US 20140334998A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0334998 A1 WOOd (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 13, 2014 (54) MATERIAL SUCH AS FILM, FIBER, WOVEN Publication Classification AND NONWOVEN FABRIC WITH ADSORBANCY (51) Int. Cl. BOI 20/26 (2006.01) (75) Inventor: Willard E. Wood, Arden Hills, MN (US) BOID 53/04 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. (73) Assignee: Cellresin Technologies, LLC, CPC ............... B01J 20/262 (2013.01); helps Bloomington,oomington, MN (US)(US USPC ...... 423/210; 442/121; 128/206.12: 428/36.1 (21)21) Appl. NoNo.: 14/128,3249 (57) ABSTRACT (22) PCT Filed: Jul. 27, 2011 Compositions that can be used to adsorb low concentration, of unwanted or target Substances from a dynamic fluid stream (86). PCT No.: PCT/US2O11AO4S485 or from an enclosed static vapor phase. Such adsorbency can S371 (c)(1), be obtained with thermoplastic materials used in the form of (2), (4) Date: Apr. 23, 2014 bulk polymer or a film, fiber, web, woven fabric, non-woven fabric, sheet, packaging and other such structures including (30) Foreign Application Priority Data or Surrounding the enclosed Volume. The concentration should be reduced to non-offensive sensed limits or a limit Jun. 23, 2011 (CA) ...................................... 27.4478O that does not produce a biological response. 11 1 O 12O SIES ||||11 8 1 Š 14 NS TITIZ|Z II Nat Ny 1 |||||||2|| Z 3. 2 ses sane Outflowf asraeNS Rast 2 T-st sAs k/ Inflow 2 2 W.3, 2 ass W % Patent Application Publication Nov. 13, 2014 Sheet 1 of 2 US 2014/0334998 A1 NYYYYN •_^)* Ø*---- øæ<=e*== z?ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ná ƺs= QZ| ZLAZIZLAZIZLAZIZLAZILAZILAZIZIZLAZILAZIZ 2Z ºMOIJ?nO | Patent Application Publication Nov. 13, 2014 Sheet 2 of 2 US 2014/0334998 A1 h () d S 9 h d 2 L O O d U s L t t t o c d C O h t U O h f Surface Area (m2/g) s US 2014/0334998 A1 Nov. 13, 2014 MATERIAL SUCHAS FILM, FIBER, WOVEN When target Substances are in the very low pressure range, AND NONWOVEN FABRIC WITH adsorption takes place on the most active sites on the Surface ADSORBANCY or within very narrow pores. Adsorbency by a synthetic poly 0001. This application is being filed as a PCT International mer material Such as polyolefin, polyester, polystyrene and Patent application on Jul. 27, 2011, in the name of CELL other such materials in the functional form of fiber, film or RESIN TECHNOLOGIES, LLC, a U.S. national corpora fabric is one example of this substantial problem. tion, applicant for the designation of all countries except the 0006 We have also found, as the boiling point or partial U.S., and Willard E. Wood, a U.S. Citizen, applicant for the pressure of the undesired molecules or Substances decreases, designation of the U.S. only, and claims priority to Canadian adsorption of the gaseous Substance at a constant concentra Patent Application Serial Number , filed Jun. 23, tion become increasingly more difficult because there is no 2011; the contents of which are herein incorporated by refer energetic reason to promote adsorption and the gaseous Sub CCC. stances Substantially remain in the vapor phase of the mobile 0002 Compositions can be used in an article or structure, fluid or the enclosed volume. Low partial pressure does not including fiber, film and fabric that can adsorb or remove low cause adsorption. The molecular interactions between the concentration of an unwanted or target Substance from gas or gaseous Substance and interfacial layer are dependent on the vapor under Static and dynamic conditions. A fundamental particular Surface composition and/or the pore structure. As a problem exists in adsorbing low concentrations of a variety of molecule in a vapor phase approaches a Solid Surface, a bal unwanted or target Substances from a gaseous Volume or ance is established between the intermolecular attractive and vapor phase in a static or a dynamic condition. A static con repulsive forces. Further, many adsorbing materials, as bulk dition is characterized by minimal or no flow of gas or vapor. material or in a coating, can have a small residual charge Dynamic condition is characterized by a flow of at least 1 present on the Surface or displays a separation of charges, i.e., liters'min' (16.6 cm sec') through a layer or aperture. At a dipole, effect. Any such extant charge or dipole can inhibit minimal parts per million concentrations, adsorbing signifi the target Substance approach to a surface and prevent Sub cant quantities of a variety of unwanted or target Substances stantial adsorption on the Surface. For example, in many become a significant problem. Adsorption occurs when a containers a low, but objectionable, concentration of an Solid Surface is exposed to and accepts or bonds to one or unwanted or target Substance can accumulate and be main more unwanted or target Substance (undesired molecules) in tained in the container contents. A Substantial need arises to a fluid (gas or liquid droplets) in an area of the interface overcome these energetic and Surface effects and improve between the fluid and the solid. Low partial pressure of an adsorbency of malodors. unwanted or target Substance reduces the tendency to absorb. 0007. The compositions that can adsorb in static condition The term adsorption deals with the process in which the and obtain Surprising adsorption in dynamic conditions unwanted or target Substance (undesired molecules) accumu include a source of a ferric (Fe(III) iron) compound and a late in an interfacial layer between a fluid and a surface. The polyethylenimine (PEI). The PEI can be free of substituent adsorption (a Surface process) process is accompanied by groups on the nitrogen or carbon atoms of the molecule. The absorption, i.e. the penetration of the gas or liquid into the adsorbent composition can comprise a Fe(III) compound and Solid phase. The total uptake and removal (adsorption and a PEI compound or a Fe(III) compound and a PEI compound absorption) of gas or liquid by a solid material is sorption. in at least a monolayer coating. This composition can Suc 0003. At low concentrations in the enclosed volume or cessfully overcome the natural tendency of such materials to enclosed ambient vapor phase, there is very little physical prevent or avoid adsorption. The adsorbent materials can cause, on an energetic basis, for the undesired molecules to be remove, preferably, for example at concentrations less than adsorbed. 15 ppm, of unwanted or target Substances from a static or 0004 Adsorption theory is based mainly on the Langmuir dynamic gaseous or vapor phase. (concept of monolayer adsorption, formed on energetically 0008 Improved adsorbency in both dynamic and static homogeneous solid surfaces) and BET (multilayer isotherm mode is derived from an adsorbent comprising a combination equation proposed by Brunauer, Emmett and Teller) equa of materials that can adsorb unwanted or target Substances at tions, capillary condensation theory, Polanyi potential theory low concentration. A removal compound or structure (an (adsorption potential and the characteristic adsorption curve, adsorber) with reduced charge effects and high Surface area which are independent on the of adsorption temperature) and can obtain functional adsorbency for low Substance concen the DR equation (adsorption based on considerations of trations. The structural material can contain the adsorbent adsorption energies) related to the latter. The Langmuir and composition as a component or the adsorbency can be BET equations have distinct deviations from experimental obtained from a coating on a Substrate. The Substrate can be values particularly in the range of low and high relative pres made of a natural or synthetic material made with thermo SUCS. plastic materials that can be used in the form of bulk polymer 0005. A problem arises in the divergence between theory in a film, fiber, web, woven fabric, non-woven fabric, rigid and experimental. This suggests the existence of additional sheet, cellulosic packaging and other Such structures includ physical factor that influences adsorption processes; an effect ing or Surrounding the enclosed Volume. resulting from interactions in the interface area. The disparity is related to the energetic heterogeneity of most real Solid 0009. A first aspect comprises an adsorbent, adsorbant (polycrystalline and amorphous) adsorbent. Without wishing layer or coating comprising a Fe(III) compound and a PEI to be bound by any theory, it is believed that it has been compound. experimentally shown that the concept of Surface heteroge 0010. A second aspect comprises a polymer comprising a neity (besides defects on the solid surface) can be distur majorportion of a polymer mass and an effective amount of a bances in the structure. The presence of structural flaws can adsorbent, adsorbant layer or coating comprising a Fe(III) affect significantly the Surface properties of adsorbents. compound and a PEI compound. US 2014/0334998 A1 Nov. 13, 2014 0011. In a third aspect structure can comprise a film or 0.018 The term “dynamic stream” is a fluid (gaseous or fiber and a coating of an adsorbent comprising a Fe(III) com vapor) stream flowing a flow rate of at least 1 liters'min pound dispersed in a adherent promoting PEI compound. (16.6 cm sec') through a layer or aperture. "Gas" implies a 0012. In a fourth aspect, this adsorbent layer or coating can uniform phase or blend of gaseous components. "Vapor be made from a solution or Suspension of a major proportion implies a dispersion of Small particulate (often liquid drop of a solvent or liquid medium and an adsorbent comprising lets, Solid particles, and combinations of these) materials in a Fe(III) compound and a PEI compound.
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