Dead tree mew l'tndmark on orey Road .... ,AGE3 . .•. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-+~~~~ I Community Newspaper Company • www.allstonbrightontab.com FHIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 200 Vol. 10, No. 7 48 Pages 3 ections 75¢ PAYBACK Little sli of heave Cops close to arrests stabbing ofKatrina su By Erin Smith trying to recover STAFF WRITER blood-soaked shirt olice have new leads on dence, the Boston several suspects allegedly ed. Presponsible for the Cleve­ Vairo was repo land Circle stabbing of two hurri­ condition Wednes y, upgraded cane-displaced Loyola Universi­ from a serious co dition status ty students. last week, said as esperson for Although no arrest warrants Beth Israel Deaco ess Medical had been issued by Wednesday Center, where he is ing treated. for the five men who allegedly at­ Lovell was released om the hos­ tacked Joseph Vairo, 19 and Mar­ pital last week after being treated ley Lovell, 20, District 'I 4 Police for a stab wound to ·s right arm, Capt. William Evans told the a broken nose and c ts to his face. TAB that arrests in the case could Vairo, originally om Holden, PHO BY MATTHEW HEALEY come any day now. and Lovell, of 0 and, Calif., June Loeffler, left, feads a book to her S.year-old autistic daughter, 4naya Grushkln, in their Jamaica Plain home. The fam ly claims "We have a good idea who's teachers at the Lyon School treated her too roughly, with daf'lf:erous chokeholds. The school department denies the alle atlons. are two of the 15 responsible," said Evans. dents from Loyola Police are currently gathering New Orleans and ane Univer­ evidence with the case, including sity, attending clas es at Boston SHAKEN ANDS ~IRRED a surveillance tape taken from the College this semes er after their Cleveland Circle Store 24 where university was clos in the after­ the students argued with the sus­ -- By Audltl Guha After a ye.u of pleading with school. c ty except to deny that the incide t occurred. math of Hurricane pects. STAFF WRITER and state officials and trying to get l er "Confidentiality issues re.elude me '1 think we're going to have a Back Jamaica Plain parents charge that a spe­ transferred to another school, the two p ,_ from discussing one individu issue," said good case here," said Evans, not­ cial education teacher at the Mary Lyon ents began 1ome-schooling their spec1.il Deborah. RooQey, principal f the Mary Police re~ pond ing that police have trong evi­ section of Englew and Chest­ School in Bri hton used a illegal. improper needs daughter this month. .) on School "We deny the egations, but dence against the suspects, even and possibly fatal basket-bold restraint on The sche> I Bo:-ton Public Schools I can't speak to the specifics fthis case." nut Hill avrnues o Sept. 14 at without the tape. 1:3 0 a.m. and foun Vairo lying their 5-year-old daughter last year. officials, refused to speak on the allegati:m L: ON , page 13 Investigators have been exe­ cuting search warrants and are Neighbors earn to grin, beer it By Auditi Guha char es of underage drinking; and Michael E. trying to get into the campus." STAFF 'R 'ER Ar · , 20, of 132 Chiswick Road in Brighton, Residents dran.. , visitors drank and stu­ was so arrested for drinking as a minor, ac­ Packed with cars dents drank. Beer cans lined the archdiocese cor ng to police reports. The entire area around Shea ield on Bea­ wall on Commc 1wealth Avenue and the S t. William Fogerty from District 14 said con Street was packed with cars d cops well sidewalks of Be •.con Street Saturday, as c was huge and the area was very crowd­ before and after the game that at 7:45 Boston College k st to Florida State, 28-17, ed. · e the arrests and public drinking was p.m., and was covered on natio al television. m its first ACC g. ne. a pr blem, BC's new rule of getting everyone Dunn said there were about 200 ops from the _ At least three students were arrested by off e streets and into their stands once the college, Boston, Newton and th state. local police at Shea Field on charges of under­ gam began worked well. Fans walked through the nei borhood in age drinking and u:rruly behavior. th two-and-a-half hours of tailgating high spirits, many carrying ca s of beer. It Amanda J. Schweitzer, 25, of 903 Via time this year, BC spokesperson Jack Dunn began raining as the game s ed, but that Lombardy, Winre. Park, Fla., was arrested on said e extra half-hour was helpful. did not dampen spirits of eage fans rushing STAFF PHOTO BY 0< • :l 'OllO(' < charges of assault and battery on a police offi­ " e shut tailgating down a half hour be­ to the field. Farhan Zaidi of Bronx, N. Y., holds several cups of beer while Jason cer; Christopher Fells, 20, of 614 73 Road St., fore the game to move our fans into the Fogemon, also of the Bronx, keep the booze flowing prior to BC's "It's a big game and it's ve crowded, to home game Saturday evening. College offlclals swear they ban any Brookl)n, N.Y., but currently residing at a ," he said. 'The only complaint we got say the least," said Brighton res dent Stephen alcohol at evening tailgates. Boston College dorm, was arrested on neighbors was about cars backed up, TAILGA ING, page 14 ELEC TIO S ost gone, like summe Four ••• more days Council race heads to polls Tuesday ENTERTAINMENT By Auditl Guha institutional expc.nsion; open STAFF WRITER space; developmer t and density; Music fest Institutional expansion, densil) as well as their position on the and the impact of a bioterrorism bioterrorism lab in the South End. frenzy lab in the city were some of the issues City Council At-Large Colleges i~et F ..,.SEEPAGE 17 candidates debated at the All agreed that the universities Brighton Elks Tuesday night. need to be held accountable for All but four of the 15 candi­ further developm"nt, and com­ . ~I~)V~~~ dates were present during the munities need to e1sure they have forum, organized by the Brighton a say in what g es on in the Commentary 10 Allston Improvement A<isocia­ neighborhood. With 54 percent of the city's Community Notes 31 tion, moderated by association President John Cusack and at­ property exempt from taxes, PHOTO BY JTHEW HEALEY many said it's high time institu­ adelyn Heespellnk of Newton checks to see how much Is left In her Hoods e during Crime 8 tended by about 40 residents Cream FunFest at WGBH Headquarters. Candidates were asked to first tions were forced to pay what Destinations 23 comment on three local issues - FORUM, page 14 Ubrary Notes 27 Obituaries 24 MAEL Polltlcal Notebook 25 CHIROPRACl'lt Do er Mortga eLoans ANE O RICNTN RUGS & CARPETING Schools 30 local owledge. =REE IN HOME Experienc d answers. AD Sizes I Widths DESIGN 3 9 CONSULTATION Many Styles & RUG TRIAL Peo les a Colors ~ :re Rd.Nat • s 68·3ns All i\MERICAN ROHE i\ID, INC. Allston 2. ~ :'\11 Hanard Street Medical Supplies 556 Cambridge St., Bru~hton •2wWM!v7ton St.. Ha. "' • ,,.. 826-0010 Brighton 43 Man-e Street . 1119 Ba\ o Bay Blvd Tall' <L :888 l/G(>-RUGS Tel. 817-787 2121 G} (617) 254-0707 www.pfsb.com 151 Sutherland Rd. • Brighton (617) 787-8700 .._.dove 119.com Mani>< H 617-713·4300 www.C}/ s haw'1ut.com 7 98238 60009 2 Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday; September 23 2005 www.kstonbrightontab.com Allst n-Brighton History By Wiiiiam Marchione BRIGlfTON Al..LSTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY Only two of our dlehard contestants knew this was the Thomas Gardner Mansion. This ancient structure, Next week's contest dating from about 1750 and situated at 33-37 Higgins St., just outside of Union Square, Allston, was the home of local landowner and polltlcal leader Col. Thomas Gardner, the 5ef:ond highest-ranking American officer killed In the Battle of Bunker Hiii. The city of Gardner was later na1ned In his memory. In the years J before the outbreak of the American Revolution, Thomas Gardner was one of Cambridge's two representat ves Hint: lrhlnk you know what to the state Legislature. During the early stages of the Revolutionary War, he served on the committee th this ~ackard's Comer exercised the functions of the deposed royal governor. The Gardner Mam.Ion stood orlglnally at the northw st business? Send your comer of Brighton and Harvard avenues about a third of a mile east of Its present location and was the ce answer by fax to 781-433- of a large working farm. It was moved to the Union Square location In 1850, as the neighborhood began t 8202 or tHTiall to allston­ experience extensive residential development. It ls believed to be the olrJest structure In Allston. brl~on @cnc.com. If you .. are c!orrect, we will run your name In next week's Winners paper. Good luck. 1. Barbara Berry 2. Barbara Forbes (last week an this week) ,. Allston-Brighton TAB submission deadlines for obitu.aries, releases We want your news! Key contacts: The Allston-Brighton TAB Needham office by Friday at 5 several weeks to appear from the Editor ....... • , ....... ...... Nick Katz (781 ) 433-8365 welcomes press releases, calen­ p.m. to have the best chance for time they are submitted.
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