![The Crisis, November 1929 [PDF]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
A WORD FROM NOVEMBER, 1929 RAMSAY MACDONALD 15 CENTS THE COPY ... u. •. Pat. Off. A The Da�kel" aces A Ra�e Landma:r1{ Future Home Office Redeemed Southern Aid Society of Va., Inc. N. W. Cor. 3rd & Clay St5. Richmond, Va. SOUTHERN AID SOCIETY OF VA., INC. an­ nounces the purchase of the valuable properties for111erly owned by the Mechanics Savings Bank located at the northwest corner of Third and Clay Streets, Richmond, Virginia. After extensive improvements these buildings, namely 212 and 214 E. Clay Street, and 506 and 508 N. Third Street, will be occupied by the Southern Aid Society of Va., Inc., The Commercial Bank and Trust Company and other leading professional and business groups of Rich­ mond. Thus these properties and this section will again becom·e the center of Negro commercial and professional activities in the Capital of the Old Dominion. Southern Aid Society of Virginia,lnc. Insures against Disability and Death Home Office: 525-7-9 N. 2nd Street, Richmond, Va. Operating in Virginia, District of Columbia and New Jersey ''WHERE THERE IS NO VISION- THE PEOPLE PERISH'' We have, in attractive pamphlet form, the statements of twelve nationally known Americans, in regard to Thrift and Life Insurance. For instance, Dr. DuBois, Editor of the CRISIS, says, in regard to Li£e Insurance: ''In modern civilized life there are certain things ivhich every man does. He is born; he is educated; he goes to work; he takes out life insurance; he is sick; he dies. Few of these things can be avoided, certainly not the first and the last. The degree of a man's civilization is measured by the care which he takes of the other items. To be sure, uneducated men have succeeded; some men do not w_ork, and perhaps a few serious men do not carry life insurance. But none of these omissions are to be recommended. All of them are essential to life. Sickness may be a-voided to some extent; death never. Insurance is a method of making these the least possible burden upon the -,nan hitnself, his friends, and his family." There are included other equally informative statements from the following: John W. Davis, President, Car I Murphy, Editor, West Va. Collegiate Institute Baltimore Afro-American M. W. Dogan, President, B. Simpson, Professor of Greek,, Wiley University J. Virginia Union University D. C. Fowler, Dean, Texas College F. A. Sumner, President, John M. Gandy,'President, Talladega College Virginia N. & Inst. I. R. S. Wilkinson, President, John Hope, President, S. C. State College Morehouse College R. R. Moton, Principal, P. B. Young, Editor, Tuskegee Institute Norfolk Journal and Guide On the last page is a diagram "The Dollar Value of An Education", from a study by Dean Lord of Boston University. The statements of these gentlemen, with their photographs, will prove interesting to you .and your family, and furnish something to think about for a while. A copy may be had from any representative of the company or by forwarding the attached coupon to the Home Office. High School and College Instructors will be sent additional copies for distribution to their students. Victory Life Insurance Company Home Office: 6213 South State St. '°pf)R THE CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT OP SE-CURING 'THEADMISSION OF Chicago, Ill. ltfctoi:,--Life lnsuronce Conv:inn.Yme AS THE FIRST NEGRO ORGANIZATION PERtnnBO TO DO INSURANCE BUSINESS "$200,000.00 Capital and the Only Negro Company Operating Under the llNDt:R THB RlGIO REQUIREMENTS OPTtm Supervision of the New York Insurance Department." STATE OF N'EWYORK" ·--------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------MAIL THIS COUPON FOR YOUR COPY OF THIS INTERESTING PAMPHLET Victory Life Insurance Company 3 621 South State Street Chicago, Illinois Gentlemcn:-Send me copy of your pamphlet: "Where There is No Vision, etc." My name ................... .. ' Age.. ... Street Address , . ' . ' . ' City or Town . .. .. State . - . ....... .. ' My Occupation .................... ························•·························································· November, 1929 363 DENTISTS NEEDED MOREPrepare now for Service aad Great Piaaacial Rewards DENTAL DEPARTMENT OF MEHARRY MEDICAL COLLEGE FISK -·­• IS READY To Train Yoa. Writ• f•r I•for--,un, to UNIVERSITY MEHARRY MEDICAL COLLEGE NASHVILLE, TENN. NASHVILLE THE COLLEGE HAMPTON INSTITUTE • Accredited four year liberal arts Rampton, Va. • college, with 11 major de1>2rt­ • ments. Oflermg courses leadi11g ta degree of Bachelor of ◄ • THE MUSIC SCHOOL Scie#ce m each of eight schools, aml graduate courses • ni the su•mer school leading to the Master's degree. College major leading to B.A. ◄ • degree, and full music curricu­ THE SCHOOLa. OF AGRICULTlJRE-Aims to develop teachers of agriculture, farm • lum leading to Mus.B. degree. demonstration agents, and qualified rural leaders. ◄ • GRADUATE DEPARTMENT TIIE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS--Aims to 6t young men and young women for business and teaching positions along a variety of specialized lines. Graduate work in chemistry and TIIE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION-Aims to train teachers for high schools, for inter­ • the Social Sciences. mediate and grammar grades, and for primary grades. • TIIE SCHOOL OF HOME ECONO�UCS--Aims to train teachers of Home Economics for Opening Date September Sixteenth for high schools and to train efficient home-makers. Fn1hm""D and Sep�ember Eighteenda for Other,. TIIE LIBRARY SCHOOL-Aims to prepare for librarianships in schools, colleges, and • branch city libraries. • TIIE SCHOOL OF MUSIC-Aims to meet the growing need for well-trained musicians, Fo11. PAII.TIC\JLARS, Aoo11.Ess THE DEAN to serve as teachers and to co-operate in the advancement of music in church, school • FISK UNIVERSITY and community. Nashville, Tenn. THE SUMMER SCHOOL-Two terms of thirty school days each, for teachers exclusively. Graduate work for those qualified. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION-Aims to train skilled builders bv instruction in building • methods, field management, building materials, trade practice, structural design, and principles of architecture. • Sell THE CRISIS in your community or recom· mend persons who have energy 'and the ability to TIIE ACADEMY-A standard four-year accredited high school preparing for college I represent us acceptably. entrance. • For particulars write the TIIE TRADE SCHOOL-Four year course on the high school level in each of twelve Director of Agencies trades. • THE CRISIS, Actin.g Principal • George P. Phenix, Hampton Institute, Va. 19 Fifth Avenue New Yark City . ..... - . ..... -..-- ... ..··--··-·-···- I The TUSKEGEE NORMAL and MORGAN COLLEGE Jolm O. S,•eer, Pia.I>., IJnD ., Pr d.Jc_, INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE Jolm W. H.1woocl, AM, LT.D., DM■ T. \V LOCATION:-College town .,._ Founded by BOOKER ASHINGT0N tween North and South. COURSES Semester credit � Offe·rs Exception,al Opportunities to Negro Youth •for Thorough Education in tem. B.A., B.S., and B. Ed. dtJ­ fligh School and College Courses and in Agriculture, Mechanical Industries and . ' greea. Advanced counea in Edll­ in Industries for Wonien. cation. Certiftcate1 for hiall achool teaehing_ llATING:- Accredited by the Aao­ THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANI­ Teachers in Elementary School■, for ciation of Colleges and Secon­ CAL INDUSTRIES for Boys com_p rises Teachers of Mechanical Industries; in dary forty trades includin.g Carpei:itry . Brit:k· Business Practice ; in Home Economics ; Schools for the Middle State. laying, Auto-Mechamcs1 Apphed t-electric• and in Technical Arts. and llaryland,-by the State ity, Photography1 Printing, Machine Shop Board of Education of Maryland, Practice and Tailoring. FOUR-YEAR COLLEGE COURSES leading to the Bachelor of Science degree -by board■ of education in othu THE WOMAN'S INDUSTRIES include are offered in Agriculture, in Home Eco­ atatea,-by th-., Univeraity Sen­ Home Economics - Courses in Foods, nomics, and in Education. ate of the Methodiat Epiaeopal Clothing, Millinery, Applied Art, Launder­ ing, Household Management in addition to THE JOHN A. ANDREW MEMO­ Church. Home Crafts and Ladies' Tailoring. RIAL HOSPITAL and Nurse Training POLICY :-Co-educational. School provides a three-year course· in FACULTY: - Univenity trained THE AGRICULTURAL DEPART­ Nurse Training which qualifies its gradu­ MENT with 1850 acres of land offers a ates for registration in all southern states. specialist■. comprehensive four-year course in Second­ SITE:-Eighty-1lve acna, beautlfal ary Agriculture and a full four-year col· A SUMMER SCHOOL FOR TEACH­ ■cenery, athletic fteld■. lege course in Advanced Agriculture to ER�. of ten weeks, divided into two terms, DORMITORIES: - Equipped train young men and women as Farm be�mntng June 1st and meeting the re­ an• Demonstration and Home Demonstration Qmrements of the Boards of Education of 1JUpervi1ed. Agents, Teachers of Agriculture and as all southern states. SUMMER SCHOOL:-July 1-Au­ Scientific Farmers. gust 9, 1929. TWO-YEAR COLLEGE COURSES are DORMITORIES OPENz-Sept. II, offered in Education for the training of lnfonnation furnished upon appUcatioa 1929. 1 REGISTRATION :-F r e ■ 11 • man Week, Sept. 23rd-27th. U� Robert R. Moton, Principal William H. Carter, Treasurer peJ' Clauea, Sept. 26th, 27th. TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE, ALABAMA INFORIIATIONa-�11 eN U.U. N. � ....--. .... R bar, lla11u CsP p. .......... 364 Ttt E CR,c;rs THE CRISIS REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. i{ecord of the Varker i{aces \V. E. Bt:RGHARDT Du Bors, Editor THOMAS J. CALLOWAY, Business Managn- Vol11me 36, No. 11 Contents for November, 19:L9 Whole No. 229 Page COVER. Photograph of Helen Bryant. By Cloud. AS THE CROW FLIES. 365 FRONTISPIECE. Drawing. By James LeSesne Wells . ............ 368 We have for our Christmas THE NEGRO IN LAW. By William T. Andrews. Illustrated. 369 CRISIS a cover by Laura Wheeler, AUNT SARAH. By Elizabeth Kaele. Illustrated. 370 a beautiful story-"White Li­ COLORED BAPTIST MISSIONS. By Dr. J. E. East. Illustrated.. 372 COUNTEE CULLEN ON MISCEGNATION. ..................... 373 lacs"-by Edith L. Young, a BUSINESS AS PUBLIC SERVICE. By W. E. Burghardt Du Bois. symposium on Race Intermar­ Illustrated. 374 THE NEGRO IN LITERATURE. ................................. 376 riage, and so many other excel­ THE POET'S CORNER.
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