■ ' ' ■ ■V V PAGE T\iG3NtY-F0UR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1W9 iUanrbfBtrr lEtirning Avmuge Daily Net Press Ron \ '' Thr The Week Ikidea The Weather Ootobw 4. uaa Almut Towp Mets Set ■ Fair and quite cool tonight Emanuel Lutherweds will wttfa wldeepreod froet. Loim k> have a square dance tonigfht at WBen You Buys 15,790 9to. Tomorroer mooUy eum y, oontlniied cool wkh high, in up- 8 In Luther Hall of Emanuel NYC Astir City of ViOote Chmrm LuMheran CSiurch. The event is Monument from Meitchester— z4 pa 50e low 80a. open to all couples of the Continued from Page One) •lU-UirVICI DIPT STORM VOL. L X X X IX , NO. 16 (TW ENTY PAGES — INCLUDING TV) church. SAPcmm MANCHESTER, CONN-, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1969 (Claastflad Adverthdag «a Page 10) / In Bedtlmore, an Orioles fan raCB TEN CEfm said ‘Xiet’s talk about some­ m e m o r ia l CO. BROAD STREET, MANCHESTER The Methodist Youth Fellow- ' thing else.” 4N CENTER STREET ohlp of North United Metho­ BtiUHdieK«»t • M S -m t dist Church will sponsor a car "W e’ve been through this be- wash tomorrow from 10 a.m. to ' fore,” said another, alluding to Y(w get our dependable 2 p.m. at. the church parking the Baltimore Colts’ Super Bowl guidance, understanding, Wliite House lot, 300 Parker St. loss to New York’s football X e ts and_ honest advice in se­ and a Baltimore Bullets defeat lecting a family memorial Damage Slight Hartford Branch ot the Scien­ at the hands of the New Torit Nixon Asks Restraint Knlcks in the National BaMiet- priced to fit your budget. tific Research Society of Amer­ In Fire Friday ball Association idayoffs. Stt our complete display ica will meet tomorrow after­ About 4,000 faithful greeted featuring fully guaran- noon to tour Talcott Mountain WAJHimcnON (AP) — A the Orioles on their return teed Select Science Center for Student In­ ehoa ctreuR is fatomed for SUPER home. Barre Guild a dociBneUt • copying ma- volvement in Avon. "Win or lose, Orioles, we stDl Mtmuments. otilne Ore in (he Wtatte love you," read a sign. House basem ent Women’s Auxiliary to the Brtg. Mayo SmMli Business, Labor Mrs. Brig. Bfajo SmlOi Manchester Midget and Pony No omoke Atom (he tire An ABC sanctioned league av­ Monumeois Friday reached Prealdent Football Association will meet e erage is the only one accepted Nixon’s oCttce becauw of an Monday at 8:80 p.m. at the Salvation Army Visitors fay many tournaments. Independent air-«ankEUoning WASHINGTON (A P)— home of Mrs. James Ray, 180 Brig, and Mrs. Mayo Smith, sytkm. But an aide aeid President Nixon is sending VALUE Ferguson Rd. He served as divisional secre­ divisional commanders of the tary for the southrwest Ohio and odor reached the pnaMen- personal fight-inflation ai>- ObI aandtum. Sunset Rebekah Lodge will Salvation Army in Connecticut, Northweeit Kentucky Division peals to 2,200 leaders of FRI. and SAT. ONLY4 before assuming his present The blaM, wMch came meet Monday at 6:4S p.m. at will participate Sunday in the business and labor — his post in Hartford. rtmOy betore the President first concerted effort to so­ Odd Fellows Hall. After the 10:46 a.m. and 7 p.m. servicee addreased the nation vto ra­ ■■■■■■■■■■I meertlng, the group will attend Mrs. Brig. Smith is director of licit wage-price restraint at the Manchester Citadel. ’They dio cn the InllaMhin proh- the Liberty Rebekah Lodge Women’s Services. She has The White House saM lotters will also meet with the Man­ M A R L O W ^ th lem, was quioldy brought served with her husband in all State Officers Night program in under control by lire flglft- from the President win be SAVE 84c! his Salvation Army activities. 58 Hartford. chester Corps leaders at a tea e n who responded wUi two mailed Monday as a toDowup to During the brigadier’s divisional at 6 :80 p.m. hook and ladder trucks and hla nationwide radio artihrsi In BAKED ENAMEL HNISH John Mather Chapter, Order appointments, Mrs. ' Smith As commander for Southern an aertol ISrider. which he asked aU cltlsens to of DeMolay, will have a meet­ served in divisional and New "bear the burden of lestraliS tai New England, the brigadier di­ Hwre was some anvofce ing of all committee chairmen York Command League of their personal credit and pur­ rects a work force of 76 com­ and water damage. tonight at 8 at the home, of the Mercy work, and as di'visional chasing decMons, so os to re­ TOILET SEATS missioned officers, 216 full-time master councilor, Michael Home League secretary in Now duce the preasurea that help employes, and a large volunteer Fields, IIB White St. York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and drive prices out of right" K k q 't staff. Kentucky, He has commanded corps In This is an artist’s conception of a reusable space Nixon said Friday ths admin­ Low Manchester Jaycees will Red Bank, Pasaalc, Plainfield, / shuttle craft proposed jointly by The Boeing Co. Army Back istration Is presortblng "hitler sponsor its annual Fall Foliage is now in full swing! Prfc» and Asbury Park, all in Now medicine' In an effort to hold Rides for the elderly tomorrow and Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., who seek a down living coats, and: Jersey. Ho was apix>inted to the Still plenty of values to be had at marLOW prices — phis new specials beiiur afternoon. Volunteer Jaycee NASA contract to develop the vehicle. It would fly Syracuse (N.Y.j complex in put out evory dnyl To Testing "I can report to you thag tbs drivers and chartered buses Nixon Sets between earth and a near-earth orbit to conduct medicine has begun to work. 1%B, and in 1068 became the 'WMto, black, pink or tdue. B its standard bowls WlUi will provide transportation for space missions. (AP Photofax) There will be no overnight curs, M divisional secretary of the IhBidwara. residents of Manchester rest but we are on the road to raoov- Metropolitan New York Staff. Of Chemicals homes, convalescent hospitals, ROOFING 300,000 ery from the dlseaas of runaaray and town housing for the elder­ Rooflng and COPYMATE* WA8HINOTON (AP) — ’The prices.” In his address, Nixon callsd ly. Repairs Done Army, armed with a report to Jh a n k , on labor "to baas thtir wags de­ Troop Cut Troika Task Ends; blunt congressional criticism, UQQElt ORUa Realistically mands On the new prospset of a The bridge group of the Man­ has decided to resume testing The *29.95 Dry Copier GARDEN CITY, N.Y. (AP) — return toward price atablUty.’’ •»•#••••••••*•• • • • • • • • • • • • •*••••• .*••••. chester Newcomers Club of the | PARKADI Free Estimates chemical warfare agents at two He urgad burinasamsn “to bass YWCA will njeet tomorrow at 8 OPEN y o iu ! President Nixon has ordered the posts after a three-month sus­ i-ioi Kl- p.m. at the home of Mr. and I CoB Pentagon to work out plane for A Partial Success pension. Uislr Investment and pries dscl- Mrs. Ounnar Larson, 42 Ludlow 17:45 A.M . lo 10 P.M. MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet pleted nearly five days in orbit slona on that new economic withdrawing up to 800,000 U.S. Secretary Stanley R. Resor Rd. 649-2878 — 649-1616 Union's most ambiUous manned and both “feel excellent," Moe- plan.’ troops from Vietnam In 1970, _ _______________ authorised resumption of open The entire Marlow fam­ space mission ended today as cow Radio said. I^sident Nixon sits at his WTiite House microphone .veaterday after his na­ But the message was beamed Newsday said today In a copy­ the lost pair of cosmonauts on The big Soyuz 8 spacecraft chemical agents at tionwide radio address on inflation. (A!* Photofax) mainly at housewives, and Utey ily would like to thank Edgewood Arsenal, Md.. and right story by columnist Flora the project landed safely on the landed In the anow-blOnketed showed mixed reaction. l•y^yA< their many friends who use of such gases in defensive Lewis. snow-swept flatlands of Soviet fields of Soviet Kaxakhstan, not "I'm afraid the speech sounded have offered their con­ Kazakhstan. far from the Bakonur launch- training at Ft. McClellan, Ala., too much like sarsst talk,” said gratulations to us during ’The atory from Washington The last of three spacecraft, pad. after a clvitton report endorsed Highlights a skeptical Mrs. Judith Pagan the past few days. Such said that according to reliable Soyuz 8, plummeted Into the The two unshaven spacemen (Sea Page Eight) In I>over. N.J. friendliness on the part informants the President plans earth’s atmosphere and drifted were met on touchdown by Finch Banishes Of Address " I think he knows what he Is ■ makes-sharp, black on white copies of good people of Man­ to announce the accelerated down on target 400 miles from search and rescue . helicopters doing," said Mrs. Lae Lane, a withdrawal program In his Nov. the Baikonur launchpad where' und flown immediately to a re- Nixon supporter In Atlanta, Us. in less than a minute chester ^ d surrounding’ 3 television address. It had blasted off nearly five ceiving post In the city of Kara- WASHINGTON (AP) High­ "Hie pro|MMiala will cut down un towns is indeed appre­ lights of Prealdem Nixon's nuko B copies colors, solids, pages in books WlUle many details remain to days earlier. ganda. Laird Asks Halt Cyclamates From the amount of money you have ciated! We all look for­ be worked out, the iniUal outline Search and rescue helicopters A televised report from the talk Friday on the high root of to epend." living: B easy to use, no chemicEils ward to serving you for of the plan calls for the removal spotted the spacecraft's bright nearby Cosmodrome said ail To Production The President spoke a few many, many years to of all American combat units orange parachute through the seven cosmonauts Involved In you have hours stler announcing a major B only 8 lbs.; plug It in anywhere haze and picked up the stubble- the eight-day mission "carried Of War Germs l-T ^n nel change In ths eoo- come and as always__ (See Page Eight) Grocery Shelves DuPont Zerex faced cosmonauts immediately.
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