" • r * -. V Of? m • ' ———' i — 11 1 1 11 '• . '-"J _ . if^Sg^m^ \ §»teV aw* * • - i - varsity U »« " * «Shpí»« '« —»¿«H • i The ssUn an of the Diocese of Pittsburgh—Founded in 1844 lOOlh YEAR—No. £ « ¿BURGH, PA, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1943 TWO DOLLARS BER FEAR SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS 'Victory Corps Bilit^ .««burgh Priest PEACE PRAYERS Menace to SchooL, Given High Post Pontifical Mass, Vespers Msgr. Johnson Says ASKED BY POPE Children Especially Urged TelH Senate Committee It At Cathedral Sunday To Join in Supplication Would Bring Federal P C M 1 00 c,0ck and Solemn Ves^rsTvespers, att 77.3£T0 Pp. MM.. *wil 1?l ' marJk 'the observanc°' ' e of the Feas ^"tificat of thl e In Month of May Control Over All Resurrection the greatest feast of the year, at St. Paul's, Cathedral Most Rev Hugh C. Boyle, Bishop of Pittsburgh, will be celebrant,' Washington. Apr. 20. flC'i As- and special programs of liturgical music will be rendered. Washington, April 20.-—©—His serting that the "Victory Corps Assisting the Bishop at the Mass will be Rev. Arthur A. Burns Holiness Pope Pius XII has issued anr now before Congress "would a special invitation to the Bishops, give the United States Office of «!uar J!fleSt: Rev' Wi,Iiam G. Connare, deacon; Rev. John O. Grif- fith, subdeacon; Rev. Leo Kraus and Rev. John ORourke, deacons of priests, Religious and faithful of Education the power to control honor; Rev. James S. Garahan, master of ceremonies. the United States to join with the curricula and activities of the At the Pontifical Vespers the Bishop will be assisted by Father him in prayer throughout tha secondary schools of the country Kraus and Father ORourke as deacons of honor; Father Griffith and month of May. during wartime," the National Father Connare, chanters; Father Burns, archpriest, and Father Gara- The invitation to join with His Catholic Educational Association han, master of ceremonies. Holiness in invoking the interces- has expressed its opposition to sion of the Blessed Virgin Mary this measure in a communication "for the needs of humanity and to the Senate Committee on Edu- Children's Novena for the attainment of a just cation and Labor. Father Hannan Gives peace," was extended through Him Writing in the name of the N. To Mark Centenary .Explanation of Oath Eminence Luigi Cardinal Magtt- C. E. A., of which he is secretary one, Papal Secretary of State, aad general Rt. Rev. Msgr. George Of Holy Childhood Of Spanish Bishops has been communicated to the Johnson tells Senator Albert D. Archbishops and Bishops of the Apostolic Delegate Praises The oath taken hy the re- Thomas of Utah, chairman of the cently - appdlnted Spanish United States by Most Rev. Am- Senate Committee, that the as- Movement; Prayers to leto Giovanni Cicognani. Apostotts sociation ."does not object to the Bifthopa ha« been quoted in Delegate to the United States. Begin on May 3 secular publications in thh Victory Corps as such." and that country with insinuations that "Realizing that war is a conse- "many Catholic secondary schools quence of the rejection of divtaa we participating in the program." In commemoration of the 100th it is anti-democratic and is anniversary of the founding of based on personal allegiance teachings." Archbishop Cicognani He adds that the N.C.E.A. objec- to General Franco. Rev. Je- says in the letter he has sent ta tion is to the present Bill, which Rev. John R. Boslet, Lieutenant the Pontifical Association of the the members of the American »¿aid appropriate $8,500.000 a j Commander, U. S. Navy, priest of Holy Childhood, thousands of chil- rome D. Hannan, af this dio- dren-enrolled as members through cese, now at the Catholic Uni- Hierarchy, "the Sovereign Pontiff year and which provides that the I *he Diocese of ™t*burgh, who out the nation will begin a novena versity of America, disposes of recommends a return to religion Federal-Government shall pay the ,,HH lM*<*n »PPointed to succeed the of thanksgiving in hoaOr of the these insinuations in an article and honesty and earnestly exhorts Salaries of "State directors of a late Chaplain Thomas R. Knox as Holy Child on May % the Feast pea ring on page 5. all Catholics to consecrate them- High School Victory Corps, of su- Catholic assistant in the office of of the Finding of the TfUe Cross. selves to the Heart of Mary in pervisors of physical fitness, aero- the Chief of Chaplains, U. S. their resolution to lead a better Navy, in Washington. Ordained From members of the Hierarchy life." Mutics, mathematics, physics, in 1980, Father Roslet became a have come words of warm ap- N.C.C.S. Unit Here chemistry, and of occupational in- Navy chaplain in lttSti, and was proval of thia form of a celebra- Meets, Reports on Special CaH to Children mjff'linn '»-•and war service coun- previously assistant at St. John tion. Most Rev. Amleto Giovanni The Papal Delegate s«yt the Johnson says such direc- the Baptist's Church, Lawrence- Cicognani. Apostolic Delegate^, to Service to Forces Holy Father "explicitly calls upon ville. the United States, in a congratu- the school otrfidfW -fBr pray«!» rig tors, as a consequence, would "be- latory letter, says: At a meeting of the National during their May devotions." and come the instruments whereby the "It affords me great pleasure to Catholic Community Service Coun- that "especially in the pleading of Office of Education would influ- offer my heartfelt congratulations cil. held Apr 9 in the Conference these innocent souls," many of ence the secondary schools to ad- Father Kenneth on the occasion of the 100th an- Room of the Community Fund whose lives have been deeply af- jast their organization and curri- niversary of the Pontifical Associ- Building, attended by members fected by the war, "is there hope wla m as to meet what it con- Dies in Hospital ation of the Holy Childhood. May representing the various Catholic for the blessings of peace aad sidered thé proper requirements the Infant Jesus grant that organisations of the district, re- mercy upon a disordered world." lor a program for the preparation Following the chanting of the through this association the mis- ports were received from the •f youth for wartime service." Divine Office Solemn Requiem sionary efforts of our Catholic heads of the various committees This, he declares, "would consti- Mass was celebrated yesterday youth -will rise to new successes working in co-operation with the tute an unwarranted intrusion on USO Council of Pittsburgh and Church Activities morning in St. Vincent's Archab- and so reap abundant fruits in vicinity. the part of the Federal Govern- bey Church, La t robe, foi Rev. the world-wide fields of action of Essential, Ruling ment into the affairs of our Amer- Kenneth Hanes, O.S.B., professor (Continued on Last Page, Col. 5) Leo G. Griffith, chairman of the ican secondary schools." N. C. C. S. Council, who presided of economics at St. Vincent's Col- at the meeting, stressed the need Of Manpower Head lege. who died suddenly Tuesday for renewed efforts in connection Auxiliary Bishop morning in St. Francis' Hospital, with the soldiers in this vicinity Washington. Apr. Jl. — © — Pittsburgh, where he had been a Passion is t Priest on account of the openng of thej Church activities have been added Of Buffalo Named patient for the past four weeks. new USO Canteen at the Penn- to the Index of Essential Activi- Burial will be in the archabbey Buried Saturday sylvania Station and the great in- ties. Paul V. McNutt, chairman af Washington, Apr. 20 - (ID Rt. cemetery this afternoon at 2:00 flux of service men into the Pitts- the War Manpower Commission, Rev. Msgr. Joseph Aloysius Burke, o'clock. Father Sebastian, 50 Years burgh district ' at the University announces in a letter to Rt. Rev. M pastor of St. Mark's Church. Buf- Very Rev. Celestine Huber, O. In Order, Had Served as of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Tech, and Msgr. Michael J. Ready, general falo, has been named Titular S.B., the prior of St. Vincent's, Duquesne University, as well as secretary of the National CathoHe Bishop of Vita and Auxiliary to was celebrant of the Mass, with Rector, Consultor the soldiers stationed at South Welfare Conference. Most Rev. John A. Duffy, Bishop Rev. Gilbert Straub, O. S. B., of Park and the Keystone School on Mr. McNutt reveals that thia of Buffalo, it is announced in Solemn Requiem Mass was of- (Continued on Last Page, Col. 3) action has been taken by the received from the Vatican Greensburg, as deacon, and Rev. fered last Saturday in St. Paul's WMCs Committee on Essential todty by the Apostolic Delegation Justine Krellner, O.S.B., of St. Monastery Church, South Side, for Activities. He adds that "church Vincent's, subdeacon. Two More Magazines hm. Born in St. Marys, Pa., on Feb. Rev. Sebastian Ochsenreiter, C.P., activities" now appears in tha The newly-named Bishop was a a member of the Passionist Order Barred by Postoffice public version of the Index of Eo- ffl United States 3. 1906, Father Kenneth entered for the past 50 years and a priest Army chaplain in the Benedictine Order on July 1, sential Activities, "and will aiaa the first World War and saw serv- for over 40 years, who died on Washington, Apr. 21.—<10— Post- appear in any revisions which the ice on the Belgian front. He is a1925 , made his simple vows on Apr. 14 in St. Joseph's Hospital.
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