T 7 U 1 8 0 A T , '■m S t ^bwinard’s ^IfoUHOw. 7 / f V ^ H ld S S will meet tomorrow a t 8 :0 Stndentfi Speak U. MursilRr ^ at tha home of Mrs. John CC Schools and eoM with ___ ___ . t v : nril, 160 ^ p o l S t The R«v. Jd To Toastmasters iwow a* nlghh ’I ^ II c t the Tbner of the Hartford Chanter, 20s. WlU 1M Lasalettea Fathers Burma Mls- Chew ’N Chat Toastmasters ia « h t Manobaiitor High Cftjr o f VUIogo Charm 7 pjn. at tile aion, win i^eak and riiow slides of inuaiotaM dunonatnOod woodwind - •v - r —— ....................... ■ ________- -- AtoMi m i r TcWroatli Oenter. the mlasicm. Club will “toast the teen-agen” at and read Matiumento in a iM their meeting Wednesday at •even atsmentary Mhodla ydater- . MANCRBSTBIL c o w , WEDNESDAY, YEERVART 17, IMS 1 AuxUIaxy wUI oiMt Airman Robert B. Sales, son of WUUe’t Restaurant With -the co- day. ^ „__ '1' , ________________________ t . /laaigM a t 7:80 at th* poat home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sales of 24 operatimi of k^iss Helen Estes of Hie tour was tha^finri carter St., is undergoing basic the Elnglish Department at Man­ pliumad by the townn a l e n w l ^ Dingwall, daugh- training at Lackland Air Force chester High School, a panel c t murio dTtMutmaDt to aoquitot tha, AltiiaUe C. Dingwall; Bsuse in Texsui. Before enlistment. students has been secured to give tddldran with tha woodwlnda, ^ Cased Airman Sales attsnded Howell the fliat ot aaverol to toaoh the u, s. Middle Tp^e., is on the a series of speeches on youn; tho— MlM W t daui’s Hat at Rivier College, Cheney Technical School In Man­ peoples’ viewpoints, ITie club wl! oliUdren about all saqtioiio o( an 878 IfAlH.SiMiiV. TTiahvi N. H., where die is a chester. meet at 6:30 pjn. Instead of the orohaatnu 0n Prayierd ftS m a n . majoring in educaUon, usual 7 p.m;, so as to be ready for H m damonstihtoni and a member of the glee olub, 'Dt. William la Oonlon, director the guest speakers at 8 p.m. DTtolia, alto aaitophona; PM ftm on Overtures to Chinese •tudent oounoU and Schola So­ of radiology at Manchester Me­ Ray Cooper will act as general Ttombly, tenor aaxobhooa; Judy ciety. morial Hospital, will attend a five- Lawrence, ptooolo; Judy MoCnU, Face Court toastmaster for the program and flute; Eileen BulMvan, olarinri; day refresher course in diagnostic will Introduce the Individual club Hit r doRA m Q B T o w m 1 'Soviet Uhkn to get nuolear toot Aide Asks Inmates Kevin B. Reardon, aon of Mr. radiology next month In Lm An­ members who are “sptmsoring" Donna Heine, base clarinet; ^ e n ASRINQTON„ -------- (AP) - Ths geles, Culf. The course, to be held Mbrriaon, oboe; and Barbara Pet- WASHINOm (AP) — S bap talks slartoA again and ob­ •nd Miv. Mldtael Reardon, 47 Eva the speakers. Toastmasters and M r iy b N e . i The Supreme Court today States and Russia hays tain a quidc agraomant Hold Regular Jobs Dr^ la on the dean'a list tor the at the University of California the speakers they will introduce tuL bB.eefiqn a nsw round of explor* , Then when tha talka actually Medical School, begins March 12. They viaitod Keaiwy St. School, plungee once into the th at semester a t Boston College, are: William Luettgens, introduC' . ^ on tha BOstWegt^ ware held in-New York, Washing­ HARTFORD (A P)~A bfll CMOegs c t Buslneas Administra- Ing Miss Estes; Ed Pekar, intro­ to wtoch tiM retarded riiUdrtoi at •monoiHdMK issue of re- puto o m Berlin. President Ksa- ton and Geneva, Bamuhohev re­ tlon. Tbc American Legion will meet ducing Susan Crane who win Kasney Annex had oome for the {•It tht nMy*a aim Is to sec whether there fused to pofidder raising Ms De­ that wtNiId allow carefully Highlight Nikita Talk Ugion b pbbflc schools. It be­ tonight at 8:15 at the post home. speak on “Teen-age Heroes;” proainm: 'Verpliuiok, Weahington, Is any- taMts for serious negotia­ screened jail inmates to work BuoUtoxi Bucluey, South and gins hearing ' arguments on cember offer of,three smiuef vis­ iBaa PattWa Sheridan, daughter Chester Freeman, presenting Da­ tions. its, which KemiMly had Waleomed at their regular “outside” jobs vid Hinchey, whose talk is “Teen­ Bowers SohoolB. ■fwt aii two eases -which may have Soviet Premier Khrushchev took a t Dr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Sheri­ They wlU finlah up th*„ dem- but branded Inad^uate. by day and then return to dan, Hebron Rd., Bolton, will sing Lengths of Stay age Problems;” Peter Brower, In­ faUpaot in elsssrooms all ths initiative several weeks ago U.S. Ambassador FM O. Kriiler troducing Abigail Richmond who onatratlona Thursday, Mai«h 14, In mggeating now Berlin talks. called on Soviet F o r e ^ Minister their cells at night was sup­ with the Bay Path Junior College to vIslU to Highland Park, 'Wad- wMtiMr! across tiie lsnd. Glee Club Monday a t 8:15 pjn. at will give her views on "Teen-agers ®slor# the nine. juatlcM are One possihle explanation )s that Andrei Gromyko in Moeoow Mon­ ported by the state jail ad­ Vow of Aid In Hospital Dip and Parents;” Ed Culver, who wlU deU, Robertson, Nathan Hale, K hrum o^ eiants to keep opan a vnaU ng la n e School, Went H art­ M oj^eater Green, Bentley and m^^involvlng use of the day and Md him toe United ministrator today at a legis­ ford. The crmoert is apmiaored by introduce Kathy 'Vennart dis­ Ufa Hartford^ readliifs from number of channels of coimnunl- States agreed to the Soviet sug- While the average nunnber of cussing “Teen-agers and High Lincoln Sehoola. oatioo' with thO ,Unlto<| States, lative public hearing. tha Hartford Chapter Alumnae Aa- On Thursday this week, a group Mete new* and weather the Blue n sdbools In luryland gejMon for resuming discussloiM. ’Ihe jail official, Harold Heg- aoelarion. She is a Junior a t the patients daily at Manchester Me­ School Courses;” 'Tom De- every mindag Monday thm nod Pennsylyanls. while be shakes dOwn Soviet poU- The reaction from the three Eu­ Came After vine, introducing Paul Gworek of braoa muslriona from the high des in ths wake of the Cuban atrom, stressed that only those o o lh ^ morial Hospital last month was Sataraay. ^ oaaee have national scop# ropean alUas was along familiar irisoners who were considered the higher than that'in January 1962, who will speak on "Teen-agem school will give demonstrations. sad wlU ghra the tribunal an orisis, lines—Britain favored talks. West and Athletics;” Bill Perkins, pre­ Yesterday’s group was acoom- 8i0o-5>05 AJi. vnsr to a eompanUe move Kbruab- «st material for such a program MembsiB o t the Manchester and the average length of their stays jnmluulty to spril nut how far (Sermany went along without en­ would be allowed to participate. was shorter. senting Elaine Sheldon speaking panied by Miss Martha White, Hews It tha founding faOwM ohev suddenly sent , word to Ken­ thusiasm,. toe French were basic- Peking Slur Avery Garden Clubs were guests Last month, patients numbered on “Teen-age Instructors of Han­ iiead of the etornentary music de­ tamidad to go la separiLthig nedy In pec^mber that. he was aUy opposed but said go ahead. ’The decision In each ceum would be of the Perennial Planters last an average of 254.1 each day, and dicapped;” Frank Barry, intro­ partment, as naiirstor; and Miss 5:0S-5ild AM. — WIHF ahurob and state. prepared to g m t tightly Umitod Offidals say toe Soviets did not made by the sentencing judge. nlgU a t Mott'a Commimlty Hall. remained in the hospital an aver­ ducing Randall Smith who will Gale Creighton, an elementary Weather dlreet from Ihtoreat ih the Pennsylvahia fordgn - taspecHon rights in the up with any new ideas for a Bw- Hegstrom sMd there would be MOSCOW (AP) — Premier Jam sa laidlaw of Coventry spoke age of 6.8 days. In January a year tell about “Teen-agers and ’Their music teacher, ae aocompanlat. Horthesst W eather JMUwyland oaaea shaipened Un settlement when they called great opportunity for rehabilitat­ Khrushchev warned today and showsd color alides of field ago, they munbered 227.6 and Center;” Ted Slalby, Introducing Servtoa. ing prisoners in tMs manner. ’The aftov the aupfeaie Oourt's s-i de- for new talks. They did not offer idlettess in which most prisoners that the Soviet Union "would fIow«m that can bo dried for win­ stayed about 7.4 days. Mary Williams-who ■will present • tost June as, deUarlng un- any compromise or call for com­ come to the aid of its frienda” ter boucputa, Mrs. Dexter Stark, These and other statistics are in­ her thoughts on "Teen-agers and Banquet Planned tttutloou the use In New Bimche Heads promises by toe West. Hence toe now serve out their sentences program chairman, and members cluded in the new Issue of “The the Church;” and George Maloney, puUlo sohoUs of a non- Held' is wide open tor any topic helps no one, he said. should the West launch any c t the Psrsnnial Planters were Lamp,” the hospital’s publication. Introducing William Frank who By Emanuel Men Jilnatlonal prayer written by ettoer side wants to advance. they had some work habits attack on Cuba or Red China. All other statistics showed a rise seeks an answer to the question, — sohoU officials.
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