, r Penrose Foundation Donates Two Suburban BuildinSS $10,« » to Aid Nursing Study To Be Blessod Next Week At a meeting early this week at the home of Arch­ 'The dedication of St. An­ bishop Urban J. Vehr of Den­ thony’s church-hall,„ West- ver, Sister M. Cyril, director wood, and the blessing of the of the Seton School of Nurs­ rectory of St. Anne’s shrine, ing, Colorado Springs, an­ Arvada, are scheduled next nounced a gift of $10,000 from week. Archbishop Urban J. the Spencer Penrose founda­ Vehr will officiate at the for­ tion to help finance the first mer Wednesday, Sept. 29, and years of the new nursing edu­ at the latter the following*day. cation program inaugurated After the dedication of St. An­ this fall at Loretto Heights thony’s, a Solemn Mass, ■ eoram Archiepiacopo, will be sung at college 10:30 by the Rev, John Doherty of This program is operated in con­ Lakewood. The assistant priest junction with St. Anthony’s School at the Archbishop’s throne ■will of Nursing and Mercy ^chool of be the Very Rev. Joseph P. Nursing in Denver, ancr with the O’Heron of Englewood; deacon, Seton School of Nursing at Colo­ the Rev. Francis Wagmer of rado Springs. Mrs. Spencer Pen­ Paonia; subdeacon, the Rev. Fredi- L rose was largely instrumental in erick McCallin of Littleton; securing this gift from the foun­ deacons of honor, the Very RcV. dation in memory of her late hus­ Gregory Smith of St. Francis de band. The program has accord­ Sales’ and the Rev. Louis Grohman ingly been named "The Spencer of St. Rose of Lima’s; master of Penrose Nursing Education Pro­ ceremonies, the Rev. Bernard gram." Cullen of the Chancery office. Present at the meeting, be­ The Rev. John Scannell of sides the Archbishop, were Sister Christ the King parish will speak. Frances Marie, president of Lo Chanters will be Vincentian retto Heights college; Sister Mary ST. ANTHONY’S new church-hall in now is completed and work 'is being rushed to finish Fathers. Music will be given by Florence, dean of the college, and Westwood is pictured above. The exterior the interior for the dedication Wednesday, Sept. 29. the Presentation school choir, Miss Irene Murchison, director of which will sing the “ Missa the program. St. Anthony’s hos­ Chorale," directed by Sister Mary pital, Denver, was represented by Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Cecile, R.S.M. Sister Mary Louis and Sister Dom­ Following the Mass a clergnf nina. Sister M. Anselm and Sister Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1948— Permission to Reproduce, Except on dinner will be held at 12:30 in ( Miguel represented Mercy hospital, Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. the Aeroplane ballroom on West Denver; and Sister Maria Gratia Colfax. rado Springs; Archbishop Urban J. Vehr; Sister traveled up from Colorado Springs Mass will be offered in St. An­ PRESENT WHEN A GIFT of $10,000 thony’s on Sundays at 7, 9, and Mary Florence, dean of Loretto Heights; Sister with Sister Cyril to represent the from the Penrose foundation of Colorado Seton School of Nursing at Glock­ (Turn to Page 10 — Column i ) Springs was made to help finance a new nursing Domnina, St. Anthony’s hospital, Denver; seated, ner-Penrose hospital,' Colorado education program at Loretto Heights college, Den­ Sister Mary Louis, St. Anthony’s; Sister Cyril, Springs. Winter Mass Schedule ver, were those pictured above. Left to right, stand­ Glockner-Penrose; Miss Irene Murchison, Loretto Three objectives for the nursing Heights; Sister Frances Marie, president of the DENVER CATHaiC ing, are Sister Mary Anselm, Mercy hospital, Den­ education program were outlined Begun at Estes Park ver; Sister Maria Gratia, Glockner-Penrose, Colo­ Heights; and Sister M. Miguel, Mercy hospital. at the meeting: To furnish better- prepared bedside nurses, equipped The winter schedule of Masses tc meet the demands of modern has gone into effect in Estes Park, 1ST PASTOR TO SING SOLEM N MASS medicine, for the hospitals of Den­ with Mass being offered every) ver and the Rocky Mountain area; Sunday of the month at 12 o’clock to prepare nurses trained to except for the last Sunday of tha serve in the Colorado State month when it is at 9 o’clock witf Public Health program; and to REGISTER Confessions beforehand. Mass is being said thn Loyola Silver Jubilee meet the growing demands of Col­ The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We orado’s industrialists for nursing September in St. Walter’s'chury Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller personnel to maintain health in but with the beginning o*f Octolf Colorado’s industries and i;nines. Services, NCWC and Religious News Photos. Price of paper 8 cents a copy. it is hoped to move to the b / As at present set up, the pro­ ment of the new church, St. gram contemplates a 39-month VOL XLIV. No. 5. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1948. $1 PER YEAR. of the Mountains, on which Program Announced period of study, the first year of struction is proceeding rapid! pre-clinical academic training at The Silver Jubilee Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving of Loyola church, Denver, will be Loretto Heights, college, and the cerebrated at 10:30 o’clock Sunday, Oct. 3, with Archbishop Urban J. VeKr presiding at second and third years of pro­ the Mass, which will be offered by the Rev. Charles McDonnell, S.J., first pastor of Loyola fessional training at the hospitals. At the end of this time the stu­ church. ' Taxpayers Are Saved $2,200,0 dents will be eligible for the He will be assisted by Father licensing examinations to qualify To Catholic Men of Denver: Edward Morgan, S.J., third pastor (Turn to Page 10 — Column 4) of Loyola, as deacon, and Father John E. Casey, S.J., pastor of Sa­ Catholic Education Report cred Heart church, as subdeacon. father Paul Waldron Priest-Visitor to Denvi Join Sundoy in HNS Rally Father David M. Maloney, J.C.D., and Father Stephen R. Krieger, To Give Clergy Retreat For 1947-48 Is Released S.J., of Regis college will act as Holds Record of 'F h ' As Demonstration of Faith masters of ceremonies. In Denver Next Year By Linus M. Riordan The jubilee sermon will be The Rev. Paul Waldron of The Catholic schools of Colorado in the past year saved Father Mike Hallj, of St. Jo- and has since amassei »1 of On Thursday afternoon. Sept. nary grounds on East Louisiana preached by the Very Rev. the Columban Fethera will give the taxpayers of the state approximately $2,200,000, accord­ seph. Pa., has more “ firsts” to his [more than 2,000 ho /flying 26, the Catholic men and older and South Steele street. The men Raphael C. McCarthy, S.J., presi­ the retreat for the Denver arch- credit than perhaps any other at the controls of jP®® dent of Regis college. The Loyola ing to the report on Catholic education in Colorado for 1947- boys of the Denver metropolitan will form in parish groups at St. dioceaan cUrgy neat year, it waa priest in America. planes. At the same^® school children’s choir, aug­ 48 compiled by the Rev. Edward Leyden, superintendent of area will have the opportunity to Vincent’ s, and then" will take their announced thia week by Arch- Sept. 20 in Denver he w m re- the first priest in r*®" to mented by high school girls who take part in a public demonstra­ designated position in the line of biafaop Urhan'J. Vehr. The ex- schools. elected national chaplain o f the organize an Inter-dif tion of the faith, the first event of marchers. were former members of the choir ereiaea will be held in St. Steady growth in the number oLstudents and their im­ league while he w a»^ ^ a< tor in and directed by Sister Margaret Regular 'Veterans’ association; he its kind since before the war. Thomaa’ aeminary from July 11 is already national chaplain of the Williamsport, Pa., anorihe league Each pariah lineup will be Pierre with Miss Louise Nielsen pact on existing facilities, however, are the two points that The occasion will be the open- made up in the fallowing order: to IS. Father Waldron con­ Military Order of the Purple Heart, embraced schools in three dioceses. air rally to be held at 2:30 as organist, will provide the music ducted the clergy retreat here stand out in this analysis of the status of Catholic education Cub Seouta, Bey Scouta, ackool of the Mass. , is national chaplain of the Dis­ In the military services, in which o'clock on the grounds of St. boya from the aizth grade up, high in 1944. in the Archdiocese of Denver and the Diocese of Pueblo. abled American Veterans of the he successively served as chaplain Thomas’ seminary under aus­ The Loyola acolytes, with the The $2,200,000 saved by the achool hoya, if the pariah haa a help of high school boys who were United States, an4 is serving his in the army, navy, marines, coast pices of the Archdiocesan Union high achool, and the men of the Buckets of Blood . Almost taxpayers through the Catholic ed third term with the same organiza­ guard, and merchant marine, he of the Holy Name Societies. The former members of the Loyola ucation system is based on the fact pariah. Bannera will deaignate School Acolytes’ association, will tions in the State of Pennsylvania.
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