-FEATURES- -SPORTS- I Marist student, Helen Marist and quarterback Stahlin, spent the summer Bill Tramaglini squeak by at Biosphere 2, pg.5 Fairfield, pg. 16 THE the student newspaper of Ukarist College VOLUME #52 ISSUE #2 SEPTEMBER 24; 1998 Commuter lounge relocation offers more than before by CHRIS GROGAN Freshman Sandra Martin said StqffWriter she thinks the lounge should have always been located in the Commuter students now relax student center. in a lounge that offers more "This just seems like a better amenities. location," Martin said. "It's The new lounge is bigger, has more convenient especially if a separate study area, and more you want to grab something to computers than the previous eat." location. Eric Stock, vice piesident of According to Carolyn Fielder, commuter affairs, agrees the new commuter mentor, along with lounge is an improvement. the increased amenities, the new "This new location has more location is more central and of­ space for us to spiead out, and fers better accessibility to stu­ Circle Photo/Jeremy Smith also there are more computers dents. this year," Stock said. The foundation for the new library has recently been poured. Next to go up is "The commuter population is the steel, according to Tom Daly, director of physical plant. The new library, The transition to the new loca­ when completed, will have-seating for over-850 students,- mqre.than the old on the increase and this lounge tion was smooth according to library's 325 seating capacity. .. - •£. •*" ' --,---- " suits.the inpreasmg^amount of.—Fielder.-' - ~r= . students spending their time "Except for a few computers here," she said. that we are stillexpecting, ev­ Thenew lounge is located on erything else was completed on the second floor of the Student time," she said. New library slated Center in meeting rooms A and Sophomore Jeremy,Doran is B. Admissions is now occupy­ not completely happy with the ing the former commuter lounge new location. until the library construction is "Many of my friends live in for August 1999 completed. Mid-Rise so with the lounge Students agree the new loca­ tion is better suited to their ... please see LOUNGE, pg. 3 needs. Construction try, according to Assistant Aca­ library and learning center will demic Vice-President, Richard provide much more than just will continue Lewis. books. "It will contain hundreds of Students will enter on the sec­ CBS anchor through winter computers and other resources ond floor though one of two for student and faculty to use," main entrances. One will be lo­ receives Lowell said Lewis. byTIMSORENSON cated on the waterfront side of Some new additions to the li­ StqffWriter the building, the other on the IhomasAward brary include a cafe, two elec­ Chapel side- tronic classrooms and a multi­ On the main floor will be the As students truck themselves media language center. main study area and reference byBENAGOES across Route 9 to the transition Library Director John McGinty section. The rest of the stack News Editor library, construction is more said the library will have seat­ area will be located on the first than underway on the new li­ ing for over 850 students, far floor. Journalists and reporters alike brary complex. more than the old library's 325 Included on the second floor flocked to Manhattan last week >sgooc This $18 million project, due seating capacity. It will contain are offices and special study to honor this year's 14th annual News "poet-in-residence" for to be finished in Aug. 1999, is increased digital media and con­ rooms and computer hookups Marist College Lowell Thomas his rhyming commentaries on being billed as one of the great­ tain twice as much stack space for laptops. Lewis also said Award recipient, Charles the day's news that frequently est learning centers in the coun- as before. there is the possibility that stu­ Osgood. Even with all the new tech­ dents may be able to sigh out Osgood, 65, is best known as ... please see AWARD, pg. 4 nologies and learning areas, Di­ laptops for use in the library. anchor of "CBS News Sunday CIRCLE POLL rector of Physical Plant Tom Many different departments Morning" and the popular CBS Daly said all work is on sched­ will be relocating to the third Radio News commentary, "The ule. floor of the building. Osgood File." He was recog­ INSIDE Do you think the students "They're pouring the founda­ According to Lewis, Aca­ nized at a luncheon Sept. 15 at were adequately in­ tion right now and the steel will demic Computing, the Center for the Union League Club. be going up next," he said. "The Career Services, the Center for Marist President, Dennis TODAY: formed about the numer­ time table for the main steel Collaborative Learning, Interna­ Murray said Osgood was the Partly Cloudy ous changes on campus? structuring is the first week in tional Education, Higher Educa­ perfect choice for this award. hi: 66° October." tional Opportunity Program and "Above all, Lowell Thomas Io:45° YES NO According to Daly, construc­ the Writing Center are a few of­ was a storyteller, and no one in tion on the inside of the build­ fices that will call the library's broadcast journalism today Community. 2 58% 40% ing would continue through the third floor their new home. more closely emulates the style, Features 5 DONTKNOW: 2% winter because enough of the The floor will also be the home imagination and humanity of A&E 11 building should be constructed to the new technologically en­ Lowell Thomas than Charles SEE RELATED STORY, PG. 3 Opinion 9 by then. hanced classrooms. Osgood," he said. 77th is an tmscimtijic survty taken firm 100 Sports 16 random Marist xtudtnts. Once finished, this three-story Osgood is known as the CBS THBOFOE MEGHOE SEPTEMBER 24.1998 PAGE 3 SEPTEMBER 24.1998 Community PAGE 2 WORLD BRIEFS Construction displaces faculty, staff p^piiiopiiroii Another difference between (C^mmunit Scandal captivates world Marist Abroad, the two locations is the number The' scandal has traveled of visitors to the gallery. outside the United States.- * Admissions, Art "I like Greystone. but we cer­ V^News, What is your take on the Clinton scandal? The Clinton-Lewinski scan­ tainly don't get the traffic that dal that has captivated a na­ Gallery relocated we used to." English said. Club Bulletins tion has foreign leaders such After the library is complete, Do the charges justify his impeachment? as the Palestinian President, by KRISTIN A BRTTO the gallery is scheduled to re­ Yassar Arafat and Israeli StaffWriter turn to the Student Center. The Gaelic Society Prime Minister, Benjamin Also awaiting the completion The Gaelic Society is providing Netanyahu concerned with Students were not the only of the library is the Marist shuttle buses to A Celtic Day their relationship with the ones moving to new locations Abroad program. Marist in the Park in Staatsburg, New U.S. on campus this fall. Abroad is scheduled to move York on Sunday, Sept. 27,1998 They believe Clinton has Many Marist offices including to the third floor of the library at 11 a.m. If interested, please too much to deal with at the Admissions, the Marist Abroad Circle photo/Kevin Kwas from their temporary office in the contact Tara at x4783 or email present time in his personal Office and the Art Gallery have Student Center. KZBQ. The Admissions Office has been relocated to where Carol Toufali, coordinator of life to be concerned with for­ all moved as a result of the new the Art Gallery was formerly located in the Rotunda. eign affairs. The reason for International Education, said library construction. Admis­ Here a student works in the new office. Student this anxiety is that some lead­ sions is now located in the old she personally likes their new Programming ers think it will produce a Art Gallery space in the Ro­ Murray. tions, which can be distracting." location bettej. Council change in his policies. tunda, while the Art Gallery has Since Student Center room Since Admissions took the "Before we were in a noisy --" -According to Newsday, moved to the lower level of 384 is the multimedia room place of the Art Gallery, the Gal­ area, across from the copy cen­ Coretta Scott King, the widow government officials have Greystone. The Marist Abroad where many tours meet, he said lery also had to relocate. ter and the men's room," she of Martin Luther King Jr., is maintained a similar stand: office has moved from its it made sense to move to the Donise English, director of the said. "Now, things are calmer. coming to Marist College on point on this issue, saying Donnelly Hall office to Student Student Center. Art Gallery, said she did not We're in a good area here, down Monday, Oct. 5,1998 at 7:30 this issue could lead to Center 368. Although the new space is mind moving to the lower level the hall from the College Activi­ p.m. in the James J. McCann Clinton's demise good for visitors, it does cause of Greystone. ties Office." Recreation Center. King's mes­ Jay Murray, associate director a few privacy problems for the "We had no choice but to Although the new area is qui­ sage is one of social justice. Tim Kaulfers MarkUrciuolo TinaAngiulli of Admissions, said he likes Russia endures tough time people who work in Admissions move, since Admissions took eter and in a good location, there Tickets are available at the Of­ where the office has moved. since their desks are only sepa­ our old space," she said.
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