iriJE, THURSDAY, TJBRUARY 7, 1B57 jlT'yJM AWP CimOK vfl Defense Council and has active In many other local wicz, Arthur 1 tod ffni'v* are expectea oupSi . ' . ... - IChalenski and Stas Davis. " with district i After the play, Pat 11 „ He has resided in Cranford for Assembly Play to Depict Elizabeth and 47 years. Mr. and Mrs. Whitty 1 sang "True Love," accompanied field. The eight coti fe?- jby Marilyn Hayden M the piano. have a son, Thomas, who is with in the consolidation cover Cities Service in the Baltimore of. Scenes of Lincoln's life • I Stage ^technician was. James Gile, geographical band.Jroin Diz Ent*r«! M second clay, mail matter ,1 3 Sections, 24 Pages—10c Birthda y» I and the flag bearer was Hay Lesko. The Po«t OMice «t Cranlord. N. J. honor of the GS Council I through the PJainlield area. ^ " and announcer was V-rC. Belden of Cranford was The development committee WQ* named chairman of public rela- lected last week "will serwe^M. Bird Feedenr Made • uwiui the assembly, a talk- on tion* and Mr*. Belden was named interim board of directors lot I bicycle registration requirements ffy Junior Gardeners row afternoon. as MrsM . H. Lcouncil-to-be. May I, «et as- Barbara Buchman. Dancer^tre presented by Police' Cant, finance chairmachairman as Mrs. charter date, is the deadline/ •Members made bird feeders un- Women Sought as Aid Squad ••"•' Paul Marino the part l Kott, Gill, Moody Frances SeiUer. Jean Carfaevale. who was intro- Whfyjmighj t off WestfleldWestfleld,, newly- completing plans on staff, der supervision of Mrs. Charles of Lineohv^nd Hartig.»r.U of-fee-develop^ __ . ... M ••• • _ aTl ^—.2—*m i ^^-^lmano and^Maty Ann t^tta-taiimaii of-fee-develop^i districting, budget, coord Dldrey. Mrs. Francis Burke an3"| assume the role of-the young Ann George Bpown played Sent^eommittee for the new Girl DiMarlo Dughi. of camp facilities, standard Mrs. Thomas Roach as the Junior imber trombone selection^ Scout eight-council- consolidation, Ijy^oters RuUedge. Mrs. Wilma Milligan's first grade ing for volunteers, securing a. p«*$ Garden Club of the Green Thumb Local women interested in organlzin*-an auxiliary to the Cran- Narrators throughout the play named sub-committees at a meet- Garden, Club met recently at the For GOP Nomination Mrs. Bernard B. Kott, Edward 'pupils at Washington) School have ing ]ast week in Westfleld. manent board and finding a namfj ford First Aid Squad,are invited to attend a meeting in the squads will be: Robert Hidi. James Guer- - - , ,. T grade gave completed a study unit entitled for the conspUdated council. home of Mrs. Albert Baird, 15 e Gill and Leonard Moody were itfeal residents named to serve Dunham avenue. .-way race for V» **<> he^iquarters buildine. Centennial avenue and North avenue, east, riero, Barbara Hasselman. Leora^ on "The Care of the"On the Farm.** A winter scene of nominations for Town- 1 y. pro- on various ether committees in- Hat in Ring at 8 pjn. on March 5, it was an- ' ~ elected to the Board of Education Liskovec, Albert Rendano, Peter the farm was paintet Mrs. Burke also gave a talk on in yesterday's annual school elec- Bianchi, Lorraine Yanuzzi. Lois cludk: Mrs. HoUis Leland. em- nounced today by Mrs. Donald in the corridor. Whitty Named the feeding of local birds. Helen iton; They will succeed Mrs. Schmidt, Theodore Griffin. Ray- ployed personnel; Mrs. Albert Ges- Mae Dickey, secretary, presided Boothby. temporary president for Adult School mond Evers. Mary casiaiao. a"« j r, Ann -Dell Arto. oregory sier? office and equipment; Mrs. in. the absence of the president, the group. ' * • Charles Redden, Joseph Kohn. and Reime Morse Shepard, fund drive an- Purchasing Agent George Toth. who also portrays i , i McCarrick," Karen Ilive James Zalonis. Refreshments • .Walter Bl. Cooper, squad pres- Buron C. Belden. who were not AJc an Caro alysis; Mrs: Robert G. Hoyt, or- ' FKANK T. hiaent, reported that membership (Jill ditu «^«..».>-* — _ were served by Mrs. Francis Duli- for reelectioa a _ Jas Record [ candidates for reelection. All Stephen Douglas, the famed orator j Totn anQDa niel Corveleynj New ganization; Mrs. Dwight Copeland, For Cities Service on the squad itseU also has been o>f *>.....«...Lincoln's» —.day, .• .-,.,, Outstanding reports on • social Steven Redzinak, proprietor of cai and Mrs. Baird. budget items were approved by —t t ,n<>n1n's dav. i »-..... tinHini* r»>iihrts on ' social ' camp, and Mr* Ira Kerzman, pro- opened to women who pass the re- The." class will recite Edwin i t dies subjects were presented in •_ '- w elected Public Works Commissioner Next meeting will be held on CommissCommissionei r Ira better than four to one plurali- gram and. education. - I vestryman of Trinity Church for quired basic and-advance1 d j,<irst Enrollment Markham's poem. "Lincoln, the 4T class by ^nArSL Tropp. the Riverside Inn. was _•«*"», T. Whitty of 110 Severin February 22. Finance qlUXVu iwa» ^MJMM—wwf" ,,"- • : Mrs. R. C. Simons of Cranford I Frame r. wnmy oi nv jcvnui many years. He also beaded the and farmer Finance aid courses. He said they are need- With a registration of 418, the ties. Man of the People." as the back-.fLinda Joycc< Wiuiam Reimer. president of the Riverside Club., court has been named purchasing John X Havilaod was simong eight members selec- ed to fill daytime squad posts. Cranford Adult School opened Us The board will hold its annual ground theme, and also will dc- jCarpl Kay Andre. Carol Kitson. \SUCC eeding Joseph DTiulio. as thej ff J. OO agent of Cities Service Oil Cora-- have their hats in the reorganization meeting at 8 p.m. pict one scene rrbm Robert Sh tedftom a multiple-state of M can- At a meeting in the headquarters third spring semester last Thurs pict one scene from Robert Sher- jD(jri s Brunner. Susan Kurlowicz ;clu b hc,d j^annual meeting at thej pany, it was announced this week. TMS?** the deadline^ wood's play, "Abo Lincoln in IHi- didates to serve, on a rhembership- GARWOOD POWDER PUFF & HAIRDRESSER building Tuesday night, temporary Monday in Cleveland School. With i last Wednesday night The local resident has been assist- the flUng of petitions. day evenini g att Cranford HiHiggh both President Belden and Vice- nomihating' committee to secure 113 CentT St. SUtwt 9-1011 G»rwood th auxiliary officers in addition to School. This is its largest enroll- people for the board of directors ant purchasing agent for the com- L making his announcement. ; Mrs. Boothby were named as fol- president Kohn retiring, new top pany for the past 15. years. iissioner LaCorte g^ ment ever for a spring term. officers will be chosen. coin «-'.v ')•-••.: named fodr thc seci lowin- g members of Mrs. {Catherine follows: to be elected on charter day, May llows: Mrs. Jane Seymour, vice- will become the 17th Eagle Scout Commissioner Whitty has been \ye Specialize In . -Last year the people of Cranford Kenneth W. Iversen, president- A total of 961 ballots were cast, ond term, as fq'.I^ .v.: PresidenJ, i Bennett's fifth grade • at Lincoln , Scarinzi; recording secretary, j president; Miss Antionette Cip- director, reports there is still room Arnong those serving on thassociatee d with Cities Service for SOFT. NATURAL^PERMANEJNTS i . .H me to a one-year term, representing the largest, turnout, Gail Bonicwicz, vice-presidentj !School: Judy Marshall, HUT'I CH- .Sheldon Aldrich; corre"s-l in the 29-year history of Soy Scout olla, secretary, and Mrs. Ernest in most of the 24 courses avail- rnembership-nominating commit- 31 years. He 'started in the New S arpretenUy extending m, of voters here in several years. Peter Reimer; secretary, Vito Mas- jmano, Michael DiMario, Robr-t 1 80 as the troop's annual Thomason, treasurer. able. Interested persons may sign ponding secretary, Joseph Gomu-1 tee which presented the slate for York 'office of the company and b"st effort as commissioner of A total of .832 ballots were cast, sari, and treasurer, Barbara Mar- Anger, Richard Herold, Tin •'-"-- LATEST STYLE HAIRCUTS All these temporary officers and up tonight when the second night I la: treasurer. John Krumbine. and' dinner is held at the First the 'development committee . was also has been in-the Arm's Phila- public safety to justify the^laitt last year. • ini. I Seaman.. John Sugida and ' also Mrs. Doris Schultr and Mrs. of classes will be held at the high) I scrgeant-at-arms. Paul Stanko. • Presbyterian Chjurch at 6:45 to-MrsL' George H. Barlow of Cran- delphia,' Baltimore and Washing- j See Our Gifts For •n me During the campaign lor Mrs. Kott led in all five poling Monitors in 6N for February ; Wanat. / Edith' Arnold are. members of aschool, lio more registrations "-* ' Named trustees were: Edward• morrow. ton offices. His headquarters for Sn fast y^ar. I stated p^li* group which will complete the ad- districts to receive a total of 667 are: Attendance, Fred McCarrick; j "Wildcat Willie Gets: Brain Fev* ford, i VALENTINE'S DAY ; being accepted in driver edi ,Cr McMahon. Charles J: Christian, j David will receive the top rank week's meeting marked the past several years have been that proper town planning was the ...votes. She was followed by Mr. shades, Alan Chalenski; desk in- er" was the title of n p*;«y pre- List vanced first aid courses next Tues- and- party sandwich maki •I George Gordon. Arthur Smethers' of scouting' from Roderick W. auu^ci stage of progress in theI'n New York.
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