MIT’s The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: Partly cloudy. High 55°F (13°C). Tonight: Increasing clouds. Low 48°F Newspaper (9°C). Tomorrow: Showers. High 53°F (12°C). http://tech.mit.edu/ Details, Page 2 Volume 129, Number 48 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Tuesday, October 27, 2009 Clean Energy Is Our Future, Says Obama Cambridge Council Candidate Knocks For Votes By Jessica J. Pourian STAFF REPORTER Have you seen Leland Cheung? As Election Day nears, the Cambridge City Council candidate and Sloan School student has been trying to talk to as many people as possible. He’s even made the rounds in some MIT dorms to ask for your vote. “I’ve been knocking on more doors than any other candidate,” he said. Cheung, who is an MBA candi- date at Sloan and an MPA candidate at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Gov- ernment, is one of 21 people vying for nine seats on the Cambridge City Council. Cheung said that college vot- ers are central to his campaign. Re- cently, he has been running registra- tion drives at Harvard and MIT asking Sam Range—THE TECH students to switch their registration so President Barack Obama speaks about his administration’s energy policy and MIT’s Energy Initiative at Kresge Auditorium on Friday. The President they vote in the local election. started his speech jovially mentioning that MIT hackers had placed his motorcade on Building 10. See pages 8–9 for more images of the event. “It’s really going to depend on the students who are registered to vote in By Ana Lyons to a crowd of about 750, including ergy. lion dollars for creating jobs in alter- Cambridge,” he said. STAFF REPORTER over 200 students and faculty. “The nation that wins this com- native energy and energy efficiency. Between the two schools, the President Barack Obama com- Before the speech, President Su- petition will be the nation that leads For Americans this investment acts campaign has registered about 2,500 mended MIT for its “extraordinary san J. Hockfield and MIT Energy the global economy. I am convinced “not just help to end this recession, students, but Cheung knows that his energy research” and urged America Initiative director Ernest J. Moniz of that. And I want America to be but to lay a new foundation for last- voting base is flaky. “Students are to take leadership in cleaner tech- led Obama on a tour of several labo- that nation,” he said. ing prosperity,” he said. historically lax about voting” Cheung nologies in a speech this past Friday ratories focusing on clean energy He pointed out that the Recovery Obama also advocated for the said. at Kresge Auditorium. and technology. Act, or stimulus bill, is already lead- Senate climate change bill, which Cheung said he doesn’t do any “This is the nation that has led Obama’s speech singled out in- ing the U.S. in the direction of green he said would “transform our energy polling, so he doesn’t know where his the world for two centuries in the novation as the solution to America’s jobs and research. The act provides system into one that’s far more ef- campaign stands. “It’s the most nerve- pursuit of discovery. This is the na- challenges. He talked of a “peaceful the “largest single boost in scientific ficient, far cleaner.” The bill would wracking thing I’ve ever done,” he tion that will lead the clean energy competition” with other countries to research in history,” he said. said of the campaign process. economy of tomorrow,” Obama said develop alternative sources of en- The law also sets aside $80 bil- Obama, Page 12 Despite his efforts, many students on campus still do not know who he is. Some are also reluctant to change Tosci’s Gets a New Ice Cream Chef, 26 New Flavors their registrations. Miriam Zachau Walker ’13 said By Ana Lyons manage a kitchen,” said owner Gus she had never heard of him. STAFF REPORTER E. Rancatore. “Most MIT students who can vote Churning out Toscanini’s newest In addition to developing new probably aren’t registered in Cam- flavors of ice cream is not a shiny flavors of ice cream, Rafferty also bridge, but are registered in their new Cuisinart automatic, but local manages and stocks the kitchen, and hometown,” Walker said. Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef Kevin fills orders. Tina Hsu ’12, who is registered to A. Rafferty. Although Rafferty estimates vote in New York, had the same opin- Tosci’s has recipes for over 500 he only spends five to twenty-five ion. Asked whether or not she would different ice cream flavors on file, percent of his time developing new have changed her registration to Mas- including crowd pleasing favorites flavors — depending on how busy sachusetts to vote, she said no. like “Burnt Caramel” and “Ginger he is elsewhere in the kitchen — he “I am proud of MIT, but I don’t Snap Molasses.” It’s Rafferty’s job says he’s always got new flavors on have time to represent the school in to add to this list of flavors — cre- his mind. that way. There’s more to voting than ating, refining, and executing new “For the quintessential MIT stu- being an MIT student.” recipes each week. dent,” Rafferty envisions a double Rafferty said Tosci’s is special espresso flavor with a twist. “It’d Campaigning 24/7 because it constantly searches for have to be something heavy in caf- So far, Cheung has raised about new, exotic ingredients and it is feine with some sort of puzzle … $15,000, which is in “the middle of dedicated to handcrafting its ice something to figure out or some- the range for a viable candidate,” he cream. thing to keep the brain busy and DHAVAL ADJODah—THE TECH said. “One of the things that makes make it interesting,” he said. Kevin A. Rafferty, Toscanini’s new ice-cream chef, has invented 26 Donations have “definitely in- [Tosci’s] more unique than say, Ben Rafferty said he heard about new flavors of ice cream since joining the staff three months ago. and Jerry’s is our production. Ev- Tosci’s ice cream maker position Among his new flavors are “Drunken Three Musketeers” and “B3.” Cheung, Page 14 erything is done by hand in small through a Craigslist posting, and batches. In a lot of instances, small- thought “What the hell. It’d be inter- struggle for women’s rights this Thursday in 10-250 er batches hand done result in a bet- esting to try something different.” In Short from 7–9 p.m. Joya, who was elected to Afghan parlia- ter quality product,” said Rafferty. Before joining Tocsi’s, Rafferty was ¶ The produce market will be moving to its winter loca- ment in 2005, is an outspoken critic of corruption in the Rafferty joined Tosci’s staff as the executive chef of Great Bay, tion in the TMSC lobby in Stata today. This is the area Afghan government. She has survived four assassination the first-ever production manager a seafood restaurant in Kenmore on the first floor near the information center, where the attempts, according to the BBC. around three months ago. He was Square that shut down in May. glass revolving doors are. It will hold regular hours, from ¶ Jeffry M. Picower, whose charitable foundation do- chosen for “his experience as a chef noon to 6 p.m. The market will return to the East Campus nated $50 million to MIT and funded the Picower In- at famous restaurants and ability to Tosci’s, Page 13 courtyard on March 30. stitute of Learning and Memory, was found dead at the ¶ Astronaut Michael J. Massimimo PhD ’92 will be bottom of his pool on Sunday. Picower kept much of his giving a talk on Wednesday in Killian Hall (14W-111) money with Bernard L. Madoff, who was recently con- OPINI O N World & Nation . .2 from 4–5 p.m. Massimino went up to the Hubble Space victed of running one of the largest Ponzi schemes in his- Telescope in May, and will talk about the mission. He also tory. An ongoing civil lawsuit accused Picower of being Fixing energy is hard. Opinion �������������������������������4 twitters, and can be followed at twitter.com/astro_mike. complicit in the Ponzi scheme, and profiting from it. For Obama didn’t give us a Campus Life �����������������������6 ¶ A memorial service for physics professor Richard more information, see page 14. plan. Arts �������������������������������������7 K. Yamamoto ’57 will be held this Thursday at the MIT ¶ Did you know that over 40 percent of MIT students chapel at 1:30 p.m. Yamamoto’s entire career was at MIT, are virgins? Look for the sex issue this Friday, when we Fun . .10 where he studied subatomic particles and weak interac- will be publishing the results of our survey. Don’t for- Page 5 Sports . .15 tions. He was 74. get to submit your first-time stories at tech.mit.edu/my- ¶ Afghan activist Malalai Joya will talk about her firstime. Page 2 THE TECH October 27, 2009 WORLD & NATIO N NFL Study of Dementia Has Flaws, Senate Leader Vows to Health Experts Say By Alan Schwarz THE NEW YORK TIMES Pursue Public Option The NFL and its doctors have consistently dismissed independent studies showing unusual cognitive decline in former players. They in- By Robert Pear of Congress would be poised to act Care for America Now, a coalition sist that a long-term study by the league’s committee on concussions, and David M.
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