THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 Friday, July 25, 2008 INSIDE Ferentz defends actions By Olivia Moran and Brendan Stiles been left with only one friend after the incident, absolutely shameful.” THE DAILY IOWAN which forced her to endure the rest of the school year mostly alone. FERENTZ’S REACTION CHICAGO — Contending that the best interests of After the woman was allegedly raped twice by for- Among the list of things Ferentz said he would the alleged victim and her family had always been mer Iowa football players Abe Satterfield and Cedric “first and foremost,” Iowa football coach Kirk Ferentz “make a matter of record” before taking the podium spoke publicly about the Hillcrest sexual-assault case Everson in a dorm room, she was laughed at and at the annual Big Ten media day was that he and for the first time since a letter from the alleged vic- called cruel names, according to that letter. Hawkeye Athletics Director Gary Barta attended a tim’s mother created a media furor last weekend. “Her coach and team were disgusted by her and meeting upon the request of the victim’s family on At the same time, the mother of the alleged victim made sure she knew she was a loser,” her mother con- Oct. 17, 2007. released a second letter written to top UI officials, tended. “They would laugh at her and call her crude Ferentz dated May 16, in which she said her daughter had names, just like the football players would. How SEE FERENTZ, 7 head coach Divine diving Second in a series on the 2008 Games — Nancilea 20,000 wheels of fortune Underwood-Foster is the first female Hawkeye diver to compete in the Olympics. Sports, 12 On Iowa, on injury Football coach Kirk Ferentz discusses several injured players at the Big Ten media day in Chicago. Sports 12 Glorified garage sale Rummage in the Ramp sells gently used goods for college students and has a “green” message. Metro, 6 Tax relief a maybe Legislators and Iowa City residents discuss the possi- bility of state tax relief for flood victims. Metro, 2 Iowa economy still down Despite an influx of workers to help clean up flood dam- age, some say the economy will still take a hit in the long run. Metro, 2 Going West, Ben Roberts/The Daily Iowan Eufórquestra Team Medium Pace of Des Moines relaxes atop its team bus during RAGBRAI’s stop in North Liberty on Thursday night. The Afro-Caribbean-barn- yard-funk Iowa City band is packing up its bags and RAGBRAI route heading for Colorado. Don’t RAGBRAI makes a stop in North Liberty. Cyclists started in Tama on miss the Iowa City Going- By Erika Vijh looking to serve about 2,500 people for said she was happy to be a part of RAG- their fifth day of cycling and Away Party Saturday at the THE DAILY IOWAN food and 2,400 people for ice cream.” BRAI. finished their route in North Yacht Club before the group North Liberty also decided to go big “I’ve lived in North Liberty for almost Liberty on Thursday. Ten thousand cyclists peddled into leaves the Midwest. Arts, 5. with this year’s pirate theme. The town 25 years, and I’ve never seen any RAG- Thursday’s route North Liberty on Thursday after finish- was decked out with pirate banners and BRAI, so I thought this would be fun,” ing a 76-mile ride from Tama and Tole- RAGBRAI route a pirate ship, pirate T-shirts were being she said. do, ready to turn Penn Elementary More cheap sold on Cherry Street, and volunteers But synchronizing themselves with School, the largest available campsite Tama holidays? for the night, into a tent city. welcomed bikers dressed in pirate gear. the theme was not the only reason bikers Cedar Rapids 30 Exploring both sides of the Food vendors, to no one’s surprise, “One rider even made an eyepatch dressed up. A Twin Cities-based team Marengo and came to show it to us,” said Theresa wearing black beaks and tail feathers on 380 argument to expand on next greeted the riders at the site. 63 Belle Plaine week’s tax-free holiday. “We decided to go big,” said Troy Dunkin, a volunteer at one of the three the members’ yellow helmets called itself Opinions, 4 Miller, the owner of Naomi’s Kitchen, information centers. “The Loons.” Team member Richard 6 conveniently located directly across Though Dunkin and other volunteers North Liberty Iowa City from the makeshift campsite. “We’re were not dressed in pirate attire, she SEE RAGBRAI, 7 Kate Rhomberg/The Daily Iowan dailyiowan.com For photos, videos, audio, blogs, and more, check us out online at: dailyiowan.com Daily updates City ponders raising Dubuque Street Now check back at dailyiowan.com during the day for the latest news After cropping up in ’93, the idea never came to fruition on the UI and Iowa City. By Alyssa Cashman and Community THE DAILY IOWAN Development, Flood-proofing were in Wash- WEATHER Flood projects considered for For nearly five weeks, North ington, D.C., this Iowa City: Dubuque Street was covered in week to lobby for stagnant brown water. federal funds for • Raising Dubuque Street With floodwaters stretching three main proj- • Reconstruction of Park Road across the street from Park Road ects, one of which bridge bridge to the south and Foster would raise por- • Relocating the north Mostly cloudy, breezy, Road to the north, this essential tions of North Bailey wastewater-treatment plant 40% chance of thoroughfare into Iowa City from Dubuque Street mayor • Possible buyout at Parkview Interstate 80 was closed to and the Park Terrace, Idyllwild, and Taft rain/T-storms. motorists and pedestrians — just Speedway neighborhoods © Road bridge. as it was during the 1993 floods. Federal funds could potentially 82 28 C 68 20 C Now, Iowa City officials are put a dent in the estimated $20 days is very disruptive for the © looking to prevent that from hap- million price tag for such an community.” Lindsey Walters/The Daily Iowan INDEX pening again. Iowa City Mayor undertaking. With Dubuque Street closed in Workers from Cotton, a natural disaster-recovery company, remove Regenia Bailey, City Manager “It’s an idea we’ve given a lot of addition to First Avenue in pipes and tubing from Dubuque Street near the Mayflower on July 9. Arts 5 Opinions 4 Michael Lombardo, Public Works thought to,” Davidson said. “To Coralville, most traffic came into Classifieds 10 Sports 12 Director Rick Fosse and Jeff have Dubuque and Park Road While the cleanup has brought many new jobs to the area, officials Crossword 8 Davidson, the director of Planning bridge closed for more than 30 SEE DUBUQUE, 7 are leery that they’ll make up for the jobs lost because of the flood. 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Friday, July 25, 2008 News dailyiowan.com for more news Flood no economic boon The Daily Iowan Volume 140 Issue 34 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: E-mail: [email protected] William Casey. .335-5788 Fax: 335-6297 Editor: Emileigh Barnes. .335-6030 CORRECTIONS Managing Editor: Call: 335-6030 Nick Petersen . .335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Editors: accuracy and fairness in the reporting Dean Treftz. 335-6063 of news. If a report is wrong or Kayla Kelley . 335-6063 misleading, a request for a correction or Opinions Editor: a clarification may be made. Nate Whitney. .. .335-5863 PUBLISHING INFO Sports Editor: Brendan Stiles . .335-5848 The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360)is Arts Editor: published by Student Publications Inc., Brian Stewart. .335-5851 E131 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa Copy Chief: City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily except Beau Elliot. .335-6030 Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Graphics Editor: university holidays, and university Nelle Dunlap. .335-6030 vacations. Periodicals postage paid at Design Editor: the Iowa City Post Office under the Act Natalie Nielsen. .335-6030 of Congress of March 2, 1879. Photo Editor: Lindsey Walters. .335-5852 SUBSCRIPTIONS Web Editor: Call: Pete Recker at 335-5783 Tony Phan. .335-5829 E-mail: [email protected] Business Manager: Subscription rates: Debra Plath. .335-5786 Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Classified Ads Manager: semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Juli Krause. .335-5784 for summer session, $50 for full year. Advertising Manager: Out of town: $40 for one semester, Cathy Witt. .335-5794 $80 for two semesters, $15 for summer Circulation Manager: session, $95 all year. Pete Recker. .335-5783 Day Production Manager: Send address changes to: The Daily Heidi Owen. .335-5789 Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Night Production Manager: Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004. Bob Foley. .335-5789 Whitney Wright/The Daily Iowan TOP STORIES Cotton Team worker Mario Peres cleans the floor of a studio in the Art Building on July 17. Even though the flood has created some jobs in Most-read stories on dailyiowan.com for Thursday, July 24 Iowa City, the city’s unemployment rate has increased, officials said. 1. Contractors rush to get Mayflower operational 2. Erosion reduces capacity at Coralville Reservoir Iowa’s unemployment rises in June. 3. UI’s Rydze diving into Beijing 4. Custom textbooks beneficial at UI, trouble elsewhere By Olivia Moran That’s compared to a 3.9 per- out of town are only recently 5. Letter to the Editor: UI administration faulty in actions THE DAILY IOWAN cent jobless rate in May and employed because of Iowa Unemployment 3.8 percent in June 2007, Iowa City’s major losses, she said.
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