The Rambler August, 2013 The Monthly Publication of the Wasatch Mountain Club Volume 92, Number 8 Public Relations: Trails: Dave Andrenyak Co-director: Chris Fraizer (582-6106) [email protected] The Wasatch Mountain Club (262-7152) [email protected] 1390 S. 1100 E. #103 Co-director: Donnie Benson TRUSTEES: Salt Lake City, UT 84105-2443 (466-5141) [email protected] Dave Rumbellow 2010-2014 (801) 463-9842 (889-6016) [email protected] Lodge: Foundation Liaison, Bob Myers 2012-2013 GOVERNING BOARD (466-3292) [email protected] Cheryl Soshnik 2011-2015 (435-649-9008) [email protected] President: John Veranth Mountaineering: (278-5826) [email protected] Co-director: Nathan Schweitz Gretchen Siegler 2012-2016 (942-0852) [email protected] (661-5635) [email protected] Vice-President: Will McCarvill (942-2921) Co-director: Steve Duncan [email protected] (892-0443) [email protected] Barb Hanson 2013-2017 (485-0132) [email protected] Secretary; Chris Frazier Rambler Publications: (262-7152) [email protected] Editor: Kathy Craig (502-0465) Trustee Emeritus: [email protected] Dale Green (277-6417) Treasurer: Co-director: John Butler Winter Sports: Walt Haas The Rambler (USPS 053-410) is published (718-4166) [email protected] (209-2545) [email protected] monthly by the Wasatch Mountain Club. Co-director: Donovan Lynch Subscription rates of $12.00 per year ((315-368-8522) [email protected] COORDINATORS: are paid for by membership dues only. Periodicals Postage Paid at SLC, Utah. Boating Equipment: Bret Mathews Membership: (831-5940) [email protected] Co-director: Eileen Gidley CHANGE OF ADDRESS/Missing (870-5870) [email protected] Donnie Benson Rambler: Please call the WMC office or Co-director: Angie Vincent (466-5141) [email protected] send your new address to the Membership (281-3160)[email protected] Director. This publication is not Canoeing: Vacant forwarded by the Post Office. Allow 45 Historian: Alexis Kelner days for address changes. Replacement (359-5387) [email protected] Canyoneering: Rick Thompson copies are available, while they last, at the [email protected] WMC office during office hours. Biking: Robert Turner Evening Hikes: Mark Bloomenthal (467-1129) [email protected] POSTMASTER: Send address (842-1242) [email protected] changes to: The Rambler, Membership Boating: Zig Sondelski Director, 1390 S. 1100 E, #103, Salt Mountain Biking: Jennifer Ritter (230-3623) [email protected] Lake City, UT 84105-2443. (359-4955) [email protected] Conservation: Will McCarvill (942-2921) COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING: [email protected] Rambler Graphics: Suzanne Nakagawa (362-8383) The Rambler encourages and supports your products and services Social: through pre-paid commercial Co-director: Tony Hellman Rambler Mailing: Chris Venizelos advertisements. Please send an e-mail (809-6133) [email protected] (554-3697) to WasatchMountainClub@gmail. Co-director: Helen Corena (561-0095) Sing-a-Long: com for information or to place an ad. Bart Bartholoma Prepayment is necessary for single Hiking: (277-4093) [email protected] month advertisements and invoicing Co-director: Liz Cordova LaRae Bartholoma and net 30 for repeat advertisements. (486-0909) [email protected] (277-4093) [email protected] Full Page: $95/month Co-director: Julie Kilgore Half Page: $50/month (244-3323) [email protected] Ski, Backcountry: Vacant Quarter Page: $30/month Business Card: $15/month Information Technology: Ski, Touring: Mike Berry The right is reserved to edit all Co-director: Bret Mathews (583-4721) [email protected] contributions and advertisements, (831-5940) [email protected] and to reject those that may harm the Co-director: Bernard Rouse Snowshoeing: Deirdre Flynn sensibilities of WMC members or (435-882-4427) [email protected] (466-9310) [email protected] defame the WMC. Copyright 2013 Wasatch Mountain Club 2 FRONT COVER: IN THIS ISSUE: SAM GRANT'S TWIN PEAKS; TRAVERSE FROM STORM MOUNTAIN WMCF Dutch Oven Cook-Off . 3 JUNE 30, 2013 The WMC Lodge . 4 WMC Lodge Fundraising Dinner . 5 Boating Director's Message . 6 TOP PHOTO: ON TOP OF Welcome to New Members . 20 STORM MOUNTAIN Faint Trails in the Wasatch . 24 Release of Liability Form . 34 BOTTOM PHOTO: GROUP SHOT Activities Listing . 36 ON TWIN PEAKS Non-WMC Activities . 51 MORE PHOTOS ON PAGES 26-27 WMC Purpose (Article II of the WMC Constitution) The purpose shall be to promote the physical and spiritual well-being of its members and others by outdoor activities; to unite the energy, interests and knowledge of students, explorers and lovers of the mountains, deserts and rivers of Utah; to collect and disseminate information regarding the Rocky Mountains on behalf of science, literature and art; to explore and picture the scenic wonders of this and surrounding states; to foster awareness of scenic beauties; and to encourage preservation of our natural areas including their plant, animal and bird life. Dutch-Oven Cook-Off/Cook-Off Fundraising Event & Dinner Saturday, August 10, 2013 3PM-8PM Wasatch Mountain Lodge Brighton, Utah $20.00 per person donation, free to Dutch-Oven cookers who provide meals to serve (Lodge opens at noon for cooker setup) Bring a Dutch-Oven dish or bring a baked item for the bake sale. Come early and learn about Dutch-Oven cooking. Dutch-Oven cookers, pick your category of main, side, or dessert to compete for honors. For more information and to RSVP contact: Robert Myers: 801.466.32920 [email protected] Todd Nerney: 801.554.1711 [email protected] Wasatch Mountain Lodge Brighton, UT Est. 1929 www.WasatchMountainClubFoundation.Org 3 4 Lodge Annual Fundraising Dinner Wasatch Saturday, September 28th 6:00 PM Wasatch Mountain Lodge Wasatch Mountain Lodge Brighton, Utah Mountain Lodge Brighton, UT Brighton, UT Est. 1929 Est. 1929 $100.00 per person donation. Dinner will be provided and there will be a cash bar available. Social hour will begin at 6:00 PM with appetizers. Dinner will begin at 7:00 PM. We will have a guest speaker give a short presentation. For more information and to RSVP contact: Robert Myers: 801.466.32920 [email protected] We appreciate your continued support for the historic lodge. Donations will be used for much needed improvements to the lodge. Use of the lodge would not be possible without the continued support from the community. www.WasatchMountainClubFoundation.Org 5 BOATING DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE There’s a Reason They Call ‘Em “Life Jackets” So you started boating and are thinking about buying a life jacket. “What’s the best life jacket?” The best an- swer is, “The one you’re wearing when you need it.” And you’re much more likely to be wearing it if it fits well and is comfortable enough to wear all day while you’re on the water. Just getting a type I, III or V isn’t enough though. It needs to be specific for white water. And this message can’t tell you exactly what to get. But here are a few pointers: The US Coast Guard specifies a minimum of 15-½ pounds flotation in an adult PFD. In addition to flotation, here are a few things to look for when choosing your PFD: • Multiple adjustment points help in customizing the fit to your body. • Large armholes allow for active movement in rowing and paddling. • Lash tabs and other attachment points for securing a knife, strobe or other accessory to the outside of the jacket. • Pockets for stowing articles you want easy access to. • Reflective tape or piping to make you more visible. • Bright colors make you more visible. So, look around to see what other people are wearing and ask how they like it, try it on. Get a good fitting PFD and wear it while you’re on the water or keep renting the boating groups PFD’s until you learn what you want. Learn more at: http://www.nrsweb.com/pfd.asp or http://www.boatus.com/foundation/Findings/50/page9.asp or http://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg5/cg5214/pfdselection.asp#commercialpfd The June trips all went well. The first Lodore trip had some rare high water (due to dam releases for fish habitat) that we may not see again for some time. There was still plenty for the next Lodore trip the following week. The Yampa got to experience the new and improved Warm Springs rapid from a rock fall. We had a weekend beginner trip on Split Mountain and another coming up. Rick’s Payette trip over the long July 4th weekend had some swimmers, not only in duckies but a paddle raft as well. Still working on an Alpine trip in August. This will be more like a 201 as compared to the Gray Canyon 101. Mark’s Grand Canyon trip was warm to say the least and always spectacular. Dudley’s Main Salmon trip is underway at publishing time. Hope you are getting to enjoy some of this. There is another Main Salmon trip coming up, some Desolation trips, Stillwater canoe trip to mention a few (see boating schedule and calendar for details). Sign up as soon as you can as it makes the planning easier, some permits require a roster 30 days ahead of time and you are more likely to get on the trip rather than the wait list. Our Jordan River trips are a great place to begin boating or to beat the heat or get a river fix. Check the website calendar for more details and for contact information for Daniel or Catherine. The trips are set up on sections of the Jordan River one afternoon during the week after work and are finished before dark. It is amazing how the city sights and sounds disappear behind the green curtain, and wildlife appears. Rent a kayak or other boat and join us for an afternoon of river serenity in the city.
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