pv VOL. XLIV., NO. 249. His Melting Smile HEAT RECORDS BOY DROWNED COASTGUARDS 11 Canadian Youths Drown COME TO CONN. When War Canoe Capsizes FOR CLUES TO SMASHED BUT IN TINY POND; DEEP IN BOOZE Peterboro, Ont., July 22.— Eleven of fifteen youths, camp­ ing at Balsam lake, near here, were drowned when their large “ war” canoe capsized in a squall In Balsam lake. The remain­ C A i m CRIME ENDJS NEAR M O lie N E A R GAME CHARGE ing four clung to the overturned craft for four hours and were rescued in an exhausted condition. 21 Suspended from New With Five Akron Men Held To Cool Off Tonight Is the Six Year Old Alex Fatcher Jersey Coast Stations; Official Starts for New HAIL POINCARE Weather Man’s Pledge; Dies in West Side Pond STRANGE AUTO Cleanup Coming from MANCHESTER MEN WEAFSELSTO Haven to Check BuDets 100 Degrees in Several Without a Struggle; Bather WHEN HERRIOT ACODENTKILIS BamegattoCapeMay. HONORED AT CAMP RADIOCORPOFA. Fired at Mellett Places; 98 Here Today* Stumhles Over Body. ____ t IS M E A T E D Tom’s River, N. J., July 22.— A 3 ^SHOCK This is the last day of the heat bottle of liquor “ planted” for re­ Canton, O., July 22.— Unrelent­ wave. While a mother stood ten feet venge in the automobile of a game Capt Bissell and Ueat. Qnish A. T. £ T. Going Ont of ing in their efforts to unfold the away enjoying the coolness of the warden here last Spring has led to cloak of mystery concerning the French People Hopeful as Cooler weather, and probably waters of Case’s pond on the West Bumped Car at Worcester a sweeping investigation of charges Assigned to 43d Division Broadcasting — Air Con< Don R. Mellact murder. Investiga­ showers, must come tonight, if all Side last night, her Iktle six-year- of corruption and bribery among tors under Ora Slater, Cincinnati Ex-President Takes Pre- the weather authorities from here the Coast Guard forces on the New to Halifax haven’t gone wrong. At old son, who was bathing there, Uncovers Electric Cable Jersey coast from Barnegat to Cape Encampment. trol Merger Seen in Move. sleuth of Nesbit case fame, today was drowned. The boy had perish­ May and threatens to result in a began formulating new plans n u V s Job — Plan Vir­ any rate everything points toward a ed without a struggle and his and Is Enveloped in general house cleaning in all those which are expected to bring re­ comfortable change within twelve death was not known until his stations. (By Staff Correspondent) New York, July 22.— Broadcast­ sults. tual Dictatorship. hours. body was found by Tom Treat an­ The investigation is being con­ ing station JVEAF of the American The police are holding five Ak­ One death indirectly caused by ducted by Commander William J. Camp Trumbull. Nlantlc, July 22. other swimmer a half hour later. Wreath of Death. — Two Manchester officers have Telephone and Telegraph company ron men as suspicious persons and the heat wave is the only fatality so Wheeler. Accompanied by Superin­ have given them a severe grilling The Dead Boy. tendent M. W. Rasmussen of the been honored as a result of their has been sold to the Radio Corpo­ Paris, July 22.— The Herrlot- far reported in Manchester. Little The dead boy Is Alex Fatcher, concerning their whereabouts on Fifth Coast Guard District, Com­ military knowledge and ability, it ration of America which operates the night of che murder, but Slater De Monzie government fell late Alex Fatcher drowned in a west side 8«n of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fatch­ Worcester, July 22.— Three per­ mander Wheeler has just complet­ was learned today. Captain Herbert stations WJZ and WJY In this early today declared that “ we are yesterday, being defeated Imme­ pond here where he went with his er of 6 Avon street. This street is sons are dead here today and sev­ ed a twenty-four hour tour of sta­ H. Bissell and First Lieutenant city. right back where we started from father and mother seeking relief. In the Colonial Gardens section of eral others are nursing injuries as tions from Barnegate Light to At­ Thomas J. Quish* both of Company diately after It presented Its pro­ the town and Case’s pond, which The actual transfer will be made with the exception that we have The first heat prostration re­ lantic City. G, Manchester, have been ordered before January 1, Is was said and gram to the Chamber of Deputies. is used for Ice purposes, is not a result of one of the strangest au­ eliminated one or two possible ported at the local hospital was at 21 Are Suspended by Governor John H. Trumbull in the meantime WEAF will con­ leads.” Today with the franc stronger, very far away. tomobile accidents on record in M. Poincare already has made con­ two o’clock fnis afternoon when Under Sheriff Walter Brower of through Adjutant General George tinue operation as heretofore. It The five men arrested by Canton James Gardner of Rockville, an Yesterday was very hot and the Massachusetts. Ocean County, who accompanied M. Cole’s office in Hartford to re­ siderable strides towards the for­ family thought that a swim would was also announced that the trans­ police in Akron are: Pete Magras, employee of the Connecticut com­ Struck in the rear by another them 'on the trip, and twenty en­ port to Major General Morris B. fer would mark the retirement of whosd.wife w.as classed as the mation of coalition cabinet which pany on its track gang, was over­ be the thing to help cool off. Ac­ machine, an automobile containing listed men and one officer of the Paigne, commander of the 43rd. the A. T. and T. from broadcast­ queen of the Canton bootleggers in will rule with a strong hand in the come while at work. cordingly, Mr. and Mrs. Fatcher Albert Vassar, 25; Sigfried Malm, present economic crisis. Coast Guard already had been sus­ Division for duty from July 25 to ing. editorials written by the slain pub­ The thermometer rSached 98 with their children went to Case’s 19 and two other girls, climbed the M. Briand who has battled the pond and the boy and his mother pended on charges of receiving August 8 inclusive. The order was Combine Rumor lisher: Charles Deify, Louis Moll, (official temperature) at noon to­ curb, sideswiped an electric light bribes from rum runners and of issued Monday. Rumors are current that the John Demos and Peter Cheukalas present situation for nearly a year, went bathing. pole, snapping a heavy iron pipe has conferred with M. Poincare day in Manchester. Thermometers Nobody thought anything had openly running and selling rum The exact duty which the Man­ sale marks the opening of a move­ — all Greeks. on the street ranged from 100 to leading out of the ground through themselves, and further wholesale chester officers will be assigned to ment to obtain virtual control of Police declared that they had and agreed to collaborate with happened until a little girl bather which ran 13,000 volts of current him if requested to do so. 114., The Hartford Weather Bu­ stumbled over his body. Trant suspensions were expected. has not been made public but It has the air by a combination of radio sought these men after they had reau expected the temperature to in a heavily insulated cable, and been Informed that “ at least three Plans Dictatorship picked the boy up and tried to re­ The investigation was begun at been learned upon authority that interests consisting of the Radio crashed into a fence. Greeks were seen in the vicinity of M. Poincare plans a government reach 100 or over by 4 o’clock. Yes­ vive him but his work was in vain. the request of Sheriff John Grant Lleutei^nt Quish will be connected Corporation of America, the Gen­ terday’s reading at noon by the offi­ Tore Up Insulation of Ocean County. Last Spring Game with the 102nd Infantry of New eral Electric Company and the the Mellett home shortly before the which is a virtual dictatorship, for Overcome by Heat. The crash ripped the insulation it is currently reported that he in­ cial thermometer was 92. It jumped It seems that the little boy must Warden Hamilton Everingham of Haven under Colonel Fields. Lieu­ Westinghouse Coipany. murder.” and encircled the metal body of Word that will give Slater and tends to ask Parliament for un­ to 99 at 4.30 p. m. have been overcome with the heat Toms River arrested several men tenant Quish, a Fort Benning, Ga., the automobile with a heavy his aides something definite to limited powers to deal with the None of the Manchester factor­ and that the effect of the cold wa­ for illegal shooting. He was ar­ graduate, has done commendable ies had closed at noon. Although charge of electricity. raigning his prisoners before Jus­ piece of work here during the work on was anxiously awaited to­ situation by decree, the decrees be­ ter brought on a condition that Reaching out and grasping one day from Coroner T. C. McQuate, ing submitted to a special council the temperature was higher today caused his death. That he perished tice of the Peace Potter in West encampment of the 169th Infantry a B. SHAW DENIED there seemed to be better air than of the machine’s metal uprights, Creek when a Coast Guardsman under Colonel D.
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