Behind U.S. government's Mexico-bashing . 5 THE Plight of farm workers in Philippines . 8 Report on Bingham trial in California 11 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKL \' PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 50/NO. 23 JUNE 13, 1986 75 CENTS June 7& 14 actions Rally against apartheid point way on June 14 in N.Y.! BY MEL MASON forward AND RASHAAD ALI NEW YORK - Building activities or­ June 16 will be a big day in South Africa ganized by supporters of the New York for opponents of apartheid, and the same is Anti-Apartheid Coordinating Council will true of June 14 in this country. produce "the greatest outpouring at the The Congress of South African Trade June 14 demonstration to show our disdain Unions (COSATU) has called a general for the system that is dehumanizing our strike June 16 to mark the lOth anniversary brothers and sisters" in South Africa, says of the 1976 police massacre of anti-apart­ Cleveland Robinson, secretary-treasurer of heid protesters in the city of Soweto. United Auto Workers District 65 . Joining the call for the one-day stoppage Robinson, who is the chairman of the is the United Democratic Front and the Na­ anti-apartheid coordinating council tional Education Crisis Committee, both (NY AACC), and other leaders of the ·or­ foes of apartheid. ganization believe the June 14 march and For the first time, the 600,000-strong rally will be the largest anti-apartheid pro­ test in the history of the United States. From all indications, this is very likely. EDITORIAL The event will demand an end to all U.S. ties to the apartheid regime in South Af· COSATU and the other two. groups have rica, as well as commemorate the lOth an­ Militant/Fred Murphy called on whites to join the strike action. niversary of the mass rebellion in Soweto, 1985 New York City Labor Day parade. United Auto Workers District 65 took lead In this country on June 14 a mass demon­ South Africa. in formation of anti-apartheid coordinating council, which is organizing June 14 ac­ stration in New York will be the main focus of The action coincides with three days of tions. what promises to be a powerful contribution to protest in South Africa itself called by the · bringing down the Pretoria regime. United Democratic Front and the National (AFSCME) union donated $5,000 tohelp Of special importance in this protest is a Education Crisis Committee, anti-apart­ Some of the area's union papers have build the action, as did District Council 37, contingent beirig built by a range of organi­ heid forces in that country. This protest is printed building articles for the march. which took 5,000 buttons to sell to its zations opposing the U.S. -organized war backed by the Congress of South African Reports from Harlem, Brooklyn, and the membership. drive in Central America. The contingent Trade Unions, the country's largest union Bronx, where large concentrations of this Teamsters' leader Bill Nuchow, who will march under the banner, "Boycott federation. city's Black population live, show that the will be in charge of security for the march South Africa, not Nicaragua!" The day after a very successful New rally is being built well in these areas. Post­ and rally, reported that the Teamsters were The demand summarizes the reality that York news conference May 27, which fea­ ers are displayed in storefronts and on going to donate $10,000 td NY AACC. .these are two fronts in a common .struggle. tured South African Archbishop Desmond poles; there is regular leafleting of subway Eyery blow struck against South African Tutu and more than I 00 supporte{S of One International Association of stops. apartheid is a blow against U.S. -run aggres­ NYAACC, office coordinators report that Machinists local in Long Island decided to Black newspapers have either carried ar­ sion in Central America, and vice versa. more than 125 organizations came in and pay the fares of its members who wanted to ticles on the protest or editorials urging a A slated June 7 demonstration in Wash­ took 10,000 leaflets for the march and go to the demonstration by train. They also big tum out. ington against congressional funding to the rally. plan to hold an anti-apartheid event at their Jesse Jackson has done a public service Nicaraguan contras will surely prove a At a June 3 council meeting Jim Bell, union hall before the action. Continued on Page 12 building block for June 14. And June 14 in president of the New York chapter of the tum will provide fresh forces and new in­ Coalition of Black Trade Unionists spiration for the opposition to the U.S. (CBTU) and eoordinator of the action, re­ government's drive against Nicaragua. ported that 30-40 buses were coming from New Nelson Mandela book Such opposition is urgently needed. Philadelphia and that people were also par­ While the government of Nicaragua has ticipating from Atlanta, Detroit, Boston, demonstrated a total readiness to negotiate Washington, D.C., Connecticut, Ver­ published by Pathfinder an end to the conflict, Washington remains mont, New Jersey, and many other cities adamant in its determination to press the and states. BY FRED FELDMAN the African National Congress, prison aggression with the aim of overthrowing He explained that .three or more rallies NEW YORK - The Struggle Is My memoirs, and other items covering Man­ the Sandinista government. will be held before the main rally on the Life, a new book of writings and speeches deJa's participation in the freedom struggle There is a growing opposition. among Great Lawn in Central Park. They will take by and about Nelson Mandela, will be pub­ from 1944, when he joined the ANC and working people to U.S. government and place at the Harlem State Office Building, lished here June 14 by Pathfinder Press. helped found the ANC Youth League, to in El Barrio in the Puerto Rican communi­ corporate ties to the South African regime, Mandela is a central leader of the African the present. ty, and at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. as well as Washington's war drive in Cen­ National Congress - the organization There are also 24 pages of photographs New York Central Labor Council Presi­ tral America. Demonstrations such as June leading the fight for an end to apartheid of Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela (a 7 and June 14 point the way forward for dent Thomas Van Arsdale sent letters to all rule in South Africa. He has been impris­ leader of the anti-apartheid struggle, who is mobilizing and broadening this opposition, the city's unions urging a big tum-out . oned since 1962 by the South African re­ married to Nelson Mandela), and protest and organizing massive national antiwar The national American Federation of gime, despite worldwide demands for his activities in South Africa. and anti-apartheid protests. State, County and Municipal Employees release. Among the items previously unavailable At the same time, Pathfinder is publish­ in this country in book form are Mandela' s ing Habla Nelson Mantle/a, a book con­ reply to South African President Pieter taining Spanish translations of "Black man Botha's 1985 offer to release Mandela Striking Canadian meatpackers in a white court"- Mandela's first state­ from jail if he "unconditionally rejected ment in court after his 1962 arrest - and violence as a political weapon." · resist union-busting attack his 1964 speech, given at his trial in "Let him [Botha] renounce violence," Rivonia, South Africa, in the face of a pos­ responded Mandela in a statement read by BY FRED FELDMAN scab-herding operation .. sible death sentence. his daughter Zinzi to a mass rally in the Black township of Soweto. "Let him say More than I ,000 striking meatpackers in On June 2 busloads of scabs armed with Habla Nelson Mandela also includes the that he will dismantle apartheid. Let him Edmonton in Canada's Alberta Province wrenches and clubs were driven back after Freedom Charter, the 1955 document that unban the people's organization, the Afri­ are waging a strong fight against an attempt attempting to crash through a union picket, issued the call for a united, democratic, can National Congress. Let him free all by Gainers Inc. to bust their union. line of 500. "Go home, scab," the unionists nonracial South. Africa -:- the goal of the who have been imprisoned, .banished, or The company, a major pork processor, is shouted. fighters who are challenging the aparth~id regime today. exiled for their opposition to apartheid .. using cops, armed scabs, and court injunc­ The next day a flying wedge of riot tions in an effort to break a strike that police brought five busloads of scabs These three documents also appear in "But I cannot sell my birthright, nor am The Struggle Is My Life. I prepared to sell the birthright of the began May 31 . The workers are members through the plant gate, after arresting more than 125 strikers and their supporters. The new publications make the writings people to be free .. .. The mass arrests - often of strikers and speeches of Mandela widely available "Only free men can negotiate. Prisoners Federal judge in St. Paul, Minnesota, up­ cannot enter into contracts .... I cannot standing more than I ,500 feet from the for the first time in North America. holds United Food and Commercial Work­ plant gate - followed. Habla Nelson Mandela and The Struggle and will not give any undertaking at a time ers top officialdom's placing ofLocal P-9 in Eight more workers were arrested for Is My Life were rushed into print to make when I and you, the people, are not free.
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