Sensitive Animal Species by Forest

Sensitive Animal Species by Forest

USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region Sensitive Animal Species by Forest Updaled as of 8 June 1998, Appended 6 March 2001 Sensitive Animal Species Type Forest Name ANG CLE ELD INY KLA LAS LP MEN MOD SR PLU S6 SEQ.. SoT §IE STA TAH LT6 Accipiter genii/is Northern goshawk XXXXXXX X XXX XXX X XX Buteo swainsoni Swainson's hawk X XXXX X XX X Campylorhynchus brunneicapilfus San Diego cactus wren X X sandiegensis Centrocercus urophasfanus Greater sage-grouse X X Coccyzus americanus occidentalls Weslern yellow-billed cuckoo XX XX Empidonax traiilii Willow flycalcher XXXXXX XX X X X X X X Grus canadensis Isbida Greater sandhill crane XX XX X Strix nebulosa Great gray owl XXXX XX XX X XX Strix occidenta/is occidentalis California spolted owl X X XX XX XXXXXX X X _ ANG CLE ELD INY KLA LAS LP MEN MOD SR PLU S6 SEQ SoT SIE STA TAH LT6 Antrazous pailidus Pallid bat X X X X XXXXX X XXXX X X Corynorhinus townsendii Townsend's big-eared bat X X XXXXXX X X XXXXXX X X G/aucomys sabrinus caJifomicus San Bernardino nying squirrel X 8ulo gulo luleus California wolverine XXXX X XX XXXXXXX Lasiurus blossevil/ii Western red bat XXXXXXX X XXXX X X Macrotus caHfomicus California leaf-nosed bat X X Martes americana American marten X X XXXXXX XX X XXX Martes pennanll pacifica Pacific fisher XXX X XX X X X X X California (Sierra) bighorn Ovis canadensis cafiforniania X X sheep Peragnathus allicolus alticolus White-eared pockel mouse X • X Perognalhus allice/us r Tehachapi pocket mouse X X inexpeclalus I 01 0...... Peragnathus longimembris Los Angeles pocket mouse x brevinasus x x Tamias speciosus callipeplus Ml. Pinos lodgepole chipmunk x Vulpes vulpes necator Sierra Nevada red fox x X X X X X X XX XX AMPHIBIANS ANG CLE ELD INY KLA LAS LP MEN MOD SR PLU SB SEQ SoT SIE STA TAH LTB Rhyacotriton variegatus Southern torrent salamander X XX X Ensatina eschscholtzii craeesler Yellow-blotched salamander X X X Ensatina eschschollzii klauber; Large-blotched salamander X X Batrachoseps campi Inyo Mountain salamander X X San Gabriel Mtn slender BaifachosepsgabrieH X X salamander Balrachoseps relictus Relictual slender salamander X XX Batrachoseps stebbinsi Tehachapi slender salamander X X Kern Canyon slender Batrachaseps simatus X salamander Kern Plateau slender Batrachoseps sp. X X salamander Breckenridge Mtn slender Batrachoseps sp. X salamander Hydromantes brunus Limestone salamander XX Hydromantes shastae Bura canarus Yosemite toad XX XX Plethodon stormi Rana aurora aurora Northern red-legged frog X X Rana bayJii Foothill yellow-legged frog XXXXXXXX XXXXXX Rana muscosa Mountain yellow-legged frog XXXXX XXXXX XX Rana cascade Cascade frog XX X X Rana pipiens Northern leopard frog XX XX X Rana pretiosa Spoiled frog X REPTILES ANG CLE ELD INY KLA LAS LP MEN MOD SR PLU SB SEQ SoT SIE STA TAH LTB Clemmys marmorata marmorata Northwestern pond turtle XX XX XXX XX X X Clemmys marmorata pallida Southweslern pond turtle XX X XXXX Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillii San Diego horned lizard XX X X Xantusia vigilis sierrae Sierra night lizard X 2 Elgaria panamintina Panamint alligator lizard X Anniella pulchra California iegless lizard XX X X X San Bernardino ringneck Diadophis punclatus modestus X X snake Diadophis punclalus similus San Diego ringneck snake X X Gharina bollae umbralica Soulhern rubber boa X X X Lichanura trivirgala roseofusca Coaslal rosy boa X X X San Bernardino Mtn. Lampropeltis zonata parvirubra X X kingsnake Lampropellis zonala pulchra San Diego Mounlain kingsnake X X Thamnophis hammondii Two-striped garter snake XX X X '.~ ,ra·!"i"i·"ml"L}~.· ~I [ ':'mr:r;nrmmj,i1:f- ,-.-<nl· f ANG CLE ELD INY KLA LAS LP MEN MOD SR PLU S6 SEQ S-T SIE STA TAH LTB Monadenia troglodytes troglodytes Shasta sideband Monadenia lroglodytes wintu Wintu sideband Prophysaon coeruleum blue-gray tail dropper Trilobopsis roperi Shasla chaparral Trilobopsis lehamana Tehama chaparral Vespericola pressleyi Pressley hesperian AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES ANG CLE ELD INY KLA LAS LP MEN MOD SR PLU SB SEQ SoT SIE STA TAH LTB Anodonta californiensis CA floaler (freshwater mussel) Fluminico/a seminalis Sacramento pebblesnail Helisoma newberryi newberryi Greal Basin rams-horn (snaii) X X Juga (Calibasis) aculifilosa Scalloped Juga (snail) X X Juga (Galibasis) occala Topaz Juga (snail) X X Pisidium (Cyclocalyx) Montane peaclam X X ultramontanum Pyrgulopsis owensensis Owen's Valley springsnail X Pyrgulopsis wongi Wong's springsnail X INLAND AND ANADROMOUS FISHES ANG CLE ELD INY KLA LAS LP MEN MOD SR PLU SB SEQ SoT SIE STA TAH LTB Gatostomus occidentalis Goose Lake sucker X lacusanserinus Gatostomus santannas Santa Ana sucker X X X 3 Gasterosteus Bcu/ealus Partially armored 3spine X microcephalus stickleback • • Gila bico/or pectinifer Lahonlan Lake lui chub XX Gila bico/or thallassina Goose Lake lui chub - X Gila orculli Arroyo chub X X X X Lampetra tridentata ssp. Goose Lake lamprey X Lavina exilicauda chi Clear Lake hitch X Mylopharodon conocephalus Hardhead X X XXXX X . Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita Volcano Creek golden trout X X Oncorhynchus mykiss aquilarum Eagle Lake rainbow lroul X (pop 5) Oncorhynchus mykiss pop 4 Warner Valley redband Iroul X Oncorhynchus mykiss pop 6 Goose Lake red band lroul X Oncorhynchus myl,iss pop 7 McCloud River red band trout X Rhinich/hys osculus ssp 8 Santa Ana speckled dace X X X X Sleelhead - Klamath Mtn. Oncorhynchus mykiss X X X Provo ESU Sleelhead - N. Calif. Province Oncorhynchus mykiss X X ESU Oncorhynchus clarkii Coastal run cutthroat trout X Cent. Valley spring run chinook Oncorhynchus tshawytscha XX ESU . - Cenlral Valley fall run chinook Oncorhynchus /shawy/scha XX ESU S. OR & CA coaslai chinook Oncorhynchus /shawy/scha XX ESU Up KlamfTrinty chinook ESU - Oncorhynchus tshawy/scha X X X sprrun Upper Trinly Riv, chinook ESU Oncorhynchus tshawytscha X X X - rail run al,j'"jliirForesl" '~ 24 19 17 23 18 24 19 18 21 15 18 31 25 ,g 20 20 18 11 R5 Tolal Sensitive Animals = 93 Renge in # ofSpecies per Forest: 11 to 31 Mean: 20 4 USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region Sensitive Plant Species by Forest Sensilive Planl Species Type forest Name FUNGI S· '1 ~':';.: .;. Scientific Name'· . - KLA MEN T SR LAS MOD PLU ELD INY TOI LTB TAH SEQ SIE STA ANG CLE LP SB Boletus pulcherlmus red-pored bolete XX BridgeoporusnobWssimus fuzzy sandazl X Collybia racemosa branched collybia XX XX -•:XX Cudonia montico'a X GlIdea smithif X Phaeocollybia ollvacea olive phaeocollybia X X Sowerbyella rhenana orange-peel fungus X XX Tricholomopsis fulvescens X VASCULAR PLANTS S- KLA MEN T SR LAS MOD PLU ELD INY TOI LTB TAH SEQ SIE STA ANG CLE LP ,SB Abronia alpine alpine sand verbena X Abronia nana S. Watson ssp. coville; Coville's sand verbena X X AcanthominthB iHcifofia San Diego thornmint X Allium jepsoni; Jepson's onion X - X Allium munzii Munz's onion X Allium trlbracteatum lhreebract onion X Allium yosemitense Yosemite onion . X X Anllrrhinum subcordatum dimorphic snapdragon X Arabis bodiensis Bodle Hills rockcress X X • ... Arabis brewer; Brewer's rockcress I X Arabis constance; Constance's rockcress XX •\ Arctostaphylos cruzensis Arroyo de Ie Cruz manzanita X Arctostaphylos edmundsif Little Sur manzanita X Arabis johnstoni; Johnston's rockcress X Arctostaphylos luciana Santa Lucia manzanita X Arenaria macradenia Mojave sandwort X Arabis macdonaldiana McDonald's rock cress X X , , Arctostaphylos nissenana Nissenan manzanita X Arabis parishii dwarf rockcress I X Arenaria paludicola marsh sandwort - Arctostaphylos peninsularis PENINSULAR MANZANITA • X • - I I Arctostaphylos pilosula Santa Margarita manzanita I • I X Arabis pinzlae Boundary Peak rockcress X Arctostaphylos rainbowensis Rainbow manzanita I X Arctostaphylos refugioensis Refugio manzanita X Arabis rigidissima Roll. var. demota Trinity Mountain rockcress XX Arabis shockleyi Shockley's rockcress X • ,• Arabis tiehmii Carson Range rockcress XX I Arenaria ursina Bear Valley sandwort X Astragalus agnicidus Humboldt County milkvetch X Astragalus albens cushenbury milkvetch ! I X Astragalus anxius troubled milk-vetch X Astragalus bicris/atus twocresled milkvelch , • X X Astragalus brauntonii Braunton's milkvetch , XX Astragalus deanei Deane's milkvetch X Astragalus douglasii Jacumba milkvetch ~ I . X Astragalus ertterae Walker Pass milkvetch ! X Astragalus lentiformis lens-pod milkvetch X Astragalus lentiginosus speckledpod milkvetch X X Astragalus lentiginosus var. Coachella milkvelch X coachellae Astragalus lentiginosus var. kernensis Kern milkvetch - X X X Astragalus lentiginosus var. sierrae Sierra milkvetch ! • X As/raga/us monoensis var. monoensis MONO MILK-VETCH X Astragalus oocarpus Descanso milkvetch , X Astragalus pachypus var. jaegeri Jaeger's milkvetch i X Astragalus pulsiferae var. pulsiferae Ames' milkvetch X Astragalus pu/siferae var. suksdorfii Suksdorfs milkvetch XXX Astragalus monoensis var. ravenii RAVEN'S MILK-VETCH X Astragalus shevockii lillie Kern rnilkvetch X 2 Astragalus tricarlnatus triplerib miikvetch X Astragalus webberi Webber's milkvelch X X Attiplex patishii Parish's saltbush X Baccharis vanessae Encinilis falsewillow X Nevin's barberry Oregon Berberis nevin;; I XX X grape Bensoniella cragons Oregon bensoniella X Bolrychium ascendens trianglelobe moonwort X X X Bo/rychium cranula/um scalloped moonwort XX X XXX X X Botrychium lineare X X Botrychium minganense mingan moonwort XX X X XX X Botrychium montanum mountain moonwort X X Bruchia be/andari XX X Brodiaea coronaria ssp. rosea Indian Valley Brodiaaa X Brodiaea filifolia lhreadleaf cluslerlily •L. XXX 1• X Brodiaea insignis Kaweah cluslerlily , L. Brodiaea orcuttii Orcult's cluslertily X Buxbaumia viridis Bug-on-a-stick XX X X Calicium adspersum X Caulanthus amplexicaulis var. claspingleaf wild cabbage X barbarae Calys/agia atriplicifolia ssp. bullensis nighlblooming false bindweed X X Carpentaria califomica tree anemone X Caulanthus californicus St. Francis cabbage X Canbya candida whila pygmypoppy • X X X Castilleja cinerea ashgray painlbrush X Calochortus clavatus var.

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