Theatricals Music Features LI. ROBINSON HEADS STAGE LUvlES EDNA JESSIE COVINGTON DENT $ THOMAS FROM ‘Huckleberry Finn* LL-STAR CAST AT NAAC'I* EXECUTIVE ROLE JIRTHDAY R\LL New Feb. 8—Bill Robinson “Once a pancake, always a pan- Stars Rex York, cake,” Laughed Edna Thomas as Ingram Vmerica’s Number 1 tan dancing she sat in her dressing room at tar has added his name to the tho Lafayette Theatre waiting for rowing list of stage, night club the curtain to rise on the WPA nd rad o stars who will appear Federal Theatre Projects “Androc- tthe 369th Armory here February des and the Lion” in which she 1 at thg Duke Ellington dance in ■ plays the role of Lavinia. mnor of the thirtieth annivarsary f the National for In the screen play of “Imitation Association «Jt Life” Ned Sparks referred to he Advancement of Colored Peo- the Louise Beavers as “once a pan- ple, officials of Association announced here cake, always a pancake” because today. to her she refused give up pan- Other famous stars in the world cake and live a "life of making of stage and musical entertain- «&se Miss Thomas says that tlhe ment who are expected to appear to her own phrase easily applies include: Willie who will be Edna Thomas, who won Broadway Bryant tory of relinquishing, fo rthe pre- Stardom in “Stevedore” and who master of ceremonies along with her duties as assistant di- sent, Duke Ellington, Teddy Wilson, of Theatre to played Lady Macbeh in the WPA rector of the Negro the Goodman Federal Theatre’s of the same Benny aggregaton of Lavinia in "Andro- play play the part Fredi Mildred name portrays “Lavinia” in Shaw’s Washington, Baile^. des and the Lion.” tre Ivy Anderson. Victor Moore, Al- twen- “Androcles and Lion," which “After being on the stage berta Henrietta tho WPA Federal Theatre has re- Hunter, Lovelace, or said Edna ty years more," tihe Radio vived at the Theatre in Mercedes Gilbert, Rouges becomes such a Lafayette Thornes, “acting Milly Banks, I»uis Armstrong, W. Harlem with a cast of 100 NegTo part of you that you can’t easily 0. Cab Rosita actors. Handy, Calloway, resist tho call. When I was asked Tharpe ,and many others. to consider giving up part of my and his famous work as assistant to Mr_ Smith ir( Duke Ellington LIKES DRAMA order to do Lavinia, I secretly re- 'rehestra, who are donating their joiced. Linvinia had always been •ervicer. for the affair, will play is ex- a fascinating character to me, and hrougV.out the dance, which »ot having acted for almost three ctcd to attiact more than 6,000 der the auspice.- of the NAA7P of -rscns to mak? the dance one of years, I just couldn’t refuse." JESSIE COVINGTON DENT of Houston on Feb. 8; by the Delta While playing with Lenore Ul- ■ largest affairs of its kind ever Nerw Orleans, nationally known 8igma Thvta sorority, of whicth ric in “Lula Belle,” the Theatre held in Harlem. concert artist, is being presented in she is a -member ,at Fort Worth on Guild asked her to read the part Mor. ;h-<n fifty c’vic. Dolit '’''1 three p ano recitals in Texas thi.s Feb. 10 and by Tillotson college at of Bess in “Porgy,” a play deal- ■*-bji un liberal organizations have week. Mrs. Dent, whose playing Austin on February 13. Later in with Negro lafe in Charleston. ing akcr boxes for the dance, which has been described as “a thing of the month, Mi-s. Dent will give a enough, Miss Thomas ” Quyiously is expected to draw an audience delight has been notably success- series of recitals in some of the with was quite unfamiliar Negro and has in Alabama. and Mickey Rooney and Rex Ingram In Finn.” from sections of New Yoik State ful on the concert stage colleges Georgia dialect. Although born in Virginia, “Huckleberry and northern New Jersey officials appeared as pianist in practically The Carolinas. In April she will aho was taken to Boston when only REX INGRAM SENSATION IN announced that only ten boxes of all of the major schools and col- play a recital at Dillard university r old, so her background and year ELLINGTON MUSIC FROM on f'rst and s«cond tier of the South. us the feature of the uni_ FINN" the 62 the leges closing Recent were Bostonian. However, "HUCKLEBERRY NAACF PARTY ON CHS surrounding tbs armory are left. Mrs. Dent will be presented un- versity’s lyceum series. (ANP) the of Paul Law- ahe got poems FEBRUARY 11 tier wild A The entire third remain rence Dunbar—all written ip Ne- HOLLYWOOD, February— open to the public without charge. NEG ARGUMENT ORDERED IN up all salaries in the state for actor is the The for j dialect—and learned them and Negro today enjoying time the broadcast of I gro Tho Columbus Broadcasting sys white and colored teachers. Mills back and read the lines of warmest public reception for a mo- Cuke Ellington's band on February TEACHER SALARY CASE went the music of Duke that has tern, will send and his lawyers contend that the Bess. She was given a contract, j on picture performance 11 from the NAACP aniversary Prcr. M. B. Tolson Ellington over its network for haP distribution is unconstitutional been accorded one of his race since Miss Thomas was elated. Here,' dance in Harlem will be 12 nvid- Feb. G Judge W. 1 rofessor of English and direct- an hour on that n'ght, in order that Baltimore, Mr., cjxu.se it discriminates against cx"1- Louise Beavers became a sensa- to 12:30 a. m. EST instead Rt last was a true Negro play—: n'ght Calvin Chesnut, in the federal dis-, or dramatics and debating at Wiley NAACP branches ehroughout the ored teachers through p. state sti tion in ‘‘Imitation of Life." ef 11:30 to 12:00 an- tho play she had always wanted. previously trict court has ordered addi- J college, Marshall, Tex., who Iso who are giving similar here, tutc. The man ii Rex Ingram, prob- nounced. country, Then suddenly, tragedy intervened. tional on 11 ini finds time to be editor. tune in. argument February First on the managing finest actor In Am- dunces, may argument injunction Tho Helwards, authors of “Porgy,” the Negro the suit to the distribution of The Oracle, organ of the Omega! The program will be heard over enjoin was held January 14. Thurgood found her * to refined, too white”— erica today. The rol.e is that of on1 Ifit Pni Prof. Tolson is NATIVES OF CEYLON KNOW the CBS national hookup from 12 of the stat? educational funds Charles H. Houston and fraternity slave in Metro- Marshall, wanted a -“natural.” Miss Jim, the runaway for Teachers’ salaries they a of Lincoln and ONLY 3 ASK IF 12:30 instead of 11:30 to 12 as Maryland Leon A. Ransom of the NAACP le- graduate (Pa.) I filmization of NEGROES; to Thomas was offered the part of Goldwyn-Mayer’s The suit was Walter Columbia, ar.d his writings have RACE IS PAGAN previously announced. brought by j gal staff appeared for Mills. same but she. Mark Twain’s “Huckeberry Finn” Clara in the play, out- Mills, a colored principal of Anne in some of the best ma- _ cities in states appeared starred Key many refused it, for, after announcing in which Mickey Rooney is Arundel Ne- gaz'nes. (Calvin Service). Colombo, Ceylon, Feb. 4—By' side New York, where the NAAOP county, representing to all her friends th atshe was as Huck Finr. teachers and of the A Norweigan will has branches wilJ also hold dances gro principals typical garden L. Man- Martin L. Harvey Jr. for ANP) going to play Bess, this was a, When Producer Joseph state. Attorneys of the NAACP surround the NWweigian sports world famous for its on the same night. The states heard k'ewicz set out to make “Huckle- Ceylon, tea, real humiliation. BANS MARIAN ANDERSON arc acting for Mr. Mills. If the cabin, housing its display at the is under British rule, from which from to date include: Arkansas, I j? no re saved the situa- I). A R. IGNORES he and Director Ric- Ulric PROTESTS; berry Finn”, Kansas. I»ui- injunction is granted it will hold 1939 California World’s Fair. benefets and some ills have California, Illinois, tion. When she 'heard that Edna hard Thorpe planned to make the many siana, Massachusetts, Michigan, ever- been received. The tea plantations Thomas had a contract for D. C. Feb. 8—Des- point of the picture the signed Washington, high New Mexico, Ohio, Penn- which we have visited were very Missouri, she was furious. She told the of famous love for freedom in every “Porgy” pite protest per- present South Texas, eff the sylvania, Carolina, her to break it at once in order sons in the world of music includ- man. This theme was centered in ciently operated, although and dances workers both the Utah, Virginia. Special to travel with her in “Lulu Belle” stars of the Jim, the slave whose life was in fields and ehe grille ing Metropolitan Opera will also be held in sections of IRcnbesvous wan.houses whee e tea instead of Clara, Miss and a from the up in his desire for a free the leaves So, playing strong telegram wrapped New York State, and North- (formerly the Apex Bar) weeo upper Thomas went on tour with Miss National Association for the Ad life, and the understanding of free cured received pitifully small ern New Jersey.
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