Colecovision & ADAM Cartridges

Colecovision & ADAM Cartridges

ColecoVision & ADAM Cartridges by Jim Notini/N.I.A.D. - Version 2.09 - 01/01/2013 MicroSoft Excel & PDF version maintained by AtariAge's Ikrananka Contributors: AtariAge members, Ikrananka, Jeff31, Crapahute, Retroillucid, ColecoVision Zone - Rarity and values of everything listed below are always in a constant state of flux. The rarity ratings listed below are a general guideline and are not constantly updated unless someone is willing to undertake this huge endeavor. - In the "Checkbox" fields for games: C = cartridge, B = box, M = manual and O = overlay. If a field does not contain a checkbox, then that particular item does not exist to the best of my knowledge. - In the "Checkbox" fields for the Controllers Section: C = controller, B = box, M = manual and O = overlay. If a field does not contain a checkbox, then that particular item does not exist to the best of my knowledge. - In the "Rarity" field: LO = loose cartridge only and CB = Complete in Box (box, manual and cartridge). You can find rarity lists on, and to compare as well. - In the "CONTR." field: H = Hand Controller, S = Super Action Controller, R = Roller Controller, D = Exp. Mod. #2 Driving Module, P = Sketch Master Sketch Pad and T = Track & Field Controller. Also, the Roller Controller can be used in "Joystick" mode with all games to varying degrees of success... the best games to play this way are identified below. - Print this document out using the landscape option. U.S. RELEASES 1982-1985 RARITY PRODUCT C B M O PRICE LO CB NUMBER YEAR TITLE MANUFACTURER CONT. ..... R4 R6 2618 1984 2010: The Graphic Action Game Coleco H-S ..... R6 R7 ABC-CV 1984 Alphabet Zoo (Small Cardboard Box) Spinnaker H-S ..... R6 R7 ABC-CV 1984 Alphabet Zoo (Large Cardboard Box) Spinnaker H-S ..... R6 R7 ABC-CV 1984 Alphabet Zoo (Plastic Clamshell Box) Spinnaker H-S ..... R4 R6 2429 1984 Antarctic Adventure Coleco H-S ..... R7 R9 2-004 1984 Aquattack Interphase H-S ..... R5 R7 99022 1983 Artillery Duel Xonox H-S ..... R4 R6 OTL-902 1983 B.C.'s Quest for Tires (Blue Label) SierraVision/On-Line / Sydney H-S ..... R6 R7 OTL-903 1984 B.C.'s Quest for Tires (White Label-Big Box) SierraVision/On-Line / Sydney H-S ..... R5 R6 2863 1984 B.C.'s Quest for Tires II: Grog's Revenge Coleco H-S ..... R3 R5 VS-003 1983 Beamrider Activision H-S ..... R5 R8 2-002 1984 Blockade Runner Interphase H-S ..... R4 R5 2696 1984 Brain Strainers Coleco H-S ..... R3 R5 2615 1983 Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom Coleco H-S ..... R4 R6 2440 1984 Bump 'n' Jump Coleco H-S-D ..... R3 R6 2430 1984 BurgerTime Coleco H-S ..... R5 R6 2682 1984 Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park Coleco H-S ..... R5 R7 2600 1984 Cabbage Patch Kids - Picture Show Coleco H-S ..... R6 R8 1604 1983 Campaign '84 (Yellow Box/Gold Label) Sunrise Software H-S ..... R6 R6 1604 1983 Campaign '84 (Silver Box/Gold Label) Sunrise Software H-S ..... R1 R2 2445 1982 Carnival Coleco H-S ..... R10 R10 .... 1983 Caterpillar S.O.S. (C.A.T. Dealers only) Nuvatec H-S ..... R2 R3 70004 1983 Centipede AtariSoft H-S-R ..... R5 R7 2690 1984 Choplifter! Coleco H-S ..... R5 R7 99021 1983 Chuck Norris SuperKicks Xonox H-S ..... R4 R5 2669 1984 Congo Bongo Coleco H-S ..... R1 R2 2434 1982 Cosmic Avenger Coleco H-S ..... R8 R9 2434 1982 Cosmic Avenger (Label/Cart Shell - Taiwan) Coleco H-S ..... R4 R7 2686 1984 Dam Busters, The Coleco H-S ..... R5 R7 DCF 1984 Dance Fantasy Fisher Price H-S ..... R3 R5 VS-006 1983 Decathlon, The Activision Activision H-S ..... R3 R4 70002 1983 Defender AtariSoft H-S ..... R3 R5 2602 1984 Destructor Coleco D ..... R1 R8 2411 1982 Donkey Kong (ColecoVision Presents Label) Coleco H-S ..... R3 R8 2411 1982 Donkey Kong (For ColecoVision & ADAM Label) Coleco H-S ..... R8 R9 2411 1982 Donkey Kong (Label/Cart Shell - Taiwan) Coleco H-S ..... R1 R2 2601 1983 Donkey Kong Junior Coleco H-S ..... R4 R5 2699 1984 Dr. Seuss Fix-Up the Mix-Up Puzzler Coleco H-S ..... R5 R7 720065 1984 DragonFire Imagic H-S ..... R5 R6 2607 1984 Dukes of Hazard, The Coleco D ..... R5 R8 .... 1983 Evolution Sydney Development Co. H-S ..... R4 R5 FMK-CV 1983 Facemaker (Large Cardboard Box) Spinnaker H-S ..... R4 R5 FMK-CV 1983 Facemaker (Plastic Clamshell Box) Spinnaker H-S ..... R4 R9 FMK-CV 1983 Facemaker (Make-A-Face Small Cardboard Box) Spinnaker H-S ..... R4 R6 720066 1983 Fathom Imagic H-S ..... R6 R7 SE291 1983 Flipper Slipper SpectraVision / Video H-S ..... R5 R6 2681 1984 Fortune Builder Coleco H-S ..... R4 R5 FRF-CV 1983 Fraction Fever (Small Cardboard Box) Spinnaker H-S ..... R4 R5 FRF-CV 1983 Fraction Fever (Large Cardboard Box) Spinnaker H-S ..... R4 R5 FRF-CV 1983 Fraction Fever (Plastic Clamshell Box) Spinnaker H-S ..... R5 R7 SE232 1983 Frantic Freddy SpectraVision / Video H-S ..... R2 R5 2613 1983 Frenzy Coleco H-S ..... R1 R4 9830 1983 Frogger (2 Piece Box) Parker Brothers H-S ..... R4 R6 9990 1984 Frogger II: ThreeeDeep! (1 Piece Box) Parker Brothers H-S ..... R2 R5 2650 1983 Front Line Coleco S ..... R5 R7 70006 1983 Galaxian AtariSoft H-S ..... R4 R5 610 1984 Gateway to Apshai Epyx H-S ..... R2 R4 2449 1983 Gorf Coleco H-S ..... R5 R7 1601 1983 Gust Buster (Yellow Box/Gold Label) Sunrise Software H-S ..... R5 R5 1601 1983 Gust Buster (Silver Box/Gold Label) Sunrise Software H-S ..... R4 R6 9980 1984 Gyruss (2 Piece Box) Parker Brothers H-S ..... R4 R5 VS-005 1984 H.E.R.O. Activision H-S ..... R4 R5 MCL520 1983 Heist, The Micro Fun H-S ..... R5 R6 2621 1984 Illusions Coleco H-S ..... R6 R8 99062 1984 It's Only Rock 'N Roll Xonox H-S ..... R4 R6 9900 1984 James Bond: 007 Parker Brothers H-S ..... R6 R7 JUK-FV 1984 Jukebox (Plastic Clamshell Box) Spinnaker H-S ..... R4 R5 590 1984 Jumpman Junior Epyx H-S ..... R6 R8 70007 1983 Jungle Hunt AtariSoft H-S ..... R2 R3 2439 1983 Ken Uston Blackjack & Poker Coleco H-S ..... R5 R6 VS-004 1984 Keystone Kapers Activision H-S ..... R1 R2 2433 1982 Lady Bug Coleco H-S ..... R4 R6 LLL-901 1984 Learning with Leeper (Blue Label) SierraVision / On-Line H-S ..... R5 R6 LWL-902 1984 Learning with Leeper (White Label) SierraVision / On-Line H-S ..... R5 R7 LNL 1984 Linking Logic Fisher Price H-S ..... R5 R7 LLV 1984 Logic Levels Fisher Price H-S ..... R2 R3 2603 1983 Looping Coleco H-S ..... R5 R7 MEM 1984 Memory Manor Fisher Price H-S ..... R3 R5 MCL521 1983 Miner 2049er Micro Fun H-S ..... R4 R6 2694 1984 Monkey Academy Coleco H-S ..... R5 R6 9660 1984 Montezuma's Revenge Parker Brothers H-S ..... R3 R5 720061 1983 Moonsweeper (Color Label) Imagic H-S ..... R3 R5 720061 1983 Moonsweeper (B/W Label) Imagic H-S ..... R6 R9 99026 1984 Motocross Racer Xonox H-S ..... R4 R6 1605 1984 Mountain King (Silver Box/Silver Label) Sunrise Software H-S ..... R1 R2 2419 1982 Mouse Trap Coleco H-S ..... R2 R3 2622 1983 Mr. Do! (ColecoVision Presents Labl, CV Box) Coleco H-S ..... R3 R4 2622 1983 Mr. Do! (For ColecoVision & ADAM Label, Box) Coleco H-S ..... R5 R6 9820 1984 Mr. Do's! Castle (2 Piece Box) Parker Brothers H-S ..... R3 R5 720064 1983 Novablast Imagic H-S ..... R5 R7 OWL-901 1984 Oil's Well (Blue Label) SierraVision / On-Line H-S ..... R5 R8 OWL-902 1984 Oil's Well (White Label - Large Alt Box) SierraVision / On-Line H-S ..... R2 R4 2448 1983 Omega Race Coleco H-S-R ..... R6 R8 .... 1984 One on One Basketball Micro Fun H-S ..... R1 R2 2605 1983 Pepper II (ColecoVision Presents Label) Coleco H-S ..... R2 R3 2605 1983 Pepper II (For ColecoVision & ADAM Label) Coleco H-S ..... R8 R9 2605 1983 Pepper II (Label/Cart Shell - Taiwan) Coleco H-S ..... R2 R5 VS-001 1983 Pitfall! Activision H-S ..... R4 R6 VS-008 1984 Pitfall II - Lost Caverns Activision H-S ..... R3 R4 600 R 1983 Pitstop (Coleco-ish Cart Shell) Epyx H-S-D with "For Coleco" label and box ..... R3 R4 600 R 1983 Pitstop (Coleco-ish Cart Shell) Epyx H-S-D with "For CV & ADAM" label and box ..... R3 R4 600 R 1983 Pitstop (Imagic Cart Shell) Epyx H-S-D with "For Coleco" label and box ..... R2 R3 9810 1983 Popeye (1 Piece Box) Parker Brothers H-S ..... R1 R5 9800 1983 Q*bert (2 Piece Box / Gold Label) Parker Brothers H-S ..... R1 R3 9800 1983 Q*bert (1 Piece Box / Gold Label) Parker Brothers H-S ..... R6 R7 9800 1983 Q*bert (? Piece Box / Silver Label) Parker Brothers H-S ..... R6 R8 9950 1984 Q*bert's Qubes (2 Piece Box) Parker Brothers H-S ..... R5 R7 1603 1983 Quest for Quintana Roo (Yellow Box/Gold Lbl) Sunrise Software H-S ..... R5 R6 1603 1983 Quest for Quintana Roo (Silver Box/Gold Lbl) Sunrise Software H-S ..... R5 R6 1603 1983 Quest for Quintana Roo (?? Box/Silver Label) Sunrise Software H-S ..... R2 R5 VS-002 1984 River Raid Activision H-S ..... R6 R8 99023 1984 Robin Hood Xonox H-S ..... R2 R5 2606 1983 Rocky - Super Action Boxing Coleco S ..... R3 R5 2668 1984 Roc'N Rope Coleco H-S ....

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