A NEWSPAPER FOR THE MEN A N D WOMEN O f EASTMAN KODAK CO.MPANY • ROCHESTER, N. Y. Vol. 1. No. 36 Copyright 1943 by Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N . Y. December 21. 1943 CWto Operate Pari{ Flier ·Civic Bldg. l(illed, Two Plant for Navy Missing Kodak will manufacture fire· One Kodak Park man lost his .control equipment for the Navy in life a nd two others were reported the Civic Ex hibits Building in m issing in messages received last ·dow ntown Rochester as soon as week from the War Department. remodeling is completed and pro· Dead is L ieutenant William A . duction facilities are installed. Walker, 23, and m issing are Major Production operations will be Maurice A. D illingham, 35, and ·conducted by Camera Works. giv­ Se1·geant J ack A . Rowe, 26. ing the Na vy the benefit of that Lieutenant Walker was em­ plant's experience in the large­ ployed in the Yard Dept., at t he scale manufacture of high-preci­ Park, from Mar. 28, 194 1, u ntil Jan. sion instruments. Personnel hiring 13, 1942, when he left for the serv­ will be handled by the Camera ice. Word of his death on Dec. 7 Works Employment Office. cam e to his wife, Mrs. Muriel All seven stories of the building Walker, who, w i th h er seven­ will be utilized. employi{lg a large month-old daughter, Sandra Ann, number of people, e xpanding from resides a t 964 Jefferson A ve. L ieu­ .a nucleus of experienced Camera tenant Walker was a na vigator in Works employees. Training of new the Air Forces in the South Pacific. people for the project will begin soon at Camera Works. Squadron Commander The property on F itzhugh Street Major Dillingha m, commander immediately north of the Exhibits of the 547th Bomber Squadron, Building has also been a cquired based in England, has b een miss­ by the Navy to provide access for ing since Dec. 1, after an air mis­ trucks. sion over Germany. He came to Koda k June 20, 1935, and was in the Testing Dept. until Aug. 2, 1940, when he joined the Dinner to Fete Roya l Ca na dian Air F orce, later transferring to the AAF. H is m ilitary career began in 1931 25-Year Folks w hPr1 hP pn]i~t"n i ; • tho " :- - ~· u,· ®t~ ' ~hrrnwr llfln ttt tn.hn-nth"· 'l"r "'" .,. Tl•e ann1versary amner gtven by ~ Y ,( ' 11 uou arcdo·ng - ll!r llllDI uoo ro rno111 as a n aerial photographer. Sergeant Rowe, arm orer-gunner the management of Eastman Kodak .~ Yi rhJI rk" ~hnr.rmJ.& Ill( an 311 rhmk in honor of employees w ho have ClPuedings on a Flying F ortress, is also missing tn ~ <( 000 lllt1n J fuhog Dl <!It~ ~rl ltlUtli JOd J '>Ill after a raid Dec. I over Europe. this year completed 25 years of tf!T 10!11ll((tO!t iiiJI 111~..1< UOU JIT ~ l!!ll!lllliDil cp .ll.~ service with t he Company w ill be He was a n employee of the !Ill ~ :>Ill or tills tti0$1 stg tUI\tJnt of Jll >monl "' held Thursday, Dec. 30. Site of { 9 + ? Emulsion Coating Dept. at the the dinner, which is to commence Park from Jan. 15, 1937, until Sept. .at 6:30, is t he 9th Floor, Koda k ~f/P:r~~ 30, 1942, when he entered the serv­ Office Building. ice. He has been overseas about Invitations have been sent to 19 J Yt» : (tQ~t~ l.tlt frf:»l~atu two months, based in England. Hawk- l!..ye, 49 Camera Works, 47 K odak Office and 256 Kodak P a rk men and women who this year .realized comple tion of 25 years of service a t K odak. To Get Medals A bronze medal with George Christmas for Children- So thai Eastman's portrait on the face, and the chUclnJa of Amadea wU1 eaJcrr a b'Ul~ on the bacK tne recipient's name Merry Chriatmu. Amedcan men au Bght· with the inscription " I n recogni­ lag. ud Amerlcan men ud omen au tion of more tnan a quarter century 'llf.FkiDg. to kHp lhla c0Uillr7 a p)ace when .of Joyal service with the Eastm an t!ie aplrit of Cbrldmu k not a moc:k•l'J'• UltrTCD S'l'"tCS 1-(AJUtU:!. Kodak Company," will be given to (Picture made Frida7.1)ecemhft 17. at tile &a- ,un ,(U? .iJ.J., each. aDDual KOBC C ea•a Putr.J . f'.,w.. ll~./c . This will be the lOth annual .JJ~f, -9'() award of medals. The first meda ls were given to a ll employees who Christmas for fighters- To..,_,. had been a t Kodak 25 years when Kodak maD ud woman iD uDlfona weDI t he memorial to George Eastman lhk card of chHir aDd appredalloa &om was u nveiled a t Kodak Park in the prHldent and the people of the Ead· 1934. man Kodak Compan~. "Wbauftl' ~ou U. Those who have been members ~7-whatnel' tulc ~ou au do~Dt&:-we .of Kodak 40 or more years will act ~ .,ou to bow that lhk Cbi'Wmiil"we as hosts of the evening along with are aU tbiDJdDsr of ~ou with a fHllDg of T D d In an impressive cere- Company officials. T here nre five dHp paJllude IUid a abu:ere CODYICIIOD 0 a - mony last week at the Kodal< Office, 10 Camera Works and that what ~OU are OlDg wlll kHp &BYe the Main Street Armory. Wayne H . 15 K odak P ark 40-year employees. aplrlt of this mod dplflcant of all MUGU." Davis. of Kodak P ark's Emulsion Music will be provided by East­ Tuougb THEIR COUJrap. ud OUR ef· Coa ting Dept.. rece ~ ved an Air man School artists. Movtes will f~U. ma~ they be with u uxt Cbrida:au. Medal and an Oak Leaf Cluster also be shown as additional enter ­ for his son. Lieute na nt Parkman tainment. Davis, missing in action. Handing GreetingJ. from a Marine­ him the awards is Captain Frank F~rom u u04fmou Kodak "''eatbemeck" E. Day. Lieutenant Davis worked No Issue Next Week at the Mubli tlraiDJn; stallon at Pant. in Powder a nd S olution Dept .. Because of the holiday season. lalaDcL S. C.. comft tbk greeting &om the Bldg. 18. at the Pa rk before leaving vacation schedules of staff mem­ armed forces. a note of thaDJcs fen the pul for service. Davis has been missing bers and the heavy load of 'ieodak.lb people and lb product-. au pla7· since Apr. 16. Christmas mail in the posl of­ lq In buteDlng the da~ of peac.. "' fHl fjces. there will be no Issue of proud that I wu onc.~IDIal pul of KODAKERY next week. Kodak. and. 1f I'm lu be lD the New Radio Time The next is5ue to reach read­ future.-· wdtft PriYate H We. In lunl. ers will be dated J an. 6. 1944. fHl proud to hne auch a mu wear the Kodak's ra d io show, " Musical The following week. KODAK­ P ic tur es," goes on the a ir a t a u~prm of a U.S. MulDe. and proud l new timc-7: 15 p.m.- beginning ERY will resu rr.e its regular w .k fo~r b1s "Vlctorloua Hew Year.. In 18& schedule. being dated Tuesday. this Friday. Doors to Kilbourn Jan. 11 , and rea ching most Hall open at 6:45 p.m . a nd no one will be admitted after 7:05. rea ders on that day. ,. ~~ . .. And tJil Eri.rt/1, Pea,ce to Men t~f· Goo(/ Will -Lo.b 1:l4. December 21. 1943 2 KODAK£RY J(odak Men Get Together j No Lost-Time Accident in 5 Years~ L----------- Record of l(odal~ Pari~ Paper Mill By LEE WHITE. Kodak Park Editor F ive y ears w ithou t a lost -time acciden t is the rema rkable sa fety r ecord compiled b y the 30 Paper Mill employees, Bldg. 62, at Koda k Park. The nation-w ide accid e n t frequency of t h e a verage paper mill is usually quite high. I I Bldg. 62 has been in operation u l s s ,f.: t R d ~i~r~~t il:s3~f~~a g;~g~c;~/kba~~~:~ e ps et . aJe y ecor products. The Mill operates on a . 24-hour basis, six days wee kly. This represents 240 m.a n-hours da ily or 1440 per week . T he major.­ ity of e mployees were t rained in Bldg. 50 w here similar work is done. A ll t he work is not on machines, however , as e mployees unload the equiva len t of 90 freight ca rs yea r­ ly, ha ndling m ater ia l that usua lly is shipped in huge pa per bales, some we ighing 300 pounds. T hat the me n ta ke particular pride in t heir record was exem­ 1 plified recen tly w hen a co-w or ker t urned his a nkle wh ile on the job. Men of Kodak from America m ee t the There was much an xiety am on g a ll H an d S A CrOSS Sea- Kodak men of Engla nd at a pa rty give n t rick workers until he reported on in London recently for Lincoln Burrows, of Kodak's State Street Sales time the following day.
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