Read and Download Ebook Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale... Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale Edward Bulwer-Lytton PDF File: Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale... 1 Read and Download Ebook Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale... Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale Edward Bulwer-Lytton Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale Edward Bulwer-Lytton Zanoni, first published in 1842, was inspired by a dream. Sir Edward, a Rosicrucian, wrote this engaging, well-researched, novel about the eternal conflict between head and heart, between wisdom and love, played out by the Rosicrucians before the dramatic background of the French Revolution. He described his book Zanoni as "a truth for those who can comprehend it, and an extravagance for those who cannot." Following his introduction, the novel is divided into seven parts, whose titles indicate the sevenfold path of spiritual development. The fourth section, "The Dweller of the Threshold," is the book's centerpiece, revealing significant esoteric facts and experiences. A novelist, a dramatist, a scholar, an editor, and an active member of Parliament, Sir Edward was an extremely successful author whose writings were widely read throughout England and Europe. He poured into this esoteric work all of the ancient esoteric wisdom that he felt he could reveal to the public during an age buried deeply in materialism. This work remains one of the great, pioneering landmarks of esoteric writing. Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale Details Date : Published December 1st 1990 by Steiner Books (first published 1842) ISBN : 9780833400178 Author : Edward Bulwer-Lytton Format : Paperback 462 pages Genre : Fiction, Philosophy, Occult, Classics, Literature, 19th Century Download Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale ...pdf Read Online Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale ...pdf Download and Read Free Online Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale Edward Bulwer-Lytton PDF File: Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale... 2 Read and Download Ebook Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale... From Reader Review Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale for online ebook Samuel says Well I'm on page 394 so I can't claim that the novel's denouement hasn't completely turned me off; yet, in light of the fact that I view published novels to be "as perfect" iterations of the ideas the author has delved into--which is to say, complete works in and of themselves in so far as they capture the imaginative genius of the author given the context of their own personal development, the publishing industry, etc.--I still can say that this is one of the my favorite novels. Increasingly I am feeling that, like our own great H.P. Lovecraft, I was simply born in the wrong century of Western culture, and this novel only compounds upon that personal revelation in that both Clarence Glyndon and Zanoni possess personality traits that I identify with on an intensely subjective personal scale. I have the intellectual and impassioned ambition of Glyndon while completely connecting with Zanoni's more amorously-inclined passion for Viola Pisani--a fascinating character in and of herself, if I might add. Like my first Goodreads.com review, which was for Tom Wolfe's "I Am Charlotte Simmons," I firmly believe that the profound effect this novel has had on me has to do with my age and place in life while reading it: I'm nearly Glyndon's age yet identify mostly with Zanoni, and this completely coincidental likening to both of Bulwer-Lytton's protagonists makes the novel an extremely personal work for me. I can't necessarily recommend it to anyone based on this alone, but I can say that for me, it is quite an amazing feat of novelistic virtuosity. On another note, I have yet to read a novel in English that utilizes our language to with such a poetic perspicacity. If you enjoy other leaps of English literary aptitude such as "Paradise Lost" or Shakespeare, Bulwer-Lytton's "Zanoni" will amaze you with it's sublime utilization and incorporation of the English language. Like Milton and Shakespeare, the unfamiliar (to modern audiences) use of our language might at first be an obstacle, but perseverance quickly reveals it to be a joy to the both the ear and the mind. Bulwer- Lytton does things with prose I didn't think possible until going forth with this novel. In fact, purely coincidently, the closest analogous writer I can think of to compare him to, is the aforementioned Lovecraft, in that both wield a style of prose inappropriate to their contexts and all the more magnificent for it. This novel will undoubtedly give you much to think about in regards to love, being in love, falling in love, academia, intellectualism, spiritualism, religion, and politics, with such encyclopedic scope being another comparison to epic poets like Milton or psychological poets like Shakespeare. It confronts the intellectual's-- the TRUE, and HUMBLE intellectual--conundrum: the affluence of universal knowledge in the face of the short time each individual soul spends on earth. How is that question in any way intersected, over the course of the novel, with the questions of love? You'll have to read it to find out. You don't have to read far to confront the essential questions (100-200 pages) and Bulwer-Lytton provides less answers than he does questions, but isn't that why we read novels in the first place? The answers you get aren't those of a novelist like Dickens, where ambiguity is present but mostly disregarded and definitely glossed over with a healthy shine of humour, yet still, reading "Zanoni" is like reading Ovid's "Art of Love" in a desperate attempt to get laid: it might not be culturally relevant anymore, but it's use of language is poetically engaging, it's advice is (oxymoronically) outdatedly timeless, and, most importantly, it's fun. Also: if there's a REAL girl like Viola Pisani, then, men, we are quite the more fortunate sex indeed. Ignacio Senao f says Es relatado la vida de una chica que proviene de un padre dedicado a la música y frustrado por no conseguir lo que quiere. Ella nace con un don especial para el espectáculo. PDF File: Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale... 3 Read and Download Ebook Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale... Tras esta premisa el texto gira en torno a la muchacha, con un circulo amoroso entre varios humanos, y un misterioso ser, que aparece en los sitios más recónditos, y siempre diciendo algo de relevancia. Encima no envejece. No pienses que es interesante la historia, pues el autor se centra en su crítica social, y expone sus conocimientos filosóficos de la vida en general. Mucha habladuría para una novela que debe entretener y no rayar. Sebastian says a strange yet somehow pleasant experience. aaa says A book every neophyte should read. Vatroslav Herceg says Cid Zagreb, 1996. Preveo Vili Bayer Prvotno objavljeno 1842. Sjajan roman! U pogledu konstrukcije romana, i na?ina ostvarivanja konstrukcije romana- tehnologije pisanja, ovaj roman pripada više realizmu, dok u pogledu sadržaja pripada više romantizmu. U prologu sam autor (ili sveznaju?i pripovjeda??) navodi da je naišao na rukopis ovog romana, kao istinsko svjedo?anstvo, u jednoj knjiškoj staretinarnici. Dakle, cjelokupan roman se izlaže kao prona?eni tekst. Navedeno je obilježje gotskog romana. Sam roman, koji dakle funkcionira kao prona?eni tekst, je pisan uglavnom u tre?em licu. Roman posjeduje višeslojnost pripovijedanja. Prvotni pripovjeda?, onaj koji u prologu navodi kako je pronašao ovaj tekst, je heterodijageti?ki pripovjeda?, zato jer ne sudjeluje u radnji. Postavlja se pitanje je li pripovjeda? prologa sam autor ili fikcionalni heterodijageti?ki pripovjeda?? Tako?er, pripovjeda? koji iznosi cjelokupni roman, uglavnom u tre?em licu, je heterodijageti?ki pripovjeda?, jer ni on ne sudjeluje u radnji. Pošto je gotovo cijeli roman, izuzev prologa, pripovijedanje unutar pripovijedanja radi se o hipodijegeti?koj razini pripovijedanja, koja je obilježje gotskog romana. Povremeno, u nekim pismima ili drugim umetcima u tekst, se javlja pripovijedanje u prvom licu. U navedenom sudjeluje više likova, pa, time, u romanu nailazimo i na mjestimi?nu polifoni?nost. Tako da pripovijedanje u tre?em licu nije sveprisutno, no ?ini ve?insko dio naracije. U po?etnom dijelu romana u središtu radnje je napuljska pjeva?ica Viola koja kroz cijeli roman ?ini središte ljubavnog trokuta. U daljnjem dijelu romana središte radnje ?ine dva lika, duhovnjak i mag Zanoni te mladi umjetnik Glyndon. ?ime se ostvaruje dinami?nost radnje. Jezik je na dostojnoj razini. Moj ukus bi zahtijevao još više jezi?ne aktualizacije, ali ne mogu svi biti Ranko Marinkovi?. U vezi jezika prijevoda zanimljivo je da se uglavnom upotrebljava oblik "sa" kada bi trebao biti upotrebljen oblik "s". Ne kužim zašto. Klasifikacija ovog romana bi bila prije svega da se radi o romanu tajnog društva. Nedavno pro?itah PDF File: Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale... 4 Read and Download Ebook Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale... Schillerov roman "Vidioc duhova" koji tako?er spada u navedeni žanr; https://www.goodreads.com/review/show.... Je li Schillerov jedini roman utjecao na Bulwera-Lyttona? Ne bih rekao, ni u pogledu forme, ni u pogledu sadržaja. Schillerov roman posjeduje više dodirnica s gotskim žanrom. Preporu?io bih i Goetheov roman "Wilhelm Meister" koji na metafori?an na?in biva roman tajnog društva. Zašto je ovaj roman roman tajnog društva? E, pa moji pili?i, zato jer mladi umjetnik Glyndon želi ste?i metafizi?ka znanja kakva posjeduje mag Zanoni. Lik Zanonija podsje?a na tipizirani lik gotskog romana, lik lutaju?eg Žid(ov)a. Zanoni je živ ve? pet tisu?a godina, ostao je i dalje mlad, prika mu je bi?e iz više dimenzije, zra?ni duh Adonai. Zanoni je svojevrsni Morpheus, a Glyndon Neo, iako Zanoni nije izabrao Glyndona da mu bude u?enik. Zanoni navodi da pripada društvu rozenkrojcera.
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