University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 3-9-1938 Sandspur, Vol. 43 No. 21, March 9, 1938 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 43 No. 21, March 9, 1938" (1938). The Rollins Sandspur. 517. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/517 EDITORIALS Florida's For Open Politics Oldest College Night Morvies Newspaper jaoilinsiigSantispur Football Educational VOLUME 43 (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1938 (Complete Campus Coverage) NUMBER 30 Rev. MacArthur and Dr. Edwin 0. Grover English House To Be Dr. Frank to Speak yUST, L Publishes Booklet i. E. T. Dedicated During GieiS SING TO At Commencement A revised edition of "Endowing Commencement Week Commencement week in honor Florida's Future" has just been Dedication of the Constance Fen­ of the 88 graduates who wil! published by the eight colleges PUBLISHES BOOK GIVES RAOIO TALK imore Woolson House for Litera­ constitute the largest class to of Florida. The editor of this pam­ PREXY, DEANS ture will take place during Com­ leave Rollins will begin Sunday, phlet is Dr. Edwin Grover, Vice- Is Biographical Sketch of Discloses True Happenings mencement week. The ceremonies May 29, with the Baccalaureate President of Rollins. The primary His Father At Colleges will be directed by a faculty com­ Service. The sermon will be purpose of this booklet is to show mittee representing the English preached by Rev. Kenneth C. Mac- the real value of contributing to AND FRAT MEN Department on Tuesday afternoon, Arthur, minister of the Federated 'BILLY* PHELPS REVIEWS these institutions of higher learning. STATE-WIDE AUDIENCE May 31. Church of Sterling, Mass. It is being sent to lawyers and bank This house which was just re­ Warbling Women Wander Rifle Team Added To List of trust officers who are in a position Mr. E. T. Brown, who has been Dr. Glenn Frank, former presi­ Mr. William Frederick Yust, Li­ cently completed, is a gift from While Men Make Most of Athletics Being Offered to advise clients as to the distribu­ the treasurer of Rollins College for dent of the University of Wiscon­ brarian of Rollins College, has re­ Miss Clare Benedict, of Rome, Reversed Romeo-Juliet Next Fall tion of estates. many years, addressed a state­ sin, editor of the "Rural Progress", cently published a biography of Italy, in honor of her late aunt. wide radio audience when he spoke and chairman of the National Re­ his father, Fred Yust. The book Miss Constance Fenimore Woolson, CREW SET-UP CHANGED over WDBO last Wednesday even­ BAILEY, MYERS LEAD publican Party, will be the speak­ is a sketch of the life of a Ger­ who was a prominent author in the ing. His talk was on the true er at the graduation exercises man immigrant, civil war veteran Eighties and Nineties and has been happenings at colleges. May Inaugurate Track And Thursday, January 2. and pioneer. called the "Dean of Florida au- Kappa Alpha Thetas and Field Day Included in the program between AOVISE CHANGES Mr. Brown began his talk by Gamma Phis Sing Sunday and Thursday will be The biography wa.s leviowed by saying: "If your knowledge of col­ William Lyon Phelps of Yale in The building will be used for Class Day Exercises on Monday; lege education has been limited to Sweet music filled the air Mon­ By Wendy Davis the May issue of the Rotarian. His meetings of the English faculty the Annual Senior organ vespers, what you have seen in.the movies, day night when a group of girls Sandspur Sports Editor review is as follows: and students as a museum for the and the senior dance Tuesday; the I fear you must believe that college from Gamma Phi Beta and Kappa Five major and other m is a continuous round of dances, permanent display of memorabilia annual senior picnic Wednesday at "William Frederick Yust, Librar­ Changes To Be Made In The Alpha Theta sororities serenaded changes were discussed and voted drinking bouts, football games, of Miss Woolson. the Pelican; and the Alumni Break­ ian of Rollins College, Winter Park, Lower Division the men in their dormitories and upon the annual meeting of the puppy love affairs, fraternity Included in the memorabilia sent fast for seniors Thursday morning Florida, and a member of the Ro­ fraternity houses. The g-irls under Intramural Board held last Mon­ pranks and tom-foolery in general. by Miss Benediict for exhibition is before the Commencement Exer­ tary Club of Orlando, has written WILL TAKE EFFECT IN '39 the leadership of Cathy Bailey and It is true that all of these things a collection of all the books from day night in Lyman Hall. At the cises. a really beautiful biographical Betty Myers, prominent Rollins may take place in some colleges, Miss Woolson's private library, same time, a sub-committee was sketch of his father, Fred Yust, a At a recent faculty meeting. Dr. seniors, made a round of the men's but to assume that this is a fair curiosities, manuscripts, furni­ appointed to study the possibility Kansas pioneer who came to the Grover, Rollins new vice-president, dorms and sang to President Holt representative of college life among ture, and miscellaneous items re­ of including- a track and field United States from Germany in presented two important motions and Deans Enyart, Anderson and students in general would be as un­ lating to Miss Woolson. his youth and celebrated his 92nd to the group. Both motions affect Sprague. events day in the intramural pro- fair as to judge character, sobriety LUNCHEON GIVEN birthday last September. This at­ the curriculum. Assembling at their dorms early Most drastic changes occurred in and ability of some distinguished tractive little volume entitled The teachers of the science di­ in the evening, they all pammed the fields of crew, tennis and dia­ business man by the way he con­ •'Fred Yust' is embellished with vision, provided enough are inter­ into cars and rode to Proxy's home mond ball. ested to make it worth while, will ducted himself at a Shriner's pic- Crew Coach U. T. Bradley asked drawings by Georgianna Hill MISS QUANTRELL to honor him with one of the most Stone. I think everyone who reads present a course which consists of unusual types of entertainment the Board for permission to use the blending together of the sci­ "There is another and very seri­ the junior varsity lettermen in the this book will be filled with admir­ Rollins has seen in many years. Mrs. Richard Feuerstein ation for its hero and his children ences in order to give a broad view ous side of college life which the One of their song^s they especially intramurals in future years. Coach Speaks without intensive study. The sur­ public seldom sees, which is not PRESENIS RECITAL Bradley explained that his varsity and grandchildren." dedicated to the college and Presi­ vey courses which are being taught headlined in the sport pages of the dent Holt. would be aided by th3 added ex- A short dedication written by at present will be omitted in favor daily newspapers, and which if it j)edience given the J. V. men. NEW OFFICERS ELECTED Pupil of Bruce Daugherty Is From Prexy's home on Interlach­ Dr. Richard Feuerstein, professor of the new type of study. It will reaches the print at all, is usually Assisted by Miss Bowles en Avenue they traveled across The rule change was as follows; of modern languages at Rollins, ap- be possible to substitute a full limited to a few obscure lines A junior varsity crew letter will The annual luncheon and busi­ town to sing to the three Rollins years in the front of the book. year course for the study of such switched in between the obituary APPEARS IN THEATER deans. Their next visit was to the not ibe considered a varsity letter ness meeting of the Rollins Wo­ A fitting description of this re­ a course. The new course will be notices and the legal notices." men's Association was held at the campus where they oddly enough, and therefore all men obtaining J. markable little book appears in offered in the fall term of 1939. After a further elaboration on Last Wednesday evening. Miss College Commons on Saturday, first serenaded the freshmen girls V. letters will be eligible for intra­ the squib. "A librarian sketches In the fields of human affairs these facts and the discussion of Virginia Quantrell, soprano, a pu­ May 14. Mrs. Richard Feuerstein in Cloverleaf. Chase Hall and the murals." the life of his father, a Gennan and the humanities, the teachers some Rollins customs, he conclud­ pil of Bruce Dougherty, assisted by was the main speaker and gave a fraternity houses completed the Further stipulation concerning immigrant, who enlisted in the will prepare courses in a six term ed with: "I have unbounded faith Miss Estella Mae Bowles, pianist, very good talk on Foreign Ex­ list. crew was g^ven when "a varsity Union army at age seventeen, came preliminary plan of study. The in the young men and women in a pupil of Helen Moore, was pre­ change Students.
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