CONTRIBUTORS: ACS Collective, Arlene Ash, Selina Bendix, Berkeley SESPA, Boston Industrial Group, Martin Brown, David Jhirad, Pam Kalish­ lNOIDE man, Jeannette MacDonald (ACME), Lenny Siegel, StonyBrook SESPA, Joel Swartz, Alex Szejman, WATCH (Women Act To Control Healthcare), 3 ABOUT THIS ISSUE Alan Weinrub 4 SESPA POLITICS 7 LETTERS 8 TOYS AGAINST THE PEOPLE 11 WORKPLACE POLITICS: HONEYWELL CAPERS Thanks to NEAR (New England 14 STILBESTROL - CANCER-INDUCING ESTROGEN Action Research) for "Toys 16 MIDWIFERY: AN ALTERNATIVE Against the People". For more information on military R&D 18 RUNAWAY ELECTRONICS contact them at 48 Inman Street, 21 CONTROLLING AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. (OR STOPPING WAR RESEARCH) 24 A CALL TO AAAS ACTIONS 27 A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR ORGANIZING SCIENTIFIC WORKERS 29 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY ACTIONS 32 THE ATOMIC ESTABLISHMENT- A REVIEW CREDITS - GRAPHICS AND PHOTOS: page 22, 33 NUCLEAR TRAGEDY Steve Clenger/LNS; page 3, Ciencia Nueva; page 17, 34 ECOLOGY FOR THE PEOPLE Ralph Cook/LNS; pages 40 and 41, The American· 47 LOCAL ADDRESSES FOR SESPA/ Legion Magazine; cover, Mettie Whipple. SCIENCE FOR THE PEOPLE EDITORIAL COLLECTIVE: Jane Hill, Alex Szejman, Mike Teel EDITORIAL PRACTICE Each issue of Science for the People is prepared by a collective, assembled from volunteers by a committee made up of the collectives of the past calendar year. A collective carries out all editorial, production, and distribution functions for one issue. The following is a distillation of the actual practice of the past collectives. Due dates: Articles received by the first week of an odd-numbered month can generally be considered for the maga­ zine to be issued on the 15th of the next month. Form: One of the ways you can help is to submit double-spaced typewritten manuscripts with ·am­ ple margins. If you can send six copies, that helps even more. One of the few founding principles of SESPA is' that articles must be signed (a pseudo­ nym is acceptable). Criteria for acceptance: SESPA Newsletter, predecessor to Science for the People, was pledged to print everything submitted. It is no longer feasible to continue this policy, although the practice thus far has been to print all articles descriptive of SESPA/Science for the People activities. Considerably more discrimination is applied to analytical articles. These are expected to reflect the general political outlook of Science for the People. All articles are judged on the basis oflength, style, subject and content. Editorial Procedure: The content of each issue is determined by unanimous consent of the collective. Where extensive rewriting of an article is required, the preference of the collective is to discuss the changes with the author. If this is not practical, reasons for rejection are sent to the authGr. An attempt is made to convey suggestions for improvement. If an arti­ cle is late or excluded for lack of space, or if it has non-unanimous support, it is generally passed on to the next collective. Editorial statement-s: Un­ signed articles are statements of the editorial collective. Opportunities for participation: Volunteers for editorial collectives should be aware that each issue requires a substantial contribution of time and energy for an eight-week period. Help is always appreciated and provides an opportunity for the helper to learn, and for the collective to get to know a prospective member. There are presently plans to move the magazine production to other cities. This· will increase the opportunity for participation. For legal purposes Science for the People has become incorporated. 2 Science for the People In the last issue of Science for the People mention A number of articles provide needed critiques of Es­ was made of the political reevaluation going on in Boston tablishment Science. The call for actions at the AAAS con­ and elsewhere. The Boston chapter report suggested that vention, the AEC articles, and the description of actions at SESP A has suffered by failing to develop a clearer self- def­ the ACS convention all point out the nature of the beast inition and political discussion of our goals. As one step and why it must be caged. Despite recent efforts at face­ forward we are beginning such a discussion in this issue. We­ lifting (the AAAS is a good example) Establishment Science have solicited statements and assembled others from letters continues to assure the Pentagon and corporations of the and publications. None of the statements are meant to be knowledge they need, while not meeting the needs of the definitive, and we hope they will be analyzed and challenged. people. It also acts as a sort of house ideologue to offer Is our society getting closer to 1984? The article on mystifying explanations for real problems. "Ecology for the remote warfare, "Toys Against the People", describes some People" points out that while our ecological problems are military elements of the perfectly-ordered nightmare. How­ serious, they have been analyzed in such a way that any so­ ever, we have chosen to add a commentary following the lution appears to be against the interests of working people, article to discuss why these developments are taking place women, the poor, and the Third World. Actually, the op­ and why they will not be as effective as the Pentagon plan­ posite is true, and some of the big losers will be the man­ ners would like to believe. "Runaway Electronics" is in part darins of Establishment Science. (So onward toward ecolo­ a commentary on the "why" of remote warfare. The article gical sanity and Science for the People!) gives some of the reasons why it is important to American This issue is filled with thought-provoking (and action­ corporations that Third World countries be "pacified" and inspiring!) articles. If there is something you don't like, made safe for their investments. send us some criticism. If there is something missing, send Since Hiroshima scientists have been concerned about us an article. taking social responsibility for the effects of their work. For a much longer time industrial workers, including technical workers, have been concerned about the conditions of their work. Now both are putting these two perspectives toge­ ther. That means that scientists realize they are hired work­ ers and technical workers-they are social and political be­ ings. Three articles in this issue describe this transition. "Workplace Politics: Experiences at Honeywell" relates what happened to technical workers at Honeywell who be­ came incensed at what their work was used for. The pro­ posal for scientific organizing is based on an understanding of how present scientific work is structured by who pays for it. The article on stopping university war research partially comes out of people's experience of how DoD funding af­ fects their work conditions, viewing the university as a work­ place, not a paradise for isolated individuals. Women, like so many other groups in our society, have not avoided the ill effects of "advancing" science. One use of women as guinea pigs, with tragic consequences, is related in the article on Stilbestrol. The discussion of midwifery shows how the real interests of people are left behind in the competition to produce and institutionalize the most "ad­ vanced" science. A whole issue of Science for the People is now being prepared on how science has participated in the exploitation of women. January 1973 3 sespa politics The present issue of Science for the People is initiating however radical I may become, I want never to let my a discussion of the political orientation of SESPA. SESPA analysis - the framework within which I seek reform - has no definite political orientation at this time. The various keep me from doing what is right. For example, 1 won't constituent collectives are each doing their own thing, and accept that human suffering should be fostered ( or, at many of our members express the feeling that discussion of least, should not be opposed ) to hasten the fall broader political perspectives for SESPA, let alone the adop­ of capitalism. The fall of capitalism in no obvious way tion of a political program, is unnecessary or even harmful. creates or guarantees the rise of a more decent structure. This is not our opinion. We feel that the discussion of To me, fascism seems just as likely a response, since SESPA 's political perspectives will contribute to the growth revolutions can only be made by mass revolutionary and vitality of the organization and our actions. movements, not by circumstances or by power vacuums. To clarify matters, we will try to state the key issues From this perspective, socialism itself is a tactic. The that should be discussed. goal is communal decency and I'm willing to work First of all, there is a question of whether it is desir­ under the same banner with anyone striving in that able for SESPA to have a political program. At the very direction who is honestly willing to re-evaluate ass­ least such a discussion could induce people to formulate umptions on the basis of feedback. I think it would be and share their own political goals. a big mistake to pinpoint exactly what SESPA'S Second, the political meaning of the present SESPA ideology is. I don't see why we need a spokesman or activities should be critically scrutinized. We have to exa­ ideology. Why can't we be defined by the things mine the pros and cons of informative, organizing, and our chapters are doing? confrontational activities. I want to talk a little about the AAAS actions. Third, who are we addressing ourselves to? Researchers, I read Al Weinrub's letter (printed in this issue) and found technical workers, all those where we work; students, com­ it useful and informative.
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