The original documents are located in Box 42, folder “Ford, Susan - Boyfriends - Clippings” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. Digitized from Box 42 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library GERALD R. FORD LIBRARY The item described below has been transferred from this file to: 4- Audiovisual Unit Book Collection • Ford Museum in Grand Rapids 11 I tern: <t" x IO (,.olqr ~ fJ f- ~ Pm;( <NII. 6-MJl\A /Ji it}- /U} M_i:; A-O~I The item was transferred from: Initials/ Date &J- {p/Jt..o · Local ski pC:itrolman attends Susan Ford's pa by Jane Riese Recently returned from beer and munched hot entire year with Vail 'The age difference is of warm." i.n ,..., his second trip to the White dogs: in. celebration of the Associates and plans to little concern to Brian. "In Susan is planning to~ ~ Love in Vail is more than House after attending occasion. stay with the ski patrol. terms of personalities, her family in Vail d d a rumor on the slopes, and Susan's 18th birthday, The party ran late when According to Brian, there is no problem", he their summer visi ";, there may have been a Brian' described the affair the President, his wife and dating the President's stated, "but at 18 she is August. She began ~ '3 special charm which kin­ as "a fantastic time." Henry Kissinger stopped daughter. is "the same as expected -to do and not to Tuesday as photogra~ -. died the affection of Susan Accompanying him were upon their arrival from dating anyone elsE1.;, , do certain things. She has a for a newspaper in To Ford. Bruce Mielke, and Arvin Camp David to chat with "In Washington, we lot of responsibility to her Kansas. Little did Brian McCart­ Caspasraitis, mutual the guests. usually go sightseeing and family especially helping Brian works four dayj ney know that an everyday friends of the c0uple. and Susan w~s described by party - at night. When her mother out. She could week in Vail for ski patrol assignment the- Reubin-Hutson country the national press as Susan's here we do alot of split from home but she has Associates. Becaus . would lead to a romance rock band, which Susan wearing ·a sun dress of skiing or feeping. Here we no desire to. They have an financial reasons he I ~ with the President's dau­ invited to play for the party. green and white rustic print don't party publicly at excellent family life. When not intend to take tim~ ~ ghter. The band, though now in and thick-soled red leather night." they get together it's very during the Ford visit. ) > "It's was one of those engagement in L~s Angeles shoes. Brian was said to =i things that just kind of is a local group which as ·wear "a pair of rather ---1 > happen," he said. played at various clubs in rumpled yellow trousers ~ During the Ford visitJast Vail as well as the Hide-a­ and a blue button-down December. each member of wav in Eai:!le. shirt." , ' . , -~ " mimnr - ~epuhlirzm 2 Thmsday, August 14, 1975 · • Corydon Iowa-- · Hello, White House? This is David .. Wampler calling. With a little luck (maybe a lot "I first called the operator at !?f li!CS) one Wayne Cotmtian the White House," David said., may be having a great tim& "and she wasn't there so. I' t:mirut the 1975 Iowa State Fair. called the newsnaner where she ' · ,. .... ... .. ,. a frequent guest oh radio and !IV. :. I ~·:;.", ', ~,:. ~;'·,~.. ,J;~ • ~ · Dist year _::.:3 :rirotith before .. ' ,,,,,.,!~ z ~ ....>..., ;~~ -:~ -:~ fl': the disaster occurred.- .Gillen ,., '. ~ i--~~:"b& /j :, , ~.. ~ foresaw the March ·crash of .a ,,- . "":·-·..• ,. "oj Turkish jtµnfu jet: which killed ... ·. The PHnillry Topic, ·. Candidates'' Concer1i ·l;rft:·.. ·'''4 By William, Gildea he'd stuck . around long enough :to . \ hear the earliest possible return•. Bub Rnd Domde.}{adcliffe ·he left the dinner shortly aft.er mjd~: On the eve of thi New Hampshire night and went upstairs to the ftxnily~_ primary and his first 'venture into na­ private quarters. tional politics, President Ford cast Twenty-six DeQlocrats,. 12 Republl· him<:i>H 11<: thi> ·h11rrt.wnrkino ,.hl ..1 ..v. fl~1·.-~ ~nl'f *"'" 1 .. n~~~"~"" ..... +" ..... ._ __ ,,.u:- .- .. .' ....="''· ....·~ ' President Will Relllember The Day After This Party By Boris Weintraub after the President and Mrs. Ford, miss­ Washlngtaa Star Stall Writer ing the Marine Band's rendition of "Hail Everybody knows you shouldn't give a to the Chief." party when you're going to have a rough Among those ~ost willing to talk aoout ~ay at the office the next day; so it was New Hampshire was the state's very . - .. ... - . .. - . llft... ~ft-fA.:11,_ --••'A___ •• _,.,._s_ ......... __ " """ .. • ....,,. .... J ,,,._ ..' . ' • f ' " -- ...... - ---- : TRYING ffARD to be just.another date, but finding herseif. tb4:! center of considerable at­ tention at W&L's Fancy Dress Ball Friday night was Susan Ford. The president's.daughter was : escorted by GU~ S..Meem-.·• tm W&L graduate, and spent the weekend in Lexington~ <Story on page . ~~·.> ·.:.;.;·,:·1/t'Y~".t.·';;;.·_: : _ ·· ':·" . 1.:.•., · photo by Sally Mann ~;-'t.t~·;:S;~-~·~ . /·· ·l1::~~:~~~c::·;~ .. .,..! . --~:,..": -,-~~-· ·i· - ·" .. : ... , ~ · ---- .. IHE W?Sf-ii NGTON APRIL 1976 75 CENTS ™ The Fashion Beat Art in the Capital How VIP's Keep Fit The Oriental Restaurants • I Married A Hotel ~ · ~ Susan and Rep. Barry Goldwater, Jr. enjoy Buffy Cafritz makes a dramatic entrance in Pauline Trigere's evening jumpsuit in ribboned slllf~ . the piper and drummer at Shirley and Rep . Bob Wilson's annual St. Patrick's Day Party. Copyright © 1976 Demographics, Inc. .... + : . ~ ..• . ... -- .. · - .'"-' ' .•.. ;... r·· .:. :.. ~. ·. .·. "tiie,ai~l.nP.i ~e. <>f~t)~~d ··~~ ..~ .:' ... :. "•... 1,., ·, ·. .. ·, \ ., . -.<" •.. \ •• ... · .. I ···~· I .. .. · .... .. .. .. ~-· .., .. "'· •. , . ... , . ·~ .._ . ,. .. ... • : . - , .• ~... ., ._, ·; • 1 •. .... ) ,:.~ > .. .,. •' .. l .... ., ·. ~< :,~... .. ~. ' '. ,,/,,.,, ;' ~ .: :. ;.• ~.:..· -"·: :; : -~::·:.. ' ..: :; ·. ',> ' _,·\ • '.• ' .. : • ' Ill' ... 4 , , ' !_:-:_,/:.~~-~-:\~.: .:,~;:.->:~{ :_:~~-- ·: ~ '. .. :> ..: ·• ,.._ ·~..;, • > .· '.,.,.. " ;\.~.,;~ ._..___ .. :'.··~-_,..~ ..:. '<" C-'"... .\": • ..... ;' ~- ... .. .'{ ~-··(··· ~ j)" ;·_ ;>~·. ;::· .. }JY}}i. ... .··_.. •.· . ,, . -<. ,:.r. ,. .•. • ·~·-..· '• t !r' " - ..: ;.,.. " ,~ .~ ... ~·~,~I.: -.. :: .;_._,:"~-~~-.:.~:·:·_:>.:.. :·!{"'_ .... '¥-' ~· . •;' ·' .. ::;.,, ' ., . ' :~:.,,.;3<{:;:,:· .• ... t " ',, ' •' .... .'' . ...: "·" "...... '"' . '. " ...... "'" ·!}-;; ~-':· ~ ·~ #~I\.. ·~ , ... ~ ..... 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" 1· , ~-:at!.S!t:,";.~ . ... 6 . • • ' Jack· e Smooches With British MP ------BySteve Tinney -------' Superstar Steve McQueen and wife Ali MacGraw ex­ oded in a verbal brawl at L.A.'s Music Center. In the bby during intermission of a ballet performance, Steve td Ali suddenly started screaming at -each other - appar- 1tly about Ali's career. As a crowd of onlookers pressed ose, Steve stormed ·out and left Ali alone in tears • • • oger Moore very happy with his new. fac~~lift. Trouble already ~tWeen Richard Burton and Susan Hunt, is new love. At a Manhattan party, Susan burst into tears !ter hearing Richard tell pals:_-"Ellzabeth and -1 are going 1 reconcile ~ventually - I'm sure of that'' • . Burt Rey­ Jlds hot and heayy with gorgeous Lisa Mordente, daughter f actress-dancer. Chita Rivera. - Seems there's'. more than m-eets the eye to those recent arbra Streisand~Jon Peters battles. Pals of the pair whis­ er that Jon's got ·a little secret action going With Janet • .mes, ex-wife of. singer Ed mes . • . Jack: Nicholson's overing his balding pate .ith hair transplants.:-; ~~~~ In a Greenwich'-.:--.Village istro, Vanessa -~;~;ltedgrave 'llded a scream-fest with lov- 1 Franco Nero by kicking lim in the shins~ As Franco f ient over in . pain, _:Vanessa t' led in tears • .• -• Elliott rl>uJd's dating delectable ac­ ress Victoria -·Principal
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