http://www.WFSCstamps.org/ December 2003 Newsletter of the Wisconsin Federation of Stamp Clubs flx_ WFSC Pres. Brian J. Liedtke Extensive Bourse at 1 It will be held in the Iola Old Car Show WISCOPEX 04 Activity Center on the east side of the village WFSC Year in Review of Iola near Krause Publications. A retail bourse The firm, publisher of the biweekly Stamp 2003 was a great year to be a stamp collector of about 20 Collector and the Krause-Minkus line, calls in Wisconsin! Here's a run-down of some of stamp dealers is itself the world's largest hobby publisher. the highlights! expected at Chet Krause, the company's founder, WISCOPEX '04, maintains a significant automobile coll ection, The federation always keeps busy, promoting April 24-25, and the Old Car Show itself, held every July, the hobby and linking 2004, in Iola, and is one of the largest in the Midwest. In local clubs and more than half addition, Jones Publishing Co. of Iola also is a members to new ideas the tables allotted significant hobby publisher. and exciting events. are spoken for "Iola definitely is the community hobbies You can be proud of already. made famous," Wozniak said. "It's all that's going on ... Bourse manager Bob Mather of Waukesha appropriate that stamp collecting, 'the King of sent invitations to more than I 00 dealers from Hobbies,' present a major show here." WISCOPEX gem of nine states. All have attended shows in Both publishers are expected to have 2003 shows - Our Wisconsin or expressed an interest in doing display tables on the bourse floor. annual convention so. Within a month, nine dealers committed to (continued on p. 3) remains vibrant, well­ rent 13 tables on the floor. attended and a true A strong bourse is the key to any stamp Inside destination for Wisconsin collectors. In show, Maurice Wozniak, WISCOPEX '04 President's Message ...................... 1 April, the Outagamie club brought together general chairman, said. Show Calendar and dealers, e_xhibitors, delegates, and collectors "Foremost, collectors at a show expect to Registry .......... 2 of all ages. From Rhinelander to Rockford, find a range of dealers offering stamps and The Club Co-op .............................. 3 local clubs held shows and bourses, which supplies they need to advance their hobby," he WFSC Announcements .................. 3 could be found somewhere in Wisconsin said. "We intend to do everything in our Feature Artlcle: Some Thoughts on almost every-other weekend. In March, power to attract those dealers. Bob Mather Phllatellc Research ........................ 4 Madison hosted the first single-frame has a world of experience responding to the Shaughnessy Takes On ................. 6 competition. In November, three "listening" needs of dealers, and having him on board is Joining with Juniors ........................ •• 6 sessions were held to bring focus, ideas, and bound to help this statewide show." ToplcComer....................................... 7 enthusiastic leadership to revitalizing Contrary to the usual arrangement, the Editor's Notes .....................................7 Milcopex, the largest show in the state. Since annual Wisconsin philatelic exhibition will be Season's Greetings ............................ 8 January behind-the-scenes planning has sponsored in 2004 by the federation itself, not a member club. (continued on p. 5) This page sponsored by the WAUWATOSA PHILATELIC Soc1ETY Property of Amerlcen Phllntelic Reooerch Llbf•ry P. 0. Box 8000 "'•~- r -11-~~ DA 1AAl\'t Show Calendar and Registry List ,our s/Jow, /Jourse_ auction or eYent FIEE for WFSC member-dub shows - dassified rates for non-memben and all other events February 8, 2004 February 15, 2004 March 13-14, 04 March 20, 2004 Annu al Exhibition and Bo urse CENWISPEX ROCKFORD '04 BAYPEX '04 Janesville Stamp Cini> Central Wisconsin Stamp Club Rockford Stamp Club, Forrest Hills Green Bay Philatelic Society Holiday Inn, 1-90 & Rt. 14 Janesville! Elks Club, 1132 Clark St., Stevens Point Lodge , 9500 Forest Hills Rd ., Rockford, Ramada Inn Green Bay, 2750 Ram ada (Co ntact: Dwane Kaplen k, P. 0. Box (Contact: J. D. Hanville , P.O. Box 845, IL (Contact: Dwane Kaplenk, P. 0. Box Way, Green Bay(Contact Gordon 2301, Rockfo rd, IL 61131-- 815-398: Stevens Point, WI 54481 -- 715-341- 2301, Rockford, IL 61131-- 815-398- Lindner, I002 Amberly Tr., Green Bay, 0813 , [email protected]) 1111 , [email protected]) 0813 , [email protected]) WI 54311 -- 920-465-6692) April 3, 2004 Apr. 24-25, 2004 May 15, 2004 June 19-20, 2004 DANEPEX '04 WISCOPEX '04 OUTAPEX 23rd ANNUAL Show Badger Stamp Club,Hadison Turners Iola Old Car Show Activity Center, Outagamie Philatelic Society Northwoods Stamp & Coin Club Hall, 300 I So. Stoughton Rd. , 130 Jenson Dr., Iola (Contact Maurice Columbus Club, 253 I N. Richmond St., James Williams Jr. HS, 915 Acacia Ln., Hadison(Contact: John Pare, 7834 E. Wozniak, N8275 County Rd. G., Iola, WI Appleton(Contact Al Harcus , P.O. Box Rhinelander Sat. 10 a.m.-5p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m.-4 Oakbrook Cir., Mad ison.WI 53717 -- 54945 -- 715-445-2777, 11 , Appleton, WI 54912 -- 920-725- p.m. (Contact Larry Hartin, 3295 Hancock lake Rd ., Harshaw, WI 54529 -- 608-829-2988, msjpsp@chorus [email protected] .net) 0798, [email protected]) 715-282-5636, [email protected]) WFSC Officers June 26-27, 2004 RESJDENT llt11111 J;tJedtkc SWREClONVP TRI-PEX Stamp Fair 0%16\V. GrangeAvc. Valerie Cook ATA Chptr. 5, North Shore Phil. Soc., bl s oroen, WI 53130 Badger Stamp Club Polish Amer. Stamp Club, St. Aloysius 14-5?S.98S3, [email protected] Baraboo Stamp Club Gonzaga Hall, 1435 So. 92nd St, West JanesvUle Stamp Club Allis, (Con tact: Robert Henak, NSPS , P.O. 'ICE PRESIUEl\'T lraok S(bmldt Monroe Slamp & Postcard Club Box 170832, Hilw. WI 54317 -- 414- _Q. Rox 3153, Oihkosh, Wl 54903 Roekford Stamp Club 351-1519, [email protected]) rtcoy 11 •be.tom SE REGION VP Art. Sclmtib: ([email protected],eo.m) ACROSS THE FENCE POST is the official publication nn:u Welgt Amtr. Tople11IA.ssoc. (Cbptr. S) of the Wisconsin Federation of Stamp Clubs, In c., a 184 RO$c Ct,, Middleton, Wt 53S6l Belle lty Stamp Club 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and life member of the Kenosha Stamp & Cover Club 8-836-15091 [email protected] APS s ince 1953 . For WFSC membership info rmation, North Short l'bl~ ~ oU1.lht~ 0 contact the Central Office. fREAS RER Deam1a Juhnke orlhW«ltm Mutual St•mp Club ATFP is published monthly Sept.-Apr.; bimonthly May-Aug. News 701 Jordan Ln. Polbb American Stamp Club of Wisconsin collectors, cl ub news and gratis original articles related to lt\'CllS Point, WI 5448( Wauwatosa Phil. SM. philately are welcomed. The e ditor accepts submissions in a ny format, .IS-.341-3465, [email protected] Kurt Albr«bt (1.-.ta@e:m:puom) but reserves the ri ght to make minor mer. Afr !\tall Sot. (BIiiy editing changes to confo rm with P YO nt DIVI TON MilchrU Chptr.) our style s heet. Material n ot canying a n individual copyright notice tar)' nn Bowman German)' Phil. Soc. (Chplr. 18) may be reproduced only by not-for-profit organizations, provided the ,0. Box 1451, Wau~ba, WI 53181 1I1111.an American Stamp Oub author(s) and publication r eceive credit for any repri nted material. 'EREGlO ' VP tllwaukce PhlL Sot. Unless explicitly stated by a n officer in conjunction with official WFSC Marcus (mocyj a lie.tom) 0 H CENT. REGlON VP business, opinions expressed by indi vidual authors are not necessarily Grttn Bay PIIIL Sot, Art Gartoey (sttble.ol.eorn) endorsed by the WFSC. Nortbwood$ PbU, Soc. (bun Mt.) Cooney N1unh11ua1hu Submission deadlines are for the month preceding month of Ou1ag•mle Phll. Soc. &. Phllaltl1$ts, Ltd. publication as follows: advertisin g-I st of the month; editorial \\'lsconsln Postal Hlstor)' oc. Lake Cou11tf Phil. Soe. matter- 1st of the month. Send show calendar and club news to Waukesha Count)' Phil. Soe, ST CENT. REGfON VP WFSC Secretary Karen Weigl (see "WFSC Officers" li sting fo r ern Will ENT. REGlO VP address). Send all other editori al m atter and li stings to: Ken Grant, ond du Lac ramp 0 .ub Jim John,on (Jrjfo a aoteom) Editor, ATFP, El 1960 Kessler R d., Baraboo, WI 53913 - phone 608- Kettle Moulnc Coln & Stamp fub Qntral Wtuomln Stamp l11b 356-7593, [email protected]. Send ads to: Dave Camey, Advertising Manitowoc J'bll. Soc. Ct,lppewa Valley Stamp Oub Manager, ATFP. P. O. Box 55, K imberly, WI 54136-0055 - phone 920- orthwoods Stamp & Coln tub 0 bko h PblL Soc, 687-9077,[email protected]. For a complete li st of advertisi ng rates (Rblnelander) Ripon PblL oc. and p ol icies (display, classifi ed and li stings), see the July-August 2000 Wtuonsln Valley fbllatelle Soc. hcboygan Stamp Ch,ab issue of ATFP, or request a copy from the a dverti sing manager. 2 Dec. 2003 Across theFence Post whose members are frequent visitors to NPS meetings. In tum, NPS members support the Escanaba club's annual show. In August, these Upper Peninsula philatelists learned about the Salvation Army through a meeting program Bv WFSC Secv. Karen Weigt presented by a fellow club member. The NPS 4184 Rose Ct. • Middleton. WI 53562 newsletter states that more than 20 countries have issued stamps depicting the history, activities, and symbolism of this international THE CLUB CO-OP- DECEMBER 2003 give a Christmas gift to the club by bringing a religious and charitable group. friend or relative to a meeting and then buying The noose around stamp show sponsors the visitor a club membership. NSPS officers A September meeting of the Oshkosh tightened when Linn s Stamp News changed recently re-elected are: Pres.
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