20396 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 15 July 25, 2007 program is an important step in HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES device. Sergeant Packer was assigned achieving some type of identification Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I to the 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry that will help America feel more secure rise to pay tribute to 55 young Ameri- Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, in our daily requirements to identify cans who have been killed in Iraq since 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, ourselves and to otherwise conduct our April 28, 2007. This brings to 777 the NY. He was from Clovis, CA. life here at home. number of soldiers who were either PFC Victor M. Fontanilla, 23, died Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I seek from California or based in California May 17 in Iskandariya, Iraq, of wounds recognition to offer my support for the who have been killed while serving our suffered when an improvised explosive amendment to be offered by Senator country in Iraq. This represents 21 per- device detonated near his vehicle. Pri- CASEY with regard to homeland secu- cent of all U.S. deaths in Iraq. vate First Class Fontanilla was as- rity grant timelines. This amendment PFC Jay-D H. Ornsby-Adkins, 21, died signed to the 725th Brigade Support would lengthen the amount of time on April 28 in Salman Pak, Iraq, of in- Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, available to obligate funds provided in juries sustained when an improvised 25th Infantry Division, Fort Richard- fiscal year 2008 under the State Home- explosive device detonated near his son, AK. He was from Stockton, CA. land Security Grant Program and the military vehicle and then encountered SSG Christopher Moore, 28, died May Rail and Transit Security Grant Pro- small arms fire. Private First Class 19 in Baghdad, Iraq, of wounds suffered gram from a maximum of 36 months to Ornsby-Adkins was assigned to D Com- when an improvised explosive device a maximum of 48 months. pany, 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regi- detonated near his vehicle. Staff Ser- I am advised that several transit ment, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort geant Moore was assigned to the 1st agencies have encountered problems obligating homeland security grant Benning, GA. He was from Ione, CA. Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd 1LT Travis L. Manion, 26, died on funding within the current timetable, Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Di- April 29 while conducting combat oper- particularly for large and complex vision, Fort Hood, TX. He was from ations in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. projects such as installing underground Alpaugh, CA. First Lieutenant Manion was assigned emergency communications networks PFC Joseph J. Anzack, Jr., 20, died in to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st in subway tunnels. Al Taqa, Iraq. Private First Class The Southeastern Pennsylvania Marine Division, I Marine Expedi- Anzack was initially reported as Duty Transit Authority, SEPTA, in par- tionary Force, Camp Pendleton, CA. Status Whereabouts Unknown on May ticular, has encountered problems SPC Astor A. Sunsin-Pineda, 20, died 12, 2007, when his patrol received small which have thus far prevented it from on May 2 in Baghdad, Iraq, when an im- arms fire and explosives. Private First being able to utilize federal homeland provised explosive device detonated Class Anzack was assigned to D Com- security grant dollars to install an near his military vehicle. Specialist pany, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regi- emergency communications network in Sunsin-Pineda was assigned to A Com- ment, 10th Mountain Division, Fort its 20-mile subway tunnel system pany, 4th Brigade Special Troops Bat- Drum, NY. He was from Torrance, CA. which runs underneath portions of the talion, 1st Infantry Division, Fort PFC Daniel P. Cagle, 22, died in city of Philadelphia. The absence of a Riley, KS. He was from Long Beach, Balad, Iraq, died May 23 of wounds suf- communications system capable of CA. fered when an improvised explosive de- functioning underground severely lim- SGT Felix G. Gonzalez-Iraheta, 25, vice detonated near his unit in Ramadi, its the ability of SEPTA and first re- died May 3 in Baghdad, Iraq, of wounds Iraq. Private First Class Cagle was as- sponders to deal with a potential emer- suffered when his unit came in contact signed to the 3rd Battalion, 69th Armor gency in Philadelphia’s subway tunnels with enemy forces using small arms Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, and does not provide an adequate level fire. Sergeant Gonzalez-Iraheta was as- 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, of protection for the traveling public. signed to the 1st Battalion, 18th Infan- GA. He was from Carson, CA. try Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Specifically, SEPTA claims that a 3- CPL Victor H. Toledo Pulido, 22, died Team, 1st Infantry Division, year period is not sufficient time to co- May 23 in Al Nahrawan, Iraq, of wounds Schweinfurt, Germany. He was from ordinate regional interoperability suffered when an improvised explosive issues with the city of Philadelphia and Sun Valley, CA. Cpl Charles O. Palmer II, 36, died device detonated near his vehicle. Cor- the surrounding first responder agen- poral Toledo Pulido was assigned to 3d cies. It is my understanding that pre- May 5 while conducting combat oper- ations in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. Cor- Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 3rd liminary engineering requirements and Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Di- the time associated with procuring the poral Palmer was assigned to 8th Com- munication Battalion, II Marine Expe- vision, Mechanized, Fort Benning, GA. necessary technology further com- He was from Hanford, CA. pound the problem. Finally, SEPTA ditionary Force Headquarters Group, II MEF, Camp Lejeune, NC. He was from SPC Gregory N. Millard, 22, died on claims that it does not receive enough May 26 in Salah Ad Din Province, Iraq, homeland security grant funding in a 3- Manteca, CA. PFC William A. Farrar Jr., 20, died of injuries sustained when an impro- year period to complete such a complex vised explosive device detonated near project. May 11 in Al Iskandariyah, Iraq, of his military vehicle. Specialist Millard This amendment will provide SEPTA wounds suffered when an improvised was assigned to A Company, 2nd Bat- and other transit agencies in similar explosive device detonated near his ve- talion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regi- predicaments with additional time to hicle. Private First Class Farrar was ment, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort plan, coordinate, secure technology for assigned to the 127th Military Police Bragg, NC. He was from San Diego, CA. and fund important and complex Company, 709th Military Police Bat- projects such as underground commu- talion, 18th Military Police Brigade, SGT Clayton G. Dunn II, 22, died on nications systems. I urge my col- Darmstadt, Germany. He was from May 26 in Salah Ad Din Province, Iraq, leagues to support this amendment. Redlands, CA. of injuries sustained when an impro- SPC Rhys W. Klasno, 20, died May 13 vised explosive device detonated near f in Haditha, Iraq, of wounds suffered his military vehicle. Sergeant Dunn MORNING BUSINESS when an improvised explosive device was assigned to A Company, 2nd Bat- Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I ask detonated near his vehicle. Specialist talion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regi- unanimous consent that there now be a Klasno was assigned to the 1114th ment, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort period for the transaction of morning Transportation Company, Bakersfield, Bragg, NC. He was from Moreno Valley, business, with Senators permitted to CA. He was from Riverside, CA. CA. speak therein for up to 10 minutes SGT Steven M. Packer, 23, died May SPC Mark R. C. Caguioa, 21, died on each. 17 in Rushdi Mullah, Iraq, of wounds May 24 at the National Naval Medical The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without suffered when his dismounted patrol Center, Bethesda, MD, died of injuries objection, it is so ordered. encountered an improvised explosive sustained on May 4, 2007, in Baghdad, VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:08 Jul 06, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0685 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\S25JY7.001 S25JY7 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD July 25, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 15 20397 Iraq, when an improvised explosive de- SGT Andrews J. Higgins, 28, died tics Battalion 13, 13th Marine Expedi- vice detonated near his military vehi- June 5 in Baqubah, Iraq, of wounds suf- tionary Unit, I Marine Expeditionary cle. Specialist Caguioa was assigned to fered when his unit came in contact Force, Camp Pendleton, CA. B Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry with enemy forces using small arms PFC Raymond N. Spencer Jr., 23, Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort fire. Sergeant Higgins was assigned to died June 21 in Baghdad, Iraq, of Hood, TX. He was from Stockton, CA. the 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regi- wounds suffered when his unit was at- SGT Nicholas R. Walsh, 27, died May ment, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Divi- tacked by insurgents using an impro- 26 from wounds suffered while con- sion, Stryker Brigade Combat Team, vised explosive device and small arms ducting combat operations in Al Anbar Fort Lewis, WA. He was from Hayward, fire. Private First Class Spencer was Province, Iraq. Sergeant Walsh was as- CA. assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 12th signed to the 1st Reconnaissance Bat- PFC Justin A. Verdeja, 20, died June Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat talion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine 5 in Baghdad, Iraq, of wounds suffered Team, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Bliss, Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, when his unit was attacked by insur- TX. He was from Carmichael, CA. CA. gents using small arms fire. Private PVT Shane M. Stinson, 23, died on LCpl Emmanuel Villarreal, 21, died First Class Verdeja was assigned to the June 23, in Baghdad, Iraq, of injuries May 27 from a nonhostile vehicle acci- 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, sustained when his mounted patrol en- dent at Kuwait Naval Base, Kuwait.
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