THE CATHOLIC Msgr. Lefebvre remembered Page 3 September 30,ommentator 2016 Vol. 54, No. 17 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 thecatholiccommentator.org C RETURNING TO NORMAL Parishes begin to rebuild By Debbie Shelley and Rachele Smith The Catholic Commentator Contract workers from Belfor Prop- erty Restoration have been working 14 hours a day to get the facilities at St. Alphonsus Church and School in Greenwell Springs up and running. The first priority was getting its school operational first, according to St. Alphonsus Pastor Father Mi- chael Moroney. Contractors replaced flooring and painted walls in flood- ed rooms and repaired the cafeteria. The school opened on Aug. 29, but the Workers with Belfor Property Restoration replace flooring in St. Alphonsus Church in Greenwell Springs. Workers at the school offices are in various stages of church and St. Alphonsus School have been working tirelessly to get the campus fully operational after historic flooding hit SEERI PAGE PA 23 SHES the Baton Rouge area in August. Photo by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Commentator Commentator Expansion helps Sanctuary for Life serve need By Richard Meek “To all of the people present and about 10 years ago, David Aguillard debuts new The Catholic Commentator others who have been part of this met with then-Vicar General Fa- mission of Sanctuary for Life where ther Than Vu and they quickly found feature From humble beginnings rooted in we honor all human life and respect themselves questioning the mission of a shuttered rectory, Sanctuary for Life all human life, (today) should give us Catholic Charities. Beginning in this issue on has for more than two decades offered a good feeling, it should give us some “We were trying to wrap our minds, page 2, The Catholic Commen- the promise of hope to pregnant moth- hope,” Bishop Muench said under an our hearts and our prayer lives around tator is debuting Life-Giving ers with nowhere to turn other than unseasonable fervid September sun. all of the various ministries,” said Faith, a new feature where a life on the streets. “But it’s more than doing it just to feel Aguillard, taking a moment to praise catechist from the diocesan Of- The program has since more than good. It’s doing it because it’s right, it’s Father Vu, who died in February 2014. fice of Evangelization and Cat- tripled in size and become a critical necessary, it is needed, and we and “And we said surely we can house echesis will preview the Sun- provider to needy woman in the Ba- others are called upon to use our time, more than three women at one time. day readings for the next two ton Rouge area. On Sept. 20, Bishop our talent, our energy, our ingenuity “The importance of life to us, the weeks. In this issue, Dina De- Robert W. Muench, joined by civic and and our material ability to support to importance of supporting women who Paula, director of the Office of political leaders, blessed the latest ex- make things happen.” are falling on hard times who don’t Evangelization and Catechesis, pansion of the Sanctuary for Life com- Sanctuary for Life began in 1999, have anywhere else to turn, the im- discusses how the readings in plex. With the addition, the facility opening its modest doors to three ex- portance of the unborn, that is one of the next two weeks steer our has doubled its capacity, housing eight pectant mothers. But not long after the core ministries, core values, core hearts toward faith. expectant mothers and seven women being appointed executive director positions of the Catholic Church and with children. of Catholic Charities of Baton Rouge SEE EXPANSION PAGE 18 2 The Catholic Commentator September 30, 2016 BISHOP ROBERT W. MUENCH’S Life-Giving faith 2016 FALL SCHEDULE The 27th and 28th Sundays in Ordinary Time themselves to the priests” preludes the transfor- SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION steer our minds and hearts toward the gift of mative healing. Only one leper returns to Jesus faith. St. Luke’s Gospel, Chapter 17, verse 5 is a to express humble gratitude, by which Jesus ST. BENEDICT THE MOOR, Napoleonville direct petition from the Apostles to Jesus. They affirms, “Your faith has SAVED you.” Belief in Sunday, Oct. 9, 10 a.m. simply request, “Increase our faith.” How often what God promises heals and saves. have we petitioned for the same from Jesus? How The Catechism reiterates that “faith seeks un- ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, Prairieville often do we ask for more trust in, or more belief derstanding (#158); faith is a personal act … a in, the promise that God will do what he says? free response to God (#166); faith is an entirely Wednesday, Oct. 12, 7 p.m. Jesus’ proverbial response is encouraging. A free gift that God makes to man (#162); and faith mustard seed, although small, has enormous makes us taste in advance the light of the beatific HOLY GHOST, Hammond potential. A seemingly speck planted in the dirt vision, the goal of our journey here below (#163). Monday, Oct. 17, 7 p.m. grows into a tree providing shade, refuge, nutri- The powerful gift of faith enables us to seek what ents and life. Same is true with faith. A tiny seed is true, respond to this truth, receive the truth ST. THOMAS MORE, Baton Rouge of faith instilled in a person has the potential to and humble ourselves before God, knowing all Wednesday, Oct. 19, 7 p.m. develop into one that responds to the demands we have and all we believe is from and in him. It of being a servant of God, the master: one who all begins with a tiny seed. ST. JUDE, Baton Rouge comforts, shelters, feeds, visits, forgives, prays In your quiet time ask yourself: Where do I and, yes, believes in all that Jesus promises. need strength in my faith? Where is my unbe- Monday, Oct. 24, 7 p.m. Subsequently, deeply rooted faith leads to lief? When I pray, do I believe in the promises of gratitude. This is profoundly witnessed in the Christ? Lord, increase my faith. Amen. ST. ALOYSIUS, Baton Rouge healing of the 10 Lepers. Crying out for mercy, DePaula is the director of Evangelization & Wednesday, Nov. 9, 7 p.m. Jesus’ simple command for them to “go show Catechesis, Diocese of Baton Rouge CHRIST THE KING, Baton Rouge | Sunday, Nov. 20, 10 a.m. PRAY FOR THOSE WHO PRAY FOR US Please pray for the priests, deacons and religious women and men in the Baton Rouge Diocese. Oct. 5 Rev. Jason P. Palermo Dcn. Alfred J. Ricard Jr. Vasques FMOL Dcn. Ricky P. Oubre Sr. Vandana Thomas Oct. 15 Rev. Robert F. Stine Br. Ramon Daunic SC CMC Dcn. Milton J. Oct. 6 Rev. Amrit Raj IMS Oct. 11 Rev. Michael J. Schatzle Schanzbach Dcn. Stephen Paul Dcn. Thomas M. Br. Noel Lemmon SC Ourso Robinson Oct. 16 Rev. Martin N. Thanh Sr. M. Soubirous MC Br. Virgil Harris SC ICM Oct. 7 Rev. Thomas C. Ranzino Oct. 12 Rev. Sean O. Sheehy Dcn. Peter Schlette Dcn. Ricky A. Patterson Dcn. Mauricio Salazar Sr. Doris Vigneaux CSJ HIGH SCHOOL VISITS Br. Clement Furno CSsR Sr. Thanh Tam Tran ICM Oct. 17 Rev. Frank M. Uter Oct. 8 Rev. Rubin Reynolds Oct. 13 Rev. Alexander J. Dcn. Joseph M. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, Hammond Dcn. Curles P. Reeson Jr. Sheldon Scimeca Sr. Patricia Sullivan CSJ Dcn. Eliazar Salinas Jr. Br. Roger Lemoyne SC Friday, Oct. 14 Oct. 9 Rev. Anthony J. Russo Br. Ronald Hingle SC Oct. 18 Rev. Henry C. Vavasseur Dcn. Frank W. Rhodes Jr. Oct. 14 Rev. Philip F. Spano Dcn. Rudolph W. Stahl ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, Baton Rouge Br. Harold Harris SC Dcn. Mario (Sam) Sr. Adelaide Friday, Oct. 21 Oct. 10 Rev. Amal Raj Sammartino Williamson CSJ Savarimuthu IMS Sr. Margarida Maria ST. JOHN, Plaquemine Thursday, Oct. 27 ASCENSION CATHOLIC, Donaldsonville Friday, Oct. 28 thecatholiccommentator.org | Facebook.com/TheCatholicCommentator CATHOLIC OF POINTE COUPEE, New Roads Bishop Robert W. Muench Publisher Wanda L. Koch Advertising Manager Father Tom Ranizo Associate Publisher Penny G. Saia Production Manager Monday, Oct. 31 Richard Meek Exec. Ed./Gen. Mgr. Lisa Disney Secretary/Circulation Debbie Shelley Assistant Editor Rachele Smith Staff Writer CATHOLIC HIGH, Baton Rouge Thursday, Nov. 10 The Catholic Commentator (ISSN 07460511; USPS 093-680) Published bi-weekly (every other week) by the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge,1800 South Acadian Thruway, Baton Rouge, LA 70808; 225-387-0983 or 225-387-0561. Periodical Postage Paid at Baton Rouge, LA. Copy must reach the ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY, Baton Rouge above address by Wednesday for use in the next week’s paper. Subscription rate: $14.00 per year. POSTMASTER, send Tuesday, Nov. 29 address changes to The Catholic Commentator, P.O. Box 14746, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-4746. September 30, 2016 The Catholic Commentator 3 SINCE 1979 FAST • AFFORDABLE • GUARANTEED FOR LIFE (228-4882) Ask about our 10% discount. Call 1-800-BATHTUB or 225-753-6810 for Mention code: “Commentator” HEAD OUT a free in-home consultation. and receive an additional $100 discount. game day STEVE DECELL with a variety of Walk-in Showers Aging-In-Place Consultant Walk-in Tubs sandwiches, including our famous MUFFOLETTAS! Tailgating? Bishop Robert W. Muench celebrated the funeral Mass for Msgr. Gerald Lefebvre on Friday, Bring Some Fresh Sept. 23 at St. Jean Vianney Church in Baton Rouge. Vicar General and St. Jean pastor Father Sandwich or Meat Tom Ranzino, who is shown standing to the left of Bishop Muench, delivered a moving homi- and Cheese Trays! ly.
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