . I d Cungegong . Baronne Creek . Bowning . Cataract River . K g Cunnin gham (count y). Forbes (county) . Baroorangee Creek Bowra Cataract River . M a Currabubula . Barnard River Bowral . Cataract of Mac quarie River I d Currajong . a Harden (county). Barney's Hill Box Creek . Cathcart . J i Curriewarra Barntha . Box Creek . Cato Creek G b Currook Bill y Hill Barraba . Box Creek . Cavan Caves I h Currowan . e Harrington Inlet Barratta . Boyd (county) . Cave Hill . G g Currygundi . 0 Harris Mountain Barellan . Boyd River Cawndilla Lake C e Curvil Barren Mountain Boyd Town . Cayalal Hill K c Cuttaburra Creek f Hastings Point Barren Jack Hill Braidwood Ceramnaran (hill) Ge b Hastings River Barrier Ranges . Branxton . Chaelundi Mountain . Mc Dabee Frazer's Lake Barringun . Brasfort . Chain of Hills . Ed Daguilar (hill) Frederick . f Hawke, Cape Barrington Breadalbane Chandler River . Mc Dalgety . Frederickton -. d Hawes (county) Barrogan . Bredbo River Charlton . G c Dalkeith . From&'s Creek Barrona (county) Breelong . Chaton Mountain J g Dalmorton Fullerton Cove Barwon or Darling River Breeza Chesney Lake . Eb Dalton Hay, South Basaltic Column (hill). Brewarrina Chinderah N a Dampier (county) Galargambone . Bass Point Brigalow Creek . Clare E f Danala ge . Gallah Bateman 's Bay (town). Brindingabba Clarence (county) Nb Dandaloo . Gallagambroon Creek. Bateman 's Bay (port) . Brisbane (county) Clarence River . Mb Dangar's Falls . Galong . Bathurst . Brocklehurst Clarence Town . Le Danger Point . Gananaguy Bathurst (county) Brogo Clarendon (county) Hg Dapto . Gangan Branch . Bathurst Lake Brogo River Clarke (county) . 14I c Dareel (Q,) . Gara Lake Baw Baw . Broke . Clark 's Creek . Lc Darlin g or Barwon River Gardiner 's Creek d Holy Box Well Betio Broken Bay Clear Hill Ii Darling (county) Garryowen h Hopeless Mountain B&tive Broken Head Clear Water Eb Darling River . Geera C Horse Lake Beecroft Head Brookong Creek. Clifton . , L g Darlington Genoa River (V.) j Horton River Bee Mountain Broughton Islands Clive (county) Lb Daubeny Mountain George's Creek . C Horton Creek • Beemery . Broulee Clyde (county) He Davidson Mountain George Lake h Hospital Creek Bega Broulee Island Clyde River Kh Deep Creek Georgiana (county) Begallo (hill) Brownlow Hill Coaldale • . Mb Deepwater Geringong . Belalie Brummey's Lake Cobar F d Deerina Mountain Germanton . Belar Creek Brunswick. Cobbadah. K c Delalah (county) Gerogery . h Hume (county) Belarin gar Creek Brunswick River Cobbora . .J e Delalah Downs . Gidgegolimbo Creek Belgrave . Brush Islands Cobham Lake Cc Delegate . Gillenbah . Bellingen . Brushgrove Cobre Bald Hill . Le Delegate River Gingham Gap . Bellinen River . Buccarumbi Cockatoo (hill) Mc Demon Creek Gipps(county) . f Hunter (county). Bell River . Buccleuch (county) Cockburn River . L d Dena River Gipps Mountain a Hunter River Belmont . Buckambool Mountain Cockulby Swamp C -c Denham (county) Girilambone Belubula River . Buckland (county) Cocoparra Range (hills) Gf Denham Lake Giro d Hyland Mountain Bemboka River . Buckle Mountain Codrington N a' Denison . Gladstone . Benanee Lake Buckimbe . Coff N c Denison (county) Glenbrook . Bencanya Lake . Buckwaroon Hill Coff's Islands N c Denison West Glencoe Bendemeer Buddah Lake . Coila Kh Denison
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