April 11, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5317 On Easter Sunday, surrounded by which man’s universal longing for im- loosening of restrictions on civil soci- fresh spring flowers, pretty Easter mortality will find its realization. ety activities. And the Cuban people dresses and baskets of brightly colored I am as sure that we live again as I exhibited a genuine interest in and mo- Easter eggs, we again see Spring in its am sure that we live today. tivation toward making the most of best light. We see it in the light of re- So my sense of hope for the future is this newly found political space. When newal and hope. We see it in the amaz- redoubled, as it is each Easter time. President Carter was in Havana, he was ing story of Private Jessica Lynch of That is the beauty of Easter, because permitted to address the Cuban people, Palestine, WV. The State of West Vir- that typifies the glorious promise live and uncensored, on Cuban national ginia, and the entire nation, rejoices in which is ours and which the Saviour television. At that time, he rightfully her safe recovery. Her homecoming gave to us. That question, which was acknowledged the ongoing democratic will be a day to remember forever. My asked in the Book of Job: ‘‘If a man grassroots activities on the island sym- thanks, and the Nation’s thanks, go die, shall he live again?’’ is answered— bolized by the so-called Varela Project, out to the brave and honorable Iraqi answered—by Easter. headed by Oswaldo Paya. This impor- nationals who risked so much to bring I recall, in the Book of John, Jesus tant grassroots organization has al- her aid and the daring service per- came to the grave of Lazarus and said: ready gathered more than 20,000 signa- sonnel who rescued her. ‘‘Lazarus, come forth.’’ And Lazarus tures on petitions in support of demo- Mr. President, a poem that I memo- came forth, still wrapped in his grave cratic reforms. rized long, long years ago reminds us clothes. And Jesus said: ‘‘Loose him, Thanks to President Jimmy Carter, all of how we are touched by the pres- and let him go.’’ the activities of Mr. Paya are now ence of others: So in the midst of war there is life. In known not only to the international A Persian fable says: the midst of uncertainty there is faith. community but to the Cuban people as One day a wanderer found a piece of clay, After each winter, there is spring. well. So redolent of perfume Mr. President, I wish you and all of Representatives of the Varela Project Its odor scented all the room. our colleagues a glorious Easter. May presented a petition with over 11,000 ‘‘What are thou?’’ was the quick demand; we ponder upon its meaning, and upon signatures to the Cuban National As- ‘‘Art thou some gem of Samarcand? its reason, and upon its promise for us. sembly, calling on the Assembly to act Or spikenard rare in rich disguise, I yield the floor and suggest the ab- on some vital democratic issues, in- Or other costly merchandise?’’ ‘‘Nay, I am but a piece of clay,’’ sence of a quorum. cluding free speech and free press, eco- ‘‘Then whence this wondrous sweetness, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The nomic liberalization, and the release of pray?’’ clerk will call the roll. political prisoners. While I understand ‘‘Friend, if the secret I disclose, The assistant legislative clerk pro- that the National Assembly has re- I have been dwelling with the rose.’’ ceeded to call the roll. sponded to the Varela petitioners, it Sweet parable! And will not those Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I ask unan- has done so in a narrowly, legalistic Who love to dwell with Sharon’s rose, imous consent that the order for the manner that misses the larger political Distill sweet odors all around, quorum call be rescinded. issues that deserve serious consider- Though low and mean themselves be found? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Dear Lord, abide with us, that we ation by Cuban authorities. May draw our perfume fresh from thee. objection, it is so ordered. It speaks volumes that thousands of ordinary Cubans have been willing to Mr. President, the rose that has per- f publicly petition their government fumed this humble piece of clay is my CUBA’S CRACKDOWN ON HUMAN seeking change. I for one had hoped wife Erma. In 49 more days, God will- RIGHTS ACTIVISTS that the Cuban people’s expressed de- ing, we will celebrate 66 years of mar- Mr. DODD. Mr. President, it had been sire for democratic initiatives would riage. It has not all been a level voy- my intent earlier in the week to come prompt further liberalization of the age. There have been ups and downs, as and share with my colleagues some there will be in every marriage, but Nation of Cuba. In fact, if the Castro thoughts on the recent crackdown on government abided by its own constitu- they have been good years, filled with human rights activists in Cuba. I was many Easter mornings. tion, this might very well be the case. unable to do it, so before we adjourn And now, as I look forward to watch- Instead, over the past several weeks, for the Easter Passover recess, I want ing my great-grandchildren hunt for my colleagues, my fellow Americans, their Easter eggs in the green grass, I to take a few minutes to express my and the global community have wit- am grateful for the opportunity to see thoughts on the recent events in Cuba, nessed the Castro government’s abrupt so many generations grow up. My sense and to express in the strongest terms and repressive retaliation against of hope for the future is redoubled, as possible my sense of outrage over what Cuban grassroots democracy activists, it is each Easter time. has happened. independent journalists, economists, It must have been at Easter time Cuban President Fidel Castro re- and other dissidents. On trumped up when William Jennings Bryan penned cently initiated severe and repressive charges of allegedly ‘‘working with a those words from ‘‘The Prince of measures in an attempt to silence pro- foreign power to undermine the govern- Peace:’’ democracy activists on the island na- ment,’’ the Castro government is at- tion of Cuba. I rise to denounce in the If the Father deigns to touch with divine tempting to undermine the will of its power the cold and pulseless heart of strongest possible terms those actions. own people, in my view, and about 75 the buried acorn and to make it burst The arrests and show trials of these in- Cuban dissidents have now been ar- forth from its prison walls, will he dividuals are well beyond acceptable rested and convicted. leave neglected in the earth the soul of norms of governance today, and they Opposition political party leader man, made in the image of his Creator? call into question the very legitimacy Hector Palacios has already received 25 If he stoops to give to the rosebush, whose of the Cuban state. It speaks volumes years in prison, and his wife, Gisela withered blossoms float upon the au- about that state’s legitimacy when its Delgado was also convicted. Civil tumn breeze, the sweet assurance of citizens are denied an opportunity to rights advocate Oscar Elias Biscet is another springtime, will He refuse the words of hope to the son of men when dialog with the Government authori- expected to be sentenced this week. the frosts of winter come? ties about the future of their nation, Economist Martha Beatriz Roque, who If matter, mute and inanimate, tho changed its political institutions, and its prac- has been consistently critical of Presi- by the forces of nature into a mul- tices. dent Castro’s handling of the Cuban titude of forms, can never die, will the Over the last 40 years, there have economy—and rightfully so, I might imperial spirit of man suffer annihila- been ebbs and flows with respect to the add—which happens to be in dire tion when it has paid a brief visit like extent of political space granted to straits, received 20 years in prison for a royal guest to his tenement of clay? human rights activists and inde- merely doing that. Three others met No, I am sure that He who, notwithstanding his apparent prodigality, created noth- pendent journalists by Cuban authori- the same fate, including dissident inde- ing without a purpose, and wasted not ties. Last year, in the runup to the pendent journalist Raul Rivero, inde- a single atom in all his creation, has visit of former President Jimmy Carter pendent magazine editor Ricardo made provision for a future life in to Havana, there was a perceptible Gonzales, and economist Oscar VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:18 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S11AP3.PT2 S11AP3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S5318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 11, 2003 Espinosa Chepe. Indeed, up to this verse course and allow the Cuban peo- cation. Do you have any comment on that? point, there have been 57 convictions, ple to have a voice in their governance. What do you think about that? with sentences ranging from 6 to 28 Then and only then will the Cuban peo- Answer: years. ple be truly liberated from tyranny. No, I have not heard enough about that to And, I must say that after examining Mr.
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