· the GOSPEL 'RUMPET FULL SALVATION UNITY AND TRUTH ANDERSON, INDIANA, U. S. A .. SEPTEMBER 15, 1921 Ii FIELD OF' BOAZ, NEAR BETHLEHEM Labor-saving machines were little known in the days of Boaz. The grain was reaped with sickles, or pulled u!p' by tIle roots. It was then gathered in handfuls and bound illlto sheaves, after which carts, usually, conveyed it to bamns OIl thre.shing-ftoors. Crude instruments were 'I.lsed in thresl1ing and winnowing the grain. It was· in the field of Boaz that Ruth gleaned after the re!apers. G 0 S PEL T R U· M PET COM P .A NY J ~~------------:------------------.----------,;) N. H. BYRUM. sac. & TRII:Aa, A. 1.... BYERS, V. PRES. J. T. WILSON, PRES. & GEN. MGR. GOSPEL TRUMPET COMPANY PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS BIBLICAL LITERATURE ANDERSON. INDIANA Sept. 15, 1921 To the Church: The general' conviction is that the church must move f'orward on all lines more aggressively than ever before. The fires of evangelistic fervor must be 'rebuilt in many a locality. Where the . brethren have become indifferent and are doing little to convert their neighbors, a new spirit of revivalism, born of' love, born of' the Holy Spirit, must be begotten in them. We who have 'received such notable blessings from God can not simply sit down and let a world gO,to destruction. 0 my God, re­ buke the awful spirit of lukewarmness wherever it exists, rebuke and chasten thy people, 0 Lord, for lack of soul-saving love in what­ ever degree it exists! Stir hearts, revive the, lingering love, pour out a spirit of prayer and mighty soul travail upon us! Leave none of us out, 0 God, but upon every minister, every pastor, every evangelist, every Sunday~school worker, every deacon, yea, upon everyone of thy little ones throughout America, and in all the world, pour out a mighty spirit of evangelistic zeal. Where are the saints ,that have the devotion and love of one who writes, "I used to wash for a living, but I bought Trumpets and distributed them." What of the consecration of' that one who said, "I have bought an.#automobile and am building a garage; I can not, th~refore, afford the Gospel Trumpet." In the name of Him who gave all, are such people consecrated? Visit such, 0 God, and reveal to them a dying ,Lamb, slain to save them; reveal to them Paul, losing all for Jesus ; reveal the washer-woman, 'the day-labor­ ers, the poor, who nevertheless support the work and send litera- ture to others. ' Where are we anyway? Examine yourself, 0 soul, before you are called to turn in your accounts! Are we consecrated? Is all on the altar? Does the altar sanctify the gift? Every saint should be a firebrand to scatter the f'ires of holiness; every church should be a power-house for God; eve:ry min­ ister a flame of 401y fire for souls! Many are doing well, but p~rhaps all oould do more if extra effort· were put forth. We need NOW a THOUSAND LITERATURE EVANGELISTS, yes a THOU­ SAND of'them. God is calling. We believe it bec'ause we have prayed for it" and the Spirit is going to call many of you who read this. Will you carry the living message to others? Unless some one does carry these printed messengers to others they will never get that message. The written message should supplement the spoken, but we feel that God will eall by the Spirits-p'ecial ~i terature Evangelists_. He -has already called some. We want men and women who will do this for love of souls, not for the profit. Self-sacrificing, devoted ser­ vice, baeked by prayers and tears, this is the kind needed. Who will respond? GOSPEL TRUMPET COMPANY. ~---~----------------~------~----------~------------------------~------~0 THE GOSPEL TRUMPET A Definite Hea.rt-Sea.rching, Non-Sec- I-ST-.A.-F.E'--CO-1I-':I.":-:a-IB-V-'1'-O-BS--:r-O-:&-1-9-~1-' 8VBSCBlPl"'IOJl PBICE tarlan Religious' Weekly Published i.D J. C. Blaney Philadelphia, Pa. United States .................•................ $2.50 th In 1407 W. Thompson St. Canada and Mexico ...................... 2.50 e terests of H. M. Riggle Beirut. Syria I Other Foreign Countries ............ 3.00 c'o American Press Published by THE CHURCH OF GOD , :1. Grant Anderson Franklin. Pa. GOSPEL TRUMPET COMPANY For the salvation of sInners. en- R. L. Berry 9 GilfilanMountain St. Grove. Mo. Entered at the Post-Office. And~rson tire' sanctification of believers, di- I C. Wo. Naylor Anderson. In,d. Ind.. Sept. 25. 1906,'),8 second-class vine healing of the body, and the Ch E B D matter. under Act ot March 3. 1879. unity of all true ChriRtians in "the I as. ,. 31000w~eniteau 1~~Oit~ Mich. A sUbscriber requesting his address faith once delivered to the saints." I Fred Bruffett Kansas City. Mo. changed should give old address as F G Smith Edito in Chi""" 12;~7 S. Oakley Ave. well as new. • . r- - .,... Geo. Q. Coplin Tampa. Fla. , ________________1 Russell R. Byrum Managing Edito!t" Sulphur Springs S tao I------~~~~~~~~----_I VOLUME 41 ANDERSON, IND., U. S. A. SEPTEMBER 15, 1921 NUMBER 35 the ground of British policy, of antagonism from Mos­ lem and Ohristian in Palestine, and of opposition in the OBSBRVATIONS OF OUI TIMBS ] ranks of the J eW8. 'Ve seriously doubt whether Palestine will ever be turned over to the Jews, as we see no Bible Zionism Called Stupendous FallaclJ prophecies pointing in that direction. Mr. I-Ienry IMorgenthau, formerly American Ambassa­ dor to Turkey, is· one of the leading Jews of America. The Bible in Greece In a recent article in the World's Work, as given in the The constitution of Greece forbids the circulation of Literary Digest, he assails the project of Zionism as the the Bible in modern Greek, but since the reign of "most stupendous fallacy in Jewish history. " lIe brands Alexander, the late king, the law is not enforced. Thou­ it as "unsound in its economics, fantastic in its poli­ sand~ of co:pi~s of the Bible are being bought, and Bible tics, and sterile in its spiritual ideals." classes are beIng formed. During the war Great Britain promised to regard Palestine as the land of the Jews, without committing itself to any special policy, and appointed Sir Herbert Mis8ionary Cooperation Samuel, a Jew, as British Commissioner of Palestine at Sometimes it occurs in actual practise that a go-it­ the close of the war. Zionism had been born before the alone poliey will not do. For instance, on the foreign war, and it was a plan to colonize the persecuted Jews of mission-field there comes up a question of whether the na­ eastern Europe in some part of the world. Some sug­ tion having a mandate for Kamernn, German Ea.'3t Afri­ gested one place and some another, but the Zionists pre­ em, or some other portion of the former German Empire's vailed on having Palestine selected, mainly from 8enti~ territory attempts to exclude all missionaries from that mental reasons. territory except missionaries of their own nationality, or Since Great Britain did. hold out certain promises suppose that the toleration of religion in a given district to the Jews in Palestine, thousands of them have gone is not established, what in such a case could one small there rather expecting that the country would ultimately missionary board do to get recognition of its missionaries be turned over to them. Mr. Morgenthau says the idea and mission boards in direct contact with foreign govern­ that Great Britain would allow any government set up ments and with their governmental policy. .Governments in Palestine not subservient to the paramount interests have learned by experience that persons may go into their of British world policy are "too fantastical for serious territories ~ s missionaries and.propagate pernicious doc­ refutation. " Moreover, he asserts that economically trines, even seditious theories, and undermine the gov­ Zionism is impossible,for "the truth is that Palestine ernment that gave them the liberty and the protection can not support a large popUlation in prosperity." to carry 'on missionary work in that land. Hence, gov­ "Zionism is based," says Mr. Morganthau, "upon a ernments have taken upon themselves some control over literal acceptance of the promises made to the Jews by missionaries and missionary work. Missionaries to Brit­ their prophets in the Old Testament, that Zion should be ish territory are required to obtain a permit to enter snch restored to them and that they should resume their once territory. Since the \ Tar Governments are more careful glorious place as a peculiar people, singled out by God than before as to who goes out into their. provinces as for his special favor, exercising dominion over their missionaries. neighbors in his name, and enjoying all the freedom and In order to bring about as much cooperation as possible blessings of a race under the unique protection of the in the missionary field there have been organized mis­ Almighty. Of course, the prophets meant these things sionary conferences, including mission boards of all the symbolically and were dealing only with the spiritual leading churches. These formulate certain board policies life. They did not mean earthly power or materialistic that they think missionary work should proceed upon blessings. But most Jews accepted them in the physical and try to get these policies adopted by the governments sense; and they fed upon this glowing dream of earthly in whose territory they seek to work. By combining their grandeur as a relief from the sordid realities of the daily forces they have been able to obtain better privileges for life which they were compelled .to lead." their missionaries, and at the same time have placed There are still materialistic interpretations placed themselves under great responsibility to see that the .
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