SPECIAL PROCEDURES BULLETIN NINTH ISSUE: APRIL - JUNE 2008 IN THIS ISSUE: Highlights ......................................., 8 HIGHLIGhts Communications ................................2 Country Visits .....................................2 Annual Meeting of Special Procedures Other activities ...................................6 Mandate Holders from 23 to 27 June Forthcoming Visits .............................7 Special Procedures mandate holders met in Geneva from 23 to 27 June 2008 for their An- Requested and Accepted Visits ........7 nual Meeting. Participants discussed various Positive Developments ......................7 issues related to working methods, including Press releases ....................................2 follow up to their activities, the relationship Mandate holders participate in An- with the Council, particularly in the context nual Meeting The quarterly Special Procedures Bul- of the Universal Periodic Review, cooperation letin provides a general overview of with regional human rights mechanisms, cooperation with the UN system, the main activities of the 38 Special and working with non-governmental organizations. They emphasized good Procedures mandates. The next issue practices in these areas and strategized about ways to address urgent hu- of the Bulletin will cover July-Septem- man rights situations. They also reiterated the importance of mainstream- ber 2008. The Bulletin is produced by ing gender perspectives into their work. Mandate holders met with the the Information, Coordination and Chairpersons of treaty bodies and emphasized the need to enhance the ex- Management Team of the Special Pro- isting level of mutual cooperation and coordination. Participants were also cedures Division of the OHCHR. briefed on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol, follow up to the Secretary-General’s study on violence (continued on page 8) How to send information on How to find information on Special alleged human rights violations Procedures to Special Procedures The OHCHR website (http://www.ohchr.org) contains infor- SPECIAL PROCEDURES DIVISION mation on the system of special procedures and on specific mandates under Human Rights Bodies/ Special Procedures, c/o OHCHR-UNOG with pages devoted to each Special Procedure and to the Coor- 8-4 Avenue de la Paix dination Committee. The pages contain details on the mandate, 2 Geneva 0 country visits, links to reports, press statements, how to submit Switzerland information, etc. Fax : +4 22 97 90 06 To learn more about Special Procedures, consult Fact Sheet no. E-mail : [email protected] 27 (Seventeen Frequently Asked Questions about United Nations http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/chr/ Special Rapporteurs) available at: http://www2.ohchr.org/eng- special/index.htm lish/about/publications/factsheet27.pdf (to be updated) For further information on how to submit commu- Or contact: nications, please visit the OHCHR website under Human Rights Bodies/ Special Procedures. Commu- nications should contain a factual description of the PUBLICATIONS UNIT alleged violation and be submitted by individuals or c/o OHCHR-UNOG Tel: +4 22 97 92 24 organizations acting in good faith with direct or reli- 8-4 Avenue de la Paix Fax: +4 22 97 90 0 able knowledge of the violations they are reporting. 2 Geneva 0 E-mail: [email protected] They should not be politically motived, abusive or Switzerland based solely on media reports. Please specify which special procedure(s) mechanism the information is For further information, or to submit information (other than addressed to in the subject line of the e-mail or fax, or specific information on alleged human rights violations), on the envelope. please contact: [email protected] page SPECIAL Procedures BULLETIN - NINTH ISSUE | April - June 2008 COMMUNicatioNS Some special procedures mechanisms intervene direct- established by him or her, as well as the criteria laid out ly with Governments on specific allegations of human in the Code of Conduct. Criteria generally relate to the rights violations that fall within their mandates. The in- reliability of the source and the credibility of informa- tervention can relate to a human rights violation that has tion; the details provided; and the scope of the mandate already occurred, is ongoing, or which has a high risk itself. Further information is frequently requested from of occurring. The process generally involves sending a sources. Communications should not be politically mo- letter to the concerned Government requesting informa- tivated, abusive or based solely on media reports. Man- tion and comments on the allegation and calling for pre- date holders may send joint communications when the ventive or investigative action. case falls within the scope of more than one mandate. The OHCHR’s Special Procedures Division Quick Re- The decision to intervene is at the discretion of the spe- sponse Desk coordinates communications and keeps cial procedure mandate holder and depends on criteria relevant databases updated. 2007 COMMUNICATIONS APRIL to JUNE 2008 1003 Total number of communications 281 Total number of communications 49% Joint Communications 57% Joint Communications 2294 Individual cases covered; 3% of these were 1629 Individual cases covered; 9% of these were wom- women en 128 Countries received communications 35 Countries received communications COUNTRY Visits ual broadening of the notion of terrorism. He warned COUNTER-TERRORISM AND HUMAN against broad and vague definitions that ultimately undermine the strong moral message inherent in strict RIGHTS definitions based on the inexcusable nature of every SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR VISITS SPAIN single act of terrorism. He also referred to Spain’s in- volvement in interrogations at Guantanamo Bay, as The Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protec- well as in the CIA programme of extraordinary rendi- tion of human rights and fundamental freedoms while tions. countering terrorism, Mr. Martin Scheinin, visited Spain from 7 to 4 May 2008. In the press statement The Special Rapporteur welcomed Spain’s prioriti- issued on 4 May, he particularly addressed the defini- zation of the prohibition against torture and ill-treat- tion of terrorist crimes, the prohibition of torture and ill ment in the context of counter-terrorism. However, he treatment of terrorist suspects, and the right to review expressed concern that allegations of torture or other by a higher court. The Special Rapporteur acknowl- forms of ill-treatment continue to be made by terrorism edged Spain’s history, including the events of Franco dictatorship, the activities of the Grupos Antiterroristas OHCHR WEBSITE PAGE ON de Liberación (GAL), and, most recently, the actions of Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA). He reiterated that acts SPECIAL PROCEDURES COUNTRY of terrorism, including those by ETA, amount to the de- VISITS struction of human rights. He also referred to Spain’s efforts to combat terrorism at both the national and http://www.ohchr.org/english/bodies/chr/special/ international levels. He identified Spain’s active role visits.htm at the international level as a best practice and called Links to alphabetical tables of country visits by Special upon Spain to maintain that role, including through Procedures mandate holders since 998 are available at initiatives for further improvements of the UN terrorist this link as well as a list of all countries having extend- listing and delisting procedures to bring them in line ed standing invitations to all the thematic procedures. with human rights and due process. He also recalled As of June 2008, 6 countries have extended standing that all efforts to combat terrorism must be within the invitations. framework of the law, including human rights law. An annual compilation of recommendations of Special The Special Rapporteur highlighted his concern that Procedures by country is also available on the Special certain aspects of the Penal Code may allow for a grad- Procedures webpage. page 2 SPECIAL Procedures BULLETIN - NINTH ISSUE | April - June 2008 suspects and do not systematically result in rapid and Rapporteur emphasized concerns that amendments thorough independent investigations. In this context, to the law governing the activities of defense lawyers he called for the complete eradication of the institution might threaten their independence. He also expressed of incommunicado detention. his concern about the tendency to identify defense law- yers with the interests, opinions and activities of their With regard to the right to review by a higher court, clients, and about practical obstacles for lawyers to be- the Special Rapportuer noted that terrorism cases are come judges. heard exclusively by a single court in Spain. He called on the Spanish Government to consider the possibil- Among his preliminary recommendations, the Special ity of including terrorism crimes in the jurisdiction of Rapporteur especially suggested that the Government ordinary courts, instead of a single central specialized ensure transparency of legal proceedings, implementa- court (Audiencia Nacional). The Special Rapporteur tion of judicial decisions, and full support to the new observed that transferring jurisdiction for terrorism working group on judicial reform. He also recom- crimes to ordinary courts with territorial jurisdiction mended that the Government adopt the draft law on a would enhance the legitimacy of Spain’s fight against juvenile justice system, analyse the results of the reform terrorism and
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