MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII ŞI INOVĂRII ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN ORADEA ISTORIE – ARHEOLOGIE TOM XIX 2009 ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN ORADEA SERIA ISTORIE – ARHEOLOGIE COMITETUL ŞTIINŢIFIC COLEGIUL DE REDACŢIE: Prof. univ. dr. Nicolae BOCŞAN Redactor-şef Prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe BUZATU Prof. univ. dr. Barbu ŞTEFĂNESCU Prof. univ. dr. Vasile DOBRESCU Redactor-şef adjunct Prof. univ. dr. Roman HOLEC (Bratislava) Prof. univ. dr. Antonio FAUR Prof. univ. dr. Toader NICOARĂ Membrii Prof. univ. dr. Alexandru Florin PLATON Prof. univ. dr. Sever DUMITRAŞCU Prof. univ. dr. Nicolae PETRENCU (Chişinău) Prof. univ. dr. Viorel FAUR Prof. univ. dr. GYULAI Eva (Miskolc) Prof. univ. dr. Ioan HORGA Prof. univ. dr. Frank ROZMAN (Maribor) Prof. univ. dr. Mihai DRECIN Prof. univ. dr. Ioan SCURTU Prof. univ. dr. Ion ZAINEA Secretar de redacţie Lector. univ. dr. Radu ROMÎNAŞU Manuscrisele, cărţile, revistele pentru schimb, precum şi orice corespondenţă se vor trimite pe adresa colectivului de redacţie al revistei „Analele Universităţii din Oradea”, seria Istorie – Arheologie. The exchange manuscripts, books and reviews as well as any correspondance will be sent to the address of the Editorial Staff. Les manuscrits, les livres et les revues proposés pour échange, ainsi que toute corespondance, seront adresses à la redaction. Responsabilitatea asupra textului şi conţinutului articolelor revine în exclusivitate autorilor. ADRESA REDACŢIEI: UNIVERSITATEA DIN ORADEA Departamentul de Istorie Str. Universităţii nr. 1 410087 - Oradea, jud. Bihor, România Tel.: (040) 259 408 167 Fax: (040) 259 408 443 FASCICOLA ISTORIE – ARHEOLOGIE ISSN 1453-3766 Tipar: METROPOLIS SRL Oradea, str. Nicolae Jiga nr.31 Tel.: 0729 845 160, 0788 845 160 Tel./ Fax: 0259 472 640 e-mail: [email protected] Cuprins CONTENTS <> CUPRINS <> SOMMAIRE STUDII LENGYEL György, Operational Schemas in the Upper Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic of Raqefet Cave ◄► Scheme operaţionale în paleoliticul şi epipaleoliticul superior din peştera Raqefet ……………………………………5 Florin SFRENGEU, Hungarians’ Migration to Pannonian Field in the Light of the Researches in the Southern Poland ◄► Drumul ungurilor spre câmpia Pannonică în lumina cercetărilor din sudul Poloniei…………………………..13 TÓTH Péter, Pecheneg – Hungarian Reconciliation after the Defeat at Riade ◄► Reconcilierea pecenego-ungară după înfrângerea de la Riade…………..23 Sever DUMITRAŞCU, Mirela VESA, Pos dei historian syngraphein ◄► Cum trebuie scrisă istoria…………………...…………………………………31 Alexandru SIMION, Notes on John Hunyadi’s Actions and Images ◄► Note despre acţiunile şi imaginea lui Iancu de Hunedoara………………………….35 Mihai GEORGIŢĂ, Unwonted Celestial Phenomena and Baroque Sensibility in the Carpathian Area ◄► Sensibilitate barocă şi fenomene cereşti insolite în arealul carpatic………………………………………………………………...53 BODO Edith, The Bihor County Rural World after the Theresian Urbarial Settlement ◄► Lumea rurală din Bihor după reglementarea urbarială tereziană………………………………………………………………………..81 Adrian Dumitru DUME, Symbology of Wine ◄► Simbolistica vinului……87 Emilia-Adina GALE, The Priest and the Medicine-Woman by the Sufferings’ Bed ◄► Preotul şi descântătoarea la patul celor bolnavi……………………99 Vasile TODORICI, The Cultural Concerns of the Studying Youth from the Academy of Law of Oradea Held in the Society of Reading ◄► Preocupările culturale ale tineretului studios de la Academia de Drept din Oradea, desfăşurate în cadrul Societăţii de Lectură…………………………………...109 3 Cuprins Mihai D. DRECIN, Considerations on the Romanian – Slovak Banking Relations until 1918 ◄►Consideraţii asupra relaţiilor bancare româno-slovace până în 1918 …………………………………………………………………133 Ion ZAINEA, Publications and Romanian Publicists in Bihor County from the early (1854) until 1918 ◄►Publicaţii şi publicişti români din Bihor de la începuturi (1854) până în 1918 ……………………………………………...137 Radu ROMÎNAŞU, The Unification of Bessarabia and Transylvania with Romania Reflected in the Pages of the Magazine „Cele Trei Crişuri” (1920- 1943) ◄► Unirea Basarabiei şi Transilvaniei cu România reflectată în paginile revistei „Cele Trei Crişuri” (1920-1949) …………………………………….147 Lilian ZAMFIROIU, Diplomat Raffaele Guariglia’s Memoir Regarding the Consequences of the Ratification by Italy of the Treaty on Bessarabia (of 28th October 1920) ◄►Un memoriu al diplomatului Raffaele Guariglia referitor la consecinţele ratificării de către Italia a Tratatului privind Basarabia (din 28 octombrie 1920) ……………………………………………………………..155 Mihaela GOMAN, Aspects of Constantin Daicoviciu’s Activity as a Secretary of the Historical Monuments Commission – the Section for Transylvania and Margined Lands (C.M.I.T.) ◄► Din activitatea lui Constantin Daicoviciu ca secretar al Comisiunii Monumentelor Istorice – Secţiunea pentru Transilvania şi ţinuturile mărginaşe (C.M.I.T.)………………………………………………161 Monica POP, The Foundation of the Anglo-Romanian Society in London and its Activity to Support the Promotion of Romania’s Image and Interests ◄► Înfiinţarea societăţii anglo-române din Londra şi activitatea ei în sprijinul promovării imaginii şi intereselor României…………………………………165 Antonio FAUR, Unpublished Documents Referring to Crossing the Border from Hungary to Romania by the Jews of Hungary during the Months of April and May 1944 ◄► Documente inedite referitoare la trecerea graniţei din Ungaria în România, de către evreii din Ungaria, în lunile aprilie şi mai 1944…………………………………………………………………………..183 Gabriel MOISA, Western Historians and Transylvania 1965-1989 ◄► Istoricii occidentali şi Transilvania 1965-1989………………………………187 4 OPERATIONAL SCHEMES IN THE UPPER PALAEOLITHIC AND EPIPALAEOLITHIC OF RAQEFET CAVE LENGYEL György1 Abstract: The cultural sequence of Raqefet presents three fundamental operational schemes. Scheme 1 shows that raw material nodules (bold lines) are used for blade and bladelet debitages. In Scheme 2, raw material nodules are used for flake, blade and bladelet debitages. Scheme 3, almost the hybrid of scheme 1 and 3, shows that raw material nodules are introduced into flake, blade and bladelet debitages. These schemes can be recognized in lithic industries of other Levantine sites studied from similar aspects. The sequences show that the lithic production system of this industry is based on laminar, especially on bladelet manufacture. In the bladelet production heat treatment of pre-cores seem to have been applied in order to change physical conditions of flints. Compared to the other Epipalaeolithic industries, this is the only one that performed significant flake debitage. Raqefet cave is situated on the southeastern side of Mount Carmel in North Israel, in a wadi of NW-SE direction, at an altitude of 230 m above sea level and approximately 50 m above the wadi (Olami, 1984). Keywords: Southern Levant, schema, palaeolithic, levantine, geometric Introduction Raqefet cave is situated on the southeastern side of Mount Carmel in North Israel, in a wadi of NW-SE direction, at an altitude of 230 m above sea level and approximately 50 m above the wadi (Olami, 1984). Tamar Noy of the Israel Museum and Eric Higgs of the Cambridge University conducted the first excavation between 1970 and 1972 (Noy & Higgs, 1971; Higgs, Garrard, Noy & Ziffer, 1975). Two other excavations were carried out in 2004 (Lengyel, Nadel, Tsatskin, Bar-Oz, Bar-Yosef Mayer, Be’ery, & Hershkovitz, 2005) and in 2006 (Nadel, Lengyel, Bocquentin, Tsatskin, Rosenberg, Yeshurun, Bar-Oz, Bar-Yosef Mayer, Beeri, Conyers, Filin, Hershkovitz, & Kurzawska, in press). 1 University of Miskolc, Institute of History, Department of Prehistory and Archaeology. 5 LENGYEL György The chronological span of the archaeological remains extends from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Iron Age (Higgs, Garrard, Noy & Ziffer, 1975; Lengyel, Nadel, Tsatskin, Bar-Oz, Bar-Yosef Mayer, Be’ery, & Hershkovitz, 2005; Lengyel, Boaretto, Fabre, & Ronen, 2006. Lengyel, 2007). From this frame the Upper Palaeolithic to Epipalaeolithic cultural sequence consisting of five members is unique in Southern Levantine prehistory. A lithic technology study (Lengyel, 2007) has analyzed the production systems of the lithic industries at Raqefet of these periods. From that work the basic lines of the operational schemas are presented briefly in this paper. The Indeterminate Early Upper Palaeolithic This lithic assemblage derives from layer IV of excavation area B-G/18- 23 dated to between 31-33 kyears BP. Although general Upper Palaeolithic types dominate the tool kit, neither Early Ahmarian nor Levantine Aurignacian fossil markers appear among the tools. Accordingly, this assemblage is called Indeterminate Early Upper Palaeolithic. The industry consists of three main sequences of operation: 1 – blade production from raw flint nodules; 2 – bladelet production from raw flint nodules; 3 – 1 and 2 in a single chain, starting with blades and finishing with bladelets. Besides these three sequences two others that demonstrate minimal lithic remains in the assemblage played insignificant role in the lithic production system of this industry: bladelet production from cores made on flakes and flake debitage. The sequences show that the lithic production system of this industry is based on laminar manufacture. A uniform feature of the three sequences is that the use soft hammer technique detached the removals in unidirectional manner. Although the lithic production is dominated by laminar removals, the blanks of the tools in most cases are flakes, especially those of laminar production by-products and rejuvenating elements.
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