INDEX OF AWARDS AND AWARDING BODIES This index contains (i) the names or organizations and agencies (with locations in parentheses) that offer or administer funds and (ii) awards with distinctive names. Organizations and awards named after individuals are filed under the surname (last name). Names usually appearing before the surname are listed in parentheses. Numbers listed refer to the code numbers which appear at the head of each entry in the main text. Aachen International Charlemagne Prize: 1059 Administration for Development (Tangier): Abagnale (Roy M.) Fellowship: 567 14 Abbe (Cleveland) Award: 138 Afro-Asian Institute-Histadrut Israel: 1094 Abbey (Edwin Austin) Scholarship Fund: 1400 Afro-Asian Institute in Vienna: 15 Abbey Major Scholarship: 427 Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization: ABC Award: 1611 1895 Abel (John J.) Award: 194 Aga Khan Prize: 1641 Abrams (Charles) Scholarship: 156 Age, (The) Award (Australia): 2025 Academic Links with China Scheme: 397 Agency for International Development (USA): Academic Links with Eastern Europe Scheme: 1924, 2063 396 Agency for Technical, Industrial and Eco­ Academic Links and Interchange Scheme: 395 nomic Cooperation (France): 16 Academy of American Poets, Inc.: 1,2 Agricultural Development Council, Inc. (USA): Academy of Arts (Czechoslovakia): 3 17 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Agricultural Institute (Ireland): 18 (USA): 4 Agricultural Institute of Canada: 19, 587 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia: Agricultural Research Council (UK): 20-22, 5 1535 Academy of Sciences (Gottingen, West Ger­ Agricultural Research Council of Norway: 23, many): 1369 24 Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Moscow): Agricura Ltd. (South Africa): 25 6 AID: See Agency for International Develop­ Academy of Scientific Research and Tech­ ment (USA) nology (Cairo): 7, 1808 Ainsworth (Herbert) Scholarship: 2113 Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia: Air Chief Marshal The Lord Dowding Fund 312 for Humane Research (UK): 26 Ackerley (Joe) Prize: 763 Air Force Office of Scientific Research (USA): ACTIM: 16 2053 Action Research for the Crippled Child (UK): Albee (Edward F.) Foundation, Inc. (USA): 1447 27 ACUM Ltd. (Tel-Aviv): 8 Albright Institute (Jerusalem): 173 Adams (Clay) Grant: 191 Albright (William Foxwell) Fellowship: 172 Adams (Cecil John} Trust (South Africa}: 2024 Alcan Fellowships: 34 Adams (Herbert Baxter) Prize: 105 Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Adenauer (Konrad) Foundation (West Ger­ Administration (USA): 2057 many): 9 ALCS: 397 Administration on Aging (USA): 2056 ALEES: 396 Adrian-Adrianowska (Kazimiera) Scholarship: Alexander Prize: 1772 1201 Alexander (B.G.) Scholarship: 1977 AECI Ltd. (South Africa): 10 Alfred Hospital (Melbourne): 28, 29 AFGRAD:11 ALIS: 395 African-American Institute (New York City): All Saints Educational Trust (UK): 30 11 Allcard Grants: 2188 African Institute for Economic Development Allegheny International (USA): 31 and Planning (Dakar): 12 Allen (Edward B.) Award: 99 African Studies Association (USA): 13 Allen (Francis C.) Fellowships: 1580 African Training and Research Centre in Allied Artists of America, Inc.: 32 827 Allied Chemical Scholarships: 1723 American College Testing Program: 90 Allport (Gordon) Prize: 1957 American College Theatre Festival: 73 Alpha Chi Omega National Women's Frater- American College of Veterinary Pathologists: nity (USA): 1431 74 Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity: 120 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi­ Alsberg-Schoch Lectureship: 55 cine: 75 Altrusa International Foundation, Inc. (USA): American Congress on Surveying and Map- 33 ping: 76 Aluminium Company of Canada, Ltd.: 34 American Conservatory of Music: 77 Amalgamated Dental Company Scholarships: American Council on Education: 78 399 American Council of Learned Societies: 79-85, America-Israel Cultural Foundation: 35 1119, 1913-1926 American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and American Council of Life Insurance: 108 Developmental Medicine: 36 American Crystallographic Associations: 86 American Academy of Facial Plastic and American Diabetes Association, Inc: 87 Reconstructive Surgery: 37 American Dietetic Association: 88, 89 American Academy of Family Physicians: 38 American Educational Research Association: American Academy and Institute of Arts and 90 Letters: 39 American Federation of Labor and Congress American Academy of Neurological Surgery: of Industrial Organizations: 91 40 American Film Festival: 749 American Academy of Pediatrics: 41-43 American Film Institute: 92 American Academy of Periodontology: 44 American Foundation for Pharmaceutical American Academy in Rome: 45 Education: 93 American Accordion Musiciological Society: American Friends of the Hebrew University: 46 94 American Accounting Association: 47 American Fund for Dental Health: 95-98 American Agricultural Economics Association: American Gas Association: 1522 48 American Geriatrics Society, Inc.: 99 American Antiquarian Society: 49-52 American Heart Association, Inc.: 100-104 American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of American Heart Association, New York State, Business: 53 Affiliate, Inc.: 104 American Association for the Advancement of American Historical Association: 105-107, 1951 Science: 54 American Historical Association-Pacific American Association of Cereal Chemists: 55 Coast Branch: 106 American Association of Law Libraries: 56 American Home Economics Association American Association of Obstetricians and Foundation: 108-111 Gynecologists Foundation, Inc.: 57 American Hospital Association: 117 American Association of Petroleum Geolo­ American Indian Scholarships, Inc.: 112 gists: 58 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro- American Association of Physics Teachers: 59 nautics: 113 American Association for Public Opinion American Institute of Architects: 114-117 Research: 60 American Institute of Baking: 118 American Association for the Study of Head­ American Institute of Certified Public Ac­ ache: 61 countants: 119, 1707 American Association of University Women: American Institute of Chemical Engineers: 62, 1707 120 American Automatic Control Council: 63 American Institute for Economic Research American Bar Foundation: 64 (Great Barrington, Mass.): 121 American Broadcasting Corporation: 1611 American Institute for Exploration: 122 American Cancer Society, Inc.: 65, 66,1135 American Institute of Indian Studies: 123 American Catholic Historical Association: 67 American Institute of Nutrition: 124 American Chemical Society: 154, 1650 American Institute of Physics: 125, 126 American College of Chest Physicians: 68 American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers: American College of Hospital Administrators: 127 69 American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.: American College of Physicians: 70, 71 128, 129 American College of Psychiatrists: 72 American-Italian Historical Association (USA): 828 130 189 A.merican Journal of Nursing Company: 1608 American Society of Mechanical Engineers: American Land Title Association: 1405 190 American Library Association: 131, 132 American Society for Medical Technology American Lung Association: 133-136 Education and Research Fund, Inc.: American Mathematical Society: 137 191-193 American Meteorological Society: 138 American Society for Pharmacology and Ex­ American Museum of Natural History: perimental Therapeutics, Inc.: 194 139-141 American Society of Photogrammetry: American Musicological Society, Inc.: 142 195-197 American Nuclear Society: 143 American Society of Plant Physiologists: 198 American Numismatic Society: 144, 145 American Society of Plastic and Reconstruc­ American Nurses' Foundation, Inc.: 146 tive Surgeons, Inc.: 199 American Occupational Therapy Foundation, American Society for Psychical Research, Inc.: Inc.: 147 200 American Oil Chemists' Society: 148 American Sociological Association: 201, 202 American Oriental Society: 149, 150 American Technion Society (N ew Yark City): American Osteopathic Association: 151 203 American Otological Society: 152 American Telephone & Telegraph Co.: 4 American Petroleum Institute: 1536 American University (Washington, D.C.): 2169 American Philosophical Society: 153 American Urological Association: 204 American Physical Society: 154 American Water Works Association: 205 American Physical Therapy Association: 155 Ames Company: 193 American Planning Association: 156 Amity Institute (USA): 206 American Podiatry Association: 157 Ammann (O.H.) Fellowship: 178 American Political Science Association: AMOCO (UK) Exploration Company: 207 158-161 Amy (Harold) Award: 513 American Production and Inventory Control Andersen (Arthur) and Company Founda- Society, Inc.: 162, 163 tion (USA): 208 American Psychiatric Association: 164 Anderson (Emily) Prize: 814 American Psychological Association: 165 Anderson (Troyer Steele) Prize: 105 American Research Institute in Turkey, Inc.: Anglican Studentships: 375 166 Anglo-Austrian Music Society: 209 American Risk and Insurance Association, Anglo-Danish Society: 210, 211 Inc.: 167 Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of American-Scandinavian Foundation: 168, 169, Industiral Society: 212 1630 Anglo-Israel Association: 213 American School of Classical Studies at Athens: Anglo-Jewish Association: 214 170, 171 Anglo-Soviet Cultural Agreement: 215 American Schools of Oriental Research: Anglo-Spanish Cultural Foundation: 216 172-174 Angus and Robertson Publishers (Australia): American Society of Agricultural Engineers: 217 175 Animal Health Trust (UK): 218, 219 American Society of Anesthesiologists: 176 Ainsfield-Wolf Award (USA): 220 American Society of Church
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