REGD. GOA· S 1_ 'PAHAJI, 24TH OCTOBER, 1994 (KARTIKA 2, 1916) SERIES II No. 29 , I ~~l\ ;OFFICIAL ~ GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA ~XTrf. 1\0 ~D IN". NY. GOVERNMENT OF GOA 1 2 3 Revenue Department 188/5 part c 0: ~hanudas Shripad Nagarcekar. 950 Dat~traya Shripad ,'Nagarcekar. .Shailesh Shripad Nagarcekar. Notification PundaIik Shripad Nagarcekar. Manguesh Shripad Nagarcekar. No. 22/12/94_RD T: Naraharf V. Naik. Whereas by Govemment Notification No. 22'/12/94-RD Vlthoha M, Bandekar. • dated 28-4-1994 published on pag-e 128. of Series II, No. 9 -of the Official Gazette dated 2-&-1994 and in two newspapers Bound4rl.. : (1) Gomantak Times dated 4·5-1994 and (2) Gomantak "dated 5-5-1994 it was notified tulder section 4 of the Land North: Acquired land. Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act 1 of 1894) (hereinafter South: Acquired land: referred to as lithe' said Act"). that the land specified in the Schedule appended -to the said Notification (hereinafter East: Acquired land. referred to as the said land). was Ukely to be needed for West: 177/1. public purpose, viz. construction of Branch canal at ChapoU M. I. tank at Nagorcem-Palolem Village of canacona Taluka North: Acquired IaJid: (addI, area.) South: Acquired land: And whereas. the Government of Goa (hereinafter referred East: Acquired land. · to as the '''Government'') being of the opinion that the ,acquisition of the said land is urgently necessary, hereby West: 188/5. 'applies the provisions of sub-section (1) and sub-section (4) · of section 17 of the said Act and directs that the Collector Total ....... " .... "~ .. ,, 1050 "appolnted under paragraph 2 below, shall, at any time, on ~the expiry of fifteen days from the date of the publication -of the notice relating to the said land under sub-sectlon (1) By order and in the name Of the Governor of Goa. -,of section 9 of the said Act, take possession of the said land. E. A. OaTdozo~· Under Secretary (Revenue). Now, therefore, the Government hereby declares under the -provisions of section 6 of the ,sald Act. that the said land Panaji, 18th October, 1994. -Is required for the public purpose specified above. 2. The Government also hereby appoints under clause (c) .. of section 3 of the said Act. the Special Land Acquisition Officer (SIP), T. D. Complex, Gogal, Margao, to perform Notificetioo --the functions of the .collector for all proceedings hereinafter .., to be taken in respect of the said land and directs him under No. 2'2/104/94-RD section 7 of the said Act to take order for the acquisition "of the, said land. Whereas it appears to the Government of Goa (hereinafter referred to as "the Government") that the land speCified in S. A plan of the said land can he inspected at the office the Schedule appended hereto (hereinafter referred to as the , of the SDecial Land ACQuisition Officer (SIP), T. D. Complex, Hsaid land") is likely to be needed for pubUc purpose viz. ..:Gogal, Margao, till the award is made under section 11. construction of new broad Gauge line. between Roha and Mangalore, in Nagorcem-Palolem villages of canacona Taluka SCHEDULE (add!. area). (DesCription of the said land) And whereas in the opinion of the Gavernment the pro-­ Taluka: Canacona Village: Nagorcem visions of sub~section (1) of section 17 of the Land Acqui­ sition Act, 1894 (Central Act 1 of 1894) (herelnafter referred Survey No.1 Names of the persons believed ApproxlDiare to as "the said Act.. ) are applicable. .Sub. Div. No. to be interested area in sq. mts. Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies under sub·section (1) of section 4 of the said Act, that the said 1 • 8 land Is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above. 177/1 part 0: Shrt MaIlikarjun Devasthan 100 The Government further directs under sub-section (4) of Canacona. section .17 of the said Act that the provisions of section 5A T: Raghunath Shamba Naik. of the said Act shall not apply in respect of the said land. 396 QIj'FICIAL GAZETTE - GOVL OF GOA . SERIES II No, 129 ( EXTRAORDINARY) 124TH OCTOBER, 1994 ---------------------------_... __ .. 2. All persOns interested in the said land are hereby warned SCHEDULill not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyor or other persons employed upon the said land for the purpose of the (Description of the said land) wd acquisition. Any contract for the disposal of the satd Taluka: Canacona Village: Nagorcem-Palolem land by sale, lease, mortgage, assignment. exchange -or otherwise, or any outlay commen~ed or improvements made Approximate.· thereon without the sanction of the Collector, appointed Sw'Vey NO.1 Names of the persons believed Sub. Div. No. to be Interested area in under paragraph 4 below, after the date of the publication sq.mts. of this notification, will, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded by him while assessing com· 1 2 3 pensstion for such parts of the said land as may be finally acquired. ' 14 part 1, Shri Nirakar Devasthan, 375 3, U the Government Is satisfied that the said land Is 2. Shri Vithaj Nilu Nalk Gaonkar. 3, Shrl Balkrlshna Shivaram Nalk needed for the aforesaid purpose, -a declaration to that effect Gaonkar. under section 6 of the said Act will be published in the 4. Shri Shlvaji Bakrlshna DesaI. Official Gazette and in two daily newspapers and public 17/4 part 1. Shrl Vlthal Nllu Nalk Gaonkar. 975 notice thereof shall be given.in due course. If the acquisition 2, Shrl Nlrakar Devasthan. is aband.oned wholly or in part, the fact will also be notified 3: Shrl Balkrishna Shivaram Nalk Gaonkar, in the same manner. 4, Shri Shivajl Bakrlshna DesaI. 4. The Government further appoints, Wlder clause (c) lJ9/~0 part 1, Shri Alvir· Fernandes. 50- 2. Shri Vassu Pandu Pag!. of sectiOOl 3 of the said Act, the Special Land Acqui­ 3. Shri Ahaba Yesso Desai, sition Officer (KRC), Ameya Guest House, Davorllm Road 4. Shri Datta Babu Desai, Navellm Margao to perform the functions of a Collector, 5, Shri Gopl Ram Desai, South Goa District, Marga<> under the said Act In respect of tW31 part 1, Shri Dharmu Bhlkaro DesaI, 2825- the said land, 2, Shrl Bhlltan Pisolo Nalk Gaonkar, 3, Shri Bhlkan PIsoIo Nalk GaOIIkar, I!. TIle Government also. authorises, under sub-section (2) Bot<ndari68: of section 4 Of the said Act, the following ofticers to do the acta. apecltlad therein In respect of the said land, North: S, No, 19/29, 30, 17/4 and . 17/3, L The c<>llector, South·Goa DIStrict, Margao-Goa. South: S, No. 19,130, 17/1,17/3 2. TIle Special Land Acquisition Officer (KRC), Amaya 14/0. Guest House, Davorllm Road, Navellm, Margao-Goa. East: S, No, 19/30, 31, 17/4, 14/0: 3, The Dy, Chief Engineer, Konkan RaIlway Corporation, . Palolem, Canacoll;8-Goa. West: S, No. 19/30, 18/5 to 7, 15, 17/4, 14/0, 4.· The .Director of Settlement and Land Record., Panajl. ~tal ..................... 4225 6, A rough plan of the said land Is available fOr inspection In the office Of the Special ·Land Acquisition Officer (KRC), By order and in the name· of the Governor of . Goa ... Amaya. Guest House. Davorlim Road, Navelim, Margao, for a period of 30 <lays from the <late of publication of this NOIi­ E. A. oardozo, Under Secretary (Revenue), .:fioation In the Official Gazette, Panaji, 18th octoJ>er. 1994, GOVT, PRINTING PRESS - GOA (Imprensa Nactonal- Goa) PBIOlil Be, 1-00 .
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