THE SUN) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1912. the condition of the Hebrew immigrants torlal stniT n New York of 1SIDQR - and the Charles O. Boebllng and a grandson STRAUS LOSI: Fri.Jhi?i c.ilX- .If? WM PfMWent Sf the Boston MUSIC BY NAHAN FRANKO'S ORCHESTRA. RESTAURANT, DAILY Alliance, of ,'nrKnft of tho builder of tho Brooklyn Bridge. At the time of his retirement from or a miLiIIood.Vr,,lt fmorial Hospital, ins lather is president the John A. Chamber of Commerce netiv newspaper work, his first book, Hnebling Sons Company, tho Rooblingj ?.n.jn 1f tho visltlpit commits of Har. " tlie Chase of the. Golden Plato" appeared, T University and wan Construction Compauy and tho New Jer- - . besides o trustee ami successively in the thren succeeding sey Wire Cloth Company. Young Itoebling fniititmionS,lnancial antl "h,,,in'hron'o yearn he published: "Thn Thinking Ma- chine," "The Simple Caso of Susan," "Thn was HI years old and after being graduated ! ,M!h?M "traits, who Instituted and I hltikliin Machine of th Case," "Elusive from I'rlncetonhotook a course. In tho big I jfrvnil in Congress, Studied the system ol distributing Isabel'iind "The Diamond Mnstnr." Itochlitig mills. Itn then liecam manager &MIASM etorlli.ed milk to the poor of New On July 17. 1SH5, Turin" nnd York. he married Mhs I,. M. of thn Mercer Automobile Works of 19rHT01 Took Active Part ftntli)l,7lr Straus, at one time Ambassador Peel of Atlanta, On. A few years ngo Trenton. SIXTH AVE STREET.. NEW YORK kfy '"J'1 JCor,,,!",.v of Commerco no purchased an estate at Scltiluto, near Ho J was well known as a motorist, two in Public AlTnirs. ij Labor In President's Moosovelt's Boston, which he c.illed nnd Stepping Stones, year ago took part in the racos Savan-- 1 Cabinet, aro surviving brothers of Isidor nnd made Ills home thero. at "trail who leaves six niih, getting second place in am of them, children. One lie was a leader in tho society of Trenton Hi; (JA VK uouhumt I" me wnn or l)r. i MUCH TO CHARITY Alfred F. and nil ardent golfer. Ills sister, Miss The Black Silk ll'iT,' Wi'hard Well and a HAYS A RAILROAD Blouse "P??Herbert! Scheft?!.J'f' GENIUS. Helen Hoebling, hod only recently an- s Particularly nounced her engagement to C. S. Tyson. I Popular This Season an Indispensab- krnin (Joorsrin, a Young i Ho Sympathized nrn In Illinois, lint Went to Van-at- ln Philadelphia artist. Roebling was MILLET, ARTIST AND WRITER. returning from an on le, Factor in the Fashionable Woman's Spring Outfit. Mn automobile trip tho With the South in Its Fight lo unite Cirnnil Trnnk. Continent. i ft 1. m .. While I course there never was a timo when black silk Against the North. I Charles Molvlllo Hays, president or tho waists did hnvo place in fnsliions Tonch With America. Grand Trunk and the Orand Trunl; Pacific KARL H. BEHR, ATHLETE. ' OF not their correct and there never was a time (within .'13 years) when SlmpRon Crawford one of Francis Davis Millet, the pointer, wns railways, was described by Sir Wilfrid Co. s showing InMor Straus the best known r was not tho larpest, most representative, newest iind in ut u dinner of tho IMi.b rlxcellccl in Many Sports nnd Was n Urhnnfe ut America. I bPr1? Mm., rerved in the I'"j-i- Canadian most moderntoly priced. After the close M".l"tt. S ijrscn.nd Fi.,..r. ' C drummpr ANl,'r Uwt Crack, , Irf the civil war ho established a small V.' 'ar "? a bo'' w,w educated N.?W r.k ,lot."1 ,,'!ir Tennis uo-o- n uie great.--t rail-- 1 , UnntllH business in Now York and """""'aye lilentillecl himself " Kar, , ,!(.,ir ,V11H nro(jkIyn Display ,t up one of the world's largest retail I, """'"! country, nut " ,mt,.iy ,ns lived nt 777 Madison avenue. Our for the Present Uranizntlons and amassed ono of '.J ; ." " " W!,rt ywin oll was edii- - tho except L.k... i'"Z""',lZ"was . "J """ " and roving to odd parts Ll,in S-- " reason Is of V. , ' VS" fortunes the country. He waa .i.' i . Kiwrencovlllo nnd Yalo and Noteworthy of tho earth, which was ' Since Purls roars of ago. Ho had boon abroad his recreation. :V. KraduatixlfiomShellleldSclerii School hits decreed a liberal use of heavy, sho'wv Inccs tho He lived with his wife in ruii-iii-m- una Mr. mid Mrs. black silk wnfot a pleasure trip of several months dura ..roadway. iiausnier. "." I in .n,. n o one of tho most DODulur nsscrta itself with the greatest favor from that world Worcostershlrejand Thornton Davidson of Mn..ir...,l. '"V"' V"" centre of fashions. tion nnd wns returning home wascatlod the King of ! ""'inliers of clius nnd djstliiguiHhed stnnrt with Mrs. tho Mr. Hays w.w that Worcestershire colony of writers nnd born nt liock Island, I All the tV raus . i. himself In mnny sports, jllo played firm imisf portray a refreshing difference, a striking tn i.. - I artists, the Oueen belnn Marv A nHnrann. - .'. uriaim- a cU rlt for I i,. uL , distinction when expressed lancuaijo On political questions Mr. Straus had r,.,.,!.,,!! t...i,,,,i iiunviH...i,Uoi.nii ,( up (i USIIIIIUM in tho of the black silks now in Navarro. The Millet garden has been ' ,l10 Atlantic mid Puciflo linilroad in St """"" f,.kn demand. rlded views and his stand on I KlIVI Ull (VI1IIIB MIII1 IlllUKOT. tariff I Jim .till. lin.n pictured again and again in andseane iouis. in 1N77 ho w.m mado secretarvl i , ... probablf caused his name ,.,, "i- ui.i... puiyers...r.. in eacn hits by Royal in th p,- -. ..nPI r mi Academicians. ...p.i. ... .i... ..iirmillll;.,'"spon r W b brought lntotho last contest in this The Wanted Materials Millet was bom in 1840. After his ex- Pacific and ufter nine years ho was assist- - In 1010 ho went to Australia, making one jut for United States Senator. r Taffeta, Crono do Chine, Satwi do Soio, Liberty Satin, perience as a drummer boy he wns ant general inutinger of that road. In 1NS7 the American team to try to wlnliaok Habiitai Th only political oflloo Mr. Straus for a f" Silk, ChifTon nnd novelty weaves. And wo hnvo n v'erv wido year an assistant in the surgeons' corps. he waa appointed general manager of the 1 ilr T '"V ?,,r' ".n,',.,, !f0.t,herc1Mn.x varietv irer hold was that of Member of Con- - of models that nro so new and recent that onlv n few of thnni aro rium iiurvum, wnicn no entered at the Wabash. St. luis and Pacific and w.m ?1v,S"."Lm3 tohoBoon in nny New York He tilled , ' fe' other store. Onlvnt Simpson Cr.iwl'ord'ti tho unexpired term of ntnsn nf ll. - U soon nroinoleil In ilm r,....or-.- l - """ V I.. .n..,.. f PiT ilwl V Kitch. I His pardcipation in ncni uiiu iiciv.nHtper ' Z. inw i it'iir was n inemiHT oi several ciuns. will you see them all. work. He was on tho Boston ""'I' of t'10 Wabash Wiwterii. When the , among them the Crescent Athletlo Club iliticftl matters, however, covers a lone- - .dcrtiter and the Uoston Saturday Wttun',, lines were consolidated ho Imcamn , lhp nh' Club. mod of years. Although he was Ettning (laitttr alwavs anu waa ' ' -- general 1:1:1:11 er. ttudent of economic questions, city editor of the Boston Caurhr. "l,",siaoiu. ami At Black Waists for Dress or Tailored I Suit it was Oolng timu he was Crrpo He CTiInc WnlMs, Deml-Tnllorc- cl to tho Royal Academy in Antwerp that a director of tuauy other I l)rcsv Dainty net WniMs .Messnllnc,S3.nH-Ma- ml? when Orover Cleveland became DR. HOLDEN PREACHED HERE. of do tho in 1S71, ho won a prize in his first vrar. middle Western t raffle lines. Ho ift the yoke nnd ciifTs. high collars and sleeves chiflon in tho Kmpiro htvlo. npprdpriato lor high bolted of tho Democratic nrty Mr. in I dr thut Two years later he became secretary to Wabash In IftM lo becorau general veiled and trimmed yestetto c I. elaborated skirt: also n pretty Diana Silk trimmed with cluny tnuriaer Xiilril Knullsh mnn Often self-cover- Straus toolt deemed publla stand on the ChBrlps "f tl'0 0rttntl Tnwk Montreal. I'lrro with Htnnll n(t finely tucked. , V"1 Adams, commissioner at It. Ida I Mt I Ml. country's growth nvo - Heard lis Ilnrt hutrineiT's, ,u7 from Massachusetts to the Vienna Kx-- ! at that post he reorganize i t In- Liberty ina ir.tut wm mpn ttin, K ui tn Tailored Satin and Jap. Silk Waists, $2.98 ,. enniiBion. il - , ...... Central Verinom ltuilwav Conn HiriV. 71 :llli. Tlie Rev. John Stuart Holden was one i'iiiiuu. news.i.pere. studied' eldiary of tho Orand completed A number of smart, now styles, long or short slcovoi. I . nr. and Trunk: of the mnsf" noted c'ergyme.i.of Kngland. -- the JtibilcK tnrn-nv- "u " r. oiraus Helped Adams tho iicioria ot)cn mwi double He was on hh way hold .Summer Silks in Smart Tailor .Style, in black i Maids' Waists of lilaidc latin with er mllhr " " I sir. at same time. Hu track bridge across t!u St. I here to short live evidentiTWu1or deep study. , , and colors: valuo $3.08, at SI. ON, nnd cMilfs; nt ntnrtmi tn AlnPrico ln nm, nt .Montreal and the simrle snnn Heel nreh mission service in n number of cities value $:."0, Ml.
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